Season 28 - Final Results

# Player Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Adjusted Total
1 Kenny Weiner 22 26 22 16 26 28 28 24 154 192
2 Eric Geddes 28 24 28 26 24 16   24 154 170
3 Ross Bergen 28 22 24 28 28 20   16 150 166
4 Vincent Vitiello 25 25 26 28 16 22   24 150 166
5 Noah Crable 26 20 28 10 20 22 24 28 148 178
6 Joseph Lemire 24 28 20 26 24 25 18 18 147 183
7 Glenn Krause 25 22 14   28 24 24 22 145 159
8 Ryan Belisle 22 22 28 26 24 22   16 144 160
9 Connor Shlatz 26 25 25 16 16 25 26 16 143 175
10 Bowen Kerins 18   24   28 28 24 19 141 141
11 Mike Havens 20 22 20 28 19 24 22 25 141 180
12 Jayson Kohl 14 22 25 19 22 22 22 28 141 174
13 Keith Maffei 16 10 24 20 16 28 24 28 140 166
14 Chris Brunette 28 12 20 22 18 22 22 26 140 170
15 Patrick Burns 25 18 24 28 19 22 22   140 158
16 Derek Correia 28 19 22 25 24 16 16 22 140 172
17 Mike Schmitt 18 20 28 24 20 24   24 140 158
18 Joshua Henderson 24 16 26 22 26 20 22 18 140 174
19 TJ Auger 22 16 16 24 26 22 26 20 140 172
20 Brody Marion 24 20 28 25 18 20 16 22 139 173
21 Ed Giardina 26   25 26 28 19 14   138 138
22 Benjamin Bloomstein 16 18 28 24 24 22 20 20 138 172
23 Eric Marz 22 22 28 22 20 14 22 22 138 172
24 Justin Fontaine 18 22 20 12 26 22 22 25 137 167
25 Lucas Herter 16 24 22 22 13 19 25 25 137 166
26 Roth Michaels 22 24 22 28 16 18 20   134 150
27 Gabe Noblesmith 25 20 20 10 19 20 24 25 134 163
28 James McFatter 25 18 19 20 25 20 22 22 134 171
29 Caitlin Barter 14 26 28 14 25 20 20 14 133 161
30 Connor Mulberry 24 12 20 25 20 14 25 19 133 159
31 Anne Whipple 14 18 24 18 13 24 26 22 132 159
32 Ron Lulfs 19 10 22 22 22 14 25 22 132 156
33 Tim Barter 24 20 20 22 16 22 24 16 132 164
34 Wyatt Winters 20 26 28 14 19 18 18 20 131 163
35 Augustus Eustis 22 22 24 16 20 24 18 19 131 165
36 Seamus Meader 16 18 26 16 20 20 24 22 130 162
37 Nathan Mills 26 22 16 22 20 10 22 18 130 156
38 Warwick Varney 8 22 22 26 10 19 22 18 129 147
39 Matt Osborn 24 14 28 19 25 14 18 12 128 154
40 Adam Erdossy 28 18   24 25 13 19 14 128 141
41 Daniel Radin 26 20 24 24 18 16 16 16 128 160
42 Adam Meader 22 25 12 20 16 19 18 24 128 156
43 Matt Lemoine   22 22 18 20 24 22 14 128 142
44 Donald Boom 13 22 25 18   16 24 22 127 140
45 Cody Gamache 22 16 18 28 16 20 22 13 126 155
46 Nicolas Quadrini 19 10 14 18 8 26 25 24 126 144
47 Mike Desmarais 18 18 14 26 16 22 22 20 126 156
48 Chyle Cameron 26 20 19   13 20 22 19 126 139
49 Gregory St Pierre 10 24 16 22 22 20 22   126 136
50 Michael Brewster 20 24 22 18 18 22 20 14 126 158
51 Rick Passmore 24 19 16 14 20 22 22 19 126 156
52 Nik Carlson 20 18 19 18 20 24 24 13 125 156
53 Derek Karamanian 18 24 24 20 18 20 18 14 124 156
54 Greg Koker 18 16 16 22 24 19 22 18 123 155
55 Ty Ueda 14 19 22 20 20 22 13 20 123 150
56 Chuck Webster 22 19 16 16 17 28 16 20 122 154
57 George Pratt 22 20 18 12 24 12 26 8 122 142
58 Erik Haynes 22 18 24 12 20 14 16 22 122 148
59 Shawn Chastney 22 22 18 22 22 16 10 16 122 148
60 Michael Freeman 25 13 25   14 18 26   121 121
61 Joey Harwood 19 18 16 24 10 26 8 18 121 139
62 Katie O'Donnell 16 20 14 24   14 25 22 121 135
63 Jeff Parsons 16   12 24 22 22 7 24 120 127
64 Zheanna Murray 22 16 4 14 22 20 18 22 120 138
65 Larry Paquette 19 19   19 19 22 18 22 120 138
66 Bill McHugh 14 19 18 16 22 16 19 25 119 149
67 Alexander Blaustein 7 12 20 26 22 18 20   118 125
68 Jason Aloisi 18 18 20 24 16 22 10 12 118 140
69 Michael Moheban 16 20 18 25 16 16 22 7 117 140
70 Michael Corbett 16 19 22 22 16 16 14 22 117 147
71 Dave Bell 20 22 14   20   19 22 117 117
72 Nicholas Sylvester 28 8 14 20 22 7 22 10 116 131
73 David Schumaker 16 20 26 16 10 16 20 18 116 142
74 Mike Korcynski 24 14 16   16 22 16 22 116 130
75 Matthew Venuti 16 19 24 18 22 16 16 16 115 147
76 Harry Nelken 16 6 18   16 19 24 22 115 121
77 Victoria Fura 4 19 24 18 18 16 20 16 115 135
78 Christopher Darden 20 20   20 20 22   13 115 115
79 David Foxwell 16 16 6 22 14 20 26 10 114 130
80 Marissa Pratt 14 19 24 20 12 19 10 18 114 136
81 Jeff Ferguson 10 12 24 14 16 18 10 28 112 132
82 Matthew Dulchinos 16 16 12 25 24 18 13 10 112 134
83 Robert Chason 12 22 16   16 20 19 19 112 124
84 Andrew Stevens 12 25 18     22 8 26 111 111
85 Matt Guay 10 20 18 18 20 13   22 111 121
86 Edward Cabral 14 20 14 16 20 16 19 20 111 139
87 Mike McGourty 8 18   22   14 20 28 110 110
88 Mark Henderson 22 16 18 14 8 20 18 16 110 132
89 Will Parks 22 7 16 6 28 18 7 18 109 122
90 Jacob Holz 10 16 7 12 13 22 26 20 109 126
91 Bryce Flint-Somerville 12   22 12 24 12   26 108 108
92 Bruce Water 16 12 8 16 12 25 26 12 107 127
93 Steven Amlaw 16 16 16 16 16 13 14 26 106 133
94 Sean Sanker 24 12 4 18 13 19 14 18 106 122
95 Jordan Knights 10 16 10 16 26 12 18 16 104 124
96 Jason Dyer   20 22 22 8 16 10 14 104 112
97 Derek Foxwell 13 10 10 22 19 14 14 22 104 124
98 Joshua Mazgelis 16 18 16 16 13 22 16 14 104 131
99 Ben Silvestri 20 16 20 18 13 10 16 14 104 127
100 Stephen Woodbury 19 14 22 12 6 14 16 18 103 121
101 Chris Lekousi 19 12 12 13 20 14 14 22 102 126
102 Christopher Harvey 19 22 16 14 19 10 10 12 102 122
103 Russell McFatter 18   14 22 14 18 12 16 102 114
104 Joe Irace 18   20   13 22 12 16 101 101
105 David Huang 19 14 6 10 14 18 16 19 100 116
106 David Rabinowitz 14 18 13 20 12 14 20 10 99 121
107 John Day     10 26 16 14 10 22 98 98
108 Chad Adamczyk 16 12 18 12 22 12 10 18 98 120
109 Arthur Fontaine 12 16 20 12 14 16   20 98 110
110 Stephanie Harvey 13 10 18 22 13 12 10 19 97 117
111 Nicole Bernier 14 14 18 16 12 12 16 19 97 121
112 Andrew Berryman 14 10 12 14 22 22 12 10 96 116
113 Kris LaCross 10 16 16 10 13 22 19 7 96 113
114 Karen Tremblay 18 14 14 7 8 10 22 18 96 111
115 Michael Sandler   14 20 16 16 10   20 96 96
116 Romain David 16 14 18 16 20 12     96 96
117 Joe Jokubaitis 14 16 10 13 14 16 20 16 96 119
118 Douglas Erickson 14 12 12 13 18 4 26 10 95 109
119 Jeff Somers 20 13     14 14 12 22 95 95
120 Adam Cash 18 16 20 10     14 16 94 94
121 Scott Temple 18 16 10 19 13 14 8 14 94 112
122 Alyssa Lee 16 10 6 14 24 16 7 13 93 106
123 Curtis Rossi 22 19 10 4 12 16 10 14 93 107
124 Rick Rock 12 16 22 10 19 12 12   93 103
125 Andrew Logan 20 10 14 16 10 12 12 19 93 113
126 Christopher Tremblay 14 14 12 19 14 13 16 16 93 118
127 Mark Magrath 13 8 25 14 12 12   16 92 100
128 Sam Keogh   16 20 12 22     22 92 92
129 Martin Peloquin     14 14 20 22 12 10 92 92
130 Jake Parsons 22   14 13 13 16 13 10 91 101
131 Chip Morton   16 14 13 18 16 14 12 91 103
132 Peter Roarke 22 14 8 10     16 20 90 90
133 Scott D'Agostino 12 25 16     20   16 89 89
134 Raymond Farina 7 10 16 14 14 10 16 19 89 106
135 patrick countryman 10 24 8 8 16 10 18 10 88 104
136 Cheryl Przytula 12 20   16 10 8 10 19 87 95
137 Michael Prince 14 20   16 13   18 6 87 87
138 Ella Caughran 13 16 12 7   14 20 12 87 94
139 Everest St Pierre 18 22 14 13 4 13 6   86 90
140 zakory Thibodeau   8 13 10 16 22 10 14 85 93
141 Dave Hoffman   10   20 8 14 19 12 83 83
142 Elizabeth Leonforte 20 10 7 18   10 13 12 83 90
143 Luca Giordano 16 8 13   10 14 18 10 81 89
144 Pete Pappavaselio 14 16     12 10 18 10 80 80
145 Jason Corbin     20 14   13 20 12 79 79
146 Doris Auger   12 13 14 10 20 4 10 79 83
147 Bo Williams 4 16 18   14 14   12 78 78
148 Carrie Aloisi 16 10 16 10 6 10   16 78 84
149 Hannah Furrelle 12 10 14 4 8 10 19 10 75 87
150 Betsy Bouche 10 10 4 14 8 13 18 7 73 84
151 Elspeth Stewart 4 14 14 13 13 10 8 8 72 84
152 William Yasick 16 14 6 10 4 12 10 8 70 80
153 Troy Babb 12   16 7 4   16 12 67 67
154 Connor Lafleur 16 13 14 6 7 6   4 62 66
155 Julia Barnes-Brown 12 10 8 13 10   8 6 61 67
156 Sarah Finn 12 10 13 10 4   8 8 61 65
157 Allison Land 8 7 6 18 8 8 6 10 59 71
158 Colleen Mootrey 12 8 6 6 4 14 7 12 59 69
159 Philip Stevens 14 4 7 7 16 4 4 10 58 66
160 Danielle Louviere 4 4 12 10 8 8 8 10 56 64
161 Jerry Lindsay 25 28   24 28 22 20 20 147 167
162 Traynor Gauthier 28 28 16 24 13 22 22 20 144 173
163 Alan MacLean 10 28 20 18 22 26 24 24 144 172
164 Dave Lawton 22 20 28 22 18 16 21 26 139 173
165 Gino Volpe 22 19   18 25 28 14 24 136 150
166 Ryan McQuaid 22   22 24 20 24 16 24 136 152
167 Seth Clayter 28 20 20 20 25 20 22 12 135 167
168 Marc Patenaude 6 28 22 28 16 16 10 24 134 150
169 Daniel Letendre   22 20 24 19 20 22 26 134 153
170 Chris Crocker 22 19 25 19 25 22 16 16 132 164
171 Nathan Crosby 8 20 20 26 16 20 18 26 130 154
172 Jim Farris 22 18 26 22 19 22 12 19 130 160
173 Jack Shanahan 22 22   20 25 22 14 18 129 143
174 Mitch Curtis     26 24 24 28   26 128 128
175 Bret Drew 16 14 22 12 28 16 26 20 128 154
176 Kyle Gale 18 18 20 20 20 16 28 22 128 162
177 Geoff Alterman 20 16 20 22 22 22 22 18 128 162
178 Brad Sylvester 20 18 20 18 28 19 22 10 127 155
179 ERIK SWANSON 16 18 16 14 20 28 28   126 140
180 Matt Wenger 22 16 13 24 22 16 26 13 126 152
181 Neil Graham 18 19 10 19 22 24 22 20 126 154
182 Joe Hinkle 13 26 24 26 13   18 18 125 138
183 Alex Quaintance 6 20 16 24 19 24 18 20 125 147
184 Brad Smith 22 28 26   10 24 14   124 124
185 paul conley 18 28 16 16 22 22 12 18 124 152
186 Scott Kaplan 19   20 24 22 19 10 20 124 134
187 John Manuelian 14 22 13 25 24   16 22 123 136
188 Jeff Spires 22 19 12 24 22 20 16 16 123 151
189 David Aceto 16 14 18 14 24 20 16 28 122 150
190 Abigail O'Connor 22 22 18 16 6 28 14 16 122 142
191 Leo Paquette 19 19 19 13 19 28 18 10 122 145
192 Roland Derube   25 22 8 25 16 20 14 122 130
193 Paul Aho 24 12 18 22 13 20 22 16 122 147
194 Mark Bjorkquist 24 18 16 12 20 20 20 20 122 150
195 Adam Hendsbee 22 22 19 24   18 16   121 121
196 Peter Munroe   28 18 14 20 20 20 14 120 134
197 Tom Law 14 18 26 16 13 20 26 14 120 147
198 Brendan Collins 24 16 20 24   14 14 22 120 134
199 Benjamin Bonaccio 24 12 20 20 12 22 20 14 120 144
200 Greg Abrams 16 14 14 16 14 26 25 22 119 147
201 Tammy Charbonneau 10 22 12 8 16 26 26 16 118 136
202 Lucas Paquette 26 22 14 12 22 10 22   118 128
203 Amy Schmersal 19 16 20 22 13 16 14 25 118 145
204 Enzo Ventrella 19 10 22 22 20 20 12 14 117 139
205 Doug Blackmore 18 28   18 18 16 8 18 116 124
206 Steve Matos 14 28   22 20 7 24 6 115 121
207 John Bolton 25 14 10 25 18 7 16 17 115 132
208 Michael Lupo 16 20 16 13 13 25 22 16 115 141
209 Jody Stahlman   13 25 19 16 16 19 20 115 128
210 Ben Gray 18   20 18 14 19 18 22 115 129
211 Logan Ventrella   28 22 16 16 14 18   114 114
212 Kevin Kolodziej   26 14 18 22   14 20 114 114
213 Austin Chenelle 14 14 10     28 28 19 113 113
214 James Boyce 16 22 10 16 18 12 16 25 113 135
215 Noah Luskey 18 16 14 14 24 20 19 16 113 141
216 Kristofer Hurst 22 22 14 16 24 10 14 10 112 132
217 Donald Berrios 19 18 24 16 16 14 16 19 112 142
218 Mike Hassett 22   18 16 22 16 18 14 112 126
219 Jeffrey Pinard 20 22 19 22 12 12 16 10 111 133
220 Massimo Aldorasi 22 8 10 19 16 18 18 18 111 129
221 Bill MacDonald 25 16 19 12 14 20 13 16 110 135
222 Todd Crawford   14 22   14 24 16 20 110 110
223 Preston Francisco   20 16 14 20 16 24 14 110 124
224 Brian Knolhoff 22 13 18 12 16 19   22 110 122
225 Luke Farry 16 19 19 20 18 16 18   110 126
226 Jarod Evenson   10 18 22 20 20 19 10 109 119
227 Jessica Frenette 10 24 26 16 14 12 16 8 108 126
228 Emily May 24   24 10 22 10 10 18 108 118
229 Michael Langley   16 10 8 20 16 24 22 108 116
230 Mark Seiden 18 16 18 22 12 18 16 10 108 130
231 Lily Piazza   16 25 18 16   14 18 107 107
232 William Towne 18 22 18 6 13 20 13 16 107 126
233 Kirt Fox   13 14 14 22 19 24 10 106 116
234 Travis Berrios 22 18 8 13 22 12 7 19 106 121
235 Emily Rose 14 13 20 18 22 8 12 19 106 126
236 Mike Gaudet 20 19 16 20 12 18   13 106 118
237 Tim Desmarais 22 28   19 14 10 12   105 105
238 Grace Whitman 13 26 12 14 22 14   16 105 117
239 Sofia Manganella 20 16 10 13 20 14 13 22 105 128
240 Jack Tarricone     24 22 16 16 16 10 104 104
241 Scott Mellen 16     16 19 22 18 13 104 104
242 Bre Reynolds     14 20 14 18 18 20 104 104
243 Michael Pare 14 19 18 18 16 10 14 19 104 128
244 Dillon Serdechny 12 13 18   10 20 28 12 103 113
245 Jeremy Lota 6 25 26   12 14 20   103 103
246 Nate Straz 14 16 8 14 17 22 13 20 103 124
247 Daniel Cleary 8 22 14 19 18 18 10 12 103 121
248 John Shanahan 18 14   14 26 10 16 14 102 112
249 Jose Lozano 13 18 12 14 16 12 16 25 102 126
250 Matthew Schroeder 12 12 12 16 20 18 7 24 102 121
251 Ray Leitzke 16   14 14 16 24 12 18 102 114
252 Derek Kurze 19   19 16 22 14 12   102 102
253 Jonah Sobol 16 14 18 16   22 10 16 102 112
254 David Schnoll 18     20 18 14 18 14 102 102
255 Nathan Powers 12 16 16 13 16 20 16 18 102 127
256 Quinn Yost 13 16 18 18 14 16 16 18 102 129
257 Eric Schmersal 22   28 13     16 22 101 101
258 Derek Beam 16 16 19 16   22 12 4 101 105
259 Noah Fiedler 19 14 16 14 14 16 14 22 101 129
260 Hal Cunha 16 8 18 13 19 16 19 8 101 117
261 Aaron Gunn 14 16 16 14 18 18 19 14 101 129
262 Brendan Sullivan 16 18 14 16 18 10 12 18 100 122
263 Paul Cormier 14 18 22   10 13 22   99 99
264 Jeremie Remian 19 14 14 12 18 12 18 16 99 123
265 Nikolas Apel 16 12 7 22 16 20 12   98 105
266 Chris Shepherd 14 18 10 10 22 18 16   98 108
267 Chrissy Papnick 16 14 20   18 12 16 14 98 110
268 Mark Ross 16 16 14 18 14 16 14 18 98 126
269 Howard Edelstein 25 20 22       8 22 97 97
270 Scott MacCallum 14 20 6 12 10 22 13 16 97 113
271 Trey Crews 19 13 21   10 18   16 97 97
272 Sarah Twomey 10 14 16 18 19 14 16   97 107
273 Patrick Montelo 16 16 26 8 14 6 16 8 96 110
274 Ivy Beam 25 19 10 16   10 16   96 96
275 Paul Davis 10 18 6 22 12 20 14 10 96 112
276 connor fuller 13 16 20 14 20   13 13 96 109
277 Gregory Wilhelm   20 10 19 13 10 16 18 96 106
278 Andrew Hill 14   18 16 10   20 18 96 96
279 Mike Morris 22 25 20 14 14       95 95
280 Sandy Boyce 14 22 20 12 4 12 13 14 95 111
281 Nolan Tanguay   16 22 16 10 18 13   95 95
282 Jon Weeks   8 15 16 22 16 14 12 95 103
283 Katelyn Shaykin 19 8 18 18 13 6 13 14 95 109
284 Preston Bick 12 16 13 14 13 20 8 18 94 114
285 Jim Landry 10 16 10 19 8 16 20 12 93 111
286 Beau Blanchard 10   18 20 16 13 10 16 93 103
287 Zackary Holt 18 10   13 19 16 14 13 93 103
288 Alyssa Alsheimer 10 12 14 16 16   24   92 92
289 Mark Johnson   20 16 12 14 10 16 14 92 102
290 Chip Van Dyke 14 6 14 18 18 12 10 16 92 108
291 Bruce Bettis 14 12 12 14 10 19 18 14 91 113
292 Mitch Gagnon 10 13 16 16 18 18 10 10 91 111
293 Victoria Lehman 10 12 10 16 22 14   16 90 100
294 Erin LeBlanc 16 16 16 20 10 8   12 90 98
295 Taylor Ottman 10 13   16 7 18 14 19 90 97
296 Cody Shaw 13 19 16 16 12 7   14 90 97
297 Robert Daddio 12 18 16 10   16 18 10 90 100
298 Selwyn Wilson   19 14 4 10 12 16 18 89 93
299 Erik Peabody 10 18 18 13 10 14 14 12 89 109
300 Michael Grant   20 22   14   18 14 88 88
301 David Stonely 14 16 10 10     16 22 88 88
302 Tom Geary 14 6 8 18 16 16 10 14 88 102
303 Jonathan Jafari 14 16 16 8 12 14 16   88 96
304 Mike McHugh 10 4 18 10 13 24 7 12 87 98
305 Ethan Colaizzi 16 20 10   18   16 7 87 87
306 Allison Havens 12 13 16 22 10 10   13 86 96
307 David Kroll 14 16   10 20 14 12   86 86
307 Hemeth Watts   14   20 10 14 16 12 86 86
309 tim boston 10 10 16 19 14 14 10 13 86 106
310 Constantinos Stivaros 20 13 10 16 16   7 10 85 92
311 Kenneth Johnson 12 13 12 10 12 10 20 16 85 105
312 Frank Shepherd 7 20 10 10 14 14 13 14 85 102
313 Alex Yeager 18 10 10 10 14 14 19 10 85 105
314 Maddie Orcutt     16 16 10 14 16 13 85 85
315 Sean Marquand 8 10 22 8 16 8   20 84 92
316 Derek Hilgenberg 16 10 6 16   10 18 14 84 90
317 Rob Nottoli   10 14 14 16   12 18 84 84
318 Robert Claffie 12 18 13 12 10 14 14 13 84 106
319 Jim Paquette 6   18 12 19 12 16   83 83
320 Adam Lisa 14 10 20 10 12 16 8 4 82 94
321 Adam Wolejko   10   8 13 20 16 14 81 81
322 Ainsworth Kohler 19 12 8 12 14 16 6 6 81 93
323 Mike Kyzivat 13   12   16 14 16 10 81 81
324 Joshua Hynes 12   14 24   8 8 14 80 80
325 Colleen Riley 10 8 8 8 18 10 22 12 80 96
326 Scott Turcotte 10 22 14 12 10 4 10 12 80 94
327 Zachary Pyle 14 8 6 16 16     19 79 79
328 Caitlyn Hewson 12 16 22 10 18       78 78
329 Molly Horgan 12   8 22 18   10 8 78 78
330 Erin Seiden 10 8 8 14 14 10 10 20 78 94
331 Colin Alsheimer 10 19 10 12 12   14   77 77
332 Irene Grasse   14 13 10 12   12 16 77 77
333 Sheri Hendricks 20 10   20   10 16   76 76
334 Joshua Pack 16   18 14 10 18     76 76
335 Anna Walker 14 6 12   12   18 14 76 76
336 Andrew Shaykin 10 4 16 10 14 10 10 16 76 90
337 Jack Kubera 16 12 10 10   12 16 10 76 86
338 Gary Serdechny 6 10 16   16 12 12 10 76 82
339 Alyssa Crews 10   13 10 10 10 10 22 75 85
340 Gail Edelstein 12 16 16       13 18 75 75
341 Ralph Willis JR   7 10 14 13 12 16 10 75 82
342 Andrew Pegg-Wheat 22 10 19 13 10       74 74
343 Karim Bahai 10 16 10 14 14 10     74 74
344 Christopher Gaudet   4 14 12 16 12 8 12 74 78
345 Kate Eisenmenger   12 13 16     16 16 73 73
346 Michael Renzi 10 8 14 8 16     16 72 72
347 Laurie Montelo 6 10 10 14 12 6 10 16 72 84
348 Christina Willis   10 13 18 10 10 10 8 71 79
349 Eva Ashton 16 12 13 10 10 10 7 8 71 86
350 Jerricka Hill 14   7 20 16     13 70 70
351 Isabelle Smith 20 14 10   16 10     70 70
352 Mike Thomas   18   12 16 8   16 70 70
353 Brad Rosenblum 10 14 12   12 6 16   70 70
354 Amber Lee 12 13   8 10 16 10   69 69
355 Krystle Gemnich   16 10   10   20 12 68 68
356 james Frost 6 14 14 6 4 14 12 8 68 78
357 Andrew Young 12 10 10 6 8 14   14 68 74
358 Tim Bernard 13 13 12   10 10 10 4 68 72
359 Nikki Santiago 10 16 6     13 12 10 67 67
360 Brian Yurick       4 18 16 12 16 66 66
361 Steven Wolejko   10   8 14 13 10 10 65 65
362 Sam Palmer 13 10 10 8   14 8   63 63
363 Lauren Baldwin 8 7 14   7 10   16 62 62
364 Alexandria Lee 16   13 6 6 8   13 62 62
365 Rachel Hendsbee 4 14 10 10 10 6 12   62 66
366 Carly Baker 4   10 14 20 6 6 4 60 64
367 Ben Webber 18   4   8 12 10 8 60 60
368 Ralph Willis III     10 14 12 10   14 60 60
369 Stephen Halpin   10   13   14 10 13 60 60
370 Jackson Potter     6 12 10 10 12 10 60 60
371 Chris Laskey 13 12 8 4 6 10 6 10 59 69
372 elizabeth miller 16 4 4 8 14 12     58 58
373 Aaron Cummings 16 13 4     10   13 56 56
374 Samantha Paradis 14 10 12   7   7 6 56 56
375 Sam Knolhoff 14   10 10 8 4   10 56 56
376 Gunnar Hendsbee   14 15 6   8 10   53 53
377 Rhys Wyman 10 4     14 10 14   52 52
378 Frances Zemlyn 10   13   10 6 10   49 49
379 Austin Roy 4 8 6 12 7   4 12 49 53
380 Sarah McCormick 10 8 12 4   7 8   49 49
381 Nathan Clavette 14 4 10 10 8       46 46
382 Dagmar Haecker 10 13   8 6 7     44 44
383 Dana Beguerie 10 6   12   12   4 44 44
384 Carrie-Ann Roy 10   4 8 10   6 4 42 42
385 Joe Creedon 4 4   10   10   13 41 41
386 Clarence Crews 4 7 7     10   10 38 38

Score Sheets

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 2

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Samantha Paradis 21,457,170 5
Carrie Aloisi 12,747,060 1
Peter Roarke 17,870,420 3
Arthur Fontaine 43,118,250 7
Deadpool (Pro)
Samantha Paradis 55,123,380 5
Carrie Aloisi 31,515,650 3
Peter Roarke 106,981,250 7
Arthur Fontaine 30,709,740 1
Time Fantasy
Samantha Paradis 31,040 1
Carrie Aloisi 222,350 7
Peter Roarke 125,220 5
Arthur Fontaine 51,100 3
Bally Game Show, The
Samantha Paradis 1,189,070 3
Carrie Aloisi 2,352,280 5
Peter Roarke 2,362,520 7
Arthur Fontaine 474,090 1
Samantha Paradis 14
Carrie Aloisi 16
Peter Roarke 22
Arthur Fontaine 12

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 4

Foo Fighters Pro
Jason Aloisi 50,929,180 7
Rick Rock 33,454,700 3
Connor Lafleur 5,804,380 1
Scott Temple 37,995,840 5
Ghostbusters (Pro)
Jason Aloisi 29,988,210 1
Rick Rock 32,562,840 3
Connor Lafleur 143,743,140 7
Scott Temple 65,087,970 5
Foxy Lady
Jason Aloisi 37,100 3
Rick Rock 12,100 1
Connor Lafleur 45,610 5
Scott Temple 69,430 7
Jason Aloisi 73,150 7
Rick Rock 58,120 5
Connor Lafleur 38,130 3
Scott Temple 35,050 1
Jason Aloisi 18
Rick Rock 12
Connor Lafleur 16
Scott Temple 18

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 6

Andrew Stevens 219,480 7
Joe Jokubaitis 119,180 3
Neil Graham 105,730 1
Ben Silvestri 172,590 5
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (Standard Edition)
Andrew Stevens 300,570 1
Joe Jokubaitis 858,160 7
Neil Graham 544,780 5
Ben Silvestri 328,710 3
Andrew Stevens 254,090 1
Joe Jokubaitis 574,020 3
Neil Graham 582,890 5
Ben Silvestri 754,370 7
Andrew Stevens 139,670 3
Joe Jokubaitis 85,090 1
Neil Graham 179,300 7
Ben Silvestri 149,720 5
Andrew Stevens 12
Joe Jokubaitis 14
Neil Graham 18
Ben Silvestri 20

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 7

Alexander Blaustein 97,780 1
Ethan Colaizzi 316,360 7
Patrick Burns 174,400 4
Alexander Blaustein 30,867,370 1
Ethan Colaizzi 65,022,620 4
Patrick Burns 280,501,270 7
Dolly Parton
Alexander Blaustein 181,530 4
Ethan Colaizzi 94,310 1
Patrick Burns 426,930 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Alexander Blaustein 32,551,010 1
Ethan Colaizzi 33,604,480 4
Patrick Burns 48,896,240 7
Alexander Blaustein 7
Ethan Colaizzi 16
Patrick Burns 25

Pizza J - Week 1 - Group 1

Total Nuclear Annihilation
Jerricka Hill 210,280 1
Connor Mulberry 1,566,662 7
Scott D'Agostino 1,288,702 5
David Rabinowitz 538,571 3
Jerricka Hill 32,185,250 5
Connor Mulberry 117,975,390 7
Scott D'Agostino 15,558,900 1
David Rabinowitz 30,715,340 3
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Jerricka Hill 22,935,740 7
Connor Mulberry 20,091,520 5
Scott D'Agostino 6,691,530 3
David Rabinowitz 4,952,240 1
Cactus Canyon SE+
Jerricka Hill 2,498,600 1
Connor Mulberry 16,711,350 5
Scott D'Agostino 11,492,290 3
David Rabinowitz 17,113,520 7
Jerricka Hill 14
Connor Mulberry 24
Scott D'Agostino 12
David Rabinowitz 14

Pizza J - Week 1 - Group 2

Foo Fighters Pro
Ed Giardina 79,371,610 7
Andrew Hill 13,473,850 1
John Shanahan 35,703,140 5
Natalie Renzi 31,340,260 3
Mata Hari
Ed Giardina 171,790 7
Andrew Hill 67,430 3
John Shanahan 138,930 5
Natalie Renzi 9,800 1
James Bond 007 Premium
Ed Giardina 46,435,390 5
Andrew Hill 52,935,000 7
John Shanahan 36,685,370 3
Natalie Renzi 2,387,980 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Ed Giardina 129,784,320 7
Andrew Hill 28,561,550 3
John Shanahan 80,213,870 5
Natalie Renzi 17,636,260 1
Ed Giardina 26
Andrew Hill 14
John Shanahan 18
Natalie Renzi 6

Pizza J - Week 1 - Group 3

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Renzi 97,201,750 7
Sheri Hendricks 27,936,770 3
Amber Lee 14,079,180 1
Jack Shanahan 32,830,970 5
Foo Fighters Pro
Michael Renzi 4,508,670 1
Sheri Hendricks 36,792,860 5
Amber Lee 26,165,000 3
Jack Shanahan 51,804,560 7
Mata Hari
Michael Renzi 14,400 1
Sheri Hendricks 114,600 5
Amber Lee 63,840 3
Jack Shanahan 139,310 7
James Bond 007 Premium
Michael Renzi 3,159,210 1
Sheri Hendricks 47,108,840 7
Amber Lee 17,116,050 5
Jack Shanahan 3,738,028 3
Michael Renzi 10
Sheri Hendricks 20
Amber Lee 12
Jack Shanahan 22

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 1

The Rolling Stones
Eric Geddes 9,443,880 7
Brad Rosenblum 2,794,940 1
Alyssa Alsheimer 4,329,940 4
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Eric Geddes 54,036,120 7
Brad Rosenblum 21,992,850 4
Alyssa Alsheimer 3,888,380 1
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Eric Geddes 294,105,150 7
Brad Rosenblum 33,697,120 4
Alyssa Alsheimer 21,670,400 1
KISS (Premium/LE)
Eric Geddes 146,494,020 7
Brad Rosenblum 38,188,720 1
Alyssa Alsheimer 117,677,710 4
Eric Geddes 28
Brad Rosenblum 10
Alyssa Alsheimer 10

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 2

Foo Fighters - Premium
Sarah Finn 4,409,840 1
Adam Meader 13,565,770 3
Matt Guay 14,656,770 5
Andrew Logan 26,682,290 7
Sarah Finn 179,090 5
Adam Meader 303,050 7
Matt Guay 72,240 3
Andrew Logan 44,140 1
Sarah Finn 120,466,420 3
Adam Meader 255,558,030 5
Matt Guay 80,267,700 1
Andrew Logan 255,901,030 7
Guns N' Roses
Sarah Finn 109,967,330 3
Adam Meader 564,588,160 7
Matt Guay 101,763,960 1
Andrew Logan 281,627,870 5
Sarah Finn 12
Adam Meader 22
Matt Guay 10
Andrew Logan 20

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 3

Rolling Stones
Mark Henderson 270,810 7
George Pratt 159,530 4
Bo Williams 152,030 1
The Rolling Stones
Mark Henderson 5,811,220 7
George Pratt 4,129,780 4
Bo Williams 2,861,580 1
Foo Fighters - Premium
Mark Henderson 78,719,710 4
George Pratt 106,813,640 7
Bo Williams 6,255,710 1
Metallica (Premium/LE)
Mark Henderson 11,997,110 4
George Pratt 26,493,290 7
Bo Williams 4,714,460 1
Mark Henderson 22
George Pratt 22
Bo Williams 4

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 4

KISS (Premium/LE)
Seamus Meader 56,969,990 3
Colin Alsheimer 38,187,360 1
Marissa Pratt 129,282,190 5
Joshua Henderson 150,720,560 7
Seamus Meader 72,120 3
Colin Alsheimer 42,040 1
Marissa Pratt 72,970 5
Joshua Henderson 479,920 7
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Seamus Meader 39,243,180 5
Colin Alsheimer 54,392,080 7
Marissa Pratt 9,266,280 1
Joshua Henderson 10,668,790 3
Seamus Meader 246,540 5
Colin Alsheimer 85,920 1
Marissa Pratt 241,250 3
Joshua Henderson 444,030 7
Seamus Meader 16
Colin Alsheimer 10
Marissa Pratt 14
Joshua Henderson 24

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 6

Augustus Eustis 312,470 5
Lucas Herter 602,750 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 172,750 3
Edward Cabral 171,210 1
Heavy Metal Meltdown
Augustus Eustis 3,198,140 7
Lucas Herter 332,270 1
Julia Barnes-Brown 362,800 3
Edward Cabral 2,530,190 5
Dolly Parton
Augustus Eustis 206,680 7
Lucas Herter 36,010 1
Julia Barnes-Brown 127,250 5
Edward Cabral 62,590 3
Time Fantasy
Augustus Eustis 132,190 3
Lucas Herter 1,225,790 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 121,120 1
Edward Cabral 814,570 5
Augustus Eustis 22
Lucas Herter 16
Julia Barnes-Brown 12
Edward Cabral 14

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 1

Michael Corbett 8,204,370 5
Troy Babb 1,341,470 1
Will Parks 8,675,500 7
Austin Chenelle 1,877,470 3
Michael Corbett 325,600 3
Troy Babb 393,550 7
Will Parks 355,820 5
Austin Chenelle 139,830 1
NBA Fastbreak
Michael Corbett 140 7
Troy Babb 34 1
Will Parks 57 3
Austin Chenelle 75 5
Strikes and Spares
Michael Corbett 1 1
Troy Babb 49,850 3
Will Parks 120,120 7
Austin Chenelle 69,350 5
Michael Corbett 16
Troy Babb 12
Will Parks 22
Austin Chenelle 14

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 2

NBA Fastbreak
Ron Lulfs 58 7
Cody Shaw 20 4
Joshua Mazgelis 11 1
Jacks Open
Ron Lulfs 88,830 4
Cody Shaw 76,640 1
Joshua Mazgelis 113,390 7
Strikes and Spares
Ron Lulfs 125,740 7
Cody Shaw 75,310 4
Joshua Mazgelis 22,710 1
Ron Lulfs 1,770,630 1
Cody Shaw 2,929,570 4
Joshua Mazgelis 3,677,760 7
Ron Lulfs 19
Cody Shaw 13
Joshua Mazgelis 16

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 1

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Jack Kubera 13,774,100 1
Eric Marz 96,789,010 7
Beau Blanchard 89,136,500 4
The Lord of the Rings
Jack Kubera 20,817,620 4
Eric Marz 53,907,010 7
Beau Blanchard 4,968,520 1
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray
Jack Kubera 3,782,820 7
Eric Marz 1,550,970 1
Beau Blanchard 1,828,030 4
Jack Kubera 54,960 4
Eric Marz 66,720 7
Beau Blanchard 36,700 1
Jack Kubera 16
Eric Marz 22
Beau Blanchard 10

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 2

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
David Schnoll 41,804,860 7
Emily May 40,855,540 5
Philip Stevens 6,430,650 3
Allison Land 1,607,250 1
David Schnoll 287,642,720 1
Emily May 1,604,455,090 7
Philip Stevens 570,206,750 5
Allison Land 332,541,620 3
Mystery Castle
David Schnoll 22,652,480 3
Emily May 86,040,750 7
Philip Stevens 32,649,360 5
Allison Land 9,099,210 1
David Schnoll 314,250 7
Emily May 218,970 5
Philip Stevens 1 1
Allison Land 148,140 3
David Schnoll 18
Emily May 24
Philip Stevens 14
Allison Land 8

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 5

The Big Lebowski
Connor Shlatz 21,365,130 7
Nathan Crosby 1,273,170 3
Alex Yeager 1,196,140 1
Matthew Schroeder 14,617,040 5
Red & Ted's Road Show
Connor Shlatz 146,049,020 7
Nathan Crosby 60,867,780 1
Alex Yeager 118,594,440 5
Matthew Schroeder 98,460,950 3
Wipe Out
Connor Shlatz 110,020,990 7
Nathan Crosby 22,882,160 3
Alex Yeager 94,165,980 5
Matthew Schroeder 21,118,630 1
Connor Shlatz 138,950 5
Nathan Crosby 45,090 1
Alex Yeager 149,590 7
Matthew Schroeder 52,550 3
Connor Shlatz 26
Nathan Crosby 8
Alex Yeager 18
Matthew Schroeder 12

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 6

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Kris LaCross 5,395,860 1
Mike Havens 70,883,800 7
Constantinos Stivaros 5,731,640 3
Bill McHugh 65,818,150 5
The Addams Family
Kris LaCross 55,978,440 1
Mike Havens 62,877,430 3
Constantinos Stivaros 87,422,140 5
Bill McHugh 119,555,470 7
Black Hole
Kris LaCross 85,781 3
Mike Havens 340,970 7
Constantinos Stivaros 326,730 5
Bill McHugh 85,780 1
Kris LaCross 190,400 5
Mike Havens 181,120 3
Constantinos Stivaros 261,880 7
Bill McHugh 75,660 1
Kris LaCross 10
Mike Havens 20
Constantinos Stivaros 20
Bill McHugh 14

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 7

Alien (Standard Edition)
Benjamin Bonaccio 7,400,000 5
Tammy Charbonneau 870,000 1
Allison Havens 4,100,000 3
Doug Blackmore 10,500,000 7
Junk Yard
Benjamin Bonaccio 19,400,000 7
Tammy Charbonneau 5,500,000 1
Allison Havens 6,000,000 3
Doug Blackmore 10,400,000 5
High Speed
Benjamin Bonaccio 4,000,000 7
Tammy Charbonneau 639,470 1
Allison Havens 1,898,000 5
Doug Blackmore 1,848,000 3
Benjamin Bonaccio 65,290 5
Tammy Charbonneau 167,360 7
Allison Havens 16,660 1
Doug Blackmore 34,510 3
Benjamin Bonaccio 24
Tammy Charbonneau 10
Allison Havens 12
Doug Blackmore 18

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 1

Star Wars (Pro)
Paul Davis 247,971,990 1
Ross Bergen 1,195,509,210 7
Alan MacLean 696,208,540 4
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Paul Davis 1,704,990 1
Ross Bergen 190,461,730 7
Alan MacLean 33,276,250 4
Monster Bash remake Special
Paul Davis 8,874,680 4
Ross Bergen 62,112,740 7
Alan MacLean 4,506,780 1
Attack From Mars (Remake Special Edition)
Paul Davis 894,660,080 4
Ross Bergen 2,455,547,900 7
Alan MacLean 608,570,230 1
Paul Davis 10
Ross Bergen 28
Alan MacLean 10

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 2

Houdini Master of Mystery
Colleen Mootrey 181,002 3
David Stonely 58,405 1
Karen Tremblay 834,643 7
Isabelle Smith 225,303 5
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Colleen Mootrey 2,342,110 1
David Stonely 7,406,400 5
Karen Tremblay 2,675,010 3
Isabelle Smith 8,362,010 7
Disney TRON Legacy
Colleen Mootrey 6,146,370 5
David Stonely 8,816,850 7
Karen Tremblay 3,481,270 3
Isabelle Smith 1,938,400 1
Monster Bash remake Special
Colleen Mootrey 11,232,250 3
David Stonely 7,941,320 1
Karen Tremblay 13,533,820 5
Isabelle Smith 27,570,120 7
Colleen Mootrey 12
David Stonely 14
Karen Tremblay 18
Isabelle Smith 20

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 3

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Luca Giordano 13,762,540 4
Frank Shepherd 13,564,220 1
Howard Edelstein 96,287,810 7
Houdini Master of Mystery
Luca Giordano 243,576 7
Frank Shepherd 50,222 1
Howard Edelstein 207,426 4
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Luca Giordano 41,851,540 1
Frank Shepherd 70,452,690 4
Howard Edelstein 91,643,660 7
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Luca Giordano 6,771,030 4
Frank Shepherd 5,896,430 1
Howard Edelstein 30,107,620 7
Luca Giordano 16
Frank Shepherd 7
Howard Edelstein 25

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 5

Medieval Madness (Remake Standard Edition)
Christopher Tremblay 24,918,070 5
Chris Shepherd 18,958,280 3
Matt Osborn 27,884,190 7
Gail Edelstein 4,519,490 1
Star Wars (Pro)
Christopher Tremblay 296,625,700 3
Chris Shepherd 924,883,560 7
Matt Osborn 316,599,590 5
Gail Edelstein 104,534,610 1
Attack From Mars (Remake Special Edition)
Christopher Tremblay 478,471,850 1
Chris Shepherd 489,359,010 3
Matt Osborn 992,435,880 5
Gail Edelstein 1,448,459,130 7
Disney TRON Legacy
Christopher Tremblay 22,142,920 5
Chris Shepherd 3,285,190 1
Matt Osborn 46,319,030 7
Gail Edelstein 19,806,990 3
Christopher Tremblay 14
Chris Shepherd 14
Matt Osborn 24
Gail Edelstein 12

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 1

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
William Yasick 7,069,130 4
Derek Kurze 5,098,790 1
Stephanie Harvey 14,630,760 7
William Yasick 74,434,860 7
Derek Kurze 44,231,990 4
Stephanie Harvey 11,988,910 1
Mata Hari
William Yasick 137,940 4
Derek Kurze 229,150 7
Stephanie Harvey 78,130 1
William Yasick 5,365,320 1
Derek Kurze 7,412,570 7
Stephanie Harvey 5,600,390 4
William Yasick 16
Derek Kurze 19
Stephanie Harvey 13

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 2

Space Shuttle
Christopher Harvey 652,580 7
James McFatter 359,900 4
Elspeth Stewart 342,670 1
Family Guy
Christopher Harvey 4,714,230 4
James McFatter 21,598,730 7
Elspeth Stewart 1,836,880 1
Dolly Parton
Christopher Harvey 175,430 4
James McFatter 229,920 7
Elspeth Stewart 80,770 1
WHO dunnit
Christopher Harvey 215,912,080 4
James McFatter 1,726,318,040 7
Elspeth Stewart 102,982,020 1
Christopher Harvey 19
James McFatter 25
Elspeth Stewart 4

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 3

Jurassic Park
Emily Rose 114,768,530 5
Greg Abrams 190,200,770 7
Dillon Serdechny 70,465,200 3
Gino Volpe 58,000,000 1
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Emily Rose 6,981,620 3
Greg Abrams 6,162,530 1
Dillon Serdechny 9,591,250 5
Gino Volpe 50,866,230 7
Space Shuttle
Emily Rose 783,650 5
Greg Abrams 485,830 3
Dillon Serdechny 475,080 1
Gino Volpe 846,700 7
Emily Rose 639,870 1
Greg Abrams 1,751,610 5
Dillon Serdechny 1,717,540 3
Gino Volpe 5,654,950 7
Emily Rose 14
Greg Abrams 16
Dillon Serdechny 12
Gino Volpe 22

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 5

Grace Whitman 2,451,900 4
Colleen Riley 1,312,390 1
Bill MacDonald 2,963,060 7
The Simpsons Pinball Party
Grace Whitman 9,666,330 7
Colleen Riley 657,130 1
Bill MacDonald 1,070,470 4
Surf Champ
Grace Whitman 18,150 1
Colleen Riley 21,620 4
Bill MacDonald 35,350 7
Family Guy
Grace Whitman 6,779,180 1
Colleen Riley 8,755,640 4
Bill MacDonald 31,270,580 7
Grace Whitman 13
Colleen Riley 10
Bill MacDonald 25

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 6

Blackwater 100
Michael Pare 857,390 3
Justin Fontaine 1,193,570 5
Russell McFatter 602,630 1
John Manuelian 1,360,271 7
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Michael Pare 7,324,730 3
Justin Fontaine 40,834,710 5
Russell McFatter 74,129,550 7
John Manuelian 2,661,680 1
Michael Pare 1,250,728,030 7
Justin Fontaine 333,183,120 1
Russell McFatter 1,013,807,800 5
John Manuelian 755,422,710 3
Space Shuttle
Michael Pare 483,320 1
Justin Fontaine 1,408,060 7
Russell McFatter 801,030 5
John Manuelian 563,050 3
Michael Pare 14
Justin Fontaine 18
Russell McFatter 18
John Manuelian 14

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 7

The Addams Family
Mike McHugh 28,715,740 3
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 30,666,390 5
Paul Carlson 62,715,740 7
Gary Serdechny 10,131,060 1
Surf Champ
Mike McHugh 36,240 3
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 56,730 5
Paul Carlson 74,230 7
Gary Serdechny 19,770 1
Demolition Man
Mike McHugh 84,504,840 3
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 351,789,870 7
Paul Carlson 313,833,790 5
Gary Serdechny 81,897,310 1
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Mike McHugh 2,868,520 1
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 7,903,290 5
Paul Carlson 43,754,560 7
Gary Serdechny 3,647,100 3
Mike McHugh 10
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 22
Paul Carlson 26
Gary Serdechny 6

Tokens Taproom - Week 1 - Group 1

Theatre of Magic
Alex Quaintance 228,270,630 1
Mike Morris 490,710,560 5
Jeff Spires 638,136,350 7
Jonathan Jafari 234,165,640 3
Funhouse 2.0 (Rudy's Nightmare)
Alex Quaintance 1,591,420 3
Mike Morris 4,053,140 7
Jeff Spires 1,785,090 5
Jonathan Jafari 1,352,470 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Alex Quaintance 30,973,400 1
Mike Morris 265,189,110 7
Jeff Spires 186,191,780 5
Jonathan Jafari 52,451,360 3
James Bond 007 Pro
Alex Quaintance 20,200,130 1
Mike Morris 43,207,290 3
Jeff Spires 83,792,100 5
Jonathan Jafari 123,372,600 7
Alex Quaintance 6
Mike Morris 22
Jeff Spires 22
Jonathan Jafari 14

Tokens Taproom - Week 1 - Group 2

Monster Bash remake Classic
Jayson Kohl 12,571,920 5
Shawn Chastney 5,154,780 3
Preston Bick 17,198,630 7
Keith Maffei 2,050,000 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Jayson Kohl 97,749,360 3
Shawn Chastney 135,375,660 5
Preston Bick 53,931,180 1
Keith Maffei 327,692,370 7
The Addams Family
Jayson Kohl 38,188,710 5
Shawn Chastney 198,105,570 7
Preston Bick 14,607,750 1
Keith Maffei 24,320,480 3
Funhouse 2.0 (Rudy's Nightmare)
Jayson Kohl 908,220 1
Shawn Chastney 2,262,520 7
Preston Bick 1,062,260 3
Keith Maffei 1,492,100 5
Jayson Kohl 14
Shawn Chastney 22
Preston Bick 12
Keith Maffei 16

Tokens Taproom - Week 1 - Group 3

James Bond 007 Pro
Michael Lupo 66,771,440 7
Joshua Hynes 23,204,350 3
Luke Farry 11,437,430 1
Jeffrey Pinard 24,633,250 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Michael Lupo 50,153,330 1
Joshua Hynes 116,269,610 3
Luke Farry 160,897,920 7
Jeffrey Pinard 130,968,960 5
Mandalorian (Pro)
Michael Lupo 3,041,470 1
Joshua Hynes 12,658,920 3
Luke Farry 66,119,960 7
Jeffrey Pinard 39,930,190 5
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Lupo 119,319,730 7
Joshua Hynes 89,266,280 3
Luke Farry 24,591,590 1
Jeffrey Pinard 108,128,340 5
Michael Lupo 16
Joshua Hynes 12
Luke Farry 16
Jeffrey Pinard 20

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 1

James Bond 007 Pro
Steve Matos 2,110,570 1
Chuck Webster 494,867,900 7
Paul Cormier 77,182,710 5
Adam Lisa 58,652,890 3
Jurassic Park
Steve Matos 38,902,020 5
Chuck Webster 40,637,880 7
Paul Cormier 16,982,880 1
Adam Lisa 23,130,480 3
Hot Wheels
Steve Matos 143,144,220 3
Chuck Webster 172,180,900 5
Paul Cormier 31,624,710 1
Adam Lisa 238,380,220 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Steve Matos 20,492,680 5
Chuck Webster 5,794,800 3
Paul Cormier 79,795,550 7
Adam Lisa 3,537,390 1
Steve Matos 14
Chuck Webster 22
Paul Cormier 14
Adam Lisa 14

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 2

Jurassic Park
patrick countryman 10,122,750 1
Jeff Somers 39,438,870 7
Massimo Aldorasi 28,758,470 5
Kenneth Johnson 10,626,630 3
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
patrick countryman 27,473,020 5
Jeff Somers 20,919,970 3
Massimo Aldorasi 29,936,080 7
Kenneth Johnson 8,106,070 1
James Bond 007 Pro
patrick countryman 12,526,480 3
Jeff Somers 220,139,820 7
Massimo Aldorasi 122,499,510 5
Kenneth Johnson 6,582,850 1
Batman 66 (Premium)
patrick countryman 14,024,340 1
Jeff Somers 30,185,310 3
Massimo Aldorasi 36,970,300 5
Kenneth Johnson 49,649,800 7
patrick countryman 10
Jeff Somers 20
Massimo Aldorasi 22
Kenneth Johnson 12

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 3

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Noah Crable 192,250,700 5
Christopher McDonough 257,361,210 7
Sean Marquand 20,195,760 3
Tom Geary 15,294,990 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Noah Crable 94,316,150 7
Christopher McDonough 3,577,270 1
Sean Marquand 25,412,910 3
Tom Geary 59,194,370 5
Jurassic Park
Noah Crable 244,634,500 7
Christopher McDonough 38,375,110 5
Sean Marquand 16,871,490 1
Tom Geary 37,729,500 3
Bobby Orr's Power Play
Noah Crable 196,530 7
Christopher McDonough 43,000 3
Sean Marquand 10,900 1
Tom Geary 125,200 5
Noah Crable 26
Christopher McDonough 16
Sean Marquand 8
Tom Geary 14

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 4

Foo Fighters Pro
Mark Ross 22,472,310 5
Christopher Darden 25,150,390 7
Bruce Bettis 15,455,080 3
Andrew Berryman 10,329,900 1
Godzilla pro
Mark Ross 42,255,000 7
Christopher Darden 32,963,840 5
Bruce Bettis 16,685,600 1
Andrew Berryman 29,517,000 3
Batman 66 (Premium)
Mark Ross 44,147,000 3
Christopher Darden 21,129,650 1
Bruce Bettis 50,115,790 5
Andrew Berryman 196,281,630 7
Hot Wheels
Mark Ross 13,906,340 1
Christopher Darden 912,707,510 7
Bruce Bettis 575,203,190 5
Andrew Berryman 58,401,670 3
Mark Ross 16
Christopher Darden 20
Bruce Bettis 14
Andrew Berryman 14

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 5

Mandalorian (Pro)
Chip Van Dyke 83,047,360 5
Pete Pappavaselio 71,338,350 3
Ben Webber 55,780,950 1
Bowen Kerins 143,184,210 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Chip Van Dyke 30,699,960 3
Pete Pappavaselio 24,550,130 1
Ben Webber 33,718,850 5
Bowen Kerins 149,723,140 7
Bobby Orr's Power Play
Chip Van Dyke 22,640 1
Pete Pappavaselio 102,100 7
Ben Webber 37,110 5
Bowen Kerins 23,640 3
Godzilla pro
Chip Van Dyke 75,002,600 5
Pete Pappavaselio 53,764,600 3
Ben Webber 81,196,320 7
Bowen Kerins 36,800,390 1
Chip Van Dyke 14
Pete Pappavaselio 14
Ben Webber 18
Bowen Kerins 18

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 1 - Group 2

Batman 66 (Premium)
Robert Claffie 45,680,300 5
Luca Webb 14,605,050 1
Mike Schmitt 348,255,160 7
Joseph Lemire 18,261,050 3
Robert Claffie 22,020 1
Luca Webb 79,420 3
Mike Schmitt 83,630 5
Joseph Lemire 227,340 7
Flash Gordon
Robert Claffie 221,080 1
Luca Webb 279,790 3
Mike Schmitt 574,300 5
Joseph Lemire 684,270 7
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Robert Claffie 77,753,090 5
Luca Webb 31,162,680 3
Mike Schmitt 9,075,050 1
Joseph Lemire 458,011,460 7
Robert Claffie 12
Luca Webb 10
Mike Schmitt 18
Joseph Lemire 24

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 1 - Group 3

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Brian Knolhoff 62,086,980 7
Jonah Sobol 8,780,140 1
Robert Daddio 29,799,980 5
Sam Knolhoff 10,811,570 3
AC/DC (Premium)
Brian Knolhoff 46,883,600 7
Jonah Sobol 27,439,550 5
Robert Daddio 10,162,960 3
Sam Knolhoff 6,452,100 1
Brian Knolhoff 134,650 7
Jonah Sobol 92,720 3
Robert Daddio 86,540 1
Sam Knolhoff 104,290 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Brian Knolhoff 13,519,200 1
Jonah Sobol 85,102,280 7
Robert Daddio 16,875,660 3
Sam Knolhoff 30,456,220 5
Brian Knolhoff 22
Jonah Sobol 16
Robert Daddio 12
Sam Knolhoff 14

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 1 - Group 4

Flash Gordon
Tasker Smith 191,310 1
Adam Cash 580,270 5
Nicholas Destefano 1,187,760 7
Benjamin Bloomstein 218,700 3
Tasker Smith 152,320 7
Adam Cash 83,220 3
Nicholas Destefano 30,890 1
Benjamin Bloomstein 85,260 5
Tasker Smith 751,230 5
Adam Cash 1,312,000 7
Nicholas Destefano 494,230 3
Benjamin Bloomstein 263,750 1
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Tasker Smith 10,934,790 1
Adam Cash 24,977,730 3
Nicholas Destefano 50,311,300 5
Benjamin Bloomstein 215,592,060 7
Tasker Smith 14
Adam Cash 18
Nicholas Destefano 16
Benjamin Bloomstein 16

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 2

Mustang (Pro)
Joey Harwood 29,073,790 4
Matthew Liskom 62,161,160 7
Victoria Fura 17,630,360 1
Iron Man
Joey Harwood 4,018,570 4
Matthew Liskom 13,880,200 7
Victoria Fura 3,934,500 1
Laser Cue
Joey Harwood 346,650 7
Matthew Liskom 81,020 4
Victoria Fura 51,350 1
Doctor Who
Joey Harwood 28,200,320 4
Matthew Liskom 122,403,730 7
Victoria Fura 5,178,550 1
Joey Harwood 19
Matthew Liskom 25
Victoria Fura 4

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 3

Jungle Lord
Paul Aho 541,730 7
Nate Straz 77,110 1
Tom Law 207,310 3
Molly Horgan 216,300 5
Paul Aho 2,704,400 7
Nate Straz 791,830 1
Tom Law 1,014,390 3
Molly Horgan 1,359,010 5
Mata Hari
Paul Aho 539,200 7
Nate Straz 222,770 5
Tom Law 70,430 3
Molly Horgan 62,720 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Paul Aho 31,492,890 3
Nate Straz 97,485,510 7
Tom Law 88,957,370 5
Molly Horgan 22,741,080 1
Paul Aho 24
Nate Straz 14
Tom Law 14
Molly Horgan 12

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 4

The Addams Family
Nathan Mills 56,703,140 7
Sandy Boyce 38,090,960 5
Jeff Ferguson 21,086,960 3
Douglas Erickson 6,321,150 1
South Park
Nathan Mills 38,179,120 7
Sandy Boyce 12,361,820 1
Jeff Ferguson 32,308,510 5
Douglas Erickson 27,082,730 3
Avatar (Pro)
Nathan Mills 3,711,180 5
Sandy Boyce 2,347,980 3
Jeff Ferguson 2,077,270 1
Douglas Erickson 4,263,270 7
Nathan Mills 468,983,220 7
Sandy Boyce 428,424,730 5
Jeff Ferguson 375,022,510 1
Douglas Erickson 417,788,180 3
Nathan Mills 26
Sandy Boyce 14
Jeff Ferguson 10
Douglas Erickson 14

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 5

Chyle Cameron 5,759,490 7
Joe Irace 2,824,540 3
Jeremy Lota 538,240 1
Aaron Gunn 3,835,520 5
Gay 90's
Chyle Cameron 2,351 5
Joe Irace 4,121 7
Jeremy Lota 1,349 1
Aaron Gunn 1,753 3
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Chyle Cameron 7,890,150 7
Joe Irace 5,410,870 5
Jeremy Lota 4,865,080 3
Aaron Gunn 4,745,090 1
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Chyle Cameron 264,028,900 7
Joe Irace 143,574,180 3
Jeremy Lota 9,584,690 1
Aaron Gunn 229,945,510 5
Chyle Cameron 26
Joe Irace 18
Jeremy Lota 6
Aaron Gunn 14

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 7

No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Nik Carlson 233,215,490 1
James Boyce 1,709,548,680 7
Robert Chason 304,696,150 3
Katie O'Donnell 1,059,105,700 5
Monster Bash
Nik Carlson 114,190,780 7
James Boyce 13,893,000 1
Robert Chason 109,242,570 5
Katie O'Donnell 76,591,100 3
Godzilla [Stern, 2021]
Nik Carlson 113,737,910 7
James Boyce 12,511,280 1
Robert Chason 17,798,490 3
Katie O'Donnell 21,659,530 5
Iron Man
Nik Carlson 11,169,060 5
James Boyce 20,090,130 7
Robert Chason 3,571,440 1
Katie O'Donnell 5,702,560 3
Nik Carlson 20
James Boyce 16
Robert Chason 12
Katie O'Donnell 16

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 8

Medieval Madness
Sam Palmer 13,072,980 7
David Aceto 12,769,890 4
Chris Lekousi 12,686,650 1
Sam Palmer 138,030 1
David Aceto 172,060 4
Chris Lekousi 1,239,240 7
Mars Trek
Sam Palmer 185,800 1
David Aceto 393,600 7
Chris Lekousi 301,600 4
Eight Ball Deluxe
Sam Palmer 255,120 4
David Aceto 240,590 1
Chris Lekousi 571,070 7
Sam Palmer 13
David Aceto 16
Chris Lekousi 19

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 10

Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
1,962,150 1
Mike Hassett 27,683,070 5
Elizabeth Leonforte 47,590,240 7
elizabeth miller 4,285,730 3
Medieval Madness
1,533,010 1
Mike Hassett 3,855,520 3
Elizabeth Leonforte 8,998,230 7
elizabeth miller 7,126,200 5
Beatles, The (Gold)
637,560 3
Mike Hassett 2,723,550 7
Elizabeth Leonforte 608,260 1
elizabeth miller 912,360 5
Laser Cue
25,300 1
Mike Hassett 171,470 7
Elizabeth Leonforte 142,850 5
elizabeth miller 83,120 3
Mike Hassett 22
Elizabeth Leonforte 20
elizabeth miller 16

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 1 - Group 1

Donald Boom 248,541,290 7
Sarah Twomey 49,428,530 1
Gabe Noblesmith 71,391,680 4
Mustang (Pro)
Donald Boom 9,638,450 1
Sarah Twomey 11,658,030 4
Gabe Noblesmith 46,820,810 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Donald Boom 10,643,510 1
Sarah Twomey 25,929,690 4
Gabe Noblesmith 31,466,280 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Donald Boom 13,000,670 4
Sarah Twomey 3,600,110 1
Gabe Noblesmith 367,424,510 7
Donald Boom 13
Sarah Twomey 10
Gabe Noblesmith 25

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 1

Deadpool (Pro)
Matt Wenger 175,382,530 7
Henry LeClair 14,387,030 1
David Foxwell 30,331,260 3
Curtis Rossi 35,071,600 5
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Matt Wenger 47,187,590 5
Henry LeClair 2,363,110 1
David Foxwell 16,749,460 3
Curtis Rossi 65,406,800 7
Matt Wenger 341,260 5
Henry LeClair 85,710 1
David Foxwell 758,030 7
Curtis Rossi 108,750 3
Star Wars (Pro)
Matt Wenger 73,487,570 5
Henry LeClair 46,384,470 1
David Foxwell 71,862,680 3
Curtis Rossi 111,792,670 7
Matt Wenger 22
Henry LeClair 4
David Foxwell 16
Curtis Rossi 22

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 2

Grand Lizard
Rhys Wyman 60,400 1
Derek Beam 384,900 5
Chris Brunette 3,575,980 7
Jordan Knights 296,190 3
Mandalorian (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 13,022,150 3
Derek Beam 46,673,920 5
Chris Brunette 58,935,180 7
Jordan Knights 1,920,790 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 41,461,030 5
Derek Beam 1,903,690 1
Chris Brunette 137,898,530 7
Jordan Knights 4,042,860 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 740,190 1
Derek Beam 4,602,100 5
Chris Brunette 16,989,140 7
Jordan Knights 755,660 3
Rhys Wyman 10
Derek Beam 16
Chris Brunette 28
Jordan Knights 10

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 3

Derek Correia 240,540 7
Mike Gaudet 188,140 5
Erik Peabody 170,920 3
james Frost 156,880 1
James Bond 007 (Premium) [Stern 2022]
Derek Correia 94,548,110 7
Mike Gaudet 20,802,410 5
Erik Peabody 14,356,600 3
james Frost 2,091,990 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Derek Correia 70,818,080 7
Mike Gaudet 18,774,300 5
Erik Peabody 6,367,700 1
james Frost 12,820,040 3
Mandalorian (Pro)
Derek Correia 107,121,060 7
Mike Gaudet 83,724,010 5
Erik Peabody 38,273,210 3
james Frost 34,884,710 1
Derek Correia 28
Mike Gaudet 20
Erik Peabody 10
james Frost 6

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 4

Alien Poker
Ivy Beam 690,900 7
Derek Foxwell 376,640 1
Mitch Gagnon 486,570 4
Star Wars (Pro)
Ivy Beam 190,811,960 7
Derek Foxwell 106,680,600 4
Mitch Gagnon 87,631,380 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Ivy Beam 14,957,790 7
Derek Foxwell 2,705,100 1
Mitch Gagnon 5,412,020 4
Avatar (Pro)
Ivy Beam 4,837,400 4
Derek Foxwell 4,957,020 7
Mitch Gagnon 2,469,600 1
Ivy Beam 25
Derek Foxwell 13
Mitch Gagnon 10

Jim's RealHouse - Week 1 - Group 1

Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Jake Parsons 26,296,390 4
Danielle Louviere 6,569,340 1
Jim Farris 93,612,640 7
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Jake Parsons 19,554,531 7
Danielle Louviere 1,442,770 1
Jim Farris 4,705,680 4
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Jake Parsons 2,268,670 4
Danielle Louviere 954,230 1
Jim Farris 8,775,380 7
Jake Parsons 1,824,070 7
Danielle Louviere 264,370 1
Jim Farris 933,520 4
Jake Parsons 22
Danielle Louviere 4
Jim Farris 22

Jim's RealHouse - Week 1 - Group 2

Karim Bahai 580 4
Jeff Parsons 230 1
TJ Auger 1,295 7
Rick And Morty
Karim Bahai 1,248,605 4
Jeff Parsons 987,901 1
TJ Auger 2,820,705 7
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Karim Bahai 47,785,470 1
Jeff Parsons 242,773,420 7
TJ Auger 103,005,090 4
AC/DC (LUCI Premium)
Karim Bahai 19,055,220 1
Jeff Parsons 51,146,600 7
TJ Auger 46,304,730 4
Karim Bahai 10
Jeff Parsons 16
TJ Auger 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 1 - Group 1

Chris Crocker 11,126,560 4
Clarence Crews 1,312,950 1
Eric Schmersal 27,904,760 7
Chris Crocker 23,279,190 7
Clarence Crews 13,481,950 1
Eric Schmersal 17,553,250 4
Avatar (Pro)
Chris Crocker 13,214,540 7
Clarence Crews 7,748,560 1
Eric Schmersal 9,848,560 4
Iron Man
Chris Crocker 2,692,040 4
Clarence Crews 1,760,930 1
Eric Schmersal 3,788,200 7
Chris Crocker 22
Clarence Crews 4
Eric Schmersal 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 1 - Group 2

Iron Man
Larry Paquette 5,526,570 7
Alyssa Crews 2,076,100 1
Amy Schmersal 4,006,650 4
Hot Wheels
Larry Paquette 17,059,800 1
Alyssa Crews 34,861,350 7
Amy Schmersal 22,684,890 4
Avatar (Pro)
Larry Paquette 7,405,900 7
Alyssa Crews 393,740 1
Amy Schmersal 4,753,760 4
Aerosmith (Pro)
Larry Paquette 56,732,580 4
Alyssa Crews 6,419,470 1
Amy Schmersal 178,712,820 7
Larry Paquette 19
Alyssa Crews 10
Amy Schmersal 19

RumMex Pinball House - Week 1 - Group 3

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Aaron Cummings 24,547,690 7
Leo Paquette 18,016,850 4
Tim Bernard 5,680,690 1
Foo Fighters Pro
Aaron Cummings 27,632,030 7
Leo Paquette 9,991,010 4
Tim Bernard 3,213,400 1
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Aaron Cummings 7,141,930 1
Leo Paquette 71,399,920 7
Tim Bernard 37,973,980 4
Aaron Cummings 76,030 1
Leo Paquette 100,830 4
Tim Bernard 400,740 7
Aaron Cummings 16
Leo Paquette 19
Tim Bernard 13

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 2

Rush [Stern]
Michael Prince 37,968,210 3
Lucas Paquette 74,639,210 7
Jim Paquette 36,320,290 1
Mike Desmarais 41,774,780 5
Aerosmith (Pro)
Michael Prince 61,880,510 7
Lucas Paquette 61,541,590 5
Jim Paquette 5,303,230 1
Mike Desmarais 9,051,500 3
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Michael Prince 4,744,220 3
Lucas Paquette 66,114,030 7
Jim Paquette 4,528,540 1
Mike Desmarais 13,731,200 5
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Prince 20,038,390 1
Lucas Paquette 74,691,310 7
Jim Paquette 33,193,180 3
Mike Desmarais 41,298,820 5
Michael Prince 14
Lucas Paquette 26
Jim Paquette 6
Mike Desmarais 18

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 3

Aerosmith (Pro)
Lauren Baldwin 2,436,040 1
Greg Koker 7,014,700 5
Michael Brewster 5,272,770 3
Derek Karamanian 30,836,830 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Lauren Baldwin 37,482,730 1
Greg Koker 49,224,540 5
Michael Brewster 42,126,730 3
Derek Karamanian 94,973,230 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Lauren Baldwin 3,391,640 1
Greg Koker 31,881,020 5
Michael Brewster 57,837,630 7
Derek Karamanian 31,313,920 3
Star Wars (Pro)
Lauren Baldwin 270,164,510 5
Greg Koker 141,660,220 3
Michael Brewster 339,928,300 7
Derek Karamanian 76,615,530 1
Lauren Baldwin 8
Greg Koker 18
Michael Brewster 20
Derek Karamanian 18

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 4

Star Wars (Pro)
Tim Desmarais 134,084,120 5
Carrie-Ann Roy 297,744,950 7
Chad Adamczyk 68,516,700 1
Hal Cunha 101,503,960 3
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Tim Desmarais 58,152,010 7
Carrie-Ann Roy 23,635,620 1
Chad Adamczyk 44,390,950 3
Hal Cunha 52,360,430 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Tim Desmarais 50,713,630 7
Carrie-Ann Roy 17,023,750 1
Chad Adamczyk 37,912,820 5
Hal Cunha 19,606,760 3
Foo Fighters Pro
Tim Desmarais 25,617,950 3
Carrie-Ann Roy 4,913,420 1
Chad Adamczyk 57,748,010 7
Hal Cunha 33,035,240 5
Tim Desmarais 22
Carrie-Ann Roy 10
Chad Adamczyk 16
Hal Cunha 16

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 5

Foo Fighters Pro
Vincent Vitiello 112,354,350 7
Austin Roy 7,094,850 1
Stephen Woodbury 76,059,080 4
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Vincent Vitiello 87,710,420 7
Austin Roy 4,353,220 1
Stephen Woodbury 54,144,820 4
Aerosmith (Pro)
Vincent Vitiello 35,065,910 4
Austin Roy 7,069,750 1
Stephen Woodbury 115,635,080 7
Rush [Stern]
Vincent Vitiello 188,218,770 7
Austin Roy 4,128,700 1
Stephen Woodbury 15,332,980 4
Vincent Vitiello 25
Austin Roy 4
Stephen Woodbury 19

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 1

Mata Hari
paul conley 116,310 1
Gregory St Pierre 132,850 3
Geoff Alterman 140,360 5
ERIK SWANSON 242,860 7
Fish Tales
paul conley 21,688,550 7
Gregory St Pierre 13,950,080 5
Geoff Alterman 6,025,360 3
ERIK SWANSON 3,075,570 1
Pirates of the Caribbean
paul conley 110,114,580 7
Gregory St Pierre 767,840 1
Geoff Alterman 12,885,600 5
ERIK SWANSON 5,875,470 3
Rick And Morty
paul conley 1,934,401 3
Gregory St Pierre 1,373,304 1
Geoff Alterman 4,059,103 7
ERIK SWANSON 2,140,801 5
paul conley 18
Gregory St Pierre 10
Geoff Alterman 20

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 2

Metallica (Pro)
Nicole Bernier 4,441,310 3
Warwick Varney 4,431,840 1
Brad Sylvester 33,684,550 7
Kristofer Hurst 8,413,230 5
Halloween (Spooky Pinball 2022)
Nicole Bernier 1,436,200 1
Warwick Varney 2,597,170 5
Brad Sylvester 1,776,490 3
Kristofer Hurst 10,957,750 7
Nicole Bernier 134,638 3
Warwick Varney 66,251 1
Brad Sylvester 202,829 5
Kristofer Hurst 337,464 7
El Dorado
Nicole Bernier 27,030 7
Warwick Varney 16,090 1
Brad Sylvester 23,850 5
Kristofer Hurst 23,050 3
Nicole Bernier 14
Warwick Varney 8
Brad Sylvester 20
Kristofer Hurst 22

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 3

Nicholas Sylvester 76,740 7
Frances Zemlyn 21,480 1
Sarah McCormick 25,220 3
Flintstones, The
Nicholas Sylvester 383,341,660 7
Frances Zemlyn 101,214,150 3
Sarah McCormick 89,311,840 1
DENNIS GAINES 187,068,900 5
Deadpool (Pro)
Nicholas Sylvester 97,593,020 7
Frances Zemlyn 38,522,450 1
Sarah McCormick 66,808,070 5
DENNIS GAINES 42,525,540 3
Monster Bash remake Classic
Nicholas Sylvester 24,699,730 7
Frances Zemlyn 10,337,090 5
Sarah McCormick 1,178,930 1
DENNIS GAINES 3,955,020 3
Nicholas Sylvester 28
Frances Zemlyn 10
Sarah McCormick 10

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 4

Mandalorian (Pro)
Everest St Pierre 8,831,680 1
Scott MacCallum 24,774,770 5
William Towne 35,996,470 7
Zachary Pyle 21,717,120 3
Indiana Jones
Everest St Pierre 37,802,270 7
Scott MacCallum 4,610,340 5
William Towne 3,336,020 1
Zachary Pyle 3,855,590 3
Cirqus Voltaire
Everest St Pierre 2,609,710 3
Scott MacCallum 1,500,000 1
William Towne 5,518,670 5
Zachary Pyle 17,131,820 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Everest St Pierre 69,701,040 7
Scott MacCallum 19,924,870 3
William Towne 32,422,620 5
Zachary Pyle 18,396,800 1
Everest St Pierre 18
Scott MacCallum 14
William Towne 18
Zachary Pyle 14

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 5

Pirates of the Caribbean
Bruce Water 83,098,410 7
connor fuller 3,557,620 4
Jeremie Remian 1,300,650 1
Phantom of the Opera
Bruce Water 725,660 1
connor fuller 2,199,320 4
Jeremie Remian 2,793,550 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Bruce Water 19,919,670 1
connor fuller 50,618,530 4
Jeremie Remian 70,391,520 7
James Bond 007 (Pro) Stern 2022
Bruce Water 134,640,500 7
connor fuller 3,921,970 1
Jeremie Remian 6,313,320 4
Bruce Water 16
connor fuller 13
Jeremie Remian 19

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 1

Cactus Canyon
Matt Gray 17,639,400 3
Tim Barter 36,246,600 7
Marc Patenaude 13,814,810 1
Jason John 19,025,650 5
Matt Gray 28,293,740 5
Tim Barter 5,670,420 3
Marc Patenaude 4,569,780 1
Jason John 42,351,160 7
Stern James Bond Pro
Matt Gray 22,985,260 1
Tim Barter 204,342,490 7
Marc Patenaude 31,690,290 3
Jason John 49,750,990 5
Matt Gray 1,091,880 5
Tim Barter 1,541,670 7
Marc Patenaude 158,090 1
Jason John 251,100 3
Matt Gray 14
Tim Barter 24
Marc Patenaude 6
Jason John 20

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 2

Anne Whipple 1,686,690 5
Joshua Pack 709,360 3
Noah Luskey 2,221,860 7
Brendan Sullivan 493,310 1
Stern James Bond Pro
Anne Whipple 130,013,360 7
Joshua Pack 16,329,980 3
Noah Luskey 13,417,980 1
Brendan Sullivan 75,187,830 5
Cactus Canyon
Anne Whipple 5,595,710 1
Joshua Pack 8,411,590 5
Noah Luskey 7,214,210 3
Brendan Sullivan 9,349,570 7
The Sopranos®
Anne Whipple 5,641,450 1
Joshua Pack 13,215,760 5
Noah Luskey 14,853,920 7
Brendan Sullivan 9,383,250 3
Anne Whipple 14
Joshua Pack 16
Noah Luskey 18
Brendan Sullivan 16

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 3

Stern James Bond Pro
Nathan Powers 43,542,780 5
Hannah Furrelle 8,863,580 3
Ty Ueda 4,219,699 1
Daniel Radin 83,645,760 7
Cactus Canyon
Nathan Powers 4,338,840 1
Hannah Furrelle 5,986,800 3
Ty Ueda 35,914,930 7
Daniel Radin 17,634,080 5
The Sopranos®
Nathan Powers 3,591,980 1
Hannah Furrelle 8,971,480 5
Ty Ueda 4,347,060 3
Daniel Radin 16,405,980 7
White Water
Nathan Powers 6,425,370 5
Hannah Furrelle 1,034,301 1
Ty Ueda 1,847,689 3
Daniel Radin 8,260,970 7
Nathan Powers 12
Hannah Furrelle 12
Ty Ueda 14
Daniel Radin 26

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 4

Adam Erdossy 9,836,670 7
Angelica Quintanilla 3,251,120 4
Sean Sanker Jr 2,340,040 1
White Water
Adam Erdossy 60,941,010 7
Angelica Quintanilla 3,355,770 1
Sean Sanker Jr 26,386,440 4
The Big Lebowski
Adam Erdossy 7,933,130 7
Angelica Quintanilla 2,355,600 4
Sean Sanker Jr 1,661,320 1
Adam Erdossy 96,150 7
Angelica Quintanilla 90,990 4
Sean Sanker Jr 88,600 1
Adam Erdossy 28
Angelica Quintanilla 13
Sean Sanker Jr 7

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 5

The Big Lebowski
Sofia Manganella 8,939,570 5
Bryce Flint-Somerville 5,085,400 3
Wyatt Winters 1,996,460 1
Cheryl Przytula 9,005,920 7
Sofia Manganella 510,260 5
Bryce Flint-Somerville 159,070 1
Wyatt Winters 647,730 7
Cheryl Przytula 477,770 3
White Water
Sofia Manganella 150,146,360 3
Bryce Flint-Somerville 225,447,000 5
Wyatt Winters 282,887,780 7
Cheryl Przytula 12,240,110 1
Cactus Canyon
Sofia Manganella 42,629,400 7
Bryce Flint-Somerville 7,770,800 3
Wyatt Winters 9,003,370 5
Cheryl Przytula 6,147,770 1
Sofia Manganella 20
Bryce Flint-Somerville 12
Wyatt Winters 20
Cheryl Przytula 12

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 6

Sinbad (SS)
Erin LeBlanc 74,560 5
Chris Warren Swift 73,940 3
Sean Sanker 89,800 7
Brie Swift 41,780 1
The Big Lebowski
Erin LeBlanc 1,469,440 1
Chris Warren Swift 1,814,040 3
Sean Sanker 3,277,750 7
Brie Swift 1,829,540 5
Erin LeBlanc 404,250 5
Chris Warren Swift 361,870 1
Sean Sanker 1,815,660 7
Brie Swift 370,120 3
Erin LeBlanc 2,917,800 5
Chris Warren Swift 4,343,720 7
Sean Sanker 2,140,710 3
Brie Swift 1,724,400 1
Erin LeBlanc 16
Chris Warren Swift 14
Sean Sanker 24
Brie Swift 10

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 7

White Water
Dave Bell 98,612,450 7
Caitlin Barter 28,326,660 3
Jack Renner 18,175,550 1
Ben Gray 47,187,720 5
Dave Bell 7,092,500 5
Caitlin Barter 1,146,230 1
Jack Renner 1,182,810 3
Ben Gray 29,094,170 7
The Sopranos®
Dave Bell 2,445,560 1
Caitlin Barter 14,261,350 5
Jack Renner 16,530,130 7
Ben Gray 5,316,060 3
Stern James Bond Pro
Dave Bell 14,338,760 7
Caitlin Barter 13,125,650 5
Jack Renner 69 1
Ben Gray 4,950,260 3
Dave Bell 20
Caitlin Barter 14
Jack Renner 12
Ben Gray 18

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 1

The Wizard of Oz (Standard Edition)
Laurie Montelo 18,377 1
Mark Seiden 29,009 5
Mark Bjorkquist 35,082 7
Patrick Montelo 23,798 3
Houdini Master of Mystery
Laurie Montelo 226,815 3
Mark Seiden 330,240 5
Mark Bjorkquist 405,840 7
Patrick Montelo 203,227 1
Wild Life
Laurie Montelo 17,660 1
Mark Seiden 32,600 5
Mark Bjorkquist 32,570 3
Patrick Montelo 55,880 7
Revenge From Mars
Laurie Montelo 28,100,230 1
Mark Seiden 34,881,330 3
Mark Bjorkquist 248,285,780 7
Patrick Montelo 105,878,120 5
Laurie Montelo 6
Mark Seiden 18
Mark Bjorkquist 24
Patrick Montelo 16

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 2

Deadpool (Premium)
Anna Walker 16,998,110 3
Brad Smith 722,833,570 7
Derek Hilgenberg 11,197,880 1
Andrew Young 27,223,980 5
No Good Gofers
Anna Walker 3,461,780 5
Brad Smith 2,091,490 1
Derek Hilgenberg 3,635,960 7
Andrew Young 2,382,990 3
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Anna Walker 38,661,790 5
Brad Smith 181,725,280 7
Derek Hilgenberg 36,905,680 3
Andrew Young 18,961,280 1
The Wizard of Oz (Standard Edition)
Anna Walker 21,598 1
Brad Smith 315,564 7
Derek Hilgenberg 31,914 5
Andrew Young 23,912 3
Anna Walker 14
Brad Smith 22
Derek Hilgenberg 16
Andrew Young 12

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 3

Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Ray Leitzke 4,249,930 4
Quinn Yost 1,699,580 1
Enzo Ventrella 21,245,780 7
Doctor Who
Ray Leitzke 32,988,610 7
Quinn Yost 32,360,650 4
Enzo Ventrella 17,383,050 1
Deadpool (Premium)
Ray Leitzke 179,020,240 4
Quinn Yost 139,986,240 1
Enzo Ventrella 182,239,650 7
Junk Yard
Ray Leitzke 8,329,310 1
Quinn Yost 13,925,220 7
Enzo Ventrella 10,880,500 4
Ray Leitzke 16
Quinn Yost 13
Enzo Ventrella 19

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 4

Junk Yard
Erin Seiden 1,531,720 1
Ryan McQuaid 22,403,610 7
Chrissy Papnick 2,181,480 4
Champion Pub
Erin Seiden 2,411,390 4
Ryan McQuaid 682,990 1
Chrissy Papnick 5,357,010 7
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Erin Seiden 382,259,250 4
Ryan McQuaid 1,062,501,840 7
Chrissy Papnick 287,754,111 1
Doctor Who
Erin Seiden 26,627,590 1
Ryan McQuaid 151,700,760 7
Chrissy Papnick 107,225,310 4
Erin Seiden 10
Ryan McQuaid 22
Chrissy Papnick 16

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 5

Monster Bash remake Special
Glenn Krause 24,016,100 7
Mike Kyzivat 3,498,330 1
Victoria Lehman 5,180,520 4
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Glenn Krause 115,496,490 7
Mike Kyzivat 6,460,000 1
Victoria Lehman 42,265,070 4
Champion Pub
Glenn Krause 14,453,040 7
Mike Kyzivat 10,201,480 4
Victoria Lehman 2,762,420 1
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Glenn Krause 2,632,970 4
Mike Kyzivat 12,846,050 7
Victoria Lehman 805,520 1
Glenn Krause 25
Mike Kyzivat 13
Victoria Lehman 10

Wessie's Den - Week 1 - Group 1

Johnny Mnemonic
Caitlyn Hewson 470,537,340 3
Traynor Gauthier 2,801,872,710 7
Andrew Shaykin 227,777,550 1
Nathan Clavette 906,417,590 5
Caitlyn Hewson 17,288,736 3
Traynor Gauthier 961,261,880 7
Andrew Shaykin 8,922,040 1
Nathan Clavette 17,804,450 5
Caitlyn Hewson 71,100 1
Traynor Gauthier 290,680 7
Andrew Shaykin 164,540 5
Nathan Clavette 77,880 3
Eight Ball Deluxe
Caitlyn Hewson 221,530 5
Traynor Gauthier 661,560 7
Andrew Shaykin 149,620 3
Nathan Clavette 80,500 1
Caitlyn Hewson 12
Traynor Gauthier 28
Andrew Shaykin 10
Nathan Clavette 14

Wessie's Den - Week 1 - Group 2

Theatre of Magic
Jessica Frenette 110,866,810 4
Jacob Holz 68,321,930 1
Seth Clayter 499,000,000 7
Johnny Mnemonic
Jessica Frenette 1,512,036,840 4
Jacob Holz 364,336,060 1
Seth Clayter 1,542,581,580 7
Jessica Frenette 32,817,540 1
Jacob Holz 52,849,020 4
Seth Clayter 119,449,490 7
Jessica Frenette 9,211,580 1
Jacob Holz 27,754,520 4
Seth Clayter 64,328,930 7
Jessica Frenette 10
Jacob Holz 10
Seth Clayter 28

Wessie's Den - Week 1 - Group 3

Black Jack
Scott Kaplan 69,700 7
Joe Hinkle 19,350 1
Bret Drew 47,090 4
Eight Ball Deluxe
Scott Kaplan 358,030 7
Joe Hinkle 132,180 1
Bret Drew 195,060 4
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Scott Kaplan 13,540,440 1
Joe Hinkle 43,666,660 4
Bret Drew 65,004,200 7
Pirates of the Caribbean
Scott Kaplan 19,135,060 4
Joe Hinkle 44,991,140 7
Bret Drew 17,784,200 1
Scott Kaplan 19
Joe Hinkle 13
Bret Drew 16

Wessie's Den - Week 1 - Group 4

Eight Ball Deluxe
Katelyn Shaykin 256,120 4
Ainsworth Kohler 446,030 7
Scott Turcotte 179,390 1
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Katelyn Shaykin 21,151,410 4
Ainsworth Kohler 8,691,900 1
Scott Turcotte 76,429,970 7
Scared Stiff
Katelyn Shaykin 5,249,440 7
Ainsworth Kohler 4,792,650 4
Scott Turcotte 1,305,590 1
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Katelyn Shaykin 15,341,220 4
Ainsworth Kohler 50,409,070 7
Scott Turcotte 11,253,220 1
Katelyn Shaykin 19
Ainsworth Kohler 19
Scott Turcotte 10

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 1 - Group 1

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Jerry Lindsay 150,943,000 7
Rachel Hendsbee 73,979,800 1
Trey Crews 97,391,570 4
Deadpool (Pro)
Jerry Lindsay 34,096,860 7
Rachel Hendsbee 27,420,590 1
Trey Crews 31,605,970 4
The Walking Dead (Premium)
Jerry Lindsay 24,489,870 7
Rachel Hendsbee 7,615,590 1
Trey Crews 16,340,840 4
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Jerry Lindsay 40,181,730 4
Rachel Hendsbee 4,947,890 1
Trey Crews 43,283,400 7
Jerry Lindsay 25
Rachel Hendsbee 4
Trey Crews 19

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 1 - Group 2

The Walking Dead (Premium)
Scott Mellen 15,723,240 7
Adam Hendsbee 4,105,810 4
Taylor Ottman 3,437,000 1
Foo Fighters Pro
Scott Mellen 9,430,820 1
Adam Hendsbee 314,635,030 7
Taylor Ottman 10,465,480 4
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Scott Mellen 1,719,500 1
Adam Hendsbee 45,105,880 7
Taylor Ottman 26,341,180 4
Deadpool (Pro)
Scott Mellen 51,548,820 7
Adam Hendsbee 41,112,870 4
Taylor Ottman 27,141,720 1
Scott Mellen 16
Adam Hendsbee 22
Taylor Ottman 10

GameCraft Arcade - Week 1 - Group 1

Jurassic Park
Matthew Venuti 49,937,780 5
Alyssa Lee 9,328,950 1
Brody Marion 94,824,590 7
Daniel Cleary 38,155,690 3
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Matthew Venuti 146,072,490 5
Alyssa Lee 107,750,120 3
Brody Marion 295,560,590 7
Daniel Cleary 24,457,590 1
Attack from Mars
Matthew Venuti 702,673,100 1
Alyssa Lee 921,264,670 5
Brody Marion 3,349,228,870 7
Daniel Cleary 776,099,350 3
Matthew Venuti 108,218,120 5
Alyssa Lee 145,801,700 7
Brody Marion 68,862,320 3
Daniel Cleary 20,759,640 1
Matthew Venuti 16
Alyssa Lee 16
Brody Marion 24
Daniel Cleary 8

GameCraft Arcade - Week 1 - Group 2

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Ryan Belisle 107,786,060 7
Nicolas Quadrini 48,823,690 1
Raymond Farina 57,231,400 4
Foo Fighters - Premium
Ryan Belisle 215,269,300 4
Nicolas Quadrini 258,001,090 7
Raymond Farina 4,001,630 1
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Ryan Belisle 5,949,730 4
Nicolas Quadrini 12,718,400 7
Raymond Farina 4,010,420 1
Toy Story 4 LE
Ryan Belisle 7,486,520 7
Nicolas Quadrini 1,992,940 4
Raymond Farina 1,623,880 1
Ryan Belisle 22
Nicolas Quadrini 19
Raymond Farina 7

GameCraft Arcade - Week 1 - Group 5

The Lord of the Rings
Dagmar Haecker 15,435,630 5
Alexandria Lee 1,955,240 1
David Kroll 6,574,410 3
Rick Passmore 36,848,320 7
Scared Stiff
Dagmar Haecker 991,800 1
Alexandria Lee 3,411,270 7
David Kroll 2,081,410 3
Rick Passmore 3,354,060 5
Cactus Canyon
Dagmar Haecker 5,965,950 3
Alexandria Lee 13,152,450 5
David Kroll 3,814,530 1
Rick Passmore 46,622,730 7
Deadpool (Pro)
Dagmar Haecker 5,617,320 1
Alexandria Lee 8,544,430 3
David Kroll 63,241,760 7
Rick Passmore 9,334,980 5
Dagmar Haecker 10
Alexandria Lee 16
David Kroll 14
Rick Passmore 24

Toys From The Attic - Week 1 - Group 1

Mandalorian (Pro)
Matthew Dulchinos 5,598,720 1
TAYLIR BULLICK 6,163,250 4
Travis Berrios 48,331,170 7
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Matthew Dulchinos 65,846,540 7
TAYLIR BULLICK 2,125,040 4
Travis Berrios 1,988,410 1
Matthew Dulchinos 12,035,120 4
TAYLIR BULLICK 3,319,840 1
Travis Berrios 27,134,090 7
Matthew Dulchinos 75,317,160 4
TAYLIR BULLICK 6,632,920 1
Travis Berrios 193,040,660 7
Matthew Dulchinos 16
Travis Berrios 22

Toys From The Attic - Week 1 - Group 3

tim boston 127,035,200 7
Chris Laskey 13,128,580 1
Michael Freeman 124,660,580 4
Jurassic Park
tim boston 10,394,340 1
Chris Laskey 11,876,940 4
Michael Freeman 186,259,440 7
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
tim boston 441,520 1
Chris Laskey 1,156,540 4
Michael Freeman 8,668,240 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutlres Premium 2022
tim boston 113,490 1
Chris Laskey 767,090 4
Michael Freeman 2,713,650 7
tim boston 10
Chris Laskey 13
Michael Freeman 25

Toys From The Attic - Week 1 - Group 9

Donald Berrios 5,494,280 1
Ella Caughran 8,181,870 4
Michael Moheban 40,778,950 7
Donald Berrios 86,511,960 7
Ella Caughran 75,992,280 4
Michael Moheban 51,760,360 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Donald Berrios 59,698,140 7
Ella Caughran 19,671,890 4
Michael Moheban 14,242,760 1
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Donald Berrios 22,639,980 4
Ella Caughran 21,707,570 1
Michael Moheban 31,093,660 7
Donald Berrios 19
Ella Caughran 13
Michael Moheban 16

Cosmic Cottage Arcade - Week 1 - Group 1

Jurassic Park
Ian Hobson 81,248,160 5
Kyle Gale 60,812,480 3
Mike McGourty 40,413,050 1
Zheanna Murray 219,175,000 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Ian Hobson 194,517,950 5
Kyle Gale 263,946,950 7
Mike McGourty 1,220,600 1
Zheanna Murray 167,036,050 3
Ian Hobson 37,240 3
Kyle Gale 50,580 7
Mike McGourty 28,110 1
Zheanna Murray 48,570 5
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Ian Hobson 2,127,260 3
Kyle Gale 2,025,030 1
Mike McGourty 2,403,800 5
Zheanna Murray 8,655,060 7
Ian Hobson 16
Kyle Gale 18
Mike McGourty 8
Zheanna Murray 22

Cosmic Cottage Arcade - Week 1 - Group 2

Lila Bergen 40,190 4
David Schumaker 94,140 7
Cody Gamache 32,290 1
Mousin' Around!
Lila Bergen 642,590 1
David Schumaker 5,163,040 4
Cody Gamache 7,778,050 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Lila Bergen 5,243,170 1
David Schumaker 6,053,550 4
Cody Gamache 30,102,340 7
Bally Game Show, The
Lila Bergen 1,289,090 4
David Schumaker 555,080 1
Cody Gamache 15,222,250 7
Lila Bergen 10
David Schumaker 16
Cody Gamache 22

Cosmic Cottage Arcade - Week 1 - Group 3

Bally Game Show, The
Steven Amlaw 3,780,250 4
Kenny Weiner 10,148,210 7
Jim Landry 2,883,140 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Steven Amlaw 86,552,180 4
Kenny Weiner 525,590,460 7
Jim Landry 41,895,100 1
Steven Amlaw 274,353,640 1
Kenny Weiner 374,552,540 7
Jim Landry 370,711,540 4
Mousin' Around!
Steven Amlaw 6,448,210 7
Kenny Weiner 1,442,840 1
Jim Landry 1,908,820 4
Steven Amlaw 16
Kenny Weiner 22
Jim Landry 10

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 1

Demolition Man
Brendan Collins 140,670,880 5
Nikki Santiago 17,923,090 1
Dana Beguerie 40,221,520 3
Amy Hoffman 552,767,130 7
Popeye Saves the Earth
Brendan Collins 58,074,110 5
Nikki Santiago 49,318,750 3
Dana Beguerie 20,010,300 1
Amy Hoffman 78,131,500 7
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Brendan Collins 152,526,300 7
Nikki Santiago 8,635,490 5
Dana Beguerie 5,861,460 3
Amy Hoffman 5,166,430 1
Haunted House
Brendan Collins 126,290 7
Nikki Santiago 37,490 1
Dana Beguerie 91,510 3
Amy Hoffman 98,810 5
Brendan Collins 24
Nikki Santiago 10
Dana Beguerie 10
Amy Hoffman 20

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 3

Bram Stoker's Dracula
Mike Korcynski 42,920,410 5
Leland Wheeler 12,325,350 1
Romain David 102,823,760 7
Ross Bruening 14,248,470 3
Mike Korcynski 37,260 7
Leland Wheeler 31,920 3
Romain David 31,830 1
Ross Bruening 33,660 5
Attack from Mars
Mike Korcynski 818,350,790 5
Leland Wheeler 668,070,270 1
Romain David 709,409,530 3
Ross Bruening 2,260,142,340 7
The Shadow
Mike Korcynski 102,751,210 7
Leland Wheeler 28,840,550 1
Romain David 61,930,880 5
Ross Bruening 52,780,660 3
Mike Korcynski 24
Leland Wheeler 6
Romain David 16
Ross Bruening 18

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 4

Haunted House
Harry Nelken 63,120 3
Abigail O'Connor 208,990 5
Roth Michaels 239,520 7
Carly Baker 39,810 1
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Harry Nelken 35,713,450 3
Abigail O'Connor 42,287,280 5
Roth Michaels 43,751,000 7
Carly Baker 28,085,100 1
The Shadow
Harry Nelken 38,561,540 3
Abigail O'Connor 80,860,550 7
Roth Michaels 56,241,100 5
Carly Baker 16,500,440 1
Harry Nelken 76,140 7
Abigail O'Connor 60,420 5
Roth Michaels 21,210 3
Carly Baker 12,450 1
Harry Nelken 16
Abigail O'Connor 22
Roth Michaels 22
Carly Baker 4

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 5

The Shadow
Jose Lozano 81,583,080 4
Mark Magrath 23,220,110 1
Erik Haynes 1,126,274,840 7
Haunted House
Jose Lozano 165,460 4
Mark Magrath 73,380 1
Erik Haynes 184,500 7
Popeye Saves the Earth
Jose Lozano 32,252,750 1
Mark Magrath 33,065,150 4
Erik Haynes 167,671,660 7
Jose Lozano 44,170 4
Mark Magrath 49,210 7
Erik Haynes 11,670 1
Jose Lozano 13
Mark Magrath 13
Erik Haynes 22

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 6

World Poker Tour
David Huang 10,267,310 7
Betsy Bouche 1,302,410 1
Noah Fiedler 10,229,910 4
The Shadow
David Huang 36,551,760 4
Betsy Bouche 35,960,330 1
Noah Fiedler 57,940,220 7
David Huang 45,940 4
Betsy Bouche 46,630 7
Noah Fiedler 69 1
Demolition Man
David Huang 263,495,850 4
Betsy Bouche 211,814,380 1
Noah Fiedler 292,630,400 7
David Huang 19
Betsy Bouche 10
Noah Fiedler 19

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 9

Attack from Mars
Joe Creedon 141,010,520 1
Test Test 327,700,640 4
Robbie Barwick 1,379,661,170 7
World Poker Tour
Joe Creedon 1,161,100 1
Test Test 16,231,930 7
Robbie Barwick 11,175,420 4
Demolition Man
Joe Creedon 56,079,730 1
Test Test 133,129,860 4
Robbie Barwick 372,856,900 7
Popeye Saves the Earth
Joe Creedon 13,976,250 1
Test Test 138,323,870 7
Robbie Barwick 62,156,190 4
Joe Creedon 4
Test Test 22
Robbie Barwick 22

Funspot - Week 1 - Group 8

Nikolas Apel 491,310 7
John Bolton 311,110 4
Don Lavalette 163,060 1
Nikolas Apel 83,340 1
John Bolton 345,340 7
Don Lavalette 101,780 4
Black Knight
Nikolas Apel 55,640 4
John Bolton 2,082,140 7
Don Lavalette 32,800 1
Nikolas Apel 80,870 4
John Bolton 112,250 7
Don Lavalette 62,300 1
Nikolas Apel 16
John Bolton 25
Don Lavalette 7

Funspot - Week 1 - Group 9

Zackary Holt 32,150 1
Gerard Buchko 42,760 3
Eva Ashton 72,220 7
Dave Lawton 65,020 5
Zackary Holt 498,240 3
Gerard Buchko 176,100 1
Eva Ashton 859,220 5
Dave Lawton 924,330 7
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Zackary Holt 78,638,180 7
Gerard Buchko 13,120,430 3
Eva Ashton 4,961,410 1
Dave Lawton 75,675,100 5
Zackary Holt 20,727,060 7
Gerard Buchko 1,469,470 1
Eva Ashton 2,290,300 3
Dave Lawton 12,025,550 5
Zackary Holt 18
Gerard Buchko 8
Eva Ashton 16
Dave Lawton 22

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 8

Peter Roarke 16,515,230 5
Alexander Blaustein 16,870,730 7
Ethan Colaizzi 15,869,540 3
Patrick Burns 12,987,000 1
Peter Roarke 94,500 1
Alexander Blaustein 158,070 3
Ethan Colaizzi 211,380 5
Patrick Burns 232,990 7
Houdini Master of Mystery
Peter Roarke 115,477 5
Alexander Blaustein 40,869 1
Ethan Colaizzi 158,273 7
Patrick Burns 61,290 3
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Peter Roarke 16,307,740 3
Alexander Blaustein 12,355,920 1
Ethan Colaizzi 36,060,020 5
Patrick Burns 134,866,810 7
Peter Roarke 14
Alexander Blaustein 12
Ethan Colaizzi 20
Patrick Burns 18

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 9

Time Fantasy
Connor Lafleur 86,030 4
Samantha Paradis 71,140 1
Andrew Stevens 165,320 7
Deadpool (Pro)
Connor Lafleur 102,688,810 7
Samantha Paradis 41,880,510 1
Andrew Stevens 85,744,460 4
Lethal Weapon 3
Connor Lafleur 4,694,420 1
Samantha Paradis 9,593,520 4
Andrew Stevens 15,991,490 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Connor Lafleur 6,235,540 1
Samantha Paradis 53,342,970 4
Andrew Stevens 112,053,480 7
Connor Lafleur 13
Samantha Paradis 10
Andrew Stevens 25

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 10

Bally Game Show, The
Arthur Fontaine 9,321,260 7
Scott Temple 3,982,230 4
Ben Silvestri 1,883,130 1
Arthur Fontaine 62,834,790 1
Scott Temple 248,850,750 7
Ben Silvestri 111,600,690 4
Arthur Fontaine 10,230,470 7
Scott Temple 357,030 1
Ben Silvestri 1,502,460 4
Dolly Parton
Arthur Fontaine 131,190 1
Scott Temple 139,380 4
Ben Silvestri 359,150 7
Arthur Fontaine 16
Scott Temple 16
Ben Silvestri 16

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 11

Ghostbusters (Pro)
Rick Rock 5,675,430 1
Neil Graham 463,100,680 7
Kirt Fox 310,245,330 4
Rick Rock 112,270 4
Neil Graham 93,900 1
Kirt Fox 176,090 7
Rick Rock 180,850 7
Neil Graham 99,570 4
Kirt Fox 49,480 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Rick Rock 288,288,410 4
Neil Graham 643,000,000 7
Kirt Fox 41,975,270 1
Rick Rock 16
Neil Graham 19
Kirt Fox 13

Pizza J - Week 2 - Group 4

John Shanahan 17,971,910 1
David Rabinowitz 44,114,050 7
Mike Schmitt 35,167,570 5
Connor Mulberry 22,213,390 3
Cactus Canyon SE+
John Shanahan 17,731,500 3
David Rabinowitz 26,669,120 7
Mike Schmitt 25,593,180 5
Connor Mulberry 16,441,020 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
John Shanahan 18,169,330 5
David Rabinowitz 5,756,760 1
Mike Schmitt 11,172,470 3
Connor Mulberry 772,807,330 7
James Bond 007 Premium
John Shanahan 86,736,700 5
David Rabinowitz 71,037,800 3
Mike Schmitt 89,640,710 7
Connor Mulberry 39,084,390 1
John Shanahan 14
David Rabinowitz 18
Mike Schmitt 20
Connor Mulberry 12

Pizza J - Week 2 - Group 5

Cactus Canyon SE+
Michael Renzi 4,999,020 1
Jack Shanahan 11,662,300 5
Natalie Renzi 6,605,270 3
Adam Erdossy 12,658,790 7
Michael Renzi 107,676,370 5
Jack Shanahan 157,169,720 7
Natalie Renzi 33,718,130 3
Adam Erdossy 20,325,650 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Renzi 6,771,500 1
Jack Shanahan 67,912,680 7
Natalie Renzi 7,091,610 3
Adam Erdossy 61,644,190 5
Foo Fighters Pro
Michael Renzi 7,743,750 1
Jack Shanahan 15,223,210 3
Natalie Renzi 22,402,860 7
Adam Erdossy 16,382,560 5
Michael Renzi 8
Jack Shanahan 22
Natalie Renzi 16
Adam Erdossy 18

Pizza J - Week 2 - Group 7

Foo Fighters Pro
Sheri Hendricks 6,153,040 1
Scott D'Agostino 17,218,050 7
Amber Lee 10,634,060 4
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Sheri Hendricks 7,973,730 1
Scott D'Agostino 11,656,430 4
Amber Lee 13,946,990 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Sheri Hendricks 48,563,540 4
Scott D'Agostino 161,357,360 7
Amber Lee 24,946,990 1
Toy Story 4 LE
Sheri Hendricks 491,560 4
Scott D'Agostino 6,266,770 7
Amber Lee 442,170 1
Sheri Hendricks 10
Scott D'Agostino 25
Amber Lee 13

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 7

Time Fantasy
Andrew Berryman 184,260 1
Eric Geddes 1,663,610 7
Elspeth Stewart 251,260 5
Mark Henderson 230,370 3
AC/DC (Premium)
Andrew Berryman 24,148,300 5
Eric Geddes 130,195,000 7
Elspeth Stewart 4,207,460 1
Mark Henderson 19,519,770 3
Andrew Berryman 274,834,380 3
Eric Geddes 647,804,500 7
Elspeth Stewart 172,936,880 1
Mark Henderson 287,680,760 5
Dolly Parton
Andrew Berryman 55,900 1
Eric Geddes 259,240 3
Elspeth Stewart 306,870 7
Mark Henderson 269,910 5
Andrew Berryman 10
Eric Geddes 24
Elspeth Stewart 14
Mark Henderson 16

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 8

Dolly Parton
Dana Beguerie 43,370 1
Kenny Weiner 199,850 7
James McFatter 63,510 3
Brad Rosenblum 106,350 5
Dana Beguerie 90,071,520 1
Kenny Weiner 295,616,490 7
James McFatter 134,616,600 3
Brad Rosenblum 230,064,550 5
Rush Pro
Dana Beguerie 3,331,010 1
Kenny Weiner 95,246,010 7
James McFatter 52,780,850 5
Brad Rosenblum 37,802,570 3
AC/DC (Premium)
Dana Beguerie 28,927,320 3
Kenny Weiner 31,086,470 5
James McFatter 37,959,310 7
Brad Rosenblum 16,935,740 1
Dana Beguerie 6
Kenny Weiner 26
James McFatter 18
Brad Rosenblum 14

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 9

Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Edward Cabral 26,478,470 7
Joe Creedon 4,591,830 1
Matt Guay 7,109,830 5
Jason Dyer 5,820,300 3
KISS (Premium/LE)
Edward Cabral 34,745,580 5
Joe Creedon 2,857,300 1
Matt Guay 98,738,970 7
Jason Dyer 6,444,900 3
Rolling Stones
Edward Cabral 307,550 3
Joe Creedon 22,190 1
Matt Guay 342,040 5
Jason Dyer 1,062,080 7
The Rolling Stones
Edward Cabral 4,363,450 5
Joe Creedon 3,266,050 1
Matt Guay 4,110,870 3
Jason Dyer 8,345,280 7
Edward Cabral 20
Joe Creedon 4
Matt Guay 20
Jason Dyer 20

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 11

Rolling Stones
Benjamin Bloomstein 266,410 5
Joshua Henderson 195,880 3
Jason Aloisi 143,900 1
Alyssa Alsheimer 405,570 7
Guns N' Roses
Benjamin Bloomstein 410,007,390 3
Joshua Henderson 587,297,410 5
Jason Aloisi 919,863,530 7
Alyssa Alsheimer 140,579,380 1
Dolly Parton
Benjamin Bloomstein 188,460 7
Joshua Henderson 26,660 1
Jason Aloisi 125,220 5
Alyssa Alsheimer 87,010 3
Benjamin Bloomstein 202,786,760 3
Joshua Henderson 864,342,970 7
Jason Aloisi 408,929,210 5
Alyssa Alsheimer 104,370,230 1
Benjamin Bloomstein 18
Joshua Henderson 16
Jason Aloisi 18
Alyssa Alsheimer 12

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 12

Foo Fighters - Premium
Derek Correia 57,862,570 1
Colin Alsheimer 79,925,650 4
Andrew Logan 135,659,080 7
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Derek Correia 37,090,000 7
Colin Alsheimer 19,988,500 4
Andrew Logan 10,893,200 1
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Derek Correia 277,575,530 7
Colin Alsheimer 117,032,890 4
Andrew Logan 17,998,200 1
Beatles, The (Gold)
Derek Correia 3,693,890 4
Colin Alsheimer 4,110,580 7
Andrew Logan 1,737,370 1
Derek Correia 19
Colin Alsheimer 19
Andrew Logan 10

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 13

Jason John 266,857,760 7
Michael Sandler 53,324,170 1
Carrie Aloisi 74,701,440 3
Jordan Knights 78,384,620 5
Dolly Parton
Jason John 183,260 7
Michael Sandler 32,900 1
Carrie Aloisi 69,220 5
Jordan Knights 34,340 3
Foo Fighters - Premium
Jason John 175,359,760 7
Michael Sandler 68,099,920 5
Carrie Aloisi 4,729,980 1
Jordan Knights 36,298,370 3
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Jason John 3,575,140 3
Michael Sandler 22,813,680 7
Carrie Aloisi 2,829,520 1
Jordan Knights 12,865,910 5
Jason John 24
Michael Sandler 14
Carrie Aloisi 10
Jordan Knights 16

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 3

NBA Fastbreak
Ron Lulfs 71 4
Chuck Webster 88 7
Michael Corbett 39 1
Charlie's Angels (SS)
Ron Lulfs 47,570 1
Chuck Webster 508,920 7
Michael Corbett 139,190 4
Black Jack
Ron Lulfs 80,810 4
Chuck Webster 39,170 1
Michael Corbett 98,020 7
Ron Lulfs 888,220 1
Chuck Webster 1,784,760 4
Michael Corbett 6,411,910 7
Ron Lulfs 10
Chuck Webster 19
Michael Corbett 19

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 4

Strikes and Spares
Cody Gamache 319,790 4
Zheanna Murray 347,270 7
Chip Morton 86,050 1
Target Pool
Cody Gamache 3,312 1
Zheanna Murray 3,969 4
Chip Morton 6,802 7
NBA Fastbreak
Cody Gamache 113 7
Zheanna Murray 60 4
Chip Morton 58 1
Jacks Open
Cody Gamache 69,910 4
Zheanna Murray 61,090 1
Chip Morton 127,140 7
Cody Gamache 16
Zheanna Murray 16
Chip Morton 16

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 5

Cody Shaw 2,972,190 4
Augustus Eustis 3,849,870 7
Will Parks 1,409,340 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Cody Shaw 59,313,910 4
Augustus Eustis 76,084,300 7
Will Parks 5,804,950 1
Cody Shaw 62,170 4
Augustus Eustis 96,040 7
Will Parks 41,460 1
Cody Shaw 302,700 7
Augustus Eustis 152,600 1
Will Parks 232,790 4
Cody Shaw 19
Augustus Eustis 22
Will Parks 7

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 8

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Mark Johnson 9,300,000 7
Tammy Charbonneau 9,000,000 5
Gabrielle Kronyak 7,700,000 3
Benjamin Bonaccio 6,200,000 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Mark Johnson 265,000,000 5
Tammy Charbonneau 80,000,000 3
Gabrielle Kronyak 56,000,000 1
Benjamin Bonaccio 306,000,000 7
Black Hole
Mark Johnson 113,000 3
Tammy Charbonneau 175,000 7
Gabrielle Kronyak 134,000 5
Benjamin Bonaccio 37,000 1
Joker Poker EM
Mark Johnson 173,000 5
Tammy Charbonneau 233,000 7
Gabrielle Kronyak 63,000 1
Benjamin Bonaccio 79,000 3
Mark Johnson 20
Tammy Charbonneau 22
Gabrielle Kronyak 10
Benjamin Bonaccio 12

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 10

Houdini Master of Mystery
Alex Yeager 116,787 4
Connor Shlatz 239,918 7
Allison Havens 33,875 1
Alex Yeager 564,013,320 4
Connor Shlatz 3,134,170,850 7
Allison Havens 231,592,210 1
High Speed
Alex Yeager 272,580 1
Connor Shlatz 2,432,550 7
Allison Havens 634,860 4
Alex Yeager 29,100 1
Connor Shlatz 39,620 4
Allison Havens 40,100 7
Alex Yeager 10
Connor Shlatz 25
Allison Havens 13

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 11

The Big Lebowski
Matthew Schroeder 1,582,740 1
Nathan Crosby 13,579,940 5
Jack Kubera 3,360,970 3
Preston Francisco 13,609,260 7
Red & Ted's Road Show
Matthew Schroeder 146,591,210 3
Nathan Crosby 247,341,960 7
Jack Kubera 41,095,350 1
Preston Francisco 221,859,820 5
Matthew Schroeder 123,030 1
Nathan Crosby 387,250 7
Jack Kubera 384,190 5
Preston Francisco 310,500 3
Matthew Schroeder 373,960 7
Nathan Crosby 85,000 1
Jack Kubera 91,540 3
Preston Francisco 284,790 5
Matthew Schroeder 12
Nathan Crosby 20
Jack Kubera 12
Preston Francisco 20

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 12

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Bill McHugh 326,000,000 7
Mike Havens 17,000,000 1
Allison Land 27,000,000 4
The Lord of the Rings
Bill McHugh 4,700,000 4
Mike Havens 38,500,000 7
Allison Land 4,300,000 1
Mystery Castle
Bill McHugh 106,000,000 4
Mike Havens 204,000,000 7
Allison Land 58,000,000 1
Bill McHugh 157,000 4
Mike Havens 733,000 7
Allison Land 82,000 1
Bill McHugh 19
Mike Havens 22
Allison Land 7

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 13

The Big Lebowski
Philip Stevens 1,300,000 1
Kris LaCross 10,700,000 4
Doug Blackmore 12,500,000 7
Wipe Out
Philip Stevens 21,000,000 1
Kris LaCross 41,000,000 4
Doug Blackmore 88,000,000 7
Philip Stevens 589,000,000 1
Kris LaCross 1,211,000,000 4
Doug Blackmore 2,000,000,000 7
Philip Stevens 19,000 1
Kris LaCross 41,000 4
Doug Blackmore 45,000 7
Philip Stevens 4
Kris LaCross 16
Doug Blackmore 28

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 14

Jurassic Park
Eric Marz 24,000,000 1
Constantinos Stivaros 60,000,000 4
Jody Stahlman 102,000,000 7
Black Hole
Eric Marz 123,000 7
Constantinos Stivaros 118,000 4
Jody Stahlman 77,000 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Eric Marz 535,000,000 7
Constantinos Stivaros 173,000,000 4
Jody Stahlman 134,000,000 1
Joker Poker EM
Eric Marz 512,000 7
Constantinos Stivaros 78,000 1
Jody Stahlman 145,000 4
Eric Marz 22
Constantinos Stivaros 13
Jody Stahlman 13

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 6

Medieval Madness (Remake Standard Edition)
Karen Tremblay 21,038,850 5
Howard Edelstein 2,761,810 1
Christopher Tremblay 47,062,140 7
James MacLean 10,201,930 3
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Karen Tremblay 9,900,180 3
Howard Edelstein 11,072,870 5
Christopher Tremblay 2,302,740 1
James MacLean 20,021,040 7
Attack From Mars (Remake Special Edition)
Karen Tremblay 650,488,350 1
Howard Edelstein 2,043,078,310 7
Christopher Tremblay 760,605,490 3
James MacLean 1,266,448,280 5
Hot Wheels
Karen Tremblay 218,535,090 5
Howard Edelstein 235,337,070 7
Christopher Tremblay 206,655,540 3
James MacLean 12,517,220 1
Karen Tremblay 14
Howard Edelstein 20
Christopher Tremblay 14
James MacLean 16

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 7

Hot Wheels
Frank Shepherd 48,208,840 5
Paul Davis 669,931,700 7
Colleen Mootrey 13,734,700 1
Chris Shepherd 23,443,360 3
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Frank Shepherd 5,505,900 1
Paul Davis 6,843,870 3
Colleen Mootrey 10,948,580 5
Chris Shepherd 31,933,740 7
Godzilla (Premium)
Frank Shepherd 140,775,530 7
Paul Davis 31,302,640 3
Colleen Mootrey 24,414,590 1
Chris Shepherd 66,247,740 5
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Frank Shepherd 32,418,780 7
Paul Davis 11,159,600 5
Colleen Mootrey 3,187,180 1
Chris Shepherd 5,959,480 3
Frank Shepherd 20
Paul Davis 18
Colleen Mootrey 8
Chris Shepherd 18

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 8

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Alan MacLean 330,137,990 7
Matt Osborn 81,729,490 5
Isabelle Smith 22,926,550 3
Luca Giordano 8,165,750 1
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Alan MacLean 182,582,590 7
Matt Osborn 29,691,870 1
Isabelle Smith 32,650,980 3
Luca Giordano 69,804,590 5
Monster Bash remake Special
Alan MacLean 59,778,550 7
Matt Osborn 8,007,210 5
Isabelle Smith 6,229,510 3
Luca Giordano 2,111,500 1
Godzilla (Premium)
Alan MacLean 275,488,360 7
Matt Osborn 45,273,150 3
Isabelle Smith 99,282,990 5
Luca Giordano 12,265,850 1
Alan MacLean 28
Matt Osborn 14
Isabelle Smith 14
Luca Giordano 8

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 9

Disney TRON Legacy
David Stonely 10,821,990 5
Gail Edelstein 13,855,520 7
Aaron Gunn 4,064,190 1
Matt Wenger 4,625,650 3
Monster Bash remake Special
David Stonely 41,119,310 5
Gail Edelstein 29,549,190 3
Aaron Gunn 58,148,436 7
Matt Wenger 20,895,980 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
David Stonely 11,868,530 3
Gail Edelstein 15,104,080 5
Aaron Gunn 11,190,010 1
Matt Wenger 31,376,980 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
David Stonely 66,110,390 3
Gail Edelstein 14,825,890 1
Aaron Gunn 348,359,760 7
Matt Wenger 140,047,020 5
David Stonely 16
Gail Edelstein 16
Aaron Gunn 16
Matt Wenger 16

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 8

Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Gino Volpe 46,940,930 7
Michael Pare 15,530,650 4
Stephanie Harvey 1,146,580 1
WHO dunnit
Gino Volpe 371,549,400 1
Michael Pare 404,012,050 4
Stephanie Harvey 601,846,750 7
Eight Ball
Gino Volpe 160,930 7
Michael Pare 56,940 4
Stephanie Harvey 27,640 1
Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition
Gino Volpe 663,680 4
Michael Pare 1,376,600 7
Stephanie Harvey 278,180 1
Gino Volpe 19
Michael Pare 19
Stephanie Harvey 10

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 12

Greg Abrams 1,018,700 1
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 2,262,770 3
Robert Claffie 5,488,250 7
Justin Fontaine 4,146,670 5
Shaq Attaq
Greg Abrams 47,172,020 3
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 26,730,590 1
Robert Claffie 74,841,450 5
Justin Fontaine 213,663,360 7
Space Shuttle
Greg Abrams 342,560 3
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 376,260 5
Robert Claffie 159,080 1
Justin Fontaine 548,850 7
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Greg Abrams 859,043,220 7
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 373,939,310 1
Robert Claffie 567,380,950 5
Justin Fontaine 428,713,090 3
Greg Abrams 14
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 10
Robert Claffie 18
Justin Fontaine 22

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 14

The Addams Family
Mike McHugh 12,185,710 1
Paul Carlson 93,494,560 4
Christopher Harvey 95,263,280 7
Lethal Weapon 3
Mike McHugh 2,316,360 1
Paul Carlson 64,907,980 7
Christopher Harvey 8,436,490 4
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Mike McHugh 1,741,510 1
Paul Carlson 8,325,530 7
Christopher Harvey 7,451,360 4
WHO dunnit
Mike McHugh 150,057,070 1
Paul Carlson 216,001,530 4
Christopher Harvey 595,547,400 7
Mike McHugh 4
Paul Carlson 22
Christopher Harvey 22

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 15

The Simpsons
Dillon Serdechny 928,540 1
John Manuelian 1,850,390 7
Emily Rose 1,068,100 4
Judge Dredd
Dillon Serdechny 10,438,350 1
John Manuelian 23,162,070 4
Emily Rose 67,031,300 7
The Shadow
Dillon Serdechny 116,220,770 4
John Manuelian 280,362,420 7
Emily Rose 63,420,330 1
Dillon Serdechny 462,530 7
John Manuelian 151,330 4
Emily Rose 119,220 1
Dillon Serdechny 13
John Manuelian 22
Emily Rose 13

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 16

Gary Serdechny 451,673,000 1
Grace Whitman 717,974,110 7
William Yasick 547,966,200 3
Hemeth Watts 681,358,300 5
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Gary Serdechny 301,220,520 3
Grace Whitman 482,531,410 7
William Yasick 302,355,030 5
Hemeth Watts 264,479,570 1
Judge Dredd
Gary Serdechny 19,990,300 3
Grace Whitman 45,605,580 7
William Yasick 42,438,020 5
Hemeth Watts 15,747,440 1
Family Guy
Gary Serdechny 4,866,830 3
Grace Whitman 5,021,200 5
William Yasick 4,493,240 1
Hemeth Watts 7,095,530 7
Gary Serdechny 10
Grace Whitman 26
William Yasick 14
Hemeth Watts 14

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 4

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Alex Quaintance 1,998,110 5
Irene Grasse 930,640 3
Todd Crawford 671,570 1
Preston Bick 4,625,770 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Alex Quaintance 36,692,380 7
Irene Grasse 10,177,880 3
Todd Crawford 34,165,680 5
Preston Bick 4,840,290 1
Attack from Mars
Alex Quaintance 1,988,809,650 7
Irene Grasse 760,439,250 1
Todd Crawford 1,068,097,720 3
Preston Bick 1,070,098,870 5
Godzilla (Pro) [Stern, 2021]
Alex Quaintance 20,605,830 1
Irene Grasse 28,756,120 7
Todd Crawford 27,998,870 5
Preston Bick 21,223,290 3
Alex Quaintance 20
Irene Grasse 14
Todd Crawford 14
Preston Bick 16

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 5

Jurassic Park
Jayson Kohl 134,503,550 7
Dave Hoffman 15,773,230 1
Jonathan Jafari 17,402,840 4
Monster Bash remake Classic
Jayson Kohl 18,801,140 4
Dave Hoffman 23,269,200 7
Jonathan Jafari 3,823,190 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Jayson Kohl 5,268,210 4
Dave Hoffman 221,950 1
Jonathan Jafari 6,033,040 7
Halloween (SE) [Spooky Pinball, 2021]
Jayson Kohl 9,475,600 7
Dave Hoffman 5,973,440 1
Jonathan Jafari 7,329,430 4
Jayson Kohl 22
Dave Hoffman 10
Jonathan Jafari 16

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 6

Munsters (Pro)
Karim Bahai 1,202,450 1
Jeff Spires 5,682,620 7
Michael Freeman 3,729,140 4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Karim Bahai 11,707,650 7
Jeff Spires 10,413,810 4
Michael Freeman 4,968,860 1
The Addams Family
Karim Bahai 25,058,970 4
Jeff Spires 11,913,450 1
Michael Freeman 36,546,770 7
Jurassic Park
Karim Bahai 76,627,800 4
Jeff Spires 100,008,820 7
Michael Freeman 17,172,570 1
Karim Bahai 16
Jeff Spires 19
Michael Freeman 13

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 7

The Addams Family
Mike Morris 44,625,110 7
Luke Farry 33,105,550 4
Christopher Gaudet 24,796,640 1
Medieval Madness
Mike Morris 34,925,570 7
Luke Farry 6,040,270 4
Christopher Gaudet 3,675,840 1
Munsters (Pro)
Mike Morris 1,748,420 4
Luke Farry 1,813,760 7
Christopher Gaudet 1,325,890 1
Monster Bash remake Classic
Mike Morris 26,437,140 7
Luke Farry 15,691,020 4
Christopher Gaudet 1,464,380 1
Mike Morris 25
Luke Farry 19
Christopher Gaudet 4

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 6

Hot Wheels
Christopher Darden 387,000,000 5
Chip Van Dyke 285,000,000 3
Noah Crable 434,000,000 7
Seamus Meader 69,000,000 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Christopher Darden 100,000,000 5
Chip Van Dyke 39,000,000 1
Noah Crable 94,000,000 3
Seamus Meader 144,000,000 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Christopher Darden 45,000,000 3
Chip Van Dyke 27,000,000 1
Noah Crable 229,000,000 7
Seamus Meader 82,000,000 5
James Bond 007 Pro
Christopher Darden 247,000,000 7
Chip Van Dyke 35,000,000 1
Noah Crable 169,000,000 3
Seamus Meader 244,000,000 5
Christopher Darden 20
Chip Van Dyke 6
Noah Crable 20
Seamus Meader 18

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 7

Godzilla pro
patrick countryman 65,000,000 5
Pete Pappavaselio 18,000,000 3
Colleen Riley 8,000,000 1
Mark Ross 78,000,000 7
Bobby Orr's Power Play
patrick countryman 67,000 7
Pete Pappavaselio 39,000 5
Colleen Riley 29,600 3
Mark Ross 29,300 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
patrick countryman 59,000,000 5
Pete Pappavaselio 63,000,000 7
Colleen Riley 25,000,000 1
Mark Ross 46,000,000 3
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
patrick countryman 102,000,000 7
Pete Pappavaselio 27,000,000 1
Colleen Riley 30,000,000 3
Mark Ross 68,000,000 5
patrick countryman 24
Pete Pappavaselio 16
Colleen Riley 8
Mark Ross 16

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 8

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Sarah Finn 7,000,000 1
Bo Williams 45,000,000 5
Julia Barnes-Brown 8,000,000 3
Steve Matos 241,000,000 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Sarah Finn 5,000,000 3
Bo Williams 3,000,000 1
Julia Barnes-Brown 8,000,000 5
Steve Matos 16,000,000 7
Godzilla pro
Sarah Finn 21,000,000 3
Bo Williams 44,000,000 5
Julia Barnes-Brown 10,000,000 1
Steve Matos 260,000,000 7
Mandalorian (Pro)
Sarah Finn 3,000,000 3
Bo Williams 25,000,000 5
Julia Barnes-Brown 565,000 1
Steve Matos 103,000,000 7
Sarah Finn 10
Bo Williams 16
Julia Barnes-Brown 10
Steve Matos 28

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 9

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Lucas Herter 162,000,000 7
Sean Marquand 32,000,000 1
Bruce Bettis 46,000,000 3
Paul Cormier 70,000,000 5
James Bond 007 Pro
Lucas Herter 77,000,000 5
Sean Marquand 7,000,000 1
Bruce Bettis 70,000,000 3
Paul Cormier 234,000,000 7
Godzilla pro
Lucas Herter 62,000,000 7
Sean Marquand 22,000,000 1
Bruce Bettis 56,000,000 5
Paul Cormier 37,000,000 3
Hot Wheels
Lucas Herter 164,000,000 5
Sean Marquand 470,000,000 7
Bruce Bettis 24,000,000 1
Paul Cormier 52,000,000 3
Lucas Herter 24
Sean Marquand 10
Bruce Bettis 12
Paul Cormier 18

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 10

Foo Fighters Pro
Christopher McDonough 6,000,000 1
Adam Meader 22,000,000 4
Kenneth Johnson 30,000,000 7
Batman 66 (Premium)
Christopher McDonough 103,000,000 4
Adam Meader 172,000,000 7
Kenneth Johnson 31,000,000 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Christopher McDonough 18,000,000 4
Adam Meader 29,000,000 7
Kenneth Johnson 14,000,000 1
Jurassic Park
Christopher McDonough 41,000,000 1
Adam Meader 53,000,000 7
Kenneth Johnson 45,000,000 4
Christopher McDonough 10
Adam Meader 25
Kenneth Johnson 13

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 2 - Group 5

Batman 66 (Premium)
Cheryl Przytula 92,875,360 5
Tasker Smith 19,283,970 1
George Pratt 60,178,480 3
Robert Daddio 460,822,270 7
Cheryl Przytula 260,070 7
Tasker Smith 56,720 1
George Pratt 77,920 3
Robert Daddio 91,350 5
Game of Thrones (Pro)
Cheryl Przytula 54,890,320 3
Tasker Smith 47,743,380 1
George Pratt 172,344,550 7
Robert Daddio 110,369,320 5
Cheryl Przytula 66,050 5
Tasker Smith 32,390 3
George Pratt 100,480 7
Robert Daddio 17,260 1
Cheryl Przytula 20
Tasker Smith 6
George Pratt 20
Robert Daddio 18

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 2 - Group 6

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Joseph Lemire 244,523,410 7
Jeff Somers 79,788,450 4
Luca Webb 4,950,150 1
Joseph Lemire 254,170 7
Jeff Somers 30,770 1
Luca Webb 110,030 4
Batman 66 (Premium)
Joseph Lemire 249,327,510 7
Jeff Somers 37,558,110 4
Luca Webb 26,026,860 1
Joseph Lemire 128,670 7
Jeff Somers 126,600 4
Luca Webb 64,200 1
Joseph Lemire 28
Jeff Somers 13
Luca Webb 7

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 2 - Group 7

Flash Gordon
Marissa Pratt 132,170 1
Brian Knolhoff 399,860 4
Adam Cash 440,540 7
Game of Thrones (Pro)
Marissa Pratt 98,234,650 7
Brian Knolhoff 2,613,220 1
Adam Cash 52,580,270 4
Marissa Pratt 161,400 7
Brian Knolhoff 54,830 1
Adam Cash 81,620 4
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Marissa Pratt 61,084,240 4
Brian Knolhoff 62,479,870 7
Adam Cash 9,187,090 1
Marissa Pratt 19
Brian Knolhoff 13
Adam Cash 16

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 11

Attack from Mars
Nate Straz 1,753,313,810 4
Sam Palmer 412,719,000 1
Nathan Mills 2,124,929,070 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Nate Straz 11,233,130 1
Sam Palmer 44,092,320 4
Nathan Mills 44,634,170 7
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Nate Straz 4,022,920 4
Sam Palmer 3,710,780 1
Nathan Mills 288,751,570 7
Mata Hari
Nate Straz 288,850 7
Sam Palmer 71,860 4
Nathan Mills 70,520 1
Nate Straz 16
Sam Palmer 10
Nathan Mills 22

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 12

Katie O'Donnell 100 7
Douglas Erickson 70 1
Tom Law 80 3
David Aceto 90 5
Iron Man
Katie O'Donnell 100 7
Douglas Erickson 90 5
Tom Law 70 1
David Aceto 80 3
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Katie O'Donnell 80 3
Douglas Erickson 70 1
Tom Law 100 7
David Aceto 90 5
Avatar (Pro)
Katie O'Donnell 80 3
Douglas Erickson 90 5
Tom Law 100 7
David Aceto 70 1
Katie O'Donnell 20
Douglas Erickson 12
Tom Law 18
David Aceto 14

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 13

Victoria Fura 360,400 4
Jeremy Lota 671,230 7
elizabeth miller 32,100 1
Beatles, The (Gold)
Victoria Fura 1,512,040 4
Jeremy Lota 2,824,220 7
elizabeth miller 557,010 1
WWF Royal Rumble
Victoria Fura 101,498,520 4
Jeremy Lota 153,548,260 7
elizabeth miller 85,579,760 1
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Victoria Fura 67,185,510 7
Jeremy Lota 14,626,740 4
elizabeth miller 5,564,500 1
Victoria Fura 19
Jeremy Lota 25
elizabeth miller 4

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 14

Godzilla [Stern, 2021]
Jeff Ferguson 44,347,070 5
DENNIS GAINES 9,657,230 1
Matthew Liskom 36,981,230 3
Chyle Cameron 72,399,480 7
The Addams Family
Jeff Ferguson 43,074,220 1
DENNIS GAINES 43,505,870 3
Matthew Liskom 163,682,500 7
Chyle Cameron 65,447,730 5
Scared Stiff
Jeff Ferguson 5,448,980 1
DENNIS GAINES 7,333,840 3
Matthew Liskom 9,312,630 7
Chyle Cameron 8,578,550 5
Jeff Ferguson 73,750 5
Matthew Liskom 145,290 7
Chyle Cameron 66,600 3
Jeff Ferguson 12
Matthew Liskom 24
Chyle Cameron 20

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 16

Scooby Doo
Joey Harwood 1,144,700 5
Paul Aho 1,231,701 7
Chris Lekousi 568,600 3
Robert Chason 517,600 1
Godzilla [Stern, 2021]
Joey Harwood 19,857,090 3
Paul Aho 19,509,130 1
Chris Lekousi 142,216,720 5
Robert Chason 284,015,250 7
Joey Harwood 32,170 5
Paul Aho 26,520 3
Chris Lekousi 10,780 1
Robert Chason 38,610 7
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Joey Harwood 446,204,110 5
Paul Aho 338,294,570 1
Chris Lekousi 420,204,110 3
Robert Chason 622,169,170 7
Joey Harwood 18
Paul Aho 12
Chris Lekousi 12
Robert Chason 22

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 2 - Group 2

Metallica (Pro)
Debbie Derube 4,974,440 4
Roland Derube 13,792,680 7
Christina Willis 2,562,740 3
Ralph Willis JR 1,981,850 1
Donald Boom 13,048,620 5
South Park
Debbie Derube 10,759,030 4
Roland Derube 29,854,810 7
Christina Willis 9,846,690 3
Ralph Willis JR 7,747,210 1
Donald Boom 29,617,600 5
World Cup Soccer
Debbie Derube 362,020,280 5
Roland Derube 297,924,310 4
Christina Willis 83,707,200 3
Ralph Willis JR 27,355,630 1
Donald Boom 383,420,020 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Debbie Derube 5,381,320 3
Roland Derube 52,348,520 7
Christina Willis 2,810,160 1
Ralph Willis JR 5,961,580 4
Donald Boom 14,140,820 5
Debbie Derube 16
Roland Derube 25
Christina Willis 10
Ralph Willis JR 7
Donald Boom 22

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 2 - Group 4

James Bond 007 Pro
TJ Auger 31,196,450 5
zakory Thibodeau 3,473,600 1
dave madore 93,473,790 7
Doris Auger 4,481,760 3
Godzilla [Stern] 2021
TJ Auger 32,274,080 3
zakory Thibodeau 23,530,870 1
dave madore 49,508,210 7
Doris Auger 39,532,220 5
Total Nuclear Annihilation
TJ Auger 119,550 3
zakory Thibodeau 314,840 5
dave madore 747,801 7
Doris Auger 53,630 1
Pirates of the Caribbean
TJ Auger 16,408,090 5
zakory Thibodeau 4,683,680 1
dave madore 116,668,110 7
Doris Auger 4,718,080 3
TJ Auger 16
zakory Thibodeau 8
dave madore 28
Doris Auger 12

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 5

Batman 66 (Premium)
Derek Beam 37,009,240 3
Matt Lemoine 112,815,710 7
Bill MacDonald 82,818,560 5
Henry LeClair 25,845,810 1
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Derek Beam 14,194,320 7
Matt Lemoine 7,186,470 5
Bill MacDonald 5,859,350 3
Henry LeClair 4,605,400 1
Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2021]
Derek Beam 61,088,010 3
Matt Lemoine 113,065,540 5
Bill MacDonald 260,499,760 7
Henry LeClair 25,256,200 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Derek Beam 7,859,520 3
Matt Lemoine 8,255,840 5
Bill MacDonald 4,221,210 1
Henry LeClair 11,095,710 7
Derek Beam 16
Matt Lemoine 22
Bill MacDonald 16
Henry LeClair 10

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 6

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
james Frost 4,212,460 3
David Schumaker 3,516,430 1
Chris Brunette 6,060,270 5
Erik Peabody 8,161,380 7
james Frost 1,271,500 3
David Schumaker 2,566,380 7
Chris Brunette 1,266,860 1
Erik Peabody 2,309,560 5
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
james Frost 170,727 1
David Schumaker 1,677,907 7
Chris Brunette 1,449,440 5
Erik Peabody 484,360 3
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons™
james Frost 3,325 7
David Schumaker 2,568 5
Chris Brunette 2,076 1
Erik Peabody 2,165 3
james Frost 14
David Schumaker 20
Chris Brunette 12
Erik Peabody 18

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 7

Star Wars (Pro)
Mike Gaudet 54,849,680 4
Mitch Gagnon 46,359,340 1
David Foxwell 365,884,840 7
Deadpool (Pro)
Mike Gaudet 231,375,930 7
Mitch Gagnon 28,291,830 1
David Foxwell 68,252,680 4
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Mike Gaudet 67,708,290 7
Mitch Gagnon 32,584,070 4
David Foxwell 16,945,810 1
Mike Gaudet 177,590 1
Mitch Gagnon 544,360 7
David Foxwell 241,140 4
Mike Gaudet 19
Mitch Gagnon 13
David Foxwell 16

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 8

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Curtis Rossi 2,485,060 1
Ivy Beam 81,420,810 7
Derek Foxwell 27,668,730 4
Alien Poker
Curtis Rossi 668,350 7
Ivy Beam 104,910 1
Derek Foxwell 627,840 4
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Curtis Rossi 9,569,930 7
Ivy Beam 4,650,420 4
Derek Foxwell 4,644,690 1
Batman 66 (Premium)
Curtis Rossi 16,356,100 4
Ivy Beam 28,503,590 7
Derek Foxwell 9,435,020 1
Curtis Rossi 19
Ivy Beam 19
Derek Foxwell 10

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 9

Rhys Wyman 187,070 1
Sam Keogh 560,000 3
Derek Karamanian 2,532,430 7
Gregory Wilhelm 1,010,840 5
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons™
Rhys Wyman 1,195 1
Sam Keogh 1,803 3
Derek Karamanian 4,127 7
Gregory Wilhelm 2,272 5
Avatar (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 2,363,980 1
Sam Keogh 10,360,410 5
Derek Karamanian 7,694,280 3
Gregory Wilhelm 38,475,420 7
Jurassic Park
Rhys Wyman 27,758,200 1
Sam Keogh 56,993,750 5
Derek Karamanian 130,224,820 7
Gregory Wilhelm 30,883,910 3
Rhys Wyman 4
Sam Keogh 16
Derek Karamanian 24
Gregory Wilhelm 20

Yankee Arcade - Week 2 - Group 1

Bryant Moscon 142,230 3
Kyle Gale 589,320 7
Jonah Sobol 125,310 1
Mike McGourty 548,640 5
Bryant Moscon 879,170 5
Kyle Gale 671,460 3
Jonah Sobol 366,890 1
Mike McGourty 1,388,970 7
Bryant Moscon 50,000 1
Kyle Gale 557,850 7
Jonah Sobol 226,310 5
Mike McGourty 79,470 3
Stars 2021
Bryant Moscon 136,960 5
Kyle Gale 52,820 1
Jonah Sobol 266,850 7
Mike McGourty 85,270 3
Bryant Moscon 14
Kyle Gale 18
Jonah Sobol 14
Mike McGourty 18

Yankee Arcade - Week 2 - Group 2

Attack from Mars
Stephen Halpin 346,565,850 1
Jim Landry 4,047,981,330 7
Lucas Paquette 1,222,891,000 4
Beatles, The (Gold)
Stephen Halpin 696,640 1
Jim Landry 1,355,110 7
Lucas Paquette 900,580 4
Monster Bash remake Special
Stephen Halpin 18,143,160 4
Jim Landry 7,321,330 1
Lucas Paquette 22,577,810 7
Stephen Halpin 23,346,180 4
Jim Landry 16,307,190 1
Lucas Paquette 141,917,910 7
Stephen Halpin 10
Jim Landry 16
Lucas Paquette 22

Jim's RealHouse - Week 2 - Group 3

connor fuller 888 7
Keith Maffei 489 1
Daniel Letendre 680 5
Geoff Alterman 504 3
Rick And Morty
connor fuller 2,793,701 7
Keith Maffei 477,301 1
Daniel Letendre 1,320,001 3
Geoff Alterman 2,688,904 5
AC/DC (LUCI Premium)
connor fuller 7,977,630 1
Keith Maffei 21,297,640 5
Daniel Letendre 84,395,290 7
Geoff Alterman 11,924,960 3
connor fuller 29,310 1
Keith Maffei 44,140 3
Daniel Letendre 202,100 7
Geoff Alterman 105,410 5
connor fuller 16
Keith Maffei 10
Daniel Letendre 22
Geoff Alterman 16

Jim's RealHouse - Week 2 - Group 4

Twilight Zone
Caitlyn Hewson 42,527,990 1
Austin Chenelle 91,390,700 3
Nolan Tanguay 159,696,400 7
Jim Farris 123,720,980 5
Caitlyn Hewson 434,040 7
Austin Chenelle 51,680 1
Nolan Tanguay 324,400 5
Jim Farris 87,230 3
Aerosmith (Premium)
Caitlyn Hewson 4,738,460 1
Austin Chenelle 16,397,970 5
Nolan Tanguay 10,248,590 3
Jim Farris 23,770,300 7
RUSH LE Stern 2022
Caitlyn Hewson 127,448,380 7
Austin Chenelle 85,235,060 5
Nolan Tanguay 33,032,290 1
Jim Farris 73,238,170 3
Caitlyn Hewson 16
Austin Chenelle 14
Nolan Tanguay 16
Jim Farris 18

Jim's RealHouse - Week 2 - Group 5

Metallica (Pro)
Zachary Pyle 2,947,800 3
Elizabeth Leonforte 2,063,920 1
Jessica Frenette 47,509,120 7
Warwick Varney 3,394,740 5
Dungeons & Dragons
Zachary Pyle 460,790 3
Elizabeth Leonforte 194,040 1
Jessica Frenette 511,110 7
Warwick Varney 480,360 5
Silverball Mania
Zachary Pyle 135,700 1
Elizabeth Leonforte 156,650 3
Jessica Frenette 340,800 7
Warwick Varney 187,690 5
Zachary Pyle 31,500 1
Elizabeth Leonforte 282,880 5
Jessica Frenette 117,690 3
Warwick Varney 326,680 7
Zachary Pyle 8
Elizabeth Leonforte 10
Jessica Frenette 24
Warwick Varney 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 2 - Group 4

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Bob Brooks 56,445,980 7
Clarence Crews 11,904,250 4
Larry Paquette 6,446,380 1
Hot Wheels
Bob Brooks 102,998,620 4
Clarence Crews 95,262,040 1
Larry Paquette 218,325,360 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Bob Brooks 13,269,070 4
Clarence Crews 6,655,220 1
Larry Paquette 55,107,680 7
Bob Brooks 238,520 7
Clarence Crews 14,600 1
Larry Paquette 78,780 4
Bob Brooks 22
Clarence Crews 7
Larry Paquette 19

RumMex Pinball House - Week 2 - Group 5

Bad Cats
Chris Crocker 14,658,730 7
Landon Brooks 815,160 1
Tim Bernard 991,290 4
Foo Fighters Pro
Chris Crocker 6,691,570 1
Landon Brooks 34,609,750 7
Tim Bernard 31,752,370 4
Chris Crocker 95,280 4
Landon Brooks 140,080 7
Tim Bernard 50,700 1
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Chris Crocker 37,713,700 7
Landon Brooks 11,386,160 1
Tim Bernard 37,292,660 4
Chris Crocker 19
Landon Brooks 16
Tim Bernard 13

RumMex Pinball House - Week 2 - Group 6

Munsters (Pro)
Leo Paquette 1,696,280 1
Aaron Cummings 6,600,440 7
Amy Schmersal 4,314,770 4
Aerosmith (Pro)
Leo Paquette 24,072,790 7
Aaron Cummings 6,260,180 1
Amy Schmersal 9,650,280 4
Iron Man
Leo Paquette 2,828,890 4
Aaron Cummings 2,269,300 1
Amy Schmersal 4,398,830 7
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Leo Paquette 47,590,630 7
Aaron Cummings 14,189,750 4
Amy Schmersal 11,382,200 1
Leo Paquette 19
Aaron Cummings 13
Amy Schmersal 16

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 6

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Austin Roy 2,289,510 1
Ian Hobson 8,341,250 3
Mike Desmarais 19,617,910 5
Ross Bergen 77,325,130 7
Star Wars (Pro)
Austin Roy 36,078,930 3
Ian Hobson 38,542,670 5
Mike Desmarais 14,991,500 1
Ross Bergen 593,034,390 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Austin Roy 22,010,840 1
Ian Hobson 39,758,320 3
Mike Desmarais 97,219,390 5
Ross Bergen 526,022,040 7
Godzilla [Stern]
Austin Roy 33,293,710 3
Ian Hobson 198,348,380 5
Mike Desmarais 228,094,830 7
Ross Bergen 12,940,240 1
Austin Roy 8
Ian Hobson 16
Mike Desmarais 18
Ross Bergen 22

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 7

Aerosmith (Pro)
Chad Adamczyk 7,869,870 3
Greg Koker 30,451,030 5
Tim Desmarais 41,672,140 7
Hal Cunha 5,481,310 1
Rush [Stern]
Chad Adamczyk 15,637,120 1
Greg Koker 21,532,780 5
Tim Desmarais 197,390,350 7
Hal Cunha 17,849,750 3
James Bond 007 Pro
Chad Adamczyk 24,862,920 3
Greg Koker 25,569,120 5
Tim Desmarais 67,687,580 7
Hal Cunha 12,692,080 1
Star Wars (Pro)
Chad Adamczyk 128,535,800 5
Greg Koker 21,402,440 1
Tim Desmarais 287,479,240 7
Hal Cunha 64,112,200 3
Chad Adamczyk 12
Greg Koker 16
Tim Desmarais 28
Hal Cunha 8

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 8

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Prince 41,527,660 5
Stephen Woodbury 32,075,330 3
Tom Geary 30,714,810 1
Michael Brewster 80,349,630 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Michael Prince 73,556,340 3
Stephen Woodbury 140,739,720 5
Tom Geary 14,713,740 1
Michael Brewster 179,272,710 7
Rush [Stern]
Michael Prince 43,686,400 5
Stephen Woodbury 21,708,290 1
Tom Geary 27,106,590 3
Michael Brewster 76,338,990 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Michael Prince 66,207,850 7
Stephen Woodbury 61,599,740 5
Tom Geary 4,060,620 1
Michael Brewster 22,468,820 3
Michael Prince 20
Stephen Woodbury 14
Tom Geary 6
Michael Brewster 24

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 9

Godzilla [Stern]
Michael Langley 91,050,160 7
Lauren Baldwin 32,276,700 1
Vincent Vitiello 66,031,220 4
James Bond 007 Pro
Michael Langley 54,457,110 4
Lauren Baldwin 4,277,010 1
Vincent Vitiello 70,483,330 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Langley 60,279,050 1
Lauren Baldwin 69,448,630 4
Vincent Vitiello 216,398,130 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Michael Langley 54,909,730 4
Lauren Baldwin 19,330,310 1
Vincent Vitiello 98,252,730 7
Michael Langley 16
Lauren Baldwin 7
Vincent Vitiello 25

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 6

Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
William Towne 10,939,440 4
Kristofer Hurst 21,138,010 7
Danielle Louviere 2,765,170 1
Space Shuttle
William Towne 403,410 7
Kristofer Hurst 173,140 4
Danielle Louviere 122,040 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
William Towne 15,909,850 7
Kristofer Hurst 9,432,390 4
Danielle Louviere 7,779,100 1
William Towne 15,730 4
Kristofer Hurst 32,800 7
Danielle Louviere 10,150 1
William Towne 22
Kristofer Hurst 22
Danielle Louviere 4

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 7

Grand Lizard
Jeremie Remian 335,580 7
Nicole Bernier 51,160 1
Sarah Twomey 164,590 5
Everest St Pierre 93,670 3
Extra Inning
Jeremie Remian 2,543 1
Nicole Bernier 4,236 5
Sarah Twomey 3,657 3
Everest St Pierre 5,099 7
Mata Hari
Jeremie Remian 44,390 1
Nicole Bernier 398,810 7
Sarah Twomey 253,740 3
Everest St Pierre 297,180 5
Jeremie Remian 194,820 5
Nicole Bernier 140,190 1
Sarah Twomey 146,480 3
Everest St Pierre 308,690 7
Jeremie Remian 14
Nicole Bernier 14
Sarah Twomey 14
Everest St Pierre 22

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 8

Total Nuclear Annihilation
Bruce Water 59,790 1
Scott MacCallum 161,190 7
Nicholas Sylvester 80,620 3
Gregory St Pierre 88,860 5
Jurassic Park
Bruce Water 46,369,700 7
Scott MacCallum 24,523,530 3
Nicholas Sylvester 19,130,200 1
Gregory St Pierre 41,947,880 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Bruce Water 11,583,200 1
Scott MacCallum 29,655,730 5
Nicholas Sylvester 29,624,550 3
Gregory St Pierre 72,230,250 7
Grand Lizard
Bruce Water 159,680 3
Scott MacCallum 190,360 5
Nicholas Sylvester 79,510 1
Gregory St Pierre 358,170 7
Bruce Water 12
Scott MacCallum 20
Nicholas Sylvester 8
Gregory St Pierre 24

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 9

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Nik Carlson 66,958,110 5
Brad Sylvester 14,555,210 1
Sarah McCormick 23,439,830 3
Gabe Noblesmith 142,690,420 7
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Nik Carlson 89,850 1
Brad Sylvester 356,270 5
Sarah McCormick 230,980 3
Gabe Noblesmith 358,980 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Nik Carlson 117,168,540 7
Brad Sylvester 28,132,110 5
Sarah McCormick 5,679,620 1
Gabe Noblesmith 13,838,980 3
James Bond 007 (Pro) Stern 2022
Nik Carlson 29,894,850 5
Brad Sylvester 32,342,640 7
Sarah McCormick 7,121,290 1
Gabe Noblesmith 27,392,330 3
Nik Carlson 18
Brad Sylvester 18
Sarah McCormick 8
Gabe Noblesmith 20

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 9

The Big Lebowski
Joshua Mazgelis 5,784,610 5
Sofia Manganella 2,883,960 3
Chris Warren Swift 7,847,670 7
Jarod Evenson 852,510 1
Sinbad (SS)
Joshua Mazgelis 82,580 5
Sofia Manganella 64,280 3
Chris Warren Swift 83,760 7
Jarod Evenson 63,390 1
The Sopranos®
Joshua Mazgelis 15,501,020 7
Sofia Manganella 4,773,420 3
Chris Warren Swift 2,966,500 1
Jarod Evenson 6,741,640 5
Joshua Mazgelis 6,654,560 1
Sofia Manganella 13,059,780 7
Chris Warren Swift 11,442,460 5
Jarod Evenson 10,296,090 3
Joshua Mazgelis 18
Sofia Manganella 16
Chris Warren Swift 20
Jarod Evenson 10

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 10

Sinbad (SS)
Romain David 139,820 5
Matt Gray 45,930 1
Anne Whipple 146,350 7
Noah Luskey 64,650 3
White Water
Romain David 193,003,560 5
Matt Gray 286,208,270 7
Anne Whipple 152,018,020 3
Noah Luskey 111,377,250 1
Cactus Canyon
Romain David 6,643,340 3
Matt Gray 4,506,130 1
Anne Whipple 10,024,320 5
Noah Luskey 23,196,750 7
The Big Lebowski
Romain David 808,700 1
Matt Gray 6,449,260 7
Anne Whipple 2,042,150 3
Noah Luskey 6,432,850 5
Romain David 14
Matt Gray 16
Anne Whipple 18
Noah Luskey 16

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 11

The Sopranos®
Adam Lisa 3,753,580 1
Marc Patenaude 5,595,650 7
Angelica Quintanilla 4,458,780 4
Sinbad (SS)
Adam Lisa 83,630 4
Marc Patenaude 134,960 7
Angelica Quintanilla 68,950 1
Stern James Bond Pro
Adam Lisa 5,546,010 4
Marc Patenaude 27,087,770 7
Angelica Quintanilla 4,830,810 1
The Big Lebowski
Adam Lisa 1,441,560 1
Marc Patenaude 6,383,840 7
Angelica Quintanilla 2,145,800 4
Adam Lisa 10
Marc Patenaude 28
Angelica Quintanilla 10

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 12

Brie Swift 10,410,500 3
Wyatt Winters 15,519,370 5
Daniel Radin 18,527,540 7
Massimo Aldorasi 7,470,940 1
White Water
Brie Swift 67,446,220 5
Wyatt Winters 73,526,340 7
Daniel Radin 41,450,740 3
Massimo Aldorasi 14,055,770 1
The Big Lebowski
Brie Swift 1,756,790 1
Wyatt Winters 6,437,790 7
Daniel Radin 5,937,790 5
Massimo Aldorasi 2,649,880 3
The Sopranos®
Brie Swift 21,930 1
Wyatt Winters 121,880 7
Daniel Radin 97,950 5
Massimo Aldorasi 79,370 3
Brie Swift 10
Wyatt Winters 26
Daniel Radin 20
Massimo Aldorasi 8

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 13

White Water
Erin LeBlanc 19,880,770 1
Sean Sanker 30,551,650 3
Nathan Powers 105,552,280 7
Tim Barter 85,200,720 5
The Sopranos®
Erin LeBlanc 12,923,960 5
Sean Sanker 5,376,700 1
Nathan Powers 28,491,520 7
Tim Barter 12,540,990 3
Sinbad (SS)
Erin LeBlanc 92,680 7
Sean Sanker 88,280 3
Nathan Powers 58,880 1
Tim Barter 89,440 5
Stern James Bond Pro
Erin LeBlanc 11,141,690 3
Sean Sanker 19,094,720 5
Nathan Powers 8,590,470 1
Tim Barter 74,739,020 7
Erin LeBlanc 16
Sean Sanker 12
Nathan Powers 16
Tim Barter 20

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 14

Stern James Bond Pro
Brendan Sullivan 23,501,410 5
Hannah Furrelle 3,050,200 1
Caitlin Barter 72,050,200 7
Jack Renner 5,270,070 3
Cactus Canyon
Brendan Sullivan 6,278,000 5
Hannah Furrelle 5,216,020 3
Caitlin Barter 7,141,030 7
Jack Renner 3,642,610 1
Brendan Sullivan 9,891,430 7
Hannah Furrelle 461,620 1
Caitlin Barter 9,207,660 5
Jack Renner 3,642,610 3
The Sopranos®
Brendan Sullivan 7,161,820 1
Hannah Furrelle 10,694,920 5
Caitlin Barter 31,697,280 7
Jack Renner 8,818,270 3
Brendan Sullivan 18
Hannah Furrelle 10
Caitlin Barter 26
Jack Renner 10

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 6

Revenge From Mars
Victoria Lehman 19,073,660 3
Peter Munroe 186,937,200 7
Chrissy Papnick 152,324,760 5
Laurie Montelo 8,015,510 1
No Good Gofers
Victoria Lehman 1,549,770 1
Peter Munroe 3,408,760 7
Chrissy Papnick 1,982,760 5
Laurie Montelo 1,883,270 3
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Victoria Lehman 500,325,060 3
Peter Munroe 859,525,908 7
Chrissy Papnick 377,781,410 1
Laurie Montelo 595,315,220 5
Champion Pub
Victoria Lehman 6,773,760 5
Peter Munroe 23,776,240 7
Chrissy Papnick 4,740,490 3
Laurie Montelo 2,544,710 1
Victoria Lehman 12
Peter Munroe 28
Chrissy Papnick 14
Laurie Montelo 10

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 7

No Good Gofers
Patrick Montelo 144,674,570 1
Kate Eisenmenger 510,567,330 3
Erin Seiden 600,276,900 5
Brad Smith 819,276,900 7
Deadpool (Premium)
Patrick Montelo 102,709,120 5
Kate Eisenmenger 13,604,680 3
Erin Seiden 4,546,430 1
Brad Smith 152,328,720 7
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Patrick Montelo 31,756,180 5
Kate Eisenmenger 9,661,810 3
Erin Seiden 3,133,050 1
Brad Smith 46,176,300 7
Black Rose
Patrick Montelo 7,533,200 5
Kate Eisenmenger 5,004,970 3
Erin Seiden 2,908,530 1
Brad Smith 42,043,010 7
Patrick Montelo 16
Kate Eisenmenger 12
Erin Seiden 8
Brad Smith 28

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 8

Pirates of the Caribbean
Kevin Kolodziej 104,307,720 7
Mark Seiden 20,567,920 3
Quinn Yost 52,613,030 5
Anna Walker 16,067,510 1
Junk Yard
Kevin Kolodziej 10,235,180 5
Mark Seiden 8,236,540 3
Quinn Yost 17,999,430 7
Anna Walker 2,681,880 1
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Kevin Kolodziej 6,699,300 7
Mark Seiden 5,847,030 5
Quinn Yost 1,790,160 3
Anna Walker 984,750 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Kevin Kolodziej 134,373,330 7
Mark Seiden 68,273,040 5
Quinn Yost 14,275,290 1
Anna Walker 18,980,510 3
Kevin Kolodziej 26
Mark Seiden 16
Quinn Yost 16
Anna Walker 6

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 9

Monster Bash remake Special
Enzo Ventrella 36,659,930 5
Regina Allen 52,042,770 7
Glenn Krause 3,942,310 1
Lily Piazza 9,566,700 3
Deadpool (Premium)
Enzo Ventrella 9,573,030 1
Regina Allen 10,972,120 3
Glenn Krause 643,062,790 7
Lily Piazza 194,574,050 5
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Enzo Ventrella 428,730,640 3
Regina Allen 138,000,920 1
Glenn Krause 1,365,476,500 7
Lily Piazza 733,378,420 5
Revenge From Mars
Enzo Ventrella 53,126,720 1
Regina Allen 54,479,560 5
Glenn Krause 239,871,580 7
Lily Piazza 53,629,260 3
Enzo Ventrella 10
Regina Allen 16
Glenn Krause 22
Lily Piazza 16

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 10

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Michael Grant 115,152,840 7
Krystle Gemnich 18,534,900 3
Derek Hilgenberg 9,587,430 1
Mark Bjorkquist 84,356,970 5
Revenge From Mars
Michael Grant 83,949,480 7
Krystle Gemnich 25,139,060 3
Derek Hilgenberg 4,112,050 1
Mark Bjorkquist 57,147,300 5
Doctor Who
Michael Grant 7,773,060 3
Krystle Gemnich 18,177,560 5
Derek Hilgenberg 29,170,270 7
Mark Bjorkquist 5,566,530 1
Wild Life
Michael Grant 27,790 3
Krystle Gemnich 39,840 5
Derek Hilgenberg 25,670 1
Mark Bjorkquist 100,500 7
Michael Grant 20
Krystle Gemnich 16
Derek Hilgenberg 10
Mark Bjorkquist 18

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 11

Deadpool (Premium)
Logan Ventrella 475,776,990 7
Rob Nottoli 140,931,070 4
Andrew Young 24,692,780 1
Junk Yard
Logan Ventrella 10,639,510 7
Rob Nottoli 1,821,570 1
Andrew Young 4,276,690 4
Monster Bash remake Special
Logan Ventrella 23,570,550 7
Rob Nottoli 5,999,080 4
Andrew Young 5,839,280 1
The Wizard of Oz (Standard Edition)
Logan Ventrella 138,630 7
Rob Nottoli 4,958 1
Andrew Young 23,588 4
Logan Ventrella 28
Rob Nottoli 10
Andrew Young 10

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 5

Family Guy
Traynor Gauthier 26,478,530 7
Ethan Kidd 19,908,010 4
Steven Wolejko 6,278,780 1
Traynor Gauthier 59,329,980 7
Ethan Kidd 14,054,190 4
Steven Wolejko 9,644,140 1
Traynor Gauthier 286,534,550 7
Ethan Kidd 64,025,280 1
Steven Wolejko 224,829,090 4
Pirates of the Caribbean
Traynor Gauthier 39,352,680 7
Ethan Kidd 4,415,370 1
Steven Wolejko 6,845,260 4
Traynor Gauthier 28
Ethan Kidd 10
Steven Wolejko 10

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 6

Eight Ball Deluxe
Nathan Clavette 327,860 1
James Boyce 454,090 7
Sandy Boyce 328,530 4
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Nathan Clavette 261,670,570 1
James Boyce 1,189,516,950 7
Sandy Boyce 515,570,840 4
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Nathan Clavette 18,501,700 1
James Boyce 85,419,580 4
Sandy Boyce 964,835,310 7
Batman 66 (Premium)
Nathan Clavette 21,256,040 1
James Boyce 37,850,640 4
Sandy Boyce 64,431,150 7
Nathan Clavette 4
James Boyce 22
Sandy Boyce 22

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 7

Jacob Holz 539,525,220 5
Ainsworth Kohler 90,576,620 1
Joe Hinkle 719,310,990 7
Adam Wolejko 146,823,350 3
Black Jack
Jacob Holz 78,700 3
Ainsworth Kohler 24,080 1
Joe Hinkle 156,570 7
Adam Wolejko 104,110 5
Jacob Holz 123,930 3
Ainsworth Kohler 166,540 7
Joe Hinkle 130,030 5
Adam Wolejko 67,210 1
Theatre of Magic
Jacob Holz 624,402,390 5
Ainsworth Kohler 432,454,180 3
Joe Hinkle 913,362,730 7
Adam Wolejko 224,818,090 1
Jacob Holz 16
Ainsworth Kohler 12
Joe Hinkle 26
Adam Wolejko 10

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 8

Pirates of the Caribbean
Andrew Shaykin 17,951,300 1
paul conley 55,417,400 7
Ivan Gonzalez 32,050,310 4
Batman 66 (Premium)
Andrew Shaykin 2,891,600 1
paul conley 11,190,640 7
Ivan Gonzalez 7,047,550 4
Andrew Shaykin 18,382,710 1
paul conley 137,327,240 7
Ivan Gonzalez 26,012,470 4
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Andrew Shaykin 13,225,650 1
paul conley 36,440,760 7
Ivan Gonzalez 13,557,650 4
Andrew Shaykin 4
paul conley 28
Ivan Gonzalez 16

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 10

Batman 66 (Premium)
Katelyn Shaykin 42,283,250 1
Seth Clayter 196,160,050 7
Bret Drew 75,537,790 3
Scott Turcotte 134,261,450 5
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Katelyn Shaykin 6,582,320 1
Seth Clayter 59,878,090 7
Bret Drew 44,228,070 5
Scott Turcotte 21,340,990 3
Family Guy
Katelyn Shaykin 11,028,630 3
Seth Clayter 6,403,560 1
Bret Drew 28,466,340 5
Scott Turcotte 29,921,120 7
Katelyn Shaykin 414,591,940 3
Seth Clayter 440,486,110 5
Bret Drew 410,285,900 1
Scott Turcotte 455,079,130 7
Katelyn Shaykin 8
Seth Clayter 20
Bret Drew 14
Scott Turcotte 22

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 2 - Group 3

The Walking Dead (Premium)
Trey Crews 32,286,760 4
Taylor Ottman 39,968,000 7
Adam Hendsbee 17,080,820 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Trey Crews 85,213,380 4
Taylor Ottman 5,480,310 1
Adam Hendsbee 90,799,380 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Trey Crews 107,607,620 4
Taylor Ottman 4,942,560 1
Adam Hendsbee 121,236,220 7
Foo Fighters Pro
Trey Crews 10,041,320 1
Taylor Ottman 28,238,610 4
Adam Hendsbee 47,055,500 7
Trey Crews 13
Taylor Ottman 13
Adam Hendsbee 22

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 2 - Group 5

Jon Weeks 411,080 5
Rachel Hendsbee 174,080 1
Jerry Lindsay 888,040 7
Gunnar Hendsbee 349,020 3
Deadpool (Pro)
Jon Weeks 9,769,340 1
Rachel Hendsbee 35,692,530 5
Jerry Lindsay 549,676,630 7
Gunnar Hendsbee 21,177,460 3
The Addams Family
Jon Weeks 11,331,190 1
Rachel Hendsbee 22,167,800 3
Jerry Lindsay 127,084,980 7
Gunnar Hendsbee 26,601,370 5
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Jon Weeks 46,523,720 1
Rachel Hendsbee 155,603,870 5
Jerry Lindsay 164,778,690 7
Gunnar Hendsbee 85,951,830 3
Jon Weeks 8
Rachel Hendsbee 14
Jerry Lindsay 28
Gunnar Hendsbee 14

GameCraft Arcade - Week 2 - Group 6

Toy Story 4 LE
Nicolas Quadrini 131,920 1
Scott Belisle 461,690 3
Ryan Belisle 2,435,180 7
Brody Marion 1,117,590 5
The Lord of the Rings
Nicolas Quadrini 8,358,020 1
Scott Belisle 27,677,220 5
Ryan Belisle 96,859,150 7
Brody Marion 16,630,070 3
Game of Thrones (Pro)
Nicolas Quadrini 299,904,410 5
Scott Belisle 182,291,500 3
Ryan Belisle 21,138,020 1
Brody Marion 876,893,150 7
Foo Fighters - Premium
Nicolas Quadrini 45,028,750 3
Scott Belisle 6,826,000 1
Ryan Belisle 332,464,960 7
Brody Marion 93,905,770 5
Nicolas Quadrini 10
Scott Belisle 12
Ryan Belisle 22
Brody Marion 20

GameCraft Arcade - Week 2 - Group 7

Jurassic Park
Selwyn Wilson 57,744,610 4
David Kroll 115,852,930 7
Dagmar Haecker 29,223,470 1
Scared Stiff
Selwyn Wilson 3,163,970 4
David Kroll 3,987,920 7
Dagmar Haecker 2,118,950 1
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Selwyn Wilson 27,266,090 7
David Kroll 5,481,330 1
Dagmar Haecker 6,501,900 4
Toy Story 4 LE
Selwyn Wilson 442,380 4
David Kroll 251,280 1
Dagmar Haecker 1,069,610 7
Selwyn Wilson 19
David Kroll 16
Dagmar Haecker 13

GameCraft Arcade - Week 2 - Group 8

Deadpool (Pro)
Joe Jokubaitis 89,804,350 4
Daniel Cleary 154,493,330 7
Raymond Farina 48,939,000 1
Cactus Canyon
Joe Jokubaitis 10,687,290 1
Daniel Cleary 11,806,620 4
Raymond Farina 17,601,890 7
Attack from Mars
Joe Jokubaitis 31,705,870 4
Daniel Cleary 106,300,820 7
Raymond Farina 5,402,010 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Joe Jokubaitis 8,143,230 7
Daniel Cleary 4,115,500 4
Raymond Farina 2,445,620 1
Joe Jokubaitis 16
Daniel Cleary 22
Raymond Farina 10

GameCraft Arcade - Week 2 - Group 9

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Alyssa Lee 14,361,040 1
Rick Passmore 21,800,000 4
Matthew Venuti 66,000,000 7
Alyssa Lee 155,686,160 4
Rick Passmore 67,694,930 1
Matthew Venuti 212,759,660 7
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Alyssa Lee 19,293,270 1
Rick Passmore 57,269,290 7
Matthew Venuti 23,071,990 4
Attack from Mars
Alyssa Lee 1,459,564,800 4
Rick Passmore 2,115,463,120 7
Matthew Venuti 724,269,830 1
Alyssa Lee 10
Rick Passmore 19
Matthew Venuti 19

Toys From The Attic - Week 2 - Group 10

Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutlres Premium 2022
Donald Berrios 6,480,150 7
Ella Caughran 856,160 3
Chris Laskey 1,095,600 5
Travis Berrios 506,200 1
Donald Berrios 18,429,010 3
Ella Caughran 38,636,120 5
Chris Laskey 12,721,040 1
Travis Berrios 58,515,540 7
Jurassic Park
Donald Berrios 116,277,750 7
Ella Caughran 22,351,830 5
Chris Laskey 11,048,800 1
Travis Berrios 16,481,510 3
Mandalorian (Pro)
Donald Berrios 3,515,220 1
Ella Caughran 5,289,620 3
Chris Laskey 5,388,700 5
Travis Berrios 17,904,200 7
Donald Berrios 18
Ella Caughran 16
Chris Laskey 12
Travis Berrios 18

Toys From The Attic - Week 2 - Group 11

Mandalorian (Pro)
Matthew Dulchinos 80,379,930 5
Michael Moheban 67,003,590 3
ERIK SWANSON 185,836,410 7
tim boston 6,158,060 1
Matthew Dulchinos 19,044,230 7
Michael Moheban 7,335,750 3
ERIK SWANSON 13,625,630 5
tim boston 6,039,900 1
Matthew Dulchinos 11,877,240 1
Michael Moheban 61,634,310 7
ERIK SWANSON 39,452,430 5
tim boston 36,909,210 3
Jurassic Park
Matthew Dulchinos 23,257,410 3
Michael Moheban 142,691,940 7
ERIK SWANSON 20,002,310 1
tim boston 46,294,460 5
Matthew Dulchinos 16
Michael Moheban 20
tim boston 10

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 10

Haunted House
Betsy Bouche 260,580 7
Leland Wheeler 187,300 5
Roth Michaels 167,660 3
Christian Elzey 83,060 1
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Betsy Bouche 3,050,450 1
Leland Wheeler 15,042,540 5
Roth Michaels 21,901,550 7
Christian Elzey 12,556,200 3
The Shadow
Betsy Bouche 16,000,220 1
Leland Wheeler 48,341,100 5
Roth Michaels 260,572,640 7
Christian Elzey 27,960,550 3
Attack from Mars
Betsy Bouche 807,225,620 1
Leland Wheeler 885,102,610 3
Roth Michaels 1,718,189,340 7
Christian Elzey 930,663,200 5
Betsy Bouche 10
Leland Wheeler 18
Roth Michaels 24
Christian Elzey 12

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 11

Bram Stoker's Dracula
Abigail O'Connor 31,844,480 5
Harry Nelken 11,501,250 3
Noah Fiedler 9,225,530 1
Dave Bell 47,448,830 7
Demolition Man
Abigail O'Connor 668,572,910 7
Harry Nelken 116,804,510 1
Noah Fiedler 491,358,550 5
Dave Bell 326,513,110 3
World Poker Tour
Abigail O'Connor 9,526,490 3
Harry Nelken 8,115,390 1
Noah Fiedler 23,396,990 5
Dave Bell 24,730,880 7
Haunted House
Abigail O'Connor 279,770 7
Harry Nelken 50,810 1
Noah Fiedler 225,310 3
Dave Bell 244,290 5
Abigail O'Connor 22
Harry Nelken 6
Noah Fiedler 14
Dave Bell 22

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 12

Attack from Mars
Erik Haynes 233,401,900 1
Nikki Santiago 585,951,330 5
David Huang 502,067,840 3
Brendan Collins 931,830,230 7
The Shadow
Erik Haynes 344,082,420 7
Nikki Santiago 84,930,990 1
David Huang 181,793,760 5
Brendan Collins 136,102,090 3
Erik Haynes 48,980 3
Nikki Santiago 79,520 7
David Huang 59,410 5
Brendan Collins 33,520 1
Demolition Man
Erik Haynes 617,677,720 7
Nikki Santiago 149,659,370 3
David Huang 142,971,040 1
Brendan Collins 258,556,810 5
Erik Haynes 18
Nikki Santiago 16
David Huang 14
Brendan Collins 16

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 13

World Poker Tour
Jose Lozano 33,498,430 5
Mark Magrath 5,773,920 1
Mike Korcynski 10,996,770 3
Robbie Barwick 42,909,680 7
Demolition Man
Jose Lozano 132,975,270 5
Mark Magrath 95,932,840 3
Mike Korcynski 40,505,250 1
Robbie Barwick 546,562,860 7
Jose Lozano 136,150 7
Mark Magrath 33,930 1
Mike Korcynski 67,060 5
Robbie Barwick 58,910 3
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Jose Lozano 8,992,890 1
Mark Magrath 11,206,330 3
Mike Korcynski 14,903,650 5
Robbie Barwick 198,728,720 7
Jose Lozano 18
Mark Magrath 8
Mike Korcynski 14
Robbie Barwick 24

Pops Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 14

Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
Ty Ueda 84,442,670 7
Jillian Towne 80,941,620 4
Manny Montes 57,992,770 1
Attack from Mars
Ty Ueda 1,812,059,570 7
Jillian Towne 879,924,460 4
Manny Montes 547,154,950 1
Popeye Saves the Earth
Ty Ueda 120,281,520 1
Jillian Towne 306,837,020 7
Manny Montes 210,412,840 4
The Shadow
Ty Ueda 247,341,430 4
Jillian Towne 847,689,730 7
Manny Montes 152,272,420 1
Ty Ueda 19
Jillian Towne 22
Manny Montes 7

Funspot - Week 2 - Group 5

The Addams Family
Michael Lupo 106,742,110 7
Dave Lawton 21,904,750 3
Zackary Holt 56,615,770 5
John Bolton 7,837,220 1
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Michael Lupo 22,094,130 1
Dave Lawton 94,402,130 5
Zackary Holt 33,363,100 3
John Bolton 185,226,440 7
Michael Lupo 2,253,510 5
Dave Lawton 2,354,070 7
Zackary Holt 1,697,150 1
John Bolton 1,818,090 3
Black Knight
Michael Lupo 569,750 7
Dave Lawton 403,650 5
Zackary Holt 72,450 1
John Bolton 127,270 3
Michael Lupo 20
Dave Lawton 20
Zackary Holt 10
John Bolton 14

Funspot - Week 2 - Group 6

Shawn Chastney 1,554,520 7
Don Lavalette 424,390 5
Steven Amlaw 358,250 3
Gerard Buchko 79,440 1
Shawn Chastney 42,040 7
Don Lavalette 23,020 3
Steven Amlaw 26,990 5
Gerard Buchko 13,730 1
James Bond 007 Pro
Shawn Chastney 83,811,600 5
Don Lavalette 8,066,400 1
Steven Amlaw 180,178,100 7
Gerard Buchko 45,373,530 3
Shawn Chastney 579,160 3
Don Lavalette 974,110 7
Steven Amlaw 263,130 1
Gerard Buchko 622,250 5
Shawn Chastney 22
Don Lavalette 16
Steven Amlaw 16
Gerard Buchko 10

Funspot - Week 2 - Group 7

Jeffrey Pinard 53,630 5
Mike Thomas 72,220 7
Nikolas Apel 46,520 3
Eva Ashton 15,900 1
Black Knight
Jeffrey Pinard 69,050 3
Mike Thomas 76,940 5
Nikolas Apel 143,720 7
Eva Ashton 4,330 1
Jeffrey Pinard 982,700 7
Mike Thomas 311,030 3
Nikolas Apel 259,210 1
Eva Ashton 863,580 5
Jeffrey Pinard 2,778,391 7
Mike Thomas 1,151,640 3
Nikolas Apel 1,120,790 1
Eva Ashton 1,772,330 5
Jeffrey Pinard 22
Mike Thomas 18
Nikolas Apel 12
Eva Ashton 12

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 13

The Shadow
Neil Graham 18,600,000 1
Connor Lafleur 61,051,000 3
Arthur Fontaine 92,761,000 5
Alexander Blaustein 141,071,210 7
World Cup Soccer
Neil Graham 565,000,000 7
Connor Lafleur 380,401,000 1
Arthur Fontaine 496,792,000 3
Alexander Blaustein 520,000,000 5
Bally Game Show, The
Neil Graham 1 1
Connor Lafleur 2,659,140 7
Arthur Fontaine 2,445,260 5
Alexander Blaustein 2,326,120 3
Neil Graham 34,040 1
Connor Lafleur 124,160 3
Arthur Fontaine 380,840 7
Alexander Blaustein 145,340 5
Neil Graham 10
Connor Lafleur 14
Arthur Fontaine 20
Alexander Blaustein 20

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 14

Kirt Fox 354,450 7
Andrew Stevens 56,730 3
Patrick Burns 60,700 5
Peter Roarke 13,700 1
Lethal Weapon 3
Kirt Fox 17,883,180 1
Andrew Stevens 32,596,830 5
Patrick Burns 66,042,490 7
Peter Roarke 26,032,340 3
Deadpool (Pro)
Kirt Fox 63,684,510 5
Andrew Stevens 38,950,690 3
Patrick Burns 201,529,760 7
Peter Roarke 1 1
Time Fantasy
Kirt Fox 98,110 1
Andrew Stevens 243,240 7
Patrick Burns 124,120 5
Peter Roarke 106,200 3
Kirt Fox 14
Andrew Stevens 18
Patrick Burns 24
Peter Roarke 8

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 15

Ethan Colaizzi 17,850,300 1
Ben Silvestri 157,429,440 5
Rick Rock 174,067,850 7
Samantha Paradis 20,828,810 3
Kick Off
Ethan Colaizzi 46,030 5
Ben Silvestri 24,750 3
Rick Rock 72,840 7
Samantha Paradis 1 1
Old Coney Island!
Ethan Colaizzi 154,880 3
Ben Silvestri 285,920 7
Rick Rock 239,580 5
Samantha Paradis 43,340 1
Houdini Master of Mystery
Ethan Colaizzi 104,554 1
Ben Silvestri 127,414 5
Rick Rock 112,622 3
Samantha Paradis 429,689 7
Ethan Colaizzi 10
Ben Silvestri 20
Rick Rock 22
Samantha Paradis 12

Pizza J - Week 3 - Group 8

Jurassic Park
Augustus Eustis 28,963,600 7
Colleen Riley 5,474,940 1
Michael Renzi 23,283,990 5
Andrew Hill 18,414,160 3
Cactus Canyon SE+
Augustus Eustis 27,452,720 7
Colleen Riley 5,086,950 3
Michael Renzi 8,038,190 5
Andrew Hill 3,557,160 1
Augustus Eustis 29,935,060 5
Colleen Riley 12,520,350 3
Michael Renzi 10,461,580 1
Andrew Hill 52,787,260 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Augustus Eustis 72,842,510 5
Colleen Riley 31,563,720 1
Michael Renzi 51,694,310 3
Andrew Hill 98,274,670 7
Augustus Eustis 24
Colleen Riley 8
Michael Renzi 14
Andrew Hill 18

Pizza J - Week 3 - Group 9

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Ed Giardina 3,594,470 4
Scott D'Agostino 5,678,250 7
Jerricka Hill 987,140 1
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Ed Giardina 557,181 7
Scott D'Agostino 321,211 1
Jerricka Hill 411,651 4
Toy Story 4 LE
Ed Giardina 747,080 7
Scott D'Agostino 629,580 4
Jerricka Hill 126,160 1
Foo Fighters Pro
Ed Giardina 60,569,990 7
Scott D'Agostino 37,783,990 4
Jerricka Hill 20,190,860 1
Ed Giardina 25
Scott D'Agostino 16
Jerricka Hill 7

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 14

Eight Ball Deluxe
Jason Dyer 427,710 5
Alyssa Alsheimer 59,060 1
Colin Alsheimer 287,600 3
Bo Williams 461,310 7
Dolly Parton
Jason Dyer 188,430 7
Alyssa Alsheimer 48,310 1
Colin Alsheimer 66,950 3
Bo Williams 83,750 5
Time Fantasy
Jason Dyer 430,360 7
Alyssa Alsheimer 275,400 5
Colin Alsheimer 273,960 3
Bo Williams 252,230 1
Jason Dyer 249,800 3
Alyssa Alsheimer 705,410 7
Colin Alsheimer 47,090 1
Bo Williams 267,510 5
Jason Dyer 22
Alyssa Alsheimer 14
Colin Alsheimer 10
Bo Williams 18

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 15

Rush Pro
Derek Foxwell 61,086,380 3
Andrew Logan 8,085,390 1
Bowen Kerins 114,548,080 5
Carrie Aloisi 124,305,570 7
The Rolling Stones
Derek Foxwell 2,630,080 3
Andrew Logan 4,239,650 5
Bowen Kerins 8,667,080 7
Carrie Aloisi 2,561,280 1
Space Rider
Derek Foxwell 42,800 1
Andrew Logan 133,540 3
Bowen Kerins 149,600 5
Carrie Aloisi 469,540 7
Eight Ball Deluxe
Derek Foxwell 438,500 3
Andrew Logan 538,210 5
Bowen Kerins 886,210 7
Carrie Aloisi 204,560 1
Derek Foxwell 10
Andrew Logan 14
Bowen Kerins 24
Carrie Aloisi 16

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 16

Time Fantasy
Joshua Henderson 709,990 7
Colleen Mootrey 109,090 3
Edward Cabral 85,250 1
George Pratt 533,680 5
Space Rider
Joshua Henderson 233,090 5
Colleen Mootrey 43,180 1
Edward Cabral 143,710 3
George Pratt 623,440 7
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Joshua Henderson 83,488,772 7
Colleen Mootrey 1,145,560 1
Edward Cabral 41,970,881 5
George Pratt 7,710,160 3
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Joshua Henderson 172,792,790 7
Colleen Mootrey 2,600,380 1
Edward Cabral 72,781,860 5
George Pratt 26,299,040 3
Joshua Henderson 26
Colleen Mootrey 6
Edward Cabral 14
George Pratt 18

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 17

Sarah Finn 31,600 4
Sean Marquand 243,300 7
Luca Giordano 31,230 1
Metallica (Premium/LE)
Sarah Finn 2,160,880 1
Sean Marquand 89,205,660 7
Luca Giordano 4,345,180 4
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Sarah Finn 3,811,680 4
Sean Marquand 3,466,650 1
Luca Giordano 6,781,230 7
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Sarah Finn 3,434,880 4
Sean Marquand 5,184,080 7
Luca Giordano 3,240,320 1
Sarah Finn 13
Sean Marquand 22
Luca Giordano 13

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 18

Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
David Foxwell 3,739,700 1
Mark Henderson 9,198,750 3
Kenny Weiner 34,410,750 5
Matt Guay 65,254,312 7
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
David Foxwell 8,375,400 1
Mark Henderson 76,102,190 5
Kenny Weiner 151,565,050 7
Matt Guay 34,970,390 3
Heavy Metal Meltdown
David Foxwell 258,840 1
Mark Henderson 490,520 3
Kenny Weiner 564,200 5
Matt Guay 2,391,200 7
David Foxwell 110,230 3
Mark Henderson 323,160 7
Kenny Weiner 131,840 5
Matt Guay 105,680 1
David Foxwell 6
Mark Henderson 18
Kenny Weiner 22
Matt Guay 18

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 19

Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Jason Aloisi 9,242,820 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 1,897,080 1
Brad Rosenblum 5,493,570 3
Marissa Pratt 8,938,990 5
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Jason Aloisi 14,248,920 5
Julia Barnes-Brown 7,120,560 3
Brad Rosenblum 2,512,460 1
Marissa Pratt 53,020,371 7
Jason Aloisi 282,050 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 89,200 1
Brad Rosenblum 189,540 3
Marissa Pratt 247,450 5
Foo Fighters - Premium
Jason Aloisi 2,885,350 1
Julia Barnes-Brown 11,565,540 3
Brad Rosenblum 51,752,870 5
Marissa Pratt 53,174,130 7
Jason Aloisi 20
Julia Barnes-Brown 8
Brad Rosenblum 12
Marissa Pratt 24

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 6

Will Parks 3,008,360 7
Ron Lulfs 2,143,870 4
Gregory Wilhelm 1,526,450 1
NBA Fastbreak
Will Parks 62 7
Ron Lulfs 58 4
Gregory Wilhelm 20 1
Hokus Pokus
Will Parks 31,510 1
Ron Lulfs 65,680 7
Gregory Wilhelm 32,830 4
Metallica (Pro)
Will Parks 5,821,840 1
Ron Lulfs 47,556,920 7
Gregory Wilhelm 6,624,190 4
Will Parks 16
Ron Lulfs 22
Gregory Wilhelm 10

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 7

Troy Babb 367,790 7
Michael Corbett 346,520 4
Austin Chenelle 230,420 1
Troy Babb 593,690 1
Michael Corbett 5,858,460 7
Austin Chenelle 1,594,240 4
Metallica (Pro)
Troy Babb 18,100,200 7
Michael Corbett 17,600,200 4
Austin Chenelle 7,111,220 1
Black Jack
Troy Babb 141,610 1
Michael Corbett 277,800 7
Austin Chenelle 149,620 4
Troy Babb 16
Michael Corbett 22
Austin Chenelle 10

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 15

Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Preston Francisco 286,971,060 7
Connor Shlatz 238,643,720 4
Philip Stevens 23,009,750 1
Preston Francisco 2,503,465,210 4
Connor Shlatz 3,766,989,970 7
Philip Stevens 287,743,860 1
Black Hole
Preston Francisco 112,610 4
Connor Shlatz 392,420 7
Philip Stevens 103,540 1
Preston Francisco 49,870 1
Connor Shlatz 170,270 7
Philip Stevens 167,570 4
Preston Francisco 16
Connor Shlatz 25
Philip Stevens 7

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 16

Jurassic Park
Allison Havens 14,300,000 1
Tammy Charbonneau 44,400,000 5
Matthew Schroeder 28,027,300 3
Emily May 44,809,020 7
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Allison Havens 84,863,100 5
Tammy Charbonneau 61,372,140 3
Matthew Schroeder 61,105,360 1
Emily May 193,304,220 7
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray
Allison Havens 4,463,220 5
Tammy Charbonneau 2,108,100 3
Matthew Schroeder 833,670 1
Emily May 20,350,630 7
Allison Havens 91,050 5
Tammy Charbonneau 30,640 1
Matthew Schroeder 143,000 7
Emily May 74,650 3
Allison Havens 16
Tammy Charbonneau 12
Matthew Schroeder 12
Emily May 24

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 17

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Eric Marz 36,000,000 7
Alex Yeager 14,000,000 1
Jack Kubera 15,000,000 4
The Addams Family
Eric Marz 30,000,000 7
Alex Yeager 7,000,000 1
Jack Kubera 11,000,000 4
High Speed
Eric Marz 2,600,000 7
Alex Yeager 575,000 4
Jack Kubera 330,000 1
Harlem Globetrotters On Tour
Eric Marz 361,000 7
Alex Yeager 233,000 4
Jack Kubera 73,000 1
Eric Marz 28
Alex Yeager 10
Jack Kubera 10

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 18

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Gabrielle Kronyak 7,000,000 1
Jody Stahlman 21,000,000 4
Mark Johnson 53,000,000 7
The Lord of the Rings
Gabrielle Kronyak 7,400,000 4
Jody Stahlman 7,900,000 7
Mark Johnson 2,400,000 1
Mystery Castle
Gabrielle Kronyak 12,000,000 1
Jody Stahlman 39,000,000 7
Mark Johnson 19,000,000 4
Gabrielle Kronyak 33,000 1
Jody Stahlman 144,000 7
Mark Johnson 93,000 4
Gabrielle Kronyak 7
Jody Stahlman 25
Mark Johnson 16

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 20

The Big Lebowski
Nathan Crosby 15,866,530 5
Allison Land 1,328,900 1
Beau Blanchard 20,982,550 7
Benjamin Bonaccio 5,160,180 3
Red & Ted's Road Show
Nathan Crosby 161,020,330 7
Allison Land 89,817,730 3
Beau Blanchard 53,290,500 1
Benjamin Bonaccio 150,700,770 5
Wipe Out
Nathan Crosby 23,579,440 3
Allison Land 19,151,260 1
Beau Blanchard 46,217,180 7
Benjamin Bonaccio 37,554,720 5
Joker Poker EM
Nathan Crosby 131,420 5
Allison Land 74,270 1
Beau Blanchard 94,020 3
Benjamin Bonaccio 333,310 7
Nathan Crosby 20
Allison Land 6
Beau Blanchard 18
Benjamin Bonaccio 20

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 21

Alien (Standard Edition)
Bill McHugh 25,000,000 5
Mike Havens 46,000,000 7
Kris LaCross 19,000,000 3
Constantinos Stivaros 8,000,000 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Bill McHugh 144,000,000 5
Mike Havens 551,000,000 7
Kris LaCross 75,000,000 1
Constantinos Stivaros 140,000,000 3
High Speed
Bill McHugh 2,500,000 7
Mike Havens 600,000 1
Kris LaCross 1,800,000 5
Constantinos Stivaros 840,000 3
Bill McHugh 40,000 1
Mike Havens 90,000 5
Kris LaCross 120,000 7
Constantinos Stivaros 70,000 3
Bill McHugh 18
Mike Havens 20
Kris LaCross 16
Constantinos Stivaros 10

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 10

Godzilla (Premium)
Gail Edelstein 184,181,940 7
Karen Tremblay 83,359,680 5
Cody Shaw 42,182,890 3
Erik Peabody 19,509,180 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Gail Edelstein 28,639,780 7
Karen Tremblay 9,148,410 1
Cody Shaw 22,811,460 5
Erik Peabody 19,263,380 3
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Gail Edelstein 3,930,600 1
Karen Tremblay 4,109,700 3
Cody Shaw 6,598,870 5
Erik Peabody 55,221,710 7
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Gail Edelstein 6,773,600 1
Karen Tremblay 49,985,430 5
Cody Shaw 28,560,530 3
Erik Peabody 65,652,870 7
Gail Edelstein 16
Karen Tremblay 14
Cody Shaw 16
Erik Peabody 18

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 11

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Matt Osborn 59,778,630 7
Mitch Gagnon 16,027,850 5
Frank Shepherd 9,143,960 1
David Stonely 11,830,580 3
Godzilla (Premium)
Matt Osborn 153,611,880 7
Mitch Gagnon 149,855,070 5
Frank Shepherd 121,025,990 3
David Stonely 31,322,990 1
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Matt Osborn 366,472,970 7
Mitch Gagnon 13,662,940 3
Frank Shepherd 33,660,360 5
David Stonely 3,790,450 1
Medieval Madness (Remake Standard Edition)
Matt Osborn 16,315,290 7
Mitch Gagnon 14,145,020 3
Frank Shepherd 11,778,450 1
David Stonely 15,464,770 5
Matt Osborn 28
Mitch Gagnon 16
Frank Shepherd 10
David Stonely 10

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 12

Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Ross Bergen 90,191,150 5
Derek Karamanian 132,076,980 7
Rick Mccurdy 2,617,460 1
Christopher Tremblay 4,209,720 3
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Ross Bergen 318,973,600 7
Derek Karamanian 131,250,390 5
Rick Mccurdy 11,457,100 1
Christopher Tremblay 17,300,700 3
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Ross Bergen 366,983,350 7
Derek Karamanian 136,089,000 5
Rick Mccurdy 5,004,310 1
Christopher Tremblay 52,243,620 3
Monster Bash remake Special
Ross Bergen 70,698,430 5
Derek Karamanian 134,290,850 7
Rick Mccurdy 3,094,560 1
Christopher Tremblay 7,061,190 3
Ross Bergen 24
Derek Karamanian 24
Rick Mccurdy 4
Christopher Tremblay 12

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 14

Disney TRON Legacy
Mitch Curtis 94,115,100 7
Isabelle Smith 8,281,600 3
Paul Davis 4,220,430 1
Howard Edelstein 28,723,010 5
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Mitch Curtis 21,007,080 7
Isabelle Smith 1,362,430 1
Paul Davis 2,230,170 3
Howard Edelstein 12,085,560 5
Houdini Master of Mystery
Mitch Curtis 731,350 5
Isabelle Smith 123,467 3
Paul Davis 37,618 1
Howard Edelstein 802,890 7
Star Wars (Pro)
Mitch Curtis 1,898,465,020 7
Isabelle Smith 14,368,450 3
Paul Davis 6,741,790 1
Howard Edelstein 134,377,010 5
Mitch Curtis 26
Isabelle Smith 10
Paul Davis 6
Howard Edelstein 22

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 18

Fun House
Mike McHugh 2,042,150 7
Emily Rose 1,562,210 3
Elspeth Stewart 1,944,120 5
Grace Whitman 1,290,520 1
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Mike McHugh 95,092,730 1
Emily Rose 409,475,980 3
Elspeth Stewart 411,017,330 5
Grace Whitman 495,632,420 7
Dolly Parton
Mike McHugh 82,790 5
Emily Rose 123,010 7
Elspeth Stewart 17,870 1
Grace Whitman 77,800 3
Space Shuttle
Mike McHugh 299,090 5
Emily Rose 510,530 7
Elspeth Stewart 254,700 3
Grace Whitman 103,040 1
Mike McHugh 18
Emily Rose 20
Elspeth Stewart 14
Grace Whitman 12

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 19

John Manuelian 102,550 4
Robert Daddio 120,960 7
Derek Kurze 38,900 1
Surf Champ
John Manuelian 58,170 7
Robert Daddio 27,810 1
Derek Kurze 54,300 4
Black Hole
John Manuelian 58,170 1
Robert Daddio 95,240 4
Derek Kurze 100,790 7
The Addams Family
John Manuelian 5,593,170 1
Robert Daddio 46,277,320 4
Derek Kurze 124,023,300 7
John Manuelian 13
Robert Daddio 16
Derek Kurze 19

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 20

Black Rose
James McFatter 16,247,940 7
Robert Claffie 4,547,650 1
Christopher Harvey 13,863,640 4
Space Shuttle
James McFatter 219,500 1
Robert Claffie 1,158,370 7
Christopher Harvey 446,160 4
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
James McFatter 209,577,880 7
Robert Claffie 158,263,880 4
Christopher Harvey 149,427,300 1
James McFatter 92,440 4
Robert Claffie 64,720 1
Christopher Harvey 104,970 7
James McFatter 19
Robert Claffie 13
Christopher Harvey 16

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 21

No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Justin Fontaine 340,651,010 3
Adam Cash 487,255,700 7
William Yasick 106,003,680 1
Stephanie Harvey 368,731,990 5
Justin Fontaine 383,140 3
Adam Cash 1,270,390 7
William Yasick 238,070 1
Stephanie Harvey 1,162,300 5
Aerosmith (Pro)
Justin Fontaine 12,265,460 7
Adam Cash 7,890,840 5
William Yasick 4,325,020 1
Stephanie Harvey 5,236,000 3
Fun House
Justin Fontaine 5,689,940 7
Adam Cash 1,016,810 1
William Yasick 1,547,070 3
Stephanie Harvey 3,115,980 5
Justin Fontaine 20
Adam Cash 20
William Yasick 6
Stephanie Harvey 18

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 22

Jungle Queen
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 73,360 7
Gary Serdechny 41,320 4
David Rabinowitz 38,610 1
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 827,126,880 1
Gary Serdechny 1,174,857,220 7
David Rabinowitz 827,633,690 4
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 25,745,720 4
Gary Serdechny 6,947,270 1
David Rabinowitz 133,442,000 7
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 561,273,090 7
Gary Serdechny 361,308,310 4
David Rabinowitz 228,168,680 1
Andrew Pegg-Wheat 19
Gary Serdechny 16
David Rabinowitz 13

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 23

Family Guy
Dillon Serdechny 5,722,700 5
Greg Abrams 4,436,040 3
Russell McFatter 1,378,220 1
Michael Pare 21,350,180 7
WHO dunnit
Dillon Serdechny 2,051,817,720 7
Greg Abrams 663,091,550 5
Russell McFatter 196,323,970 1
Michael Pare 559,060,720 3
Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition
Dillon Serdechny 259,090 3
Greg Abrams 94,030 1
Russell McFatter 510,860 5
Michael Pare 934,420 7
Eight Ball
Dillon Serdechny 47,730 3
Greg Abrams 55,250 5
Russell McFatter 129,850 7
Michael Pare 47,410 1
Dillon Serdechny 18
Greg Abrams 14
Russell McFatter 14
Michael Pare 18

Tokens Taproom - Week 3 - Group 8

Munsters (Pro)
Alex Quaintance 4,471,530 3
Joshua Hynes 7,562,120 5
Todd Crawford 8,260,600 7
Jeff Spires 3,751,450 1
Medieval Madness
Alex Quaintance 1,908,360 1
Joshua Hynes 11,656,720 5
Todd Crawford 28,595,870 7
Jeff Spires 6,240,550 3
Halloween (SE) [Spooky Pinball, 2021]
Alex Quaintance 10,796,040 5
Joshua Hynes 1,607,160 1
Todd Crawford 20,880,000 7
Jeff Spires 10,586,980 3
The Addams Family
Alex Quaintance 111,507,860 7
Joshua Hynes 27,940,850 3
Todd Crawford 11,368,540 1
Jeff Spires 48,290,380 5
Alex Quaintance 16
Joshua Hynes 14
Todd Crawford 22
Jeff Spires 12

Tokens Taproom - Week 3 - Group 9

Mandalorian (Pro)
Irene Grasse 59,309,140 4
Jayson Kohl 178,430,870 7
Karim Bahai 41,880,260 1
Theatre of Magic
Irene Grasse 127,650,110 4
Jayson Kohl 528,000,000 7
Karim Bahai 68,350,010 1
James Bond 007 Pro
Irene Grasse 91,133,440 1
Jayson Kohl 97,731,690 4
Karim Bahai 109,540,370 7
Halloween (SE) [Spooky Pinball, 2021]
Irene Grasse 7,789,370 4
Jayson Kohl 10,554,050 7
Karim Bahai 3,116,798 1
Irene Grasse 13
Jayson Kohl 25
Karim Bahai 10

Tokens Taproom - Week 3 - Group 10

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Jonathan Jafari 7,512,270 1
Luke Farry 178,658,670 7
Preston Bick 43,900,600 4
Jurassic Park
Jonathan Jafari 215,891,930 7
Luke Farry 47,916,890 4
Preston Bick 28,961,890 1
Medieval Madness
Jonathan Jafari 4,000 4
Luke Farry 1,000 1
Preston Bick 7,000 7
Mandalorian (Pro)
Jonathan Jafari 54,779,540 4
Luke Farry 161,151,350 7
Preston Bick 32,482,550 1
Jonathan Jafari 16
Luke Farry 19
Preston Bick 13

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 12

Batman 66 (Premium)
Kenneth Johnson 15,186,000 1
Mike Schmitt 866,868,000 7
Bruce Bettis 109,864,000 5
Adam Meader 63,506,000 3
Jurassic Park
Kenneth Johnson 39,659,000 5
Mike Schmitt 233,687,000 7
Bruce Bettis 36,354,000 1
Adam Meader 36,415,000 3
Godzilla pro
Kenneth Johnson 49,522,000 1
Mike Schmitt 201,686,000 7
Bruce Bettis 97,413,000 3
Adam Meader 173,554,000 5
Foo Fighters Pro
Kenneth Johnson 40,448,000 5
Mike Schmitt 213,192,000 7
Bruce Bettis 25,183,000 3
Adam Meader 13,441,000 1
Kenneth Johnson 12
Mike Schmitt 28
Bruce Bettis 12
Adam Meader 12

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 13

James Bond 007 Pro
Seamus Meader 434,878,000 7
patrick countryman 2,541,000 1
Adam Lisa 30,324,000 5
Massimo Aldorasi 24,602,000 3
Godzilla pro
Seamus Meader 11,647,000 5
patrick countryman 10,557,000 3
Adam Lisa 29,159,000 7
Massimo Aldorasi 7,960,000 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Seamus Meader 283,000,000 7
patrick countryman 24,000,000 1
Adam Lisa 26,000,000 3
Massimo Aldorasi 59,000,000 5
Hot Wheels
Seamus Meader 1,355,000,000 7
patrick countryman 319,000,000 3
Adam Lisa 412,508,000 5
Massimo Aldorasi 72,456,000 1
Seamus Meader 26
patrick countryman 8
Adam Lisa 20
Massimo Aldorasi 10

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 14

Bobby Orr's Power Play
Mark Ross 46,450 5
Tom Geary 22,630 1
Noah Luskey 40,070 3
Noah Crable 229,950 7
Mandalorian (Pro)
Mark Ross 38,482,000 3
Tom Geary 34,000,000 1
Noah Luskey 38,656,000 5
Noah Crable 130,286,000 7
Batman 66 (Premium)
Mark Ross 18,000,000 3
Tom Geary 3,000,000 1
Noah Luskey 50,000,000 5
Noah Crable 493,000,000 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Mark Ross 55,000,000 3
Tom Geary 223,000,000 5
Noah Luskey 28,000,000 1
Noah Crable 360,000,000 7
Mark Ross 14
Tom Geary 8
Noah Luskey 14
Noah Crable 28

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 3 - Group 8

Flash Gordon
Nicholas Destefano 525,280 5
Joseph Lemire 298,280 3
Sean Sanker 167,710 1
Brian Knolhoff 546,380 7
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Nicholas Destefano 204,260,900 7
Joseph Lemire 143,347,090 3
Sean Sanker 13,436,860 1
Brian Knolhoff 183,932,820 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Nicholas Destefano 180,142,700 5
Joseph Lemire 181,923,000 7
Sean Sanker 11,821,820 1
Brian Knolhoff 149,172,420 3
Nicholas Destefano 242,600 5
Joseph Lemire 1,526,880 7
Sean Sanker 123,770 1
Brian Knolhoff 181,990 3
Nicholas Destefano 22
Joseph Lemire 20
Sean Sanker 4
Brian Knolhoff 18

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 3 - Group 9

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Benjamin Bloomstein 794,561,590 7
Sam Knolhoff 40,026,130 4
John Day 13,191,470 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Benjamin Bloomstein 50,351,090 7
Sam Knolhoff 4,544,460 1
John Day 17,382,590 4
Benjamin Bloomstein 78,340 7
Sam Knolhoff 35,560 4
John Day 34,080 1
Benjamin Bloomstein 157,970 7
Sam Knolhoff 68,650 1
John Day 87,410 4
Benjamin Bloomstein 28
Sam Knolhoff 10
John Day 10

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 17

Jungle Lord
Nate Straz 90,130 3
Jeff Ferguson 127,210 7
Ella Caughran 112,110 5
Ivan Gonzalez 18,070 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Nate Straz 23,275,830 3
Jeff Ferguson 65,770,650 5
Ella Caughran 8,726,240 1
Ivan Gonzalez 75,873,350 7
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Nate Straz 5,084,610 1
Jeff Ferguson 145,205,970 7
Ella Caughran 50,665,300 3
Ivan Gonzalez 84,666,480 5
Gay 90's
Nate Straz 945 1
Jeff Ferguson 1,998 5
Ella Caughran 1,114 3
Ivan Gonzalez 2,540 7
Nate Straz 8
Jeff Ferguson 24
Ella Caughran 12
Ivan Gonzalez 20

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 18

The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Katie O'Donnell 19,264,640 5
Matthew Dulchinos 1,336,090 1
Joe Irace 4,939,910 3
DENNIS GAINES 24,595,350 7
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Katie O'Donnell 5,098,190 1
Matthew Dulchinos 25,322,570 7
Joe Irace 8,722,760 5
DENNIS GAINES 7,882,540 3
Avatar (Pro)
Katie O'Donnell 3,539,330 3
Matthew Dulchinos 2,255,680 1
Joe Irace 4,203,830 5
DENNIS GAINES 5,207,790 7
Katie O'Donnell 643,997,790 5
Matthew Dulchinos 395,748,290 3
Joe Irace 1,448,000,000 7
DENNIS GAINES 385,224,760 1
Katie O'Donnell 14
Matthew Dulchinos 12
Joe Irace 20

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 19

Mata Hari
Sarah Twomey 23,739 3
Kyle Gale 127,720 5
Joey Harwood 20,700 1
Ethan Kidd 329,340 7
Gay 90's
Sarah Twomey 762 5
Kyle Gale 936 7
Joey Harwood 582 3
Ethan Kidd 441 1
The Lord of the Rings
Sarah Twomey 16,236,420 5
Kyle Gale 7,350,410 1
Joey Harwood 32,607,200 7
Ethan Kidd 13,597,630 3
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Sarah Twomey 25,830,710 3
Kyle Gale 89,248,090 7
Joey Harwood 45,657,140 5
Ethan Kidd 6,739,440 1
Sarah Twomey 16
Kyle Gale 20
Joey Harwood 16
Ethan Kidd 12

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 20

The Lord of the Rings
Victoria Fura 13,806,850 7
Sam Palmer 4,389,350 3
Paul Sauer 7,670,760 5
Robert Chason 1,213,260 1
Mars Trek
Victoria Fura 254,200 3
Sam Palmer 265,600 5
Paul Sauer 217,400 1
Robert Chason 332,400 7
Deadpool (Pro)
Victoria Fura 32,836,490 7
Sam Palmer 6,622,890 1
Paul Sauer 19,291,030 5
Robert Chason 18,411,840 3
Victoria Fura 1,367,062,780 7
Sam Palmer 294,844,910 1
Paul Sauer 306,704,530 3
Robert Chason 1,074,376,390 5
Victoria Fura 24
Sam Palmer 10
Paul Sauer 14
Robert Chason 16

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 21

Doctor Who
Gabe Noblesmith 100 7
David Aceto 80 3
James Boyce 70 1
Nathan Mills 90 5
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Gabe Noblesmith 90 5
David Aceto 80 3
James Boyce 70 1
Nathan Mills 100 7
Jungle Lord
Gabe Noblesmith 70 1
David Aceto 100 7
James Boyce 90 5
Nathan Mills 80 3
Gabe Noblesmith 100 7
David Aceto 90 5
James Boyce 80 3
Nathan Mills 70 1
Gabe Noblesmith 20
David Aceto 18
James Boyce 10
Nathan Mills 16

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 22

Eight Ball Deluxe
Douglas Erickson 215,630 3
Mike Hassett 280,000 5
Jeremy Lota 390,360 7
Molly Horgan 180,530 1
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Douglas Erickson 432,295,490 3
Mike Hassett 876,317,760 5
Jeremy Lota 1,085,035,090 7
Molly Horgan 361,655,030 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Douglas Erickson 34,023,890 1
Mike Hassett 246,916,960 7
Jeremy Lota 170,684,760 5
Molly Horgan 36,873,310 3
Mars Trek
Douglas Erickson 298,400 5
Mike Hassett 245,900 1
Jeremy Lota 495,600 7
Molly Horgan 277,900 3
Douglas Erickson 12
Mike Hassett 18
Jeremy Lota 26
Molly Horgan 8

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 23

RollerCoaster Tycoon
Tom Law 11,993,270 7
983,230 1
Chris Lekousi 1,231,740 3
Sandy Boyce 2,588,880 5
Tom Law 1,997,950 5
515,830 3
Chris Lekousi 322,180 1
Sandy Boyce 2,825,130 7
White Water
Tom Law 308,025,900 7
15,646,200 1
Chris Lekousi 32,001,990 5
Sandy Boyce 20,330,220 3
Beatles, The (Gold)
Tom Law 3,176,790 7
756,730 1
Chris Lekousi 1,649,640 3
Sandy Boyce 1,719,160 5
Tom Law 26
Chris Lekousi 12
Sandy Boyce 20

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 3 - Group 5

Godzilla [Stern] 2021
zakory Thibodeau 8,804,460 1
Donald Boom 14,784,490 4
Ralph Willis III 47,775,020 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
zakory Thibodeau 13,866,640 4
Donald Boom 32,090,710 7
Ralph Willis III 2,660,350 1
World Cup Soccer
zakory Thibodeau 210,033,570 4
Donald Boom 432,040,510 7
Ralph Willis III 164,940,420 1
Total Nuclear Annihilation
zakory Thibodeau 529,471 4
Donald Boom 870,592 7
Ralph Willis III 378,310 1
zakory Thibodeau 13
Donald Boom 25
Ralph Willis III 10

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 3 - Group 6

Mustang (Pro)
dave madore 14,713,560 4
Christina Willis 17,981,020 7
Doris Auger 9,193,610 1
Metallica (Pro)
dave madore 16,773,430 7
Christina Willis 2,466,820 4
Doris Auger 2,241,190 1
James Bond 007 Pro
dave madore 24,329,910 4
Christina Willis 6,276,050 1
Doris Auger 41,658,510 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
dave madore 17,765,810 7
Christina Willis 1,897,820 1
Doris Auger 4,937,610 4
dave madore 22
Christina Willis 13
Doris Auger 13

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 3 - Group 7

James Bond 007 Pro
TJ Auger 16,368,230 1
Roland Derube 111,000,150 7
Ralph Willis JR 62,101,120 4
Godzilla [Stern] 2021
TJ Auger 230,197,750 7
Roland Derube 85,961,500 4
Ralph Willis JR 22,266,220 1
World Cup Soccer
TJ Auger 280,461,810 1
Roland Derube 523,061,280 7
Ralph Willis JR 326,128,730 4
The Walking Dead (Pro)
TJ Auger 95,732,370 7
Roland Derube 27,220,620 4
Ralph Willis JR 18,246,760 1
TJ Auger 16
Roland Derube 22
Ralph Willis JR 10

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 10

Keith Maffei 417,680 5
Curtis Rossi 180,770 1
Jordan Knights 246,420 3
Alan MacLean 560,840 7
Mandalorian (Pro)
Keith Maffei 135,551,150 7
Curtis Rossi 8,488,080 3
Jordan Knights 67,731,940 5
Alan MacLean 5,542,840 1
Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2021]
Keith Maffei 309,921,690 7
Curtis Rossi 41,932,460 3
Jordan Knights 32,021,650 1
Alan MacLean 90,216,730 5
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
Keith Maffei 674,669 5
Curtis Rossi 556,343 3
Jordan Knights 492,036 1
Alan MacLean 952,818 7
Keith Maffei 24
Curtis Rossi 10
Jordan Knights 10
Alan MacLean 20

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 11

Ivy Beam 148,110 3
james Frost 111,810 1
Chris Brunette 570,120 5
Sam Keogh 1,034,430 7
Ivy Beam 410,620 5
james Frost 147,180 1
Chris Brunette 389,830 3
Sam Keogh 669,280 7
Avatar (Pro)
Ivy Beam 2,099,380 1
james Frost 6,484,590 5
Chris Brunette 9,685,080 7
Sam Keogh 3,486,130 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Ivy Beam 2,510,000 1
james Frost 7,560,150 7
Chris Brunette 5,088,100 5
Sam Keogh 2,521,340 3
Ivy Beam 10
james Frost 14
Chris Brunette 20
Sam Keogh 20

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 12

James Bond 007 (Premium) [Stern 2022]
Chris Shepherd 19,375,700 1
Matt Lemoine 24,207,660 4
Mike Gaudet 60,806,270 7
Star Wars (Pro)
Chris Shepherd 213,006,260 1
Matt Lemoine 257,440,700 4
Mike Gaudet 755,773,130 7
Chris Shepherd 256,100 4
Matt Lemoine 323,860 7
Mike Gaudet 106,590 1
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons™
Chris Shepherd 2,102 4
Matt Lemoine 7,183 7
Mike Gaudet 1,725 1
Chris Shepherd 10
Matt Lemoine 22
Mike Gaudet 16

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 13

Deadpool (Pro)
Derek Beam 43,525,700 7
Done Syha 28,923,760 4
Jayme Lindahl 3,667,790 1
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
Derek Beam 414,263 7
Done Syha 91,063 4
Jayme Lindahl 81,414 1
Derek Beam 176,730 1
Done Syha 180,090 7
Jayme Lindahl 178,040 4
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Derek Beam 6,908,210 4
Done Syha 3,531,850 1
Jayme Lindahl 11,201,220 7
Derek Beam 19
Done Syha 16
Jayme Lindahl 13

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 14

Deadpool (Pro)
Matt Wenger 181,986,680 7
Kayla Bourassa 16,507,060 4
Derek Correia 8,395,570 1
Grand Lizard
Matt Wenger 173,510 1
Kayla Bourassa 180,620 4
Derek Correia 1,742,860 7
Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2021]
Matt Wenger 11,788,570 1
Kayla Bourassa 26,561,500 4
Derek Correia 86,067,170 7
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Matt Wenger 18,562,150 4
Kayla Bourassa 1,349,220 1
Derek Correia 55,979,300 7
Matt Wenger 13
Kayla Bourassa 13
Derek Correia 22

Jim's RealHouse - Week 3 - Group 6

Nicole Bernier 143,540 5
Aaron Gunn 176,070 7
Paul Aho 63,990 3
Jeff Parsons 61,090 1
Dungeons & Dragons
Nicole Bernier 981,830 7
Aaron Gunn 301,400 1
Paul Aho 795,100 3
Jeff Parsons 879,890 5
Stellar Wars 2021, Williams
Nicole Bernier 42,640 1
Aaron Gunn 209,830 7
Paul Aho 132,400 5
Jeff Parsons 65,750 3
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Nicole Bernier 57,168,640 5
Aaron Gunn 4,819,100 1
Paul Aho 273,407,500 7
Jeff Parsons 9,516,580 3
Nicole Bernier 18
Aaron Gunn 16
Paul Aho 18
Jeff Parsons 12

Jim's RealHouse - Week 3 - Group 7