Season 27 - Final Results

# Player Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Adjusted Total
1 Chuck Webster 26 22 26 26 16 26 16 28 154 186
2 Ross Bergen 28 28 26 22 20 26 22 18 152 190
3 Mitch Curtis 16 28 25 24 26 26 22   151 167
4 Steven Bowden 18 22 24 18 22 28 28 26 150 186
5 Shawn Chastney 28 22 20 25 24 25 24 8 148 176
6 Ty Ueda 26 22 24 16 26 24   26 148 164
7 Zoe Vrabel 28 19 24 25 20 28   22 147 166
8 ERIK SWANSON 16 26 19 22 20 28 22 28 146 181
9 Noah Crable 22 22 28 14 28 19 20 26 146 179
10 Gabe Noblesmith 28 12 26 22 22 22 24 24 146 180
11 Tom Law 25 26 26 22 16   22 25 146 162
12 Eric Marz 20 28 20 20 26 22 16 28 144 180
13 Ron Lulfs 39 25 19 19 19 10 22 18 143 171
14 Connor Shlatz 28 18 22 28 19 13 22 22 141 172
15 Eric Geddes 25 28 22 14 22 26 18 18 141 173
16 Roth Michaels 25 25 16 25 13 18 22 26 141 170
17 Seamus Meader 26 26 28 16 20 18 22 18 140 174
18 David Schumaker 22 6 24 19 24 25 26 14 140 160
19 Mike Desmarais 19 26 28 20 19 18 26 20 139 176
20 Brian O'Neill 22     22 25 25 26 19 139 139
21 Justin Fontaine 28 22 16 25 22 18 22 19 138 172
22 Vincent Vitiello 22 28 22 20 18 20 22 24 138 176
23 Matt Osborn 26 20 26 19 20 10 26 20 138 167
24 Nathan Crosby 22 16 20 22 22 19 26 26 138 173
25 James McFatter 26 24 20 22 22 22   22 138 158
26 Traynor Gauthier 26 19 22 18 22 22 13 26 137 168
27 Geoff Alterman 28 18 18 20 22   24 24 136 154
28 Michael Corbett 41 24 16 16 16 13 12 22 135 160
29 Derek Correia 22 26 13 20 28 19 20 16 135 164
30 Joe Jokubaitis 25 16 19 22 7 25 16 28 135 158
31 Willoughby Andrews 26 20   22 20 22 25   135 135
32 Bill McHugh 24 24 11 19 24 19 16 25 135 162
33 Austin Chenelle 36 14 12 22 24 22 14 16 134 160
34 Jayson Kohl 28 24 6 22   16 18 26 134 140
35 Daniel Letendre   18 22 26 13 24 18 26 134 147
36 Jerry Lindsay 26 22 16 25 16 28 14 16 133 163
37 Lucas Herter 26 22 16 20   26 14 22 132 146
38 Jason Aloisi 13 25 26 20 19 10 22 20 132 155
39 Jamie MacLeish 26 24 24 19 20 19 12   132 144
40 Aaron Gunn 18 25 12 22 22 20 18 25 132 162
41 Noah Luskey 22 22 24   10 24 24 16 132 142
42 Keith Maffei   28 22 24 22 16 16 19 131 147
43 Kevin Kolodziej   28 12 22 18 20 19 24 131 143
44 Chip Van Dyke 19 26 16 24 20 22 20   131 147
45 Chris Brunette 25 18 16 22 16 22 22 22 131 163
46 Seth Clayter 22 16 18 16 20 20 26 24 130 162
47 Nicolas Quadrini 22 22 16 22 16 26 13 22 130 159
48 Cody Gamache 20 26 20 22 20 14 22 20 130 164
49 Ryan McQuaid 22 22 22   24 16   24 130 130
50 Paul Cormier 13 24 22 24 20 16 22 18 130 159
51 Stephanie Harvey 16 22 22 19 18 28 16 20 129 161
52 Neil Graham 22 16 26 22 24 10 10 19 129 149
53 Patrick Burns 22 22 18 22 18 19 22 22 129 165
54 Will Parks 41 10 16 13 18 22 13 18 128 151
55 Christopher Cardaci 14 7 19 14 25 28 28   128 135
56 Jeff Spires 10   22 28 18 22 14 24 128 138
57 Anthony Kret 18 8 20 22 22 16 18 28 128 152
58 Chyle Cameron 22 18 16 14 22 20 24 22 128 158
59 Austin Smith 16 28 17 12 16 22 25 19 127 155
60 Dave Hoffman 24 16 14 16 22 25 24 14 127 155
61 Mike Morris 22 18 16   25 18 20 24 127 143
62 Preston Francisco 13 24 16   19 26 28   126 126
63 Erik Haynes 18 16 10 26 19 19 6 28 126 142
64 matthew schroeder 16 25 13 22 16 24 19 20 126 155
65 Scott Belisle   20 22 18 25 19   22 126 126
66 Joseph Lemire 28 25 22 24 26       125 125
67 Bill MacDonald 25 28 22 16 16 14 16 18 125 155
68 Paul Sauer 19 22 12 28 24 20   8 125 133
69 Bret Drew 16 26 24 24 12 16 19 14 125 151
70 Ryan Belisle 4 22 10 18 26 22 24 13 125 139
71 Jacob Holz 19 10 24 16 22 26 13 18 125 148
72 Dave Aceto 25 25 26 10 14 24 6 10 124 140
73 Donald Boom     22 22 23 12 26 19 124 124
74 Joey Harwood 22 22 18 22 16   24 16 124 140
75 Jeffrey Pinard 19 26 10 12 20 22 18 18 123 145
76 Michael Freeman 10 22 16 25 19 19 22 8 123 141
77 Leo Paquette 24 18 20 22 16 19 18 20 123 157
78 Michael Moheban 26 13 19 25 14 10 16 22 122 145
79 Daniel Radin 14 20 24 22 26 16 14   122 136
80 TJ Auger 16 25 19 18 20 22 18 10 122 148
81 Chris Crocker 22 13 18   19 18 20 25 122 135
82 paul conley 13 22 18 24 18 16 24 16 122 151
83 Nicholas Sylvester 14 22 14 22 18 10 24 22 122 146
84 Kenny Weiner 18 24 22 16 14 18 22 18 122 152
85 Jillian Towne 20 19 20 20 19   18 24 122 140
86 Rick Rock 22 16 22 22 20 20 7   122 129
87 Christopher Harvey 13 18 22 13 20 26 13 22 121 147
88 Tim Neilson 12 26 18 19 20 10 22 16 121 143
89 Brad Sylvester 16 22 24 25 10 18 10 16 121 141
90 Larry Paquette 20 22 22 16 25 12 14 16 121 147
91 Michael Sandler 22 14 25 16   20 22 16 121 135
92 Allison Havens 18 14 25 20 22 14 16 20 121 149
93 Matt Lemoine 16 22 28 22 16 14 14 16 120 148
94 George Pratt 22 20 20 13 18 16 14 24 120 147
95 Michael Kolman 22 26 18 7 12 13 28   119 126
96 Mark Ross 28   20 20 16 16 14 19 119 133
97 Alan MacLean 16 14 25 22   22 16 18 119 133
98 Samuel Bearg     13 14 20 24 24 24 119 119
99 Emily Rose 20 12 18 19 24   16 22 119 131
100 Jody Stahlman 16 16 18 22 19 13 22 22 119 148
101 Nicholas Destefano 25 19 28 20 26       118 118
102 Matthew Liskom 18 16 16 22 16 18 28 16 118 150
103 Travis Berrios 19 8 22 20 16 25 16 16 118 142
104 Amy Schmersal 19 25 18 16 18 22 16 10 118 144
105 Warwick Varney 24 18 22 16   16 14 22 118 132
106 Bobby Brooks 16 22 16 12 22 20 22   118 130
107 Jack Shanahan 10   14 28 10 16 25 24 117 127
108 Corey Folsom 18 28 16 13 12 19 14 22 117 142
109 Jeff Ferguson 16 22 16 12 26 24 7 13 117 136
110 Joe Hinkle 10 25 18 20 10 20 22 12 117 137
111 Matt Wenger   18 16 19 24 16 14 24 117 131
112 Edward Cabral   22 19 22 14 14 24 16 117 131
113 Jeremy Lota 12 20 19 20 24 10 22   117 127
114 Joshua Mazgelis 28 6 26 10 16 16 20   116 122
115 Stephen Woodbury 18 24 10 16 26 16 16 14 116 140
116 Nathan Mills 20 14 18 24 14 22 18 14 116 144
117 Luis Lora 24 20 18 14 12 16 22 16 116 142
118 Nate Straz 14 22 18 22 22 16 16 16 116 146
119 Paul Aho 20 16 14 20 18 20 14 22 116 144
120 Adam Hendsbee 18 19 16 22 18 19 20 16 116 148
121 Mike Havens 24 16 20 12 25 14 16 10 115 137
122 Chris Thomas 13 16 25   18 24 19   115 115
123 zakory Thibodeau 16 20 12 25 13 16 16 22 115 140
124 Nicole Bernier 13 22 22 8 22 20 16 12 115 135
125 Jamie Wolcott 22 18 19 10 19 19 16 18 115 141
126 Marc Patenaude 14 24 12   28 14 14 20 114 126
127 brian Bourque 22 18 14 8   16 28 16 114 122
128 Kris LaCross 16 19 20 16 18 13 25 13 114 140
129 Derek Foxwell 22 16 7 22 19 10 22 13 114 131
130 Kyle Gale 19 12 22 20 10 18 22 13 114 136
131 Kristen Gregory 22   16 19 16 22 19 14 114 128
132 Frank Shepherd 12 4 16 28 10 24 16 16 112 126
133 Kenneth Johnson 16 18 22 16 24 16 14 7 112 133
134 Michael Pare 24 16 16 22   13 16 18 112 125
135 Zachary Pyle 8 14 18 20 22 8 16 22 112 128
136 Brian Knolhoff 19 16 19 22 18 14 16 18 112 142
137 Mitch Gagnon 20 18 14 18 19 10 18 19 112 136
138 Ethan Colaizzi   12 12 19 22 24 10 22 111 121
139 Mandy Peel 14 10 20 22 22 19   14 111 121
140 Steve Matos 22 18 22 14 16 19 14 10 111 135
141 Alexander Blaustein 16 20 16 22 18 14 19 16 111 141
142 Jason Corrado 19 16 19 16 16 22 19 14 111 141
143 Alex Yeager 16 22 6 12 14 28 18 8 110 124
144 Jeff Crocker 22 18 24 14 14 18     110 110
145 William Yasick 20 22 14 10 20 16 10 18 110 130
146 Jeff Parsons 13 22 16 16 13 19 18 18 109 135
147 Robert Chason 16 22 10 18 18   16 19 109 119
148 Matt Wilson 24 16 10 19 16 19   14 108 118
149 Mark Seiden 18 20 14 13 22 12 14 20 108 133
150 Michelle Rollins 19 20 16   19 22 12 8 108 116
151 Jacob Hirsh 13   19 20 16 22   18 108 108
152 Erin Seiden 18 16 14 8 12 22 20 18 108 128
153 David Foxwell 13 14 22 8 19 18 19 16 108 129
154 Anne Whipple 8 18 22   14 18 18 18 108 116
155 BRIAN MARTEL 20 16 18 18 18 18 14 16 108 138
156 mark dabelstein 18 13 12 22 10 20 16 18 107 129
157 Eric Schmersal     22 14 22 28   20 106 106
158 Sam Keogh 13 22 28 8 6 7 22 13 106 119
159 Troy Babb 22 12 19 24 16 13 8 6 106 120
160 Romain David   22 18 20 12 20 12 14 106 118
161 Elspeth Stewart 18 4 22 14 16 16   20 106 110
162 Zheanna Murray 19 18 16 16 13 18 19 10 106 129
163 Scott Kaplan 13 8 14 16 22   12 28 105 113
164 Regina Allen 14 10 24 16 25   16   105 105
165 Russell McFatter 22 24 7 14 19 12   14 105 112
166 Mark Johnson 12 12 20 12 16 14 19 24 105 129
167 James MacLean 14 19 7 20   20 10 22 105 112
168 Mike Hassett 16 20   12 19 22 16   105 105
169 Emily May 20 20 20   12 16 16 13 105 117
170 Mike Korcynski 13 20 14 19 14 12 20 18 105 130
171 Irene Grasse   18 18 14 10 4 16 28 104 108
172 William Francis III 20   18 24 4 16 22   104 104
173 Adam Erdossy 24     16 14 18 22 10 104 104
174 Josh Pilon 19 19   20 22 10 14 10 104 114
175 Andrew Hill 19 16 22 12 19     16 104 104
176 Chip Morton 22     18 16 16 16 16 104 104
177 Daniel Cleary 13 20 8 18 14 14 20 18 104 125
178 James Boyce 20 20 14 18 16 14 12 16 104 130
179 Brian Thomas 18 16 13   18 14 20 18 104 117
180 Adam Meader 8 22 16 20 16 13 12 16 103 123
181 Allison ONeill 18     18 13 13 22 19 103 103
182 Augustus Eustis 22 14   13 18 16 14 19 103 116
183 Jordan Knights 14 18 16 24 13 14 7 16 102 122
184 Doug Blackmore 20 12 10 20 4 22 16 12 102 116
185 Selwyn Wilson     13 14 22 19 14 20 102 102
186 Jeff Somers 14 14 18 18 16 10 22   102 112
187 Bruce Water 20 20 18   20   8 16 102 102
188 Ray Leitzke 20 4 20 20 16 8 16 10 102 114
189 Beau Blanchard 19 20   10 18   19 16 102 102
190 Kirt Fox 12 14 22 16 10 12 25 7 101 118
191 Matthew Venuti 20   25 12 13 7 19 12 101 108
192 Alyssa Alsheimer 22 14 12 12   19 22 12 101 113
193 Joshua Pack 16 19 20   7 16 22 8 101 108
194 Sarah McCormick 13 12 18 16 16 20 18 10 101 123
195 elizabeth miller 16 7 14 24 12 10 24 7 100 114
196 Doug Bennington 16 14   12 22 22 14 10 100 110
197 Jim Farris 16 7 18 18 8 16 10 22 100 115
198 Jason Dyer 14 12     18 22 16 18 100 100
199 Sarah Twomey 8 14 16 16 18 12 16 20 100 120
200 Trevor Heckman 20 7 22 19 18     13 99 99
201 Chris Lekousi   18 22 16 19 14 10 8 99 107
202 Jeremie Remian 14 18 12 10 10 16 20 19 99 119
203 Andrew Bennington 19 14 16 10 13 8 18 19 99 117
204 Brad Rosenblum 13   10 10 8 25 22 18 98 106
205 Colin Alsheimer 4 24 12 24   14 10 14 98 102
206 Rob Nottoli 14   16 22 14 22 10 10 98 108
207 MARK VIEIRA   18 10 20 16 10 22 12 98 108
208 Connor Fuller 8 22 16 10 20 6 14 16 98 112
209 John Luke Mills   16 16 22 18 16 10 10 98 108
210 Jessica Frenette 10 14 22 18 16 16 10 12 98 118
211 Justin Douglass 10 14 20 18 12 14 10 20 98 118
212 Scott Turcotte 13 14 6 20 16 14 16 18 98 117
213 Frederick Slama   24 22 13 8 10 18 10 97 105
214 Bryce Flint-Somerville     13 24 20 16 10 14 97 97
215 Greg Eng 10 14 24 14 10 19 16   97 107
216 Christopher Tremblay 16 10 22 6   18 12 19 97 103
217 Erik Peabody 20 16 14   7 19 18 10 97 104
218 Joshua Hynes 16 20 19   16 16   10 97 97
219 David Schnoll 19 16 16 16     12 18 97 97
220 Holly Danowski 16 16 14 18 19 10 14   97 107
221 Frances Zemlyn 22 14   7 24 13 16 7 96 103
222 Cody Shaw 20 13 12 8 16 13 6 22 96 110
223 Matt Guay 8     18 16 16 20 18 96 96
224 Grace Whitman 16 6 18 13 16 14 19 7 96 109
225 Chad Adamczyk 18 14 12 6 7 14 24 13 95 108
226 Scott Temple 22 18 10 4 13 4 13 19 95 103
227 Mike McGourty 12 18 11 13 19   22   95 95
228 Sean Marquand 20 18 13   16 12 16   95 95
229 Jack Renner 10 18 16 16 19 12 14 8 95 113
230 Adam Wolejko   19 14 14 16 12 16 16 95 107
231 Heather Marren 16 12 18 13 18 7 10 18 95 112
232 Tim Desmarais 14 10 16   16   18 20 94 94
233 Mark Bjorkquist 18 14 16 14 16 16   14 94 108
234 Jake Parsons   19 22 20     16 16 93 93
235 Nolan Tanguay 12 10 10 18 20 10 10 22 92 112
236 Gilbert Garcia 18 14 18 10 20 7   12 92 99
237 Chris Clay 13 18 10 14 10 13 16 18 92 112
238 Andrew Berryman 16 18 16 12 8 13 16 13 92 112
239 Mike Schmitt   13     12 20 22 24 91 91
240 Todd Crawford 13 16 8 16 14   8 24 91 99
241 Benjamin Bloomstein 16 20 19 14 22       91 91
242 William Francis IV 16   10 14 19 16 16   91 91
243 Landon Brooks 12 10 16 24 14 14 6   90 96
244 Michael Langley 18 4   22 16 16   14 90 90
245 Michael Prince   12   14 12 16 20 16 90 90
246 Victoria Fura 6 8   16 10 20 16 19 89 95
247 DENNIS GAINES 14 13 12 18   20 12 10 89 99
248 Alyssa Lee 13 14 13   25 16 7 4 88 92
249 Noah Fiedler   10 14 6 4 16 22 20 88 92
250 Hal Cunha 7 18 10 12 16 10 10 22 88 105
251 Tom Geary 22 8 10 16 12 12 16 8 88 104
252 Molly Horgan   14 12 14 14 8 22 12 88 96
253 Steven Amlaw 7 10 10 16 16 12 20 14 88 105
254 Sean Martin 10 6 8 14 12 20 16 16 88 102
255 Michael Brewster   16 14 6 20 12 12 14 88 94
256 Donald Berrios 8 16 10 12 18 10 19 13 88 106
257 Jeffrey Pennisi 14 12 18 14 10 16   14 88 98
258 Jonathan Shaw   16 12 10 22 13 4 14 87 91
259 Michael Renzi 10 19 20 12 10 14 10 12 87 107
260 Marissa Pratt 8 19 10 18 12 14 14 10 87 105
261 Mark Magrath 10 16 7 12 22 16 6 10 86 99
262 Alyssa Crews 8 14 14 22 14 10 12   86 94
263 Mike McHugh 14 20 10   10 16 14 12 86 96
264 Howard Edelstein 10 16 18 10     18 14 86 86
265 Jack Kubera   18 14 7 18 12 12 12 86 93
266 Colleen Riley 16 16 10 13   13 16 12 86 96
267 Tori Ryan   12 13 8 12 22 16 10 85 93
268 Wendy Brochu 10 12   10   20 18 15 85 85
269 Sean Fitzpatrick 16 19 18 18 14       85 85
270 Michelle Barney 22 12 6 16 8 20     84 84
271 Logan Crews 22 13 7 12 10 7 20   84 91
272 patrick countryman 20 8 12 13 14 12 13   84 92
273 Massimo Aldorasi 10 12 12 16   14 12 18 84 94
274 Brett Seymour 16 10 10 10 4 14 13 20 83 97
275 Karen Tremblay 13 16 8 20 12 10 6 12 83 97
276 Delaney Crocker 10 13 20   14 13   13 83 83
277 Scott Couturier 16 13   13 16 4 13 12 83 87
278 Sheri Hendricks 12 19   25   10 16   82 82
279 Rhys Wyman 10 10 12 18 7 13 8 19 82 97
280 John Day 16     10 22 14 19   81 81
281 Elizabeth Leonforte 16 22 8   8   14 13 81 81
282 Scott Mellen 10 7   4 16 10 19 19 81 85
283 Julia Barnes-Brown 14 8 10 16 7 19 12 10 81 96
284 Sarah Finn 10 10 16 4 16 16 13 4 81 89
285 Clarence Crews 10 13 12 16 10 16 14   81 91
286 Katie O'Donnell     13 12 16 14 14 12 81 81
287 Kate Eisenmenger     12 18 8 14 12 16 80 80
288 George Renzi 14 18 12 10 10 6 14 12 80 96
289 Robert Claffie 12 10 10 16 12 14 12 14 80 100
290 George Magyar 10 12 18 13 16 7 10   79 86
291 Jesse Georgia 14 16   14 7 14 14   79 79
292 Chasity Reeves 14 12 22 14     16   78 78
293 Jim Paquette 16 8   20     16 18 78 78
294 Jarod Evenson 16 20 18 10 14       78 78
295 Caden Ritchie 8 20     12 10 12 16 78 78
296 Colleen Mootrey 10 20 12 7 8 14 14 7 78 92
297 Carrie Aloisi   16 10 19 7 7 16 10 78 85
298 Aaron Cummings 19 10 10 12   13 14   78 78
299 Brian Yurick 12 14 7 13 13 16 10 10 78 95
300 Sandy Boyce 10 12 10 6 13 14 16 12 77 93
301 Anthony Phu 7   10 8 19 10 22 6 76 82
302 Lauren Baldwin 14 12   6 10 22 12   76 76
303 Daniel Reigner   16 10 16 16 18     76 76
303 Jerricka Hill 18   16 10 16     16 76 76
305 Christopher Darden 18 14 12 16 16       76 76
306 Trey Crews 12 16 16   16 16     76 76
307 Ben Tedder 4 13 16 13     14 16 76 76
308 Mike Gaudet 13 20       14 18 10 75 75
308 Ryan Kelly   18 20 13 10 14     75 75
310 Michael Lupo 18 18 10 19 10       75 75
311 Steven Wolejko 4 13 6 18 8 12 16 8 75 85
312 Andrew Logan 8 14 16 8 8 10 13 14 75 91
313 David Stonely 7 16 12 13   14 12 8 75 82
314 Doug Chaput 8 14 10   22 10   10 74 74
315 Douglas Erickson 10 12 18 10 6 7 16 8 74 87
316 Nathan Clavette 12 7 12 10 18 10 7 12 74 88
317 Sullivan Flynn 7 4 16 13 10   14 14 74 78
318 Preston Bick 7 10 14 4 4 22   16 73 77
319 Dwight Philbrick 19 12 20   10   12   73 73
320 Jason Corbin 6 20 10   13 14 4 10 73 77
321 Amber Lee 19 7 13 7   10 16 8 73 80
322 Brie Swift 10 8   12 13 14 16   73 73
323 Brooke Auger 10 10 14 10 13 16   8 73 81
324 Erin LeBlanc 6 6 10 10 22 10 8 12 72 84
325 Bruce Bettis 7 14 4   10 10 12 19 72 76
326 Andrew Young 12     16 12 8 10 14 72 72
327 Andy Walton     12 6 7 18 18 10 71 71
328 Sarah Plourde   4 8 16 10 18 12 7 71 75
329 Ben Webber   8 14   13 8 10 18 71 71
330 Samantha Paradis   8 16 10 10 8 13 14 71 79
331 Matthew Connellan 8 7 10 13 12 12 10 14 71 86
332 Jacob Kimball 20 16 8 10 16       70 70
333 Sofia Manganella 10 12     14 18   16 70 70
334 Faith Sauer 10 16 16 13 8 7   4 70 74
335 Ainsworth Kohler 16 10 14 10 10 10 4 10 70 84
336 Eli Scheer 12 7 12 20 10 7 7   68 75
337 Victoria Lehman 10     18   14 16 10 68 68
338 Linda Sylvester 16 4 6 10 14 8 10 10 68 78
339 Richard Turcotte 13 6   12 10 7 16 10 68 74
340 Kayla Wheaton   10 8 10 10 10 16 12 68 76
341 Adam Lisa 4 10 8 14 8 14 4 14 68 76
342 Meg Rowley 10 13   7 12 12 14 7 68 75
343 Lindsey Wyma 13 12   4 16   10 12 67 67
344 Austin Roy   16 12 12   8 6 13 67 67
345 james Frost 4 13   4 14 19 12   66 66
346 Kevin Plis 4 10 8 16 14   8 10 66 70
347 Jackson Potter 12 4 10   12 14 4 14 66 70
348 Chrissy Papnick 8 10 8 24 7   8   65 65
349 Christopher Mount 10 12   14   12 4 12 64 64
350 tim boston 7 13 4 12 12 10 7 10 64 75
351 Jennifer Reigner   14 13 10 6 19     62 62
352 Ethan Kidd 18 12 14 4 14       62 62
353 Constantinos Stivaros 8 8 12   8 16 10 7 62 69
354 Gail Edelstein 10 8 18 13     12   61 61
355 Ben Hanley 12 24 13   4 7     60 60
356 Chris Warren Swift 10 10   6   10 24   60 60
357 Doris Auger 16 8 4 4 12 10 4 10 60 68
358 Dagmar Haecker 10 6 7 13 8 12 10 7 60 73
359 Paul Davis 10 18 12 4 14       58 58
360 David Ritchie 10 8     16 6 10 8 58 58
361 Arthur Fontaine   7 10 10 16     13 56 56
362 ADAM Libby 13 8   4   14 14   53 53
363 Carrie-Ann Roy   4 6 14   12 10 6 52 52
364 Kara Kolman 10 8     10 14 10   52 52
365 Sam Knolhoff     7 10 12 8 10 4 51 51
366 Sam Palmer 7 10 6 18     8   49 49
367 Rick McCurdy 6   6 10 14   7   43 43
368 Winn Mount   7   4   18 6 6 41 41

Score Sheets

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 1

Ghostbusters (Pro)
Rick Rock 131,000,000 4
Ryan Belisle 71,000,000 1
Neil Graham 319,000,000 7
F-14 Tomcat
Rick Rock 379,000 7
Ryan Belisle 240,000 1
Neil Graham 256,000 4
Sharp Shooter II
Rick Rock 262,000 4
Ryan Belisle 75,000 1
Neil Graham 527,000 7
Rick And Morty
Rick Rock 26,000,000 7
Ryan Belisle 195,000 1
Neil Graham 8,000,000 4
Rick Rock 22
Ryan Belisle 4
Neil Graham 22

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 2

Patrick Burns 250,000 7
Alexander Blaustein 56,340 4
Adam Popp 33,620 1
Patrick Burns 196,331,110 7
Alexander Blaustein 96,420,060 4
Adam Popp 16,270,390 1
Dolly Parton
Patrick Burns 30,860 1
Alexander Blaustein 299,780 7
Adam Popp 63,140 4
X-Men Wolverine LE
Patrick Burns 27,244,760 7
Alexander Blaustein 1,485,020 1
Adam Popp 8,092,790 4
Patrick Burns 22
Alexander Blaustein 16
Adam Popp 10

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 3

James Bond 007 Pro
Matthew Venuti 142,317,050 7
Dagmar Haecker 6,025,620 1
Scott Temple 65,524,340 5
Kirt Fox 11,818,040 3
Houdini Master of Mystery
Matthew Venuti 531,184 7
Dagmar Haecker 89,414 3
Scott Temple 504,033 5
Kirt Fox 59,639 1
Grand Prix
Matthew Venuti 179,230 5
Dagmar Haecker 108,540 3
Scott Temple 465,180 7
Kirt Fox 99,880 1
Lethal Weapon 3
Matthew Venuti 4,716,470 1
Dagmar Haecker 10,301,100 3
Scott Temple 21,026,190 5
Kirt Fox 86,731,380 7
Matthew Venuti 20
Dagmar Haecker 10
Scott Temple 22
Kirt Fox 12

Pizza J - Week 1 - Group 1

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Amber Lee 3,382,630 4
Jack Shanahan 742,340 1
Andrew Hill 7,003,010 7
Halloween SE
Amber Lee 904,430 1
Jack Shanahan 15,136,190 4
Andrew Hill 29,848,490 7
Cactus Canyon SE+
Amber Lee 23,905,610 7
Jack Shanahan 7,159,710 4
Andrew Hill 6,964,050 1
Jurassic Park
Amber Lee 45,129,960 7
Jack Shanahan 7,881,630 1
Andrew Hill 26,585,160 4
Amber Lee 19
Jack Shanahan 10
Andrew Hill 19

Pizza J - Week 1 - Group 2

Cactus Canyon SE+
Lucas Herter 15,908,210 7
Cass Wilkinson Saldana 6,751,410 3
Colleen Riley 11,683,850 5
Julia Barnes-Brown 3,435,420 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Lucas Herter 100,149,470 7
Cass Wilkinson Saldana 12,129,920 1
Colleen Riley 16,430,300 5
Julia Barnes-Brown 12,137,250 3
Halloween SE
Lucas Herter 3,897,920 5
Cass Wilkinson Saldana 2,681,160 3
Colleen Riley 2,323,400 1
Julia Barnes-Brown 8,186,810 7
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Lucas Herter 54,281,890 7
Cass Wilkinson Saldana 2,319,080 1
Colleen Riley 13,448,440 5
Julia Barnes-Brown 6,336,190 3
Lucas Herter 26
Cass Wilkinson Saldana 8
Colleen Riley 16
Julia Barnes-Brown 14

Pizza J - Week 1 - Group 3

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Sarah Finn 8,029,320 1
Michelle Barney 11,442,320 7
William Francis IV 10,109,960 4
Tales from the Crypt
Sarah Finn 16,721,630 1
Michelle Barney 46,177,070 4
William Francis IV 247,463,330 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Sarah Finn 273,800 1
Michelle Barney 1,878,760 7
William Francis IV 457,850 4
Sarah Finn 12,485,550 7
Michelle Barney 10,920,260 4
William Francis IV 10,606,230 1
Sarah Finn 10
Michelle Barney 22
William Francis IV 16

Pizza J - Week 1 - Group 4

Toy Story 4 LE
William Francis III 952,530 7
Jerricka Hill 237,110 3
Sheri Hendricks 112,200 1
Christopher Cardaci 534,890 5
William Francis III 12,677,050 1
Jerricka Hill 21,282,680 3
Sheri Hendricks 61,502,170 5
Christopher Cardaci 121,128,280 7
Star Wars (Premium)
William Francis III 78,657,160 7
Jerricka Hill 73,701,810 5
Sheri Hendricks 56,469,450 3
Christopher Cardaci 40,257,030 1
Cactus Canyon SE+
William Francis III 9,990,420 5
Jerricka Hill 26,436,860 7
Sheri Hendricks 9,097,250 3
Christopher Cardaci 7,423,080 1
William Francis III 20
Jerricka Hill 18
Sheri Hendricks 12
Christopher Cardaci 14

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 1

Dolly Parton
Kenny Weiner 320,420 7
Cody Gamache 60,400 3
Elspeth Stewart 69,180 5
Marissa Pratt 49,480 1
Metallica (Premium/LE)
Kenny Weiner 5,041,460 3
Cody Gamache 20,493,400 5
Elspeth Stewart 37,417,520 7
Marissa Pratt 3,058,770 1
Heavy Metal Meltdown
Kenny Weiner 3,664,210 7
Cody Gamache 913,550 5
Elspeth Stewart 757,750 3
Marissa Pratt 511,320 1
Kenny Weiner 17,980 1
Cody Gamache 129,310 7
Elspeth Stewart 45,360 3
Marissa Pratt 63,430 5
Kenny Weiner 18
Cody Gamache 20
Elspeth Stewart 18
Marissa Pratt 8

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 2

Metallica (Premium/LE)
Alyssa Alsheimer 12,300,730 5
James McFatter 16,782,630 7
Matt Guay 4,199,450 1
Andrew Logan 5,223,690 3
Dolly Parton
Alyssa Alsheimer 78,050 5
James McFatter 313,530 7
Matt Guay 37,250 1
Andrew Logan 52,880 3
Space Rider
Alyssa Alsheimer 377,770 7
James McFatter 183,460 5
Matt Guay 66,820 3
Andrew Logan 64,310 1
AC/DC (Premium)
Alyssa Alsheimer 24,680,620 5
James McFatter 59,076,360 7
Matt Guay 19,287,240 3
Andrew Logan 7,967,600 1
Alyssa Alsheimer 22
James McFatter 26
Matt Guay 8
Andrew Logan 8

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 3

Space Rider
Russell McFatter 162,040 7
Jason Dyer 53,630 3
George Pratt 102,190 5
Jason Corbin 36,210 1
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Russell McFatter 30,934,690 5
Jason Dyer 9,861,120 3
George Pratt 35,780,160 7
Jason Corbin 3,057,200 1
Beatles, The (Gold)
Russell McFatter 1,008,970 3
Jason Dyer 2,404,900 7
George Pratt 1,679,800 5
Jason Corbin 162,450 1
Dolly Parton
Russell McFatter 56,870 7
Jason Dyer 21,800 1
George Pratt 54,950 5
Jason Corbin 38,480 3
Russell McFatter 22
Jason Dyer 14
George Pratt 22
Jason Corbin 6

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 4

Rolling Stones
Eric Geddes 286,680 7
Zheanna Murray 263,690 4
Colin Alsheimer 202,410 1
Capt. Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy
Eric Geddes 93,060 7
Zheanna Murray 84,560 4
Colin Alsheimer 77,920 1
Dolly Parton
Eric Geddes 149,910 4
Zheanna Murray 175,290 7
Colin Alsheimer 76,970 1
Metallica (Premium/LE)
Eric Geddes 17,653,280 7
Zheanna Murray 10,305,210 4
Colin Alsheimer 5,376,230 1
Eric Geddes 25
Zheanna Murray 19
Colin Alsheimer 4

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 1 - Group 5

Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Augustus Eustis 88,942,460 7
Jason John 40,052,860 1
Mitch Curtis 59,935,580 4
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
Augustus Eustis 196,487,130 4
Jason John 218,892,820 7
Mitch Curtis 49,156,650 1
Augustus Eustis 408,830 7
Jason John 54,570 1
Mitch Curtis 87,980 4
Aerosmith (Pro)
Augustus Eustis 9,720,170 4
Jason John 3,996,920 1
Mitch Curtis 122,885,760 7
Augustus Eustis 22
Jason John 10
Mitch Curtis 16

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 3

Ron Lulfs 10,362,730 1
Troy Babb 40,440,770 5
Austin Chenelle 58,677,130 7
Joshua Mazgelis 15,885,760 3
Ron Lulfs 321,250 5
Troy Babb 320,980 3
Austin Chenelle 421,070 7
Joshua Mazgelis 233,030 1
Charlie's Angels (SS)
Ron Lulfs 375,650 7
Troy Babb 38,850 1
Austin Chenelle 352,330 5
Joshua Mazgelis 84,030 3
Target Pool
Ron Lulfs 5,928 7
Troy Babb 127 1
Austin Chenelle 3,323 3
Joshua Mazgelis 5,593 5
Ron Lulfs 20
Troy Babb 10
Austin Chenelle 22
Joshua Mazgelis 12

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 4

NBA Fastbreak
Will Parks 70 7
Chip Morton 43 4
Steven Amlaw 14 1
Jacks Open
Will Parks 31,260 1
Chip Morton 67,550 7
Steven Amlaw 38,820 4
Flight 2000
Will Parks 528,120 7
Chip Morton 248,120 4
Steven Amlaw 99,510 1
Johnny Mnemonic
Will Parks 757,000,000 4
Chip Morton 777,000,000 7
Steven Amlaw 380,000,000 1
Will Parks 19
Chip Morton 22
Steven Amlaw 7

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 5

Matt Lemoine 474,140 7
Cody Shaw 248,380 1
Michael Corbett 252,430 4
Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man Pinball
Matt Lemoine 434,780 4
Cody Shaw 280,510 1
Michael Corbett 1,131,460 7
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Matt Lemoine 13,519,000 4
Cody Shaw 3,327,100 1
Michael Corbett 28,372,000 7
NBA Fastbreak
Matt Lemoine 11 1
Cody Shaw 18 4
Michael Corbett 22 7
Matt Lemoine 16
Cody Shaw 7
Michael Corbett 25

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 24

Michael Corbett 8,204,300 5
Troy Babb 1,341,470 1
Will Parks 8,672,950 7
Austin Chenelle 1,877,000 3
Michael Corbett 325,600 3
Troy Babb 393,500 7
Will Parks 355,800 5
Austin Chenelle 139,830 1
NBA Fastbreak
Michael Corbett 140 7
Troy Babb 34 1
Will Parks 57 3
Austin Chenelle 75 5
Strikes and Spares
Michael Corbett 1 1
Troy Babb 49,850 3
Will Parks 150,000 7
Austin Chenelle 69,350 5
Michael Corbett 16
Troy Babb 12
Will Parks 22
Austin Chenelle 14

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 1 - Group 24

NBA Fastbreak
Ron Lulfs 58 7
Cody Shaw 20 4
Joshua Mazgelis 11 1
Jacks Open
Ron Lulfs 88,830 4
Cody Shaw 76,640 1
Joshua Mazgelis 113,390 7
Strikes and Spares
Ron Lulfs 125,740 7
Cody Shaw 75,310 4
Joshua Mazgelis 22,710 1
Ron Lulfs 1,770,630 1
Cody Shaw 2,928,570 4
Joshua Mazgelis 3,677,760 7
Ron Lulfs 19
Cody Shaw 13
Joshua Mazgelis 16

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 1

Beatles, The (Gold)
Bill McHugh 2,334,280 7
Mark Johnson 1,427,250 3
Constantinos Stivaros 992,940 1
Eric Marz 1,655,830 5
Junk Yard
Bill McHugh 24,399,910 7
Mark Johnson 1,095,590 1
Constantinos Stivaros 1,496,310 3
Eric Marz 14,774,700 5
Mystery Castle
Bill McHugh 124,456,840 5
Mark Johnson 167,539,020 7
Constantinos Stivaros 94,211,040 1
Eric Marz 113,257,630 3
Bill McHugh 358,580 5
Mark Johnson 151,910 1
Constantinos Stivaros 159,510 3
Eric Marz 618,050 7
Bill McHugh 24
Mark Johnson 12
Constantinos Stivaros 8
Eric Marz 20

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 2

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Kris LaCross 73,665,710 7
Emily May 73,138,160 5
Austin Smith 7,358,080 1
Tim Neilson 55,783,650 3
Kris LaCross 492,432,630 5
Emily May 411,673,050 3
Austin Smith 1,930,037,300 7
Tim Neilson 206,813,500 1
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray
Kris LaCross 1,170,610 3
Emily May 2,622,100 7
Austin Smith 1,588,420 5
Tim Neilson 660,650 1
Kris LaCross 19,810 1
Emily May 51,380 5
Austin Smith 27,280 3
Tim Neilson 125,180 7
Kris LaCross 16
Emily May 20
Austin Smith 16
Tim Neilson 12

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 3

Jurassic Park
Meg Rowley 30,127,320 3
Eli Scheer 33,287,100 5
Allison Havens 9,684,720 1
Mike Havens 115,849,970 7
Indianapolis 500
Meg Rowley 27,591,530 1
Eli Scheer 43,212,270 3
Allison Havens 57,943,000 5
Mike Havens 110,005,340 7
High Speed
Meg Rowley 313,650 1
Eli Scheer 540,440 3
Allison Havens 545,100 5
Mike Havens 733,980 7
Joker Poker EM
Meg Rowley 125,590 5
Eli Scheer 93,510 1
Allison Havens 153,660 7
Mike Havens 96,110 3
Meg Rowley 10
Eli Scheer 12
Allison Havens 18
Mike Havens 24

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 4

Jurassic Park
David Ritchie 3,372,940 1
Brett Seymour 29,818,700 5
Connor Shlatz 257,137,260 7
Christopher Mount 7,331,430 3
The Lord of the Rings
David Ritchie 7,673,400 1
Brett Seymour 9,031,440 5
Connor Shlatz 31,499,990 7
Christopher Mount 7,825,110 3
Star Trek: The Next Generation
David Ritchie 98,663,250 3
Brett Seymour 159,022,490 5
Connor Shlatz 173,401,440 7
Christopher Mount 65,479,400 1
Lost World
David Ritchie 46,050 5
Brett Seymour 20,790 1
Connor Shlatz 228,220 7
Christopher Mount 26,750 3
David Ritchie 10
Brett Seymour 16
Connor Shlatz 28
Christopher Mount 10

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 5

The Big Lebowski
mark dabelstein 2,946,230 5
Jacob Reske 620,380 3
Jamie MacLeish 5,516,770 7
Caden Ritchie 383,890 1
Indianapolis 500
mark dabelstein 121,097,650 5
Jacob Reske 35,467,340 1
Jamie MacLeish 178,407,390 7
Caden Ritchie 57,637,560 3
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray
mark dabelstein 18,202,330 7
Jacob Reske 1,197,070 3
Jamie MacLeish 7,801,000 5
Caden Ritchie 832,820 1
mark dabelstein 63,140 1
Jacob Reske 213,800 5
Jamie MacLeish 225,150 7
Caden Ritchie 117,080 3
mark dabelstein 18
Jacob Reske 12
Jamie MacLeish 26
Caden Ritchie 8

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 6

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Alex Yeager 11,490,740 7
David Schnoll 10,443,170 4
Preston Francisco 8,088,370 1
Junk Yard
Alex Yeager 11,194,170 4
David Schnoll 2,718,110 1
Preston Francisco 30,169,870 7
High Speed
Alex Yeager 643,410 1
David Schnoll 1,504,780 7
Preston Francisco 971,120 4
Joker Poker EM
Alex Yeager 173,190 4
David Schnoll 321,330 7
Preston Francisco 153,580 1
Alex Yeager 16
David Schnoll 19
Preston Francisco 13

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 7

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Doug Blackmore 18,810,440 3
Kevin Plis 4,353,270 1
Nathan Crosby 26,404,440 5
Brian Thomas 39,175,880 7
The Addams Family
Doug Blackmore 45,892,700 7
Kevin Plis 2,966,250 1
Nathan Crosby 9,567,510 3
Brian Thomas 14,221,450 5
Black Hole
Doug Blackmore 172,910 5
Kevin Plis 60,660 1
Nathan Crosby 243,890 7
Brian Thomas 67,750 3
Harlem Globetrotters On Tour
Doug Blackmore 202,270 5
Kevin Plis 27,520 1
Nathan Crosby 205,840 7
Brian Thomas 111,530 3
Doug Blackmore 20
Kevin Plis 4
Nathan Crosby 22
Brian Thomas 18

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 8

Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Jody Stahlman 26,662,850 4
Becca Lipstein 10,134,370 1
Chris Thomas 74,651,490 7
Red & Ted's Road Show
Jody Stahlman 152,658,890 7
Becca Lipstein 65,848,890 4
Chris Thomas 60,697,330 1
High Speed
Jody Stahlman 1,295,470 4
Becca Lipstein 1,402,920 7
Chris Thomas 871,040 1
Jody Stahlman 73,710 1
Becca Lipstein 192,960 7
Chris Thomas 91,890 4
Jody Stahlman 16
Becca Lipstein 19
Chris Thomas 13

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 1 - Group 9

Beatles, The (Gold)
Beau Blanchard 2,167,540 1
matthew schroeder 2,771,190 7
Chris Clay 2,191,590 4
Beau Blanchard 385,962,920 4
matthew schroeder 292,493,320 1
Chris Clay 705,141,580 7
Mystery Castle
Beau Blanchard 114,607,630 7
matthew schroeder 53,193,420 4
Chris Clay 21,300,150 1
Beau Blanchard 127,970 7
matthew schroeder 92,210 4
Chris Clay 34,120 1
Beau Blanchard 19
matthew schroeder 16
Chris Clay 13

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 1

Houdini Master of Mystery
Erik Peabody 44,114 3
Frank Shepherd 712,455 5
Rick McCurdy 38,528 1
Matt Osborn 1,154,439 7
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Erik Peabody 5,016,060 5
Frank Shepherd 3,357,360 3
Rick McCurdy 1,379,570 1
Matt Osborn 5,185,550 7
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Erik Peabody 18,019,670 5
Frank Shepherd 9,996,860 3
Rick McCurdy 3,265,730 1
Matt Osborn 281,426,730 7
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Erik Peabody 34,722,990 7
Frank Shepherd 6,507,270 1
Rick McCurdy 6,935,750 3
Matt Osborn 31,833,930 5
Erik Peabody 20
Frank Shepherd 12
Rick McCurdy 6
Matt Osborn 26

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 2

Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Jeff Crocker 38,742,420 7
Howard Edelstein 36,571,400 5
David Schumaker 3,865,710 1
Colleen Mootrey 6,686,000 3
Disney TRON Legacy
Jeff Crocker 9,902,680 5
Howard Edelstein 1,156,120 1
David Schumaker 19,554,390 7
Colleen Mootrey 6,398,270 3
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Jeff Crocker 10,423,310 5
Howard Edelstein 3,747,010 1
David Schumaker 11,298,360 7
Colleen Mootrey 9,635,650 3
Houdini Master of Mystery
Jeff Crocker 458,081 5
Howard Edelstein 141,938 3
David Schumaker 477,953 7
Colleen Mootrey 32,590 1
Jeff Crocker 22
Howard Edelstein 10
David Schumaker 22
Colleen Mootrey 10

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 3

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Bill MacDonald 144,209,310 7
David Stonely 7,363,130 1
Jim Paquette 14,421,680 4
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Bill MacDonald 72,745,820 7
David Stonely 41,112,010 4
Jim Paquette 34,517,050 1
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Bill MacDonald 22,424,540 7
David Stonely 3,487,110 1
Jim Paquette 9,031,690 4
Star Wars (Pro)
Bill MacDonald 151,634,510 4
David Stonely 34,001,320 1
Jim Paquette 212,955,660 7
Bill MacDonald 25
David Stonely 7
Jim Paquette 16

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 4

Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Gail Edelstein 5,672,470 1
Paul Davis 26,087,370 4
Ross Bergen 34,189,990 7
Godzilla (Premium)
Gail Edelstein 28,526,230 4
Paul Davis 26,925,290 1
Ross Bergen 449,473,670 7
Medieval Madness (Remake Standard Edition)
Gail Edelstein 4,412,670 1
Paul Davis 9,819,400 4
Ross Bergen 12,393,260 7
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Gail Edelstein 6,084,760 4
Paul Davis 1,464,750 1
Ross Bergen 8,655,570 7
Gail Edelstein 10
Paul Davis 10
Ross Bergen 28

Granite State Pinball - Week 1 - Group 5

Disney TRON Legacy
Lucas Paquette 9,926,510 4
Karen Tremblay 8,468,460 1
Christopher Tremblay 22,019,120 7
Alien (Standard) Pinball Brothers
Lucas Paquette 15,045,670 7
Karen Tremblay 5,565,750 4
Christopher Tremblay 4,426,650 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Lucas Paquette 10,535,930 4
Karen Tremblay 45,077,850 7
Christopher Tremblay 8,517,830 1
Monster Bash remake Special
Lucas Paquette 22,366,990 4
Karen Tremblay 1,368,900 1
Christopher Tremblay 39,278,210 7
Lucas Paquette 19
Karen Tremblay 13
Christopher Tremblay 16

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 1

Grace Whitman 97,760 4
Christopher Harvey 90,470 1
Michelle Rollins 176,110 7
The Haunted Cruise
Grace Whitman 2,344,810 4
Christopher Harvey 8,604,650 7
Michelle Rollins 1,908,810 1
The Addams Family
Grace Whitman 10,005,610 1
Christopher Harvey 32,296,150 4
Michelle Rollins 172,433,660 7
Grace Whitman 53,410 7
Christopher Harvey 27,650 1
Michelle Rollins 44,190 4
Grace Whitman 16
Christopher Harvey 13
Michelle Rollins 19

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 2

WHO dunnit
Heather Marren 331,807,150 5
George Renzi 231,377,800 3
William Yasick 1,065,455,150 7
Mike McHugh 220,089,660 1
Heather Marren 327,290 1
George Renzi 780,360 7
William Yasick 611,230 3
Mike McHugh 636,280 5
Heather Marren 103,000 5
George Renzi 34,610 3
William Yasick 140,990 7
Mike McHugh 25,590 1
The Addams Family
Heather Marren 45,501,420 5
George Renzi 6,828,090 1
William Yasick 25,655,580 3
Mike McHugh 55,350,300 7
Heather Marren 16
George Renzi 14
William Yasick 20
Mike McHugh 14

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 9

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Justin Fontaine 62,107,060 7
Victoria Farley 16,462,860 3
Stephanie Harvey 22,354,750 5
Michael Renzi 7,214,070 1
Family Guy
Justin Fontaine 15,106,340 7
Victoria Farley 2,513,350 1
Stephanie Harvey 6,873,630 3
Michael Renzi 8,081,820 5
Big Guns
Justin Fontaine 1,155,390 7
Victoria Farley 198,460 1
Stephanie Harvey 794,440 5
Michael Renzi 336,160 3
Dolly Parton
Justin Fontaine 228,760 7
Victoria Farley 120,170 5
Stephanie Harvey 117,850 3
Michael Renzi 87,250 1
Justin Fontaine 28
Victoria Farley 10
Stephanie Harvey 16
Michael Renzi 10

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 1 - Group 9

The Addams Family
Victoria Farley 4,637,040 1
Michael Pare 54,771,370 5
Emily Rose 110,748,640 7
Robert Claffie 17,035,290 3
WHO dunnit
Victoria Farley 72,759,430 1
Michael Pare 1,185,295,460 7
Emily Rose 917,202,990 5
Robert Claffie 260,365,710 3
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Victoria Farley 2,054,710 1
Michael Pare 24,778,080 5
Emily Rose 94,968,710 7
Robert Claffie 3,112,210 3
Victoria Farley 705,180 5
Michael Pare 1,898,350 7
Emily Rose 498,250 1
Robert Claffie 665,470 3
Victoria Farley 8
Michael Pare 24
Emily Rose 20
Robert Claffie 12

The Adventurers' Outpost - Week 1 - Group 1

Brian Yurick 796,210 5
Allison ONeill 136,620 1
Ben Hanley 343,930 3
Brian O'Neill 892,750 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Brian Yurick 4,398,320 1
Allison ONeill 30,428,190 5
Ben Hanley 8,707,890 3
Brian O'Neill 94,396,620 7
Brian Yurick 362,020 3
Allison ONeill 560,340 5
Ben Hanley 292,510 1
Brian O'Neill 781,750 7
Brian Yurick 359,740 3
Allison ONeill 3,525,640 7
Ben Hanley 1,450,840 5
Brian O'Neill 145,140 1
Brian Yurick 12
Allison ONeill 18
Ben Hanley 12
Brian O'Neill 22

The Adventurers' Outpost - Week 1 - Group 2

Demolition Man
Aaron Gunn 497,418,230 5
Michael Lupo 34,978,190 1
Anne Whipple 198,867,440 3
Jillian Towne 671,406,180 7
Aaron Gunn 95,640 7
Michael Lupo 53,780 3
Anne Whipple 34,830 1
Jillian Towne 85,430 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Aaron Gunn 6,401,630 1
Michael Lupo 277,422,930 7
Anne Whipple 43,772,590 3
Jillian Towne 88,467,580 5
Aaron Gunn 1,283,030 5
Michael Lupo 2,274,380 7
Anne Whipple 339,330 1
Jillian Towne 361,780 3
Aaron Gunn 18
Michael Lupo 18
Anne Whipple 8
Jillian Towne 20

Tokens Taproom - Week 1 - Group 1

Demolition Man
Shawn Chastney 157,591,040 7
Preston Bick 73,537,050 4
Todd Crawford 15,685,860 1
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Shawn Chastney 417,990,980 7
Preston Bick 13,267,920 1
Todd Crawford 44,486,510 4
The Addams Family
Shawn Chastney 57,090,020 7
Preston Bick 25,245,570 1
Todd Crawford 42,213,850 4
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Shawn Chastney 157,920,680 7
Preston Bick 23,426,620 1
Todd Crawford 43,593,880 4
Shawn Chastney 28
Preston Bick 7
Todd Crawford 13

Tokens Taproom - Week 1 - Group 2

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Mike Morris 189,321,260 7
Luke Farry 86,963,630 3
Jeff Spires 130,406,640 5
Joshua Hynes 15,604,530 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Mike Morris 12,285,880 1
Luke Farry 28,457,740 5
Jeff Spires 23,843,860 3
Joshua Hynes 61,563,430 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Mike Morris 25,256,710 7
Luke Farry 22,782,119 5
Jeff Spires 7,190,110 1
Joshua Hynes 8,861,410 3
Mike Morris 3,799,880 7
Luke Farry 1,263,880 3
Jeff Spires 1,178,770 1
Joshua Hynes 1,629,880 5
Mike Morris 22
Luke Farry 16
Jeff Spires 10
Joshua Hynes 16

Tokens Taproom - Week 1 - Group 6

The Addams Family
Sullivan Flynn 9,743,520 4
Jayson Kohl 39,045,380 7
Lindsey Wyma 1,663,290 1
Halloween (SE) [Spooky Pinball, 2021]
Sullivan Flynn 551,270 1
Jayson Kohl 9,289,550 7
Lindsey Wyma 2,495,560 4
Munsters (Pro)
Sullivan Flynn 1,688,830 1
Jayson Kohl 12,234,950 7
Lindsey Wyma 3,930,780 4
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Sullivan Flynn 6,288,710 1
Jayson Kohl 112,048,450 7
Lindsey Wyma 8,057,750 4
Sullivan Flynn 7
Jayson Kohl 28
Lindsey Wyma 13

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 2

The Rolling Stones
Anthony Kret 11,714,640 7
Chris Warren Swift 2,629,300 1
Massimo Aldorasi 3,500,850 3
Seamus Meader 4,116,590 5
Mandalorian (Pro)
Anthony Kret 164,405,660 5
Chris Warren Swift 27,867,310 1
Massimo Aldorasi 49,251,270 3
Seamus Meader 166,000,220 7
Monster Bash
Anthony Kret 15,008,740 1
Chris Warren Swift 21,384,190 5
Massimo Aldorasi 19,043,050 3
Seamus Meader 41,043,050 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Anthony Kret 23,971,350 5
Chris Warren Swift 8,844,140 3
Massimo Aldorasi 3,007,740 1
Seamus Meader 377,028,910 7
Anthony Kret 18
Chris Warren Swift 10
Massimo Aldorasi 10
Seamus Meader 26

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 3

Monster Bash
Sean Marquand 3,728,770 5
Jeff Somers 2,951,120 3
patrick countryman 9,721,200 7
Brie Swift 2,038,200 1
Batman 66 (Premium)
Sean Marquand 36,080,420 5
Jeff Somers 58,081,830 7
patrick countryman 29,837,650 3
Brie Swift 16,995,370 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Sean Marquand 1,108,120 3
Jeff Somers 544,540 1
patrick countryman 1,817,110 5
Brie Swift 3,570,410 7
Mandalorian (Pro)
Sean Marquand 46,011,580 7
Jeff Somers 17,979,900 3
patrick countryman 20,081,470 5
Brie Swift 4,359,480 1
Sean Marquand 20
Jeff Somers 14
patrick countryman 20
Brie Swift 10

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 4

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Steve Matos 180,859,200 7
Erik Haynes 20,622,500 1
Andrew Berryman 161,466,500 5
Adam Meader 104,461,220 3
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Steve Matos 109,016,430 7
Erik Haynes 49,643,000 3
Andrew Berryman 80,515,790 5
Adam Meader 29,195,180 1
Hot Wheels
Steve Matos 73,007,280 3
Erik Haynes 202,538,300 7
Andrew Berryman 177,916,150 5
Adam Meader 10,984,150 1
Godzilla pro
Steve Matos 49,018,020 5
Erik Haynes 586,882,000 7
Andrew Berryman 27,922,000 1
Adam Meader 48,928,000 3
Steve Matos 22
Erik Haynes 18
Andrew Berryman 16
Adam Meader 8

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 6

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Christopher Darden 42,565,880 5
Chuck Webster 73,817,020 7
Adam Lisa 10,585,310 1
Kenneth Johnson 17,989,690 3
James Bond 007 Pro
Christopher Darden 125,761,580 7
Chuck Webster 82,942,840 5
Adam Lisa 31,238,260 1
Kenneth Johnson 68,285,180 3
Monster Bash
Christopher Darden 5,185,990 3
Chuck Webster 61,266,680 7
Adam Lisa 5,185,590 1
Kenneth Johnson 43,227,060 5
Batman 66 (Premium)
Christopher Darden 23,519,620 3
Chuck Webster 99,304,480 7
Adam Lisa 9,495,270 1
Kenneth Johnson 42,002,290 5
Christopher Darden 18
Chuck Webster 26
Adam Lisa 4
Kenneth Johnson 16

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 7

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Chip Van Dyke 6,200,720 4
Bruce Bettis 2,828,360 1
Noah Crable 13,550,490 7
Godzilla pro
Chip Van Dyke 69,134,560 4
Bruce Bettis 19,163,680 1
Noah Crable 193,441,930 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Chip Van Dyke 99,450,000 4
Bruce Bettis 73,311,250 1
Noah Crable 644,185,880 7
Batman 66 (Premium)
Chip Van Dyke 103,664,600 7
Bruce Bettis 22,135,420 4
Noah Crable 6,590,330 1
Chip Van Dyke 19
Bruce Bettis 7
Noah Crable 22

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 1 - Group 8

James Bond 007 Pro
Pete Pappavaselio 6,385,770 1
Paul Cormier 54,660,220 4
Mark Ross 57,328,370 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Pete Pappavaselio 28,954,780 4
Paul Cormier 28,237,720 1
Mark Ross 30,539,840 7
Monster Bash
Pete Pappavaselio 3,620,930 1
Paul Cormier 5,212,930 4
Mark Ross 5,511,890 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Pete Pappavaselio 10,181,400 1
Paul Cormier 21,405,620 4
Mark Ross 42,448,330 7
Pete Pappavaselio 7
Paul Cormier 13
Mark Ross 28

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 1 - Group 3

Brad Rosenblum 53,490 4
Brian Knolhoff 140,730 7
Benjamin Bloomstein 26,050 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Brad Rosenblum 8,935,770 1
Brian Knolhoff 30,075,340 4
Benjamin Bloomstein 149,079,620 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Brad Rosenblum 36,476,580 1
Brian Knolhoff 402,586,720 4
Benjamin Bloomstein 774,202,160 7
Brad Rosenblum 244,690 7
Brian Knolhoff 82,150 4
Benjamin Bloomstein 46,440 1
Brad Rosenblum 13
Brian Knolhoff 19
Benjamin Bloomstein 16

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 1 - Group 3

Anthony Phu 12,220 1
Jacob Hirsh 152,610 4
Joseph Lemire 206,050 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Anthony Phu 42,469,170 4
Jacob Hirsh 32,949,550 1
Joseph Lemire 319,265,630 7
Batman 66 (Premium)
Anthony Phu 28,590,600 1
Jacob Hirsh 40,040,790 4
Joseph Lemire 788,273,970 7
Anthony Phu 605,570 1
Jacob Hirsh 1,988,180 4
Joseph Lemire 3,685,900 7
Anthony Phu 7
Jacob Hirsh 13
Joseph Lemire 28

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 1 - Group 4

Batman 66 (Premium)
Jason Aloisi 210,712,930 4
Michael Freeman 17,304,160 1
Nicholas Destefano 647,045,540 7
Jason Aloisi 77,830 4
Michael Freeman 53,750 1
Nicholas Destefano 91,980 7
Jason Aloisi 198,890 4
Michael Freeman 83,480 1
Nicholas Destefano 1,672,480 7
Jason Aloisi 65,550 1
Michael Freeman 288,590 7
Nicholas Destefano 173,550 4
Jason Aloisi 13
Michael Freeman 10
Nicholas Destefano 25

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 1

Jurassic Park
Sam Palmer 1,000,000 1
Luc Cotterell 2,000,000 4
Gabe Noblesmith 3,000,000 7
Gay 90's
Sam Palmer 2,000 4
Luc Cotterell 1,000 1
Gabe Noblesmith 8,695 7
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Sam Palmer 1,000,000 1
Luc Cotterell 2,000,000 4
Gabe Noblesmith 3,000,000 7
The Lord of the Rings
Sam Palmer 1,000,000 1
Luc Cotterell 2,000,000 4
Gabe Noblesmith 3,000,000 7
Sam Palmer 7
Luc Cotterell 13
Gabe Noblesmith 28

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 2

Mustang (Pro)
Ethan Kidd 18,658,610 7
elizabeth miller 16,265,800 5
James Boyce 10,706,100 1
Jessica Frenette 15,220,620 3
Mata Hari
Ethan Kidd 137,290 5
elizabeth miller 18,320 1
James Boyce 322,150 7
Jessica Frenette 128,190 3
Ethan Kidd 182,038,110 1
elizabeth miller 547,944,920 7
James Boyce 330,562,980 5
Jessica Frenette 295,751,730 3
The Addams Family
Ethan Kidd 35,889,350 5
elizabeth miller 26,543,300 3
James Boyce 63,095,680 7
Jessica Frenette 11,361,160 1
Ethan Kidd 18
elizabeth miller 16
James Boyce 20
Jessica Frenette 10

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 4

Mata Hari
Jeff Ferguson 75,060 3
Nathan Mills 189,970 7
Jesse Georgia 35,670 1
Medieval Madness
Jeff Ferguson 4,019,280 3
Nathan Mills 44,575,610 7
Jesse Georgia 4,897,370 5
DENNIS GAINES 2,768,900 1
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Jeff Ferguson 451,904,600 5
Nathan Mills 266,582,780 3
Jesse Georgia 794,446,010 7
DENNIS GAINES 162,914,570 1
Jeff Ferguson 808,740,480 5
Nathan Mills 258,982,020 3
Jesse Georgia 148,852,810 1
DENNIS GAINES 1,029,114,640 7
Jeff Ferguson 16
Nathan Mills 20
Jesse Georgia 14

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 5

Medieval Madness
Robert Chason 8,811,000 3
Geoff Alterman 22,960,530 7
Jeremy Lota 14,069,090 5
Sarah Twomey 7,878,180 1
Attack from Mars
Robert Chason 1,752,228,450 5
Geoff Alterman 2,742,510,810 7
Jeremy Lota 1,612,251,710 3
Sarah Twomey 1,292,291,310 1
The Addams Family
Robert Chason 102,884,380 5
Geoff Alterman 273,527,260 7
Jeremy Lota 86,335,280 3
Sarah Twomey 41,743,810 1
Jurassic Park
Robert Chason 20,727,140 3
Geoff Alterman 329,174,210 7
Jeremy Lota 14,302,270 1
Sarah Twomey 79,820,910 5
Robert Chason 16
Geoff Alterman 28
Jeremy Lota 12
Sarah Twomey 8

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 6

Scared Stiff
Nate Straz 2,720,870 3
Chyle Cameron 4,815,540 7
Douglas Erickson 1,685,040 1
Matthew Liskom 3,891,660 5
Iron Man
Nate Straz 3,037,940 3
Chyle Cameron 4,875,020 5
Douglas Erickson 2,295,950 1
Matthew Liskom 12,843,830 7
Nate Straz 1,293,800 7
Chyle Cameron 69,640 3
Douglas Erickson 140,170 5
Matthew Liskom 42,940 1
Nate Straz 10,320 1
Chyle Cameron 114,740 7
Douglas Erickson 62,540 3
Matthew Liskom 81,210 5
Nate Straz 14
Chyle Cameron 22
Douglas Erickson 10
Matthew Liskom 18

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 7

The Lord of the Rings
ADAM Libby 11,473,890 1
Dave Aceto 14,024,130 7
Justin Douglass 12,919,130 4
Pirates of the Caribbean
ADAM Libby 22,973,190 7
Dave Aceto 20,817,720 4
Justin Douglass 6,398,570 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
ADAM Libby 33,135,310 4
Dave Aceto 111,261,980 7
Justin Douglass 3,887,220 1
Medieval Madness
ADAM Libby 4,659,060 1
Dave Aceto 45,245,810 7
Justin Douglass 7,944,200 4
ADAM Libby 13
Dave Aceto 25
Justin Douglass 10

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 8

Mars Trek
Josh Pilon 332,100 7
Steven Wolejko 317,000 1
Tom Law 328,000 4
Godzilla [Stern, 2021]
Josh Pilon 39,336,660 4
Steven Wolejko 9,657,220 1
Tom Law 140,306,900 7
Getaway: High Speed II, The
Josh Pilon 123,256,030 4
Steven Wolejko 23,039,790 1
Tom Law 129,059,090 7
Doctor Who
Josh Pilon 99,361,880 4
Steven Wolejko 27,281,280 1
Tom Law 146,632,000 7
Josh Pilon 19
Steven Wolejko 4
Tom Law 25

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 10

Beatles, The (Gold)
Paul Aho 3,000,000 5
Joey Harwood 4,000,000 7
Mike Hassett 1,000,000 1
Victoria Fura 2,000,000 3
Paul Aho 313,940 7
Joey Harwood 242,750 5
Mike Hassett 116,310 3
Victoria Fura 111,060 1
Doctor Who
Paul Aho 63,886,080 3
Joey Harwood 271,748,800 7
Mike Hassett 145,215,600 5
Victoria Fura 24,281,850 1
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paul Aho 35,794,280 5
Joey Harwood 25,741,600 3
Mike Hassett 42,512,670 7
Victoria Fura 25,741,600 1
Paul Aho 20
Joey Harwood 22
Mike Hassett 16
Victoria Fura 6

Arcadia - Week 1 - Group 12

Godzilla [Stern, 2021]
Elizabeth Smith 18,304,830 3
Robert Foley 36,098,150 7
Sandy Boyce 10,963,200 1
Willoughby Andrews 18,969,140 5
Beatles, The (Gold)
Elizabeth Smith 1,244,480 5
Robert Foley 915,310 1
Sandy Boyce 1,210,930 3
Willoughby Andrews 1,666,250 7
Iron Man
Elizabeth Smith 5,455,970 1
Robert Foley 10,046,180 3
Sandy Boyce 12,981,910 5
Willoughby Andrews 14,377,020 7
Jungle Lord
Elizabeth Smith 57,140 3
Robert Foley 146,150 5
Sandy Boyce 48,110 1
Willoughby Andrews 234,150 7
Elizabeth Smith 12
Robert Foley 16
Sandy Boyce 10
Willoughby Andrews 26

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 1 - Group 2

James Bond 007 Pro
Wendy Brochu 3,349,670 1
zakory Thibodeau 14,081,060 5
dave madore 13,791,510 3
Doris Auger 29,907,440 7
South Park
Wendy Brochu 12,132,600 3
zakory Thibodeau 55,336,630 5
dave madore 93,126,050 7
Doris Auger 7,825,650 1
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Wendy Brochu 4,785,340 1
zakory Thibodeau 11,050,000 3
dave madore 21,614,340 5
Doris Auger 27,720,020 7
Pirates of the Caribbean
Wendy Brochu 9,940,880 5
zakory Thibodeau 7,882,950 3
dave madore 29,503,220 7
Doris Auger 4,673,670 1
Wendy Brochu 10
zakory Thibodeau 16
dave madore 22
Doris Auger 16

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 1

Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
Mitch Gagnon 1,751,473 5
Jordan Knights 2,240,826 7
James MacLean 200,109 1
Alan MacLean 1,094,677 3
Jurassic Park
Mitch Gagnon 89,455,760 7
Jordan Knights 44,475,380 3
James MacLean 15,361,620 1
Alan MacLean 54,934,750 5
Mitch Gagnon 165,280 5
Jordan Knights 152,820 3
James MacLean 603,630 7
Alan MacLean 101,110 1
Batman 66 (Premium)
Mitch Gagnon 25,723,170 3
Jordan Knights 16,681,460 1
James MacLean 51,781,900 5
Alan MacLean 68,425,750 7
Mitch Gagnon 20
Jordan Knights 14
James MacLean 14
Alan MacLean 16

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 2

Jurassic Park
james Frost 9,774,620 1
brian Bourque 56,162,470 4
Derek Foxwell 109,085,000 7
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
james Frost 247,259 1
brian Bourque 1,222,826 7
Derek Foxwell 1,075,277 4
Grand Lizard
james Frost 32,650 1
brian Bourque 161,780 4
Derek Foxwell 326,040 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
james Frost 3,587,210 1
brian Bourque 11,857,100 7
Derek Foxwell 3,785,400 4
james Frost 4
brian Bourque 22
Derek Foxwell 22

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 3

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 8,758,630 4
Chris Brunette 15,622,230 7
Mike Gaudet 5,041,750 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 14,823,520 1
Chris Brunette 99,041,930 7
Mike Gaudet 35,691,620 4
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons™
Rhys Wyman 635 4
Chris Brunette 1,756 7
Mike Gaudet 595 1
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
Rhys Wyman 334,893 1
Chris Brunette 2,281,100 4
Mike Gaudet 5,824,564 7
Rhys Wyman 10
Chris Brunette 25
Mike Gaudet 13

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 1 - Group 4

Sam Keogh 135,520 1
David Foxwell 509,030 7
Derek Correia 328,750 4
Sam Keogh 2,019,900 1
David Foxwell 2,159,120 4
Derek Correia 2,718,780 7
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
Sam Keogh 1,106,688 7
David Foxwell 383,776 1
Derek Correia 409,220 4
Avatar (Pro)
Sam Keogh 3,761,350 4
David Foxwell 3,348,820 1
Derek Correia 6,770,260 7
Sam Keogh 13
David Foxwell 13
Derek Correia 22

Yankee Arcade - Week 1 - Group 1

Daniel Radin 40,680 1
Mike McGourty 43,150 3
Michael Sandler 54,040 5
John Day 60,760 7
Eight Ball Champ
Daniel Radin 625,950 5
Mike McGourty 145,140 1
Michael Sandler 713,550 7
John Day 255,540 3
Attack from Mars
Daniel Radin 740,358,850 5
Mike McGourty 1,759,346,400 7
Michael Sandler 638,642,560 3
John Day 488,131,420 1
Daniel Radin 111,820 3
Mike McGourty 60,750 1
Michael Sandler 170,580 7
John Day 134,760 5
Daniel Radin 14
Mike McGourty 12
Michael Sandler 22
John Day 16

Yankee Arcade - Week 1 - Group 2

Monster Bash remake Special
Dan Glennon 14,852,300 1
Kyle Gale 70,595,520 7
Bryant Moscon 22,596,180 4
Dan Glennon 246,230 1
Kyle Gale 1,120,320 7
Bryant Moscon 266,270 4
Beatles, The (Gold)
Dan Glennon 539,570 4
Kyle Gale 515,010 1
Bryant Moscon 767,130 7
Attack from Mars
Dan Glennon 2,357,296,300 7
Kyle Gale 2,107,771,750 4
Bryant Moscon 1,311,160,650 1
Dan Glennon 13
Kyle Gale 19
Bryant Moscon 16

Jim's RealHouse - Week 1 - Group 1

Rob Zombie's Spookshow International (Standard Edition)
Nicole Bernier 1,169,300 4
Richard Turcotte 692,700 1
Jamie Wolcott 1,253,790 7
Avatar (LE)
Nicole Bernier 4,404,310 7
Richard Turcotte 3,407,320 4
Jamie Wolcott 2,778,270 1
Nicole Bernier 136,260 1
Richard Turcotte 206,300 4
Jamie Wolcott 277,950 7
Gold Strike
Nicole Bernier 26,260 1
Richard Turcotte 34,050 4
Jamie Wolcott 64,150 7
Nicole Bernier 13
Richard Turcotte 13
Jamie Wolcott 22

Jim's RealHouse - Week 1 - Group 2

Metallica (Pro)
Jeff Parsons 34,397,200 7
Jeffrey Pinard 4,332,740 1
Jim Farris 4,332,750 4
Ghostbusters (Premium)
Jeff Parsons 67,618,910 1
Jeffrey Pinard 81,817,980 7
Jim Farris 73,547,420 4
Dungeons & Dragons
Jeff Parsons 348,510 1
Jeffrey Pinard 906,200 4
Jim Farris 995,350 7
Silverball Mania
Jeff Parsons 187,500 4
Jeffrey Pinard 277,140 7
Jim Farris 149,800 1
Jeff Parsons 13
Jeffrey Pinard 19
Jim Farris 16

RumMex Pinball House - Week 1 - Group 1

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Bobby Brooks 5,060,690 4
Brooke Auger 4,108,680 1
Chris Crocker 83,557,790 7
Bally Game Show, The
Bobby Brooks 495,360 1
Brooke Auger 3,782,370 7
Chris Crocker 2,422,470 4
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Bobby Brooks 41,470,550 4
Brooke Auger 6,054,800 1
Chris Crocker 46,967,030 7
Munsters (Pro)
Bobby Brooks 5,954,120 7
Brooke Auger 587,410 1
Chris Crocker 5,194,910 4
Bobby Brooks 16
Brooke Auger 10
Chris Crocker 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 1 - Group 2

World Poker Tour
Logan Crews 5,038,380 1
TJ Auger 14,875,360 7
Clarence Crews 5,930,420 4
Bad Cats
Logan Crews 1,916,900 7
TJ Auger 1,693,140 4
Clarence Crews 824,650 1
Logan Crews 51,750 7
TJ Auger 42,530 4
Clarence Crews 31,550 1
Hot Wheels
Logan Crews 34,282,001 7
TJ Auger 12,776,870 1
Clarence Crews 22,875,281 4
Logan Crews 22
TJ Auger 16
Clarence Crews 10

RumMex Pinball House - Week 1 - Group 3

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Amy Schmersal 28,840,620 7
Delaney Crocker 14,622,680 1
Aaron Cummings 21,175,640 4
Amy Schmersal 41,050 7
Delaney Crocker 24,720 1
Aaron Cummings 27,140 4
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Amy Schmersal 2,057,100 1
Delaney Crocker 29,014,350 7
Aaron Cummings 14,528,930 4
The Sopranos®
Amy Schmersal 7,371,410 4
Delaney Crocker 6,314,380 1
Aaron Cummings 9,736,040 7
Amy Schmersal 19
Delaney Crocker 10
Aaron Cummings 19

RumMex Pinball House - Week 1 - Group 4

Bad Cats
Leo Paquette 740,290 5
Alyssa Crews 524,260 1
Landon Brooks 680,440 3
Larry Paquette 1,579,000 7
Hot Wheels
Leo Paquette 71,911,740 7
Alyssa Crews 6,999,770 1
Landon Brooks 13,763,310 3
Larry Paquette 33,454,760 5
Family Guy
Leo Paquette 26,394,140 7
Alyssa Crews 7,298,860 5
Landon Brooks 4,556,540 3
Larry Paquette 3,234,670 1
Bally Game Show, The
Leo Paquette 5,320,220 5
Alyssa Crews 1,010,610 1
Landon Brooks 1,916,370 3
Larry Paquette 17,926,650 7
Leo Paquette 24
Alyssa Crews 8
Landon Brooks 12
Larry Paquette 20

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 2

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Langley 26,497,810 3
Lauren Baldwin 41,048,580 5
Doug Chaput 25,871,760 1
Luis Lora 106,955,530 7
Rush [Stern]
Michael Langley 123,841,630 7
Lauren Baldwin 4,015,680 1
Doug Chaput 4,532,980 3
Luis Lora 28,881,910 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Michael Langley 42,213,250 5
Lauren Baldwin 13,213,410 1
Doug Chaput 33,861,710 3
Luis Lora 97,842,660 7
Deadpool (Pro)
Michael Langley 20,457,110 3
Lauren Baldwin 48,113,360 7
Doug Chaput 17,701,340 1
Luis Lora 32,112,280 5
Michael Langley 18
Lauren Baldwin 14
Doug Chaput 8
Luis Lora 24

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 3

James Bond 007 Pro
Jeffrey Pennisi 17,482,670 3
Chad Adamczyk 7,991,390 1
Tim Desmarais 37,271,260 5
Stephen Woodbury 50,213,440 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Jeffrey Pennisi 39,098,180 3
Chad Adamczyk 49,801,010 7
Tim Desmarais 21,733,450 1
Stephen Woodbury 46,846,250 5
Jurassic Park
Jeffrey Pennisi 32,266,870 3
Chad Adamczyk 91,030,190 7
Tim Desmarais 25,567,080 1
Stephen Woodbury 79,214,420 5
Godzilla [Stern]
Jeffrey Pennisi 75,007,150 5
Chad Adamczyk 35,249,000 3
Tim Desmarais 298,101,230 7
Stephen Woodbury 26,410,220 1
Jeffrey Pennisi 14
Chad Adamczyk 18
Tim Desmarais 14
Stephen Woodbury 18

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 1 - Group 4

Rush [Stern]
Hal Cunha 7,213,920 1
Vincent Vitiello 54,219,230 4
Mike Desmarais 190,139,810 7
Mandalorian (Pro)
Hal Cunha 4,114,540 1
Vincent Vitiello 106,044,830 7
Mike Desmarais 47,880,190 4
Metallica (Pro)
Hal Cunha 2,591,460 1
Vincent Vitiello 6,120,270 4
Mike Desmarais 15,769,050 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Hal Cunha 21,706,940 4
Vincent Vitiello 126,102,450 7
Mike Desmarais 21,007,460 1
Hal Cunha 7
Vincent Vitiello 22
Mike Desmarais 19

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 1

Halloween (Spooky Pinball 2022)
Zachary Pyle 1,017,680 1
Warwick Varney 13,716,530 7
Dave Hoffman 3,379,290 5
Connor Fuller 3,131,250 3
James Bond 007 (Pro) Stern 2022
Zachary Pyle 4,938,520 3
Warwick Varney 9,179,830 5
Dave Hoffman 39,168,770 7
Connor Fuller 2,820,420 1
Junk Yard
Zachary Pyle 2,396,610 3
Warwick Varney 7,115,340 7
Dave Hoffman 6,921,220 5
Connor Fuller 1,145,900 1
Indiana Jones
Zachary Pyle 4,074,880 1
Warwick Varney 41,046,430 5
Dave Hoffman 43,954,300 7
Connor Fuller 8,550,990 3
Zachary Pyle 8
Warwick Varney 24
Dave Hoffman 24
Connor Fuller 8

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 2

Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Nicholas Sylvester 13,382,170 3
Bruce Water 17,435,050 5
Jeremie Remian 6,040,110 1
Brad Sylvester 43,549,550 7
Theatre of Magic
Nicholas Sylvester 220,765,600 5
Bruce Water 138,786,020 3
Jeremie Remian 99,450,190 1
Brad Sylvester 605,831,320 7
Target Alpha
Nicholas Sylvester 53,320 3
Bruce Water 57,270 7
Jeremie Remian 56,810 5
Brad Sylvester 37,800 1
Jurassic Park
Nicholas Sylvester 41,964,070 3
Bruce Water 57,308,010 5
Jeremie Remian 73,700,100 7
Brad Sylvester 15,071,600 1
Nicholas Sylvester 14
Bruce Water 20
Jeremie Remian 14
Brad Sylvester 16

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 3

Scared Stiff
Nolan Tanguay 661,600 1
Linda Sylvester 3,712,470 5
Doug Bennington 1,053,700 3
BRIAN MARTEL 5,363,500 7
Nolan Tanguay 373,130 1
Linda Sylvester 675,790 7
Doug Bennington 498,810 3
BRIAN MARTEL 540,190 5
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Nolan Tanguay 9,836,480 3
Linda Sylvester 7,401,330 1
Doug Bennington 13,388,560 5
BRIAN MARTEL 43,954,100 7
Flintstones, The
Nolan Tanguay 209,139,500 7
Linda Sylvester 120,557,380 3
Doug Bennington 136,093,130 5
BRIAN MARTEL 90,595,380 1
Nolan Tanguay 12
Linda Sylvester 16
Doug Bennington 16

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 4

Fish Tales
Elizabeth Leonforte 6,912,710 4
Paul Sauer 6,204,360 1
Sarah McCormick 33,159,900 7
Jurassic Park
Elizabeth Leonforte 24,482,590 1
Paul Sauer 182,717,670 7
Sarah McCormick 24,701,550 4
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Elizabeth Leonforte 218,960 7
Paul Sauer 110,650 4
Sarah McCormick 97,880 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Elizabeth Leonforte 5,358,500 4
Paul Sauer 24,302,440 7
Sarah McCormick 2,774,290 1
Elizabeth Leonforte 16
Paul Sauer 19
Sarah McCormick 13

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 1 - Group 5

Ghostbusters (Pro)
Andrew Bennington 336,697,520 7
Faith Sauer 56,252,180 4
Dwight Philbrick 3,320,010 1
Sharkey's Shootout
Andrew Bennington 69,473,450 4
Faith Sauer 15,369,850 1
Dwight Philbrick 71,370,390 7
Andrew Bennington 187,450 1
Faith Sauer 197,300 4
Dwight Philbrick 226,480 7
Game of Thrones (Premium)
Andrew Bennington 39,179,950 7
Faith Sauer 1,964,490 1
Dwight Philbrick 25,593,940 4
Andrew Bennington 19
Faith Sauer 10
Dwight Philbrick 19

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 4

Creature from the Black Lagoon
Erin LeBlanc 14,939,530 3
Noah Luskey 32,766,770 5
Ty Ueda 419,629,820 7
Jack Renner 9,585,020 1
Stern James Bond Pro
Erin LeBlanc 1,942,990 1
Noah Luskey 46,424,110 7
Ty Ueda 31,900,460 5
Jack Renner 16,500,210 3
Monster Bash
Erin LeBlanc 5,510,480 1
Noah Luskey 33,320,710 5
Ty Ueda 59,804,980 7
Jack Renner 29,240,140 3
The Shadow
Erin LeBlanc 10,070,440 1
Noah Luskey 270,973,100 5
Ty Ueda 288,140,240 7
Jack Renner 14,863,100 3
Erin LeBlanc 6
Noah Luskey 22
Ty Ueda 26
Jack Renner 10

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 5

Stern James Bond Pro
Roth Michaels 57,731,720 7
Mike Korcynski 4,830,520 1
Mark Magrath 10,926,150 4
The Shadow
Roth Michaels 207,462,200 7
Mike Korcynski 64,031,650 1
Mark Magrath 121,901,870 4
The Sopranos®
Roth Michaels 21,195,750 7
Mike Korcynski 8,333,420 4
Mark Magrath 5,967,880 1
WWF Royal Rumble
Roth Michaels 174,421,930 4
Mike Korcynski 185,631,950 7
Mark Magrath 74,550,750 1
Roth Michaels 25
Mike Korcynski 13
Mark Magrath 10

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 6

Cactus Canyon
Sean Fitzpatrick 10,838,600 5
Sean Martin 5,573,000 1
Marc Patenaude 9,080,000 3
Adam Erdossy 48,401,000 7
Stern James Bond Pro
Sean Fitzpatrick 3,530,760 1
Sean Martin 59,466,570 7
Marc Patenaude 4,769,210 3
Adam Erdossy 9,589,990 5
WWF Royal Rumble
Sean Fitzpatrick 148,505,000 3
Sean Martin 69,673,000 1
Marc Patenaude 203,253,000 5
Adam Erdossy 500,621,000 7
The Sopranos®
Sean Fitzpatrick 34,147,060 7
Sean Martin 4,960,000 1
Marc Patenaude 8,147,060 3
Adam Erdossy 20,810,000 5
Sean Fitzpatrick 16
Sean Martin 10
Marc Patenaude 14
Adam Erdossy 24

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 7

Monster Bash
Joshua Pack 26,555,820 7
Dakota Russell 5,928,720 3
Jarod Evenson 5,485,980 1
David Koch 6,702,350 5
The Sopranos®
Joshua Pack 4,685,820 3
Dakota Russell 4,641,610 1
Jarod Evenson 15,798,080 7
David Koch 8,606,360 5
Stern James Bond Pro
Joshua Pack 5,487,010 3
Dakota Russell 6,845,780 5
Jarod Evenson 6,880,180 7
David Koch 2,712,550 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Joshua Pack 27,073,950 3
Dakota Russell 45,258,330 5
Jarod Evenson 22,884,970 1
David Koch 85,466,030 7
Joshua Pack 16
Dakota Russell 14
Jarod Evenson 16
David Koch 18

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 11

The Sopranos®
Tom Geary 15,276,080 5
Natalia Evdokimova 11,272,670 3
Jackson Potter 16,190,290 7
Paloma Russel 2,916,040 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Tom Geary 35,078,460 5
Natalia Evdokimova 37,909,800 7
Jackson Potter 10,394,650 3
Paloma Russel 8,292,160 1
The Shadow
Tom Geary 105,761,320 7
Natalia Evdokimova 76,080,440 5
Jackson Potter 18,910,880 1
Paloma Russel 33,542,100 3
Monster Bash
Tom Geary 7,624,210 5
Natalia Evdokimova 26,471,720 7
Jackson Potter 1,753,100 1
Paloma Russel 3,255,030 3
Tom Geary 22
Natalia Evdokimova 22
Jackson Potter 12
Paloma Russel 8

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 1 - Group 12

The Shadow
Zoe Vrabel 774,250,610 7
Sofia Manganella 235,224,450 4
Martian Rick Jr. 38,760,770 1
Monster Bash
Zoe Vrabel 155,677,300 7
Sofia Manganella 60,833,010 4
Martian Rick Jr. 16,811,380 1
The Sopranos®
Zoe Vrabel 25,530,120 7
Sofia Manganella 3,121,030 1
Martian Rick Jr. 3,438,880 4
Zoe Vrabel 14,651,230 7
Sofia Manganella 1,087,040 1
Martian Rick Jr. 12,814,520 4
Zoe Vrabel 28
Sofia Manganella 10
Martian Rick Jr. 10

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 1

Revenge From Mars
Ben Tedder 28,847,840 1
Erin Seiden 48,850,230 3
Gilbert Garcia 173,647,410 7
Matt Wilson 100,588,330 5
Monster Bash remake Special
Ben Tedder 12,935,470 1
Erin Seiden 32,574,590 7
Gilbert Garcia 15,707,190 3
Matt Wilson 26,944,170 5
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Ben Tedder 2,517,710 1
Erin Seiden 12,230,080 5
Gilbert Garcia 2,817,590 3
Matt Wilson 13,071,150 7
Deadpool (Premium)
Ben Tedder 8,339,250 1
Erin Seiden 40,270,200 3
Gilbert Garcia 134,582,790 5
Matt Wilson 551,930,850 7
Ben Tedder 4
Erin Seiden 18
Gilbert Garcia 18
Matt Wilson 24

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 2

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Kristen Gregory 58,977,590 5
Chrissy Papnick 12,601,770 1
Michael Kolman 85,879,990 7
Andrew Young 19,993,860 3
The Wizard of Oz (Standard Edition)
Kristen Gregory 97,471 5
Chrissy Papnick 30,153 1
Michael Kolman 136,370 7
Andrew Young 47,120 3
Deadpool (Premium)
Kristen Gregory 85,643,240 7
Chrissy Papnick 23,169,610 3
Michael Kolman 9,314,470 1
Andrew Young 69,599,010 5
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Kristen Gregory 1,054,835,050 5
Chrissy Papnick 643,836,070 3
Michael Kolman 1,097,292,800 7
Andrew Young 193,582,330 1
Kristen Gregory 22
Chrissy Papnick 8
Michael Kolman 22
Andrew Young 12

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 3

Doctor Who
Kara Kolman 7,859,640 1
Mark Bjorkquist 15,250,110 3
Ryan McQuaid 34,829,600 5
Regina Allen 79,804,810 7
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Kara Kolman 565,598,250 5
Mark Bjorkquist 619,249,660 7
Ryan McQuaid 536,224,330 3
Regina Allen 210,440,460 1
Champion Pub
Kara Kolman 1,132,900 1
Mark Bjorkquist 8,194,340 3
Ryan McQuaid 66,166,750 7
Regina Allen 11,149,120 5
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Kara Kolman 4,538,930 3
Mark Bjorkquist 6,048,260 5
Ryan McQuaid 18,069,460 7
Regina Allen 1,599,100 1
Kara Kolman 10
Mark Bjorkquist 18
Ryan McQuaid 22
Regina Allen 14

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 4

Monster Bash remake Special
Jacob Kimball 12,660,890 5
Ray Leitzke 38,015,830 7
Rob Nottoli 9,862,490 3
Victoria Lehman 2,976,860 1
No Good Gofers
Jacob Kimball 3,993,330 5
Ray Leitzke 4,203,770 7
Rob Nottoli 3,413,570 3
Victoria Lehman 2,966,380 1
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Jacob Kimball 981,185,620 7
Ray Leitzke 359,452,790 5
Rob Nottoli 321,062,820 3
Victoria Lehman 154,677,300 1
Doctor Who
Jacob Kimball 28,934,300 3
Ray Leitzke 18,835,930 1
Rob Nottoli 47,235,600 5
Victoria Lehman 162,139,660 7
Jacob Kimball 20
Ray Leitzke 20
Rob Nottoli 14
Victoria Lehman 10

The Arrrrrcade - Week 1 - Group 5

Deadpool (Premium)
Mandy Peel 155,440,170 5
Mark Seiden 20,747,560 3
Vincent Giannini 17,262,530 1
Steven Bowden 164,527,390 7
Revenge From Mars
Mandy Peel 37,531,230 3
Mark Seiden 37,703,080 5
Vincent Giannini 49,075,680 7
Steven Bowden 32,140,190 1
No Good Gofers
Mandy Peel 4,385,440 5
Mark Seiden 2,809,170 3
Vincent Giannini 2,672,830 1
Steven Bowden 38,674,970 7
Dialed In! (Collector's Edition)
Mandy Peel 57,970 1
Mark Seiden 235,310 7
Vincent Giannini 184,920 5
Steven Bowden 66,950 3
Mandy Peel 14
Mark Seiden 18
Vincent Giannini 14
Steven Bowden 18

Wessie's Den - Week 1 - Group 5

Scared Stiff
Jacob Holz 7,081,130 1
Bret Drew 10,780,390 4
paul conley 11,076,280 7
Johnny Mnemonic
Jacob Holz 818,532,100 7
Bret Drew 313,312,460 1
paul conley 707,119,500 4
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Jacob Holz 252,359,900 7
Bret Drew 250,177,930 4
paul conley 39,576,690 1
Eight Ball Deluxe
Jacob Holz 229,710 4
Bret Drew 271,000 7
paul conley 169,120 1
Jacob Holz 19
Bret Drew 16
paul conley 13

Wessie's Den - Week 1 - Group 9

Bram Stoker's Dracula
Traynor Gauthier 279,661,790 7
Nathan Clavette 54,071,110 5
Ainsworth Kohler 14,596,800 3
Joe Hinkle 14,240,550 1
Eight Ball Deluxe
Traynor Gauthier 293,500 5
Nathan Clavette 22,000 1
Ainsworth Kohler 506,560 7
Joe Hinkle 245,740 3
Pirates of the Caribbean
Traynor Gauthier 12,601,150 7
Nathan Clavette 3,786,050 1
Ainsworth Kohler 9,087,360 5
Joe Hinkle 5,384,080 3
Batman 66 (Premium)
Traynor Gauthier 45,513,360 7
Nathan Clavette 32,509,960 5
Ainsworth Kohler 16,870,230 1
Joe Hinkle 26,885,350 3
Traynor Gauthier 26
Nathan Clavette 12
Ainsworth Kohler 16
Joe Hinkle 10

Wessie's Den - Week 1 - Group 11

Johnny Mnemonic
Seth Clayter 2,048,530,000 7
Scott Kaplan 268,750,333 1
Scott Turcotte 284,936,000 4
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Seth Clayter 33,244,560 4
Scott Kaplan 30,485,690 1
Scott Turcotte 39,500,190 7
Eight Ball Deluxe
Seth Clayter 306,590 7
Scott Kaplan 166,150 4
Scott Turcotte 86,120 1
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Seth Clayter 55,564,510 4
Scott Kaplan 62,344,250 7
Scott Turcotte 7,391,920 1
Seth Clayter 22
Scott Kaplan 13
Scott Turcotte 13

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 1 - Group 6

Matthew Connellan 81,058,730 3
Corey Folsom 26,447,510 1
Jerry Lindsay 187,827,110 7
Trey Crews 144,564,050 5
Matthew Connellan 153,040 1
Corey Folsom 3,899,650 7
Jerry Lindsay 638,170 5
Trey Crews 532,190 3
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Matthew Connellan 109,630,430 3
Corey Folsom 193,646,620 5
Jerry Lindsay 319,974,060 7
Trey Crews 98,975,970 1
The Walking Dead (Premium)
Matthew Connellan 9,769,880 1
Corey Folsom 29,143,880 5
Jerry Lindsay 49,458,500 7
Trey Crews 21,369,240 3
Matthew Connellan 8
Corey Folsom 18
Jerry Lindsay 26
Trey Crews 12

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 1 - Group 9

Mandalorian (Pro)
Scott Mellen 15,478,040 1
Scott Couturier 52,587,300 7
Trevor Heckman 41,064,310 3
Adam Hendsbee 51,559,540 5
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Scott Mellen 49,556,200 7
Scott Couturier 12,535,810 3
Trevor Heckman 32,696,420 5
Adam Hendsbee 9,317,300 1
FunHouse Rudy's Nightmare
Scott Mellen 594,360 1
Scott Couturier 2,212,360 3
Trevor Heckman 3,942,660 5
Adam Hendsbee 8,344,320 7
The Walking Dead (Premium)
Scott Mellen 6,019,630 1
Scott Couturier 6,980,100 3
Trevor Heckman 8,738,450 7
Adam Hendsbee 7,650,280 5
Scott Mellen 10
Scott Couturier 16
Trevor Heckman 20
Adam Hendsbee 18

GameCraft Arcade - Week 1 - Group 6

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
GLYN LIPHAM 80,992,190 1
Daniel Cleary 240,477,460 4
Jason Corrado 310,872,600 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
GLYN LIPHAM 195,391,030 7
Daniel Cleary 22,936,060 1
Jason Corrado 54,539,490 4
Spider-Man (Vault Edition)
GLYN LIPHAM 17,292,930 1
Daniel Cleary 70,042,110 7
Jason Corrado 55,635,680 4
James Bond 007 Pro
GLYN LIPHAM 46,389,420 7
Daniel Cleary 4,571,680 1
Jason Corrado 30,297,330 4
Daniel Cleary 13
Jason Corrado 19

GameCraft Arcade - Week 1 - Group 6

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Holly Danowski 6,908,590 4
George Magyar 4,821,340 1
Nicolas Quadrini 81,860,540 7
Attack from Mars
Holly Danowski 1,481,474,130 4
George Magyar 624,285,230 1
Nicolas Quadrini 2,092,722,080 7
Ghostbusters (Pro)
Holly Danowski 14,898,820 1
George Magyar 378,241,700 7
Nicolas Quadrini 188,630,740 4
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Holly Danowski 24,192,800 7
George Magyar 1,000,000 1
Nicolas Quadrini 5,688,200 4
Holly Danowski 16
George Magyar 10
Nicolas Quadrini 22

GameCraft Arcade - Week 1 - Group 6

Fish Tales
Joe Jokubaitis 80,381,440 7
Alyssa Lee 17,973,970 4
Greg Eng 9,045,100 1
James Bond 007 Pro
Joe Jokubaitis 46,395,320 7
Alyssa Lee 31,996,330 1
Greg Eng 40,389,000 4
Joe Jokubaitis 176,485,910 7
Alyssa Lee 98,566,530 1
Greg Eng 161,290,490 4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Joe Jokubaitis 1,276,410 4
Alyssa Lee 6,990,680 7
Greg Eng 1,193,410 1
Joe Jokubaitis 25
Alyssa Lee 13
Greg Eng 10

Toys From The Attic - Week 1 - Group 3

Travis Berrios 18,050,170 4
tim boston 6,708,520 1
Frances Zemlyn 59,433,630 7
Jurassic Park
Travis Berrios 11,467,920 1
tim boston 28,213,220 4
Frances Zemlyn 33,069,610 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutlres Premium 2022
Travis Berrios 3,999,370 7
tim boston 318,980 1
Frances Zemlyn 327,790 4
Mandalorian (Pro)
Travis Berrios 136,318,480 7
tim boston 6,363,740 1
Frances Zemlyn 63,372,500 4
Travis Berrios 19
tim boston 7
Frances Zemlyn 22

Toys From The Attic - Week 1 - Group 4

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Michael Moheban 57,170,270 7
ERIK SWANSON 2,446,020 3
Chasity Reeves 4,836,650 5
Donald Berrios 2,167,690 1
Michael Moheban 240,277,270 7
ERIK SWANSON 7,907,060 1
Chasity Reeves 53,243,830 3
Donald Berrios 61,734,360 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutlres Premium 2022
Michael Moheban 8,003,250 7
ERIK SWANSON 1,608,250 5
Chasity Reeves 1,101,570 3
Donald Berrios 1,083,730 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Michael Moheban 7,506,930 5
ERIK SWANSON 44,342,830 7
Chasity Reeves 5,874,090 3
Donald Berrios 5,624,970 1
Michael Moheban 26
Chasity Reeves 14
Donald Berrios 8

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 4

James Bond 007 Pro
Joseph Lemire 359,053,040 7
Arthur Fontaine 31,617,380 1
Daniel Reigner 33,449,030 4
Bally Game Show, The
Joseph Lemire 15,897,610 7
Arthur Fontaine 12,041,420 4
Daniel Reigner 6,787,300 1
Joseph Lemire 272,420 4
Arthur Fontaine 1 1
Daniel Reigner 658,000 7
Pool Sharks
Joseph Lemire 1,165,040 7
Arthur Fontaine 388,010 1
Daniel Reigner 800,040 4
Joseph Lemire 25
Arthur Fontaine 7
Daniel Reigner 16

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 5

World Cup Soccer
Scott Temple 145,118,640 1
Rick Rock 176,981,950 7
Patrick Burns 157,585,000 3
Adam Popp 174,441,820 5
Card Whiz
Scott Temple 22,330 5
Rick Rock 20,431 3
Patrick Burns 34,760 7
Adam Popp 20,430 1
Scott Temple 208,900 7
Rick Rock 39,560 3
Patrick Burns 53,370 5
Adam Popp 31,210 1
Ghostbusters (Pro)
Scott Temple 269,286,630 5
Rick Rock 153,057,300 3
Patrick Burns 858,312,640 7
Adam Popp 25,216,450 1
Scott Temple 18
Rick Rock 16
Patrick Burns 22
Adam Popp 8

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 6

Time Fantasy
Alexander Blaustein 175,000 3
Kirt Fox 80,000 1
Jennifer Reigner 225,000 5
Neil Graham 350,000 7
Ghostbusters (Pro)
Alexander Blaustein 230,000,000 7
Kirt Fox 78,000,000 5
Jennifer Reigner 9,000,000 1
Neil Graham 16,000,000 3
Dolly Parton
Alexander Blaustein 250,000 7
Kirt Fox 28,000 1
Jennifer Reigner 53,000 3
Neil Graham 57,000 5
Deadpool (Pro)
Alexander Blaustein 25,000,000 3
Kirt Fox 160,000,000 7
Jennifer Reigner 50,000,000 5
Neil Graham 9,000,000 1
Alexander Blaustein 20
Kirt Fox 14
Jennifer Reigner 14
Neil Graham 16

Pizza J - Week 2 - Group 5

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Michelle Barney 1,802,220 1
Andrew Hill 131,224,870 7
Colleen Riley 4,982,880 3
Mike McHugh 17,266,890 5
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Michelle Barney 139,191 3
Andrew Hill 56,710 1
Colleen Riley 409,541 5
Mike McHugh 440,000 7
The Simpsons Pinball Party
Michelle Barney 2,164,380 7
Andrew Hill 1,022,800 1
Colleen Riley 1,460,160 3
Mike McHugh 2,148,860 5
Cactus Canyon SE+
Michelle Barney 7,678,330 1
Andrew Hill 34,509,990 7
Colleen Riley 8,999,240 5
Mike McHugh 7,825,370 3
Michelle Barney 12
Andrew Hill 16
Colleen Riley 16
Mike McHugh 20

Pizza J - Week 2 - Group 6

Cactus Canyon SE+
Amber Lee 3,140,850 4
Jason Aloisi 26,152,230 7
Carrie Aloisi 1,820,080 1
Jurassic Park
Amber Lee 21,966,590 1
Jason Aloisi 45,870,170 7
Carrie Aloisi 29,828,480 4
Toy Story 4 LE
Amber Lee 148,420 1
Jason Aloisi 415,240 4
Carrie Aloisi 1,030,820 7
Amber Lee 15,676,200 1
Jason Aloisi 37,181,510 7
Carrie Aloisi 18,165,840 4
Amber Lee 7
Jason Aloisi 25
Carrie Aloisi 16

Pizza J - Week 2 - Group 7

Sheri Hendricks 19,015,360 4
Christopher Cardaci 13,865,180 1
Romain David 28,032,210 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Sheri Hendricks 4,381,900 7
Christopher Cardaci 1,199,250 1
Romain David 1,742,460 4
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Sheri Hendricks 32,223,390 1
Christopher Cardaci 35,270,920 4
Romain David 132,934,340 7
Star Wars (Premium)
Sheri Hendricks 236,206,250 7
Christopher Cardaci 54,878,290 1
Romain David 89,970,450 4
Sheri Hendricks 19
Christopher Cardaci 7
Romain David 22

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 6

Beatles, The (Gold)
Jason John 938,290 1
Marissa Pratt 2,906,180 7
Lucas Herter 2,537,300 4
Jason John 45,024,680 1
Marissa Pratt 157,983,390 7
Lucas Herter 91,660,100 4
Jason John 44,760 4
Marissa Pratt 30,960 1
Lucas Herter 317,720 7
Eight Ball Deluxe
Jason John 710,060 1
Marissa Pratt 737,620 4
Lucas Herter 763,530 7
Jason John 7
Marissa Pratt 19
Lucas Herter 22

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 7

AC/DC (Premium)
Julia Barnes-Brown 1,740,900 1
Benjamin Bloomstein 10,581,970 5
Edward Cabral 7,256,210 3
Andrew Logan 38,098,850 7
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Julia Barnes-Brown 13,415,870 5
Benjamin Bloomstein 10,896,430 3
Edward Cabral 63,622,259 7
Andrew Logan 7,312,480 1
Space Rider
Julia Barnes-Brown 21,410 1
Benjamin Bloomstein 559,210 5
Edward Cabral 1,939,090 7
Andrew Logan 453,390 3
Beatles, The (Gold)
Julia Barnes-Brown 987,630 1
Benjamin Bloomstein 1,923,050 7
Edward Cabral 1,668,140 5
Andrew Logan 1,547,380 3
Julia Barnes-Brown 8
Benjamin Bloomstein 20
Edward Cabral 22
Andrew Logan 14

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 8

Moon Walking Dead
Elspeth Stewart 6,798,390 1
Colin Alsheimer 38,602,730 5
Jason Dyer 28,201,910 3
James McFatter 60,696,920 7
Elspeth Stewart 35,050 1
Colin Alsheimer 161,280 7
Jason Dyer 50,520 3
James McFatter 56,490 5
Beatles, The (Gold)
Elspeth Stewart 912,680 1
Colin Alsheimer 3,626,040 5
Jason Dyer 1,618,900 3
James McFatter 7,848,650 7
Led Zeppelin (Premium)
Elspeth Stewart 24,510,670 1
Colin Alsheimer 142,481,630 7
Jason Dyer 29,087,220 3
James McFatter 83,977,700 5
Elspeth Stewart 4
Colin Alsheimer 24
Jason Dyer 12
James McFatter 24

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 9

Alyssa Alsheimer 49,570 3
Russell McFatter 67,000 5
Sean Corbin 27,850 1
Jason Corbin 140,570 7
Beatles, The (Gold)
Alyssa Alsheimer 1,085,300 3
Russell McFatter 1,200,000 5
Sean Corbin 471,900 1
Jason Corbin 1,594,030 7
Moon Walking Dead
Alyssa Alsheimer 14,886,960 3
Russell McFatter 51,949,610 7
Sean Corbin 8,521,100 1
Jason Corbin 29,757,500 5
Dolly Parton
Alyssa Alsheimer 157,480 5
Russell McFatter 287,900 7
Sean Corbin 26,080 3
Jason Corbin 20,540 1
Alyssa Alsheimer 14
Russell McFatter 24
Sean Corbin 6
Jason Corbin 20

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 2 - Group 10

Heavy Metal Meltdown
George Pratt 509,720 5
Eric Geddes 629,700 7
Matthew Corbin 196,350 1
Sarah Finn 314,990 3
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
George Pratt 71,222,000 5
Eric Geddes 224,721,590 7
Matthew Corbin 35,546,590 3
Sarah Finn 28,224,120 1
Time Fantasy
George Pratt 516,460 5
Eric Geddes 1,206,770 7
Matthew Corbin 50,240 1
Sarah Finn 83,080 3
Moon Walking Dead
George Pratt 39,549,210 5
Eric Geddes 148,457,270 7
Matthew Corbin 2,628,230 1
Sarah Finn 4,801,910 3
George Pratt 20
Eric Geddes 28
Matthew Corbin 6
Sarah Finn 10

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 7

Kings of Steel
Shawn Faber 54,960 3
Michael Corbett 1,192,920 7
Troy Babb 265,380 5
Jonathan Shaw 48,260 1
Black Jack
Shawn Faber 63,830 5
Michael Corbett 173,040 7
Troy Babb 30,920 1
Jonathan Shaw 46,090 3
Johnny Mnemonic
Shawn Faber 219,617,990 1
Michael Corbett 232,394,440 3
Troy Babb 361,162,390 5
Jonathan Shaw 418,754,560 7
Evel Knievel SS
Shawn Faber 30,430 3
Michael Corbett 36,930 7
Troy Babb 26,140 1
Jonathan Shaw 33,450 5
Shawn Faber 12
Michael Corbett 24
Troy Babb 12
Jonathan Shaw 16

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 8

Charlie's Angels (SS)
Ron Lulfs 390,600 7
Cody Shaw 81,500 4
Will Parks 37,270 1
NBA Fastbreak
Ron Lulfs 47 4
Cody Shaw 50 7
Will Parks 27 1
Ron Lulfs 216,330 7
Cody Shaw 52,320 1
Will Parks 93,140 4
Flight 2000
Ron Lulfs 532,640 7
Cody Shaw 208,040 1
Will Parks 248,210 4
Ron Lulfs 25
Cody Shaw 13
Will Parks 10

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 2 - Group 9

Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Zheanna Murray 28,602,460 5
Augustus Eustis 23,555,170 3
Joshua Mazgelis 12,015,870 1
Cody Gamache 31,810,350 7
Zheanna Murray 357,120 7
Augustus Eustis 275,340 3
Joshua Mazgelis 206,840 1
Cody Gamache 300,040 5
Evel Knievel SS
Zheanna Murray 71,420 5
Augustus Eustis 40,630 3
Joshua Mazgelis 21,430 1
Cody Gamache 134,650 7
Black Jack
Zheanna Murray 46,870 1
Augustus Eustis 245,820 5
Joshua Mazgelis 123,640 3
Cody Gamache 275,570 7
Zheanna Murray 18
Augustus Eustis 14
Joshua Mazgelis 6
Cody Gamache 26

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 12

Beatles, The (Gold)
Jody Stahlman 2,143,430 5
Jamie MacLeish 2,935,520 7
Emily May 2,060,880 3
Lux Courage 270,850 1
The Addams Family
Jody Stahlman 13,549,320 3
Jamie MacLeish 422,423,070 7
Emily May 36,400,560 5
Lux Courage 7,621,150 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Jody Stahlman 86,238,200 3
Jamie MacLeish 176,872,740 7
Emily May 152,075,390 5
Lux Courage 32,720,740 1
Jody Stahlman 385,330 5
Jamie MacLeish 126,920 3
Emily May 440,140 7
Lux Courage 111,730 1
Jody Stahlman 16
Jamie MacLeish 24
Emily May 20
Lux Courage 4

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 13

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Kevin Plis 40,744,430 3
Mark Johnson 3,702,920 1
Chris Clay 84,667,690 5
Preston Francisco 265,338,250 7
Indianapolis 500
Kevin Plis 57,720,820 3
Mark Johnson 51,256,840 1
Chris Clay 353,043,240 7
Preston Francisco 215,602,160 5
High Speed
Kevin Plis 791,300 3
Mark Johnson 1,992,130 7
Chris Clay 710,650 1
Preston Francisco 938,830 5
Joker Poker EM
Kevin Plis 77,060 1
Mark Johnson 144,780 3
Chris Clay 162,410 5
Preston Francisco 370,520 7
Kevin Plis 10
Mark Johnson 12
Chris Clay 18
Preston Francisco 24

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 14

Jurassic Park
Doug Blackmore 11,197,730 1
Caden Ritchie 22,403,010 5
Christopher Mount 18,744,170 3
Beau Blanchard 62,075,450 7
Red & Ted's Road Show
Doug Blackmore 112,891,390 7
Caden Ritchie 98,974,960 5
Christopher Mount 73,356,080 1
Beau Blanchard 73,798,270 3
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray
Doug Blackmore 893,890 3
Caden Ritchie 4,507,330 7
Christopher Mount 743,090 1
Beau Blanchard 1,866,090 5
Doug Blackmore 12,800 1
Caden Ritchie 24,300 3
Christopher Mount 42,550 7
Beau Blanchard 29,840 5
Doug Blackmore 12
Caden Ritchie 20
Christopher Mount 12
Beau Blanchard 20

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 16

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Kyle Nenninger 4,000,000 3
Connor Shlatz 94,000,000 5
Jacob Reske 3,700,000 1
Alex Yeager 95,000,000 7
Junk Yard
Kyle Nenninger 9,000,000 5
Connor Shlatz 1,600,000 1
Jacob Reske 8,100,000 3
Alex Yeager 13,800,000 7
Kyle Nenninger 99,000 1
Connor Shlatz 139,000 5
Jacob Reske 116,000 3
Alex Yeager 174,000 7
Lost World
Kyle Nenninger 187,500 3
Connor Shlatz 263,700 7
Jacob Reske 262,500 5
Alex Yeager 42,500 1
Kyle Nenninger 12
Connor Shlatz 18
Jacob Reske 12
Alex Yeager 22

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 18

Beatles, The (Gold)
matthew schroeder 2,605,130 7
Winn Mount 1,107,370 1
David Schnoll 2,129,040 4
Indianapolis 500
matthew schroeder 59,748,360 7
Winn Mount 53,166,570 4
David Schnoll 45,905,990 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation
matthew schroeder 90,298,360 7
Winn Mount 70,597,550 1
David Schnoll 87,701,000 4
Lost World
matthew schroeder 80,370 4
Winn Mount 41,830 1
David Schnoll 133,110 7
matthew schroeder 25
Winn Mount 7
David Schnoll 16

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 19

The Big Lebowski
David Ritchie 867,420 1
Allison Havens 2,256,280 5
Nathan Crosby 1,459,290 3
Tim Neilson 2,644,250 7
David Ritchie 788,637,060 3
Allison Havens 545,064,640 1
Nathan Crosby 1,060,575,260 5
Tim Neilson 1,384,049,690 7
Black Hole
David Ritchie 92,420 3
Allison Havens 73,580 1
Nathan Crosby 210,190 5
Tim Neilson 246,660 7
David Ritchie 26,390 1
Allison Havens 218,420 7
Nathan Crosby 64,500 3
Tim Neilson 199,550 5
David Ritchie 8
Allison Havens 14
Nathan Crosby 16
Tim Neilson 26

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 20

Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Eric Marz 328,000,000 7
Brett Seymour 41,000,000 3
Jack Kubera 128,000,000 5
Caleb Reske 35,000,000 1
The Lord of the Rings
Eric Marz 49,716,950 7
Brett Seymour 8,888,880 1
Jack Kubera 22,979,370 5
Caleb Reske 22,615,190 3
Mystery Castle
Eric Marz 72,334,810 7
Brett Seymour 31,362,330 5
Jack Kubera 25,875,600 3
Caleb Reske 1 1
Harlem Globetrotters On Tour
Eric Marz 204,440 7
Brett Seymour 30,140 1
Jack Kubera 139,640 5
Caleb Reske 60,790 3
Eric Marz 28
Brett Seymour 10
Jack Kubera 18
Caleb Reske 8

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 21

The Big Lebowski
Kris LaCross 45,100,490 7
Brian Thomas 3,411,430 4
mark dabelstein 471,560 1
The Lord of the Rings
Kris LaCross 7,982,980 4
Brian Thomas 16,140,510 7
mark dabelstein 4,729,180 1
Black Hole
Kris LaCross 248,380 7
Brian Thomas 26,500 1
mark dabelstein 127,250 4
Kris LaCross 47,400 1
Brian Thomas 47,800 4
mark dabelstein 187,570 7
Kris LaCross 19
Brian Thomas 16
mark dabelstein 13

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 22

Beatles, The (Gold)
Meg Rowley 1,075,250 4
Eli Scheer 515,030 1
Austin Smith 3,599,750 7
Red & Ted's Road Show
Meg Rowley 78,646,280 4
Eli Scheer 73,236,050 1
Austin Smith 239,845,280 7
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray
Meg Rowley 378,080 1
Eli Scheer 408,620 4
Austin Smith 2,442,410 7
Meg Rowley 33,760 4
Eli Scheer 18,040 1
Austin Smith 109,110 7
Meg Rowley 13
Eli Scheer 7
Austin Smith 28

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 2 - Group 23

Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Chris Thomas 43,815,330 3
Constantinos Stivaros 20,627,160 1
Mike Havens 189,792,120 7
Bill McHugh 155,879,960 5
The Addams Family
Chris Thomas 38,398,750 1
Constantinos Stivaros 101,144,090 5
Mike Havens 46,814,000 3
Bill McHugh 163,833,300 7
Mystery Castle
Chris Thomas 225,736,990 7
Constantinos Stivaros 69,115,300 1
Mike Havens 71,760,600 3
Bill McHugh 93,044,510 5
Chris Thomas 222,540 5
Constantinos Stivaros 83,130 1
Mike Havens 171,110 3
Bill McHugh 1,107,470 7
Chris Thomas 16
Constantinos Stivaros 8
Mike Havens 16
Bill McHugh 24

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 6

Houdini Master of Mystery
Jim Paquette 322,186 5
Ross Bergen 1,581,542 7
Ethan Colaizzi 37,409 1
Howard Edelstein 190,963 3
Medieval Madness (Remake Standard Edition)
Jim Paquette 1,537,340 1
Ross Bergen 10,004,460 7
Ethan Colaizzi 3,700,330 3
Howard Edelstein 4,372,450 5
Monster Bash remake Special
Jim Paquette 10,943,900 1
Ross Bergen 55,058,430 7
Ethan Colaizzi 34,880,800 5
Howard Edelstein 15,984,470 3
Hot Wheels
Jim Paquette 9,457,730 1
Ross Bergen 972,614,660 7
Ethan Colaizzi 16,830,890 3
Howard Edelstein 36,777,110 5
Jim Paquette 8
Ross Bergen 28
Ethan Colaizzi 12
Howard Edelstein 16

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 7

Hot Wheels
Mitch Curtis 553,896,750 7
Christopher Tremblay 20,171,160 3
Matt Osborn 22,374,540 5
David Schumaker 11,841,390 1
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Mitch Curtis 339,872,180 7
Christopher Tremblay 10,337,520 1
Matt Osborn 17,851,120 5
David Schumaker 11,841,390 3
Star Wars (Pro)
Mitch Curtis 3,409,317,250 7
Christopher Tremblay 227,448,940 3
Matt Osborn 269,398,310 5
David Schumaker 161,520,970 1
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Mitch Curtis 206,549,150 7
Christopher Tremblay 38,139,000 3
Matt Osborn 45,817,440 5
David Schumaker 2,738,280 1
Mitch Curtis 28
Christopher Tremblay 10
Matt Osborn 20
David Schumaker 6

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 8

Attack From Mars (Remake Special Edition)
Colleen Mootrey 1,556,705,880 7
Samantha Paradis 839,425,160 1
Paul Davis 1,159,937,650 5
Matt Wenger 1,105,668,840 3
Hot Wheels
Colleen Mootrey 93,577,980 7
Samantha Paradis 15,419,520 3
Paul Davis 27,898,760 5
Matt Wenger 14,644,410 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Colleen Mootrey 3,572,900 1
Samantha Paradis 4,039,250 3
Paul Davis 16,658,420 5
Matt Wenger 98,023,370 7
Houdini Master of Mystery
Colleen Mootrey 351,187 5
Samantha Paradis 27,688 1
Paul Davis 37,292 3
Matt Wenger 830,295 7
Colleen Mootrey 20
Samantha Paradis 8
Paul Davis 18
Matt Wenger 18

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 9

Medieval Madness (Remake Standard Edition)
David Stonely 9,810,150 5
Keith Maffei 19,633,010 7
Frank Shepherd 1,729,010 1
Karen Tremblay 3,927,750 3
Houdini Master of Mystery
David Stonely 178,917 5
Keith Maffei 273,317 7
Frank Shepherd 52,852 1
Karen Tremblay 65,264 3
Hot Wheels
David Stonely 78,881,490 3
Keith Maffei 206,181,780 7
Frank Shepherd 20,911,360 1
Karen Tremblay 119,323,000 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
David Stonely 26,353,560 3
Keith Maffei 192,259,530 7
Frank Shepherd 9,499,580 1
Karen Tremblay 38,157,050 5
David Stonely 16
Keith Maffei 28
Frank Shepherd 4
Karen Tremblay 16

Granite State Pinball - Week 2 - Group 10

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
brian Bourque 10,625,740 1
Gail Edelstein 11,319,170 3
Mike Gaudet 32,569,060 5
Jeff Crocker 41,726,040 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
brian Bourque 104,566,700 5
Gail Edelstein 13,503,090 1
Mike Gaudet 20,514,530 3
Jeff Crocker 354,571,840 7
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
brian Bourque 127,369,200 7
Gail Edelstein 6,902,440 1
Mike Gaudet 38,152,850 5
Jeff Crocker 11,235,520 3
Attack From Mars (Remake Special Edition)
brian Bourque 643,933,640 5
Gail Edelstein 524,641,270 3
Mike Gaudet 1,107,323,310 7
Jeff Crocker 199,416,380 1
brian Bourque 18
Gail Edelstein 8
Mike Gaudet 20
Jeff Crocker 18

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 4

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Emily Rose 20 1
Heather Marren 23,905,200 5
Stephanie Harvey 13,993,360 3
MARK VIEIRA 41,125,950 7
Emily Rose 3,228,010 5
Heather Marren 557,900 1
Stephanie Harvey 6,824,130 7
MARK VIEIRA 2,844,810 3
Eight Ball
Emily Rose 120,950 5
Heather Marren 45,260 3
Stephanie Harvey 146,610 7
MARK VIEIRA 27,900 1
Emily Rose 30,240 1
Heather Marren 30,450 3
Stephanie Harvey 33,800 5
MARK VIEIRA 53,090 7
Emily Rose 12
Heather Marren 12
Stephanie Harvey 22

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 6

Family Guy
Victoria Farley 3,304,370 4
Michael Pare 1,353,180 1
William Yasick 10,992,100 7
Demolition Man
Victoria Farley 43,382,460 4
Michael Pare 41,032,410 1
William Yasick 138,911,070 7
Victoria Farley 264,733,630 1
Michael Pare 374,076,320 7
William Yasick 319,183,080 4
WHO dunnit
Victoria Farley 145,116,770 1
Michael Pare 592,508,050 7
William Yasick 213,840,890 4
Victoria Farley 10
Michael Pare 16
William Yasick 22

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 7

John Manuelian 53,410 7
Michael Renzi 11,990 1
Robert Claffie 14,600 4
WHO dunnit
John Manuelian 545,005,090 4
Michael Renzi 612,912,360 7
Robert Claffie 270,083,740 1
John Manuelian 2,076,040 7
Michael Renzi 618,480 4
Robert Claffie 547,190 1
Jungle Queen
John Manuelian 13,710 1
Michael Renzi 48,350 7
Robert Claffie 17,200 4
John Manuelian 19
Michael Renzi 19
Robert Claffie 10

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 2 - Group 8

Surf Champ
Justin Fontaine 93,440 7
Grace Whitman 26,340 1
Christopher Harvey 52,310 5
George Renzi 41,740 3
Justin Fontaine 54,150 5
Grace Whitman 27,900 3
Christopher Harvey 15,590 1
George Renzi 68,760 7
Justin Fontaine 142,880 7
Grace Whitman 76,530 1
Christopher Harvey 125,260 5
George Renzi 105,570 3
Justin Fontaine 67,800 3
Grace Whitman 36,940 1
Christopher Harvey 204,910 7
George Renzi 99,080 5
Justin Fontaine 22
Grace Whitman 6
Christopher Harvey 18
George Renzi 18

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 7

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Steven Amlaw 31,834,560 1
Todd Crawford 125,507,000 5
Austin Chenelle 191,919,250 7
Jayson Kohl 102,195,450 3
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Steven Amlaw 9,377,780 3
Todd Crawford 90,166,120 5
Austin Chenelle 6,409,640 1
Jayson Kohl 93,910,210 7
Godzilla (Pro) [Stern, 2021]
Steven Amlaw 33,600,110 5
Todd Crawford 26,315,800 3
Austin Chenelle 21,993,670 1
Jayson Kohl 181,083,070 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Steven Amlaw 852,110 1
Todd Crawford 2,188,880 3
Austin Chenelle 4,543,670 5
Jayson Kohl 6,431,450 7
Steven Amlaw 10
Todd Crawford 16
Austin Chenelle 14
Jayson Kohl 24

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 8

Godzilla (Pro) [Stern, 2021]
Joshua Hynes 18,425,140 1
Faith Sauer 223,757,909 7
Preston Bick 94,475,810 3
Rebecca Pendleton 176,870,660 5
The Addams Family
Joshua Hynes 104,028,510 7
Faith Sauer 32,253,360 5
Preston Bick 22,129,300 3
Rebecca Pendleton 9,715,410 1
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Joshua Hynes 17,816,420 5
Faith Sauer 3,254,240 1
Preston Bick 16,211,500 3
Rebecca Pendleton 27,763,770 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Joshua Hynes 10,679,900 7
Faith Sauer 2,794,530 3
Preston Bick 1,423,640 1
Rebecca Pendleton 4,703,500 5
Joshua Hynes 20
Faith Sauer 16
Preston Bick 10
Rebecca Pendleton 18

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 9

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Lindsey Wyma 13,069,230 5
Jamie Wolcott 3,625,470 1
Frederick Slama 14,308,770 7
Kayla Wheaton 6,533,610 3
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Lindsey Wyma 13,036,920 1
Jamie Wolcott 52,514,280 7
Frederick Slama 25,883,410 3
Kayla Wheaton 48,414,980 5
Demolition Man
Lindsey Wyma 24,775,510 3
Jamie Wolcott 119,592,840 5
Frederick Slama 359,831,900 7
Kayla Wheaton 17,404,000 1
The Addams Family
Lindsey Wyma 25,700,960 3
Jamie Wolcott 31,276,810 5
Frederick Slama 58,856,880 7
Kayla Wheaton 7,620,060 1
Lindsey Wyma 12
Jamie Wolcott 18
Frederick Slama 24
Kayla Wheaton 10

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 10

Munsters (Pro)
Mike Morris 9,099,990 5
Shawn Chastney 8,784,010 3
Richard Turcotte 735,300 1
Irene Grasse 22,547,870 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Mike Morris 12,278,500 1
Shawn Chastney 27,422,550 7
Richard Turcotte 14,557,070 3
Irene Grasse 17,497,850 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Mike Morris 8,714,370 7
Shawn Chastney 6,123,020 5
Richard Turcotte 473,680 1
Irene Grasse 896,730 3
Demolition Man
Mike Morris 291,170,860 5
Shawn Chastney 296,384,090 7
Richard Turcotte 12,470,610 1
Irene Grasse 43,694,640 3
Mike Morris 18
Shawn Chastney 22
Richard Turcotte 6
Irene Grasse 18

Tokens Taproom - Week 2 - Group 11

Demolition Man
Paul Sauer 354,885,800 5
Jeffrey Pinard 476,013,020 7
Sullivan Flynn 87,731,000 1
Chasity Reeves 343,316,910 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Paul Sauer 19,060,880 7
Jeffrey Pinard 5,925,810 5
Sullivan Flynn 1,144,040 1
Chasity Reeves 2,874,050 3
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Paul Sauer 65,309,800 5
Jeffrey Pinard 90,041,160 7
Sullivan Flynn 26,232,200 1
Chasity Reeves 28,701,260 3
Godzilla (Pro) [Stern, 2021]
Paul Sauer 126,793,300 5
Jeffrey Pinard 200,694,250 7
Sullivan Flynn 12,624,200 1
Chasity Reeves 13,865,170 3
Paul Sauer 22
Jeffrey Pinard 26
Sullivan Flynn 4
Chasity Reeves 12

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 9

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Chris Warren Swift 8,355,970 3
Noah Crable 18,942,140 7
Adam Meader 17,013,820 5
Adam Lisa 2,078,890 1
Hot Wheels
Chris Warren Swift 5,286,670 1
Noah Crable 764,194,750 7
Adam Meader 531,548,900 5
Adam Lisa 49,611,310 3
Batman 66 (Premium)
Chris Warren Swift 194,998,810 3
Noah Crable 291,482,060 7
Adam Meader 226,783,480 5
Adam Lisa 15,960,760 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Chris Warren Swift 9,898,080 3
Noah Crable 6,987,630 1
Adam Meader 37,289,250 7
Adam Lisa 11,709,160 5
Chris Warren Swift 10
Noah Crable 22
Adam Meader 22
Adam Lisa 10

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 10

Monster Bash
Steve Matos 33,684,360 5
Massimo Aldorasi 5,114,860 1
Kenneth Johnson 9,324,750 3
Ross Baker 133,872,370 7
Bobby Orr's Power Play
Steve Matos 63,040 5
Massimo Aldorasi 40,890 3
Kenneth Johnson 119,080 7
Ross Baker 38,840 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Steve Matos 88,040,700 7
Massimo Aldorasi 39,199,340 5
Kenneth Johnson 1,659,390 1
Ross Baker 25,976,130 3
Hot Wheels
Steve Matos 6,822,090 1
Massimo Aldorasi 14,468,900 3
Kenneth Johnson 587,936,700 7
Ross Baker 130,287,910 5
Steve Matos 18
Massimo Aldorasi 12
Kenneth Johnson 18
Ross Baker 16

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 11

James Bond 007 Pro
Jeff Somers 3,977,770 3
Sean Marquand 109,849,650 5
Sean Martin 3,564,480 1
Seamus Meader 134,553,430 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Jeff Somers 12,429,000 1
Sean Marquand 48,450,910 7
Sean Martin 27,514,800 3
Seamus Meader 36,462,550 5
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Jeff Somers 136,794,960 5
Sean Marquand 73,381,430 3
Sean Martin 30,193,660 1
Seamus Meader 155,845,070 7
The Rolling Stones
Jeff Somers 7,294,550 5
Sean Marquand 3,974,140 3
Sean Martin 3,115,180 1
Seamus Meader 19,188,280 7
Jeff Somers 14
Sean Marquand 18
Sean Martin 6
Seamus Meader 26

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 12

Mandalorian (Pro)
Brie Swift 20,460,440 5
Paul Cormier 15,396,760 3
Bruce Bettis 10,996,220 1
Andrew Berryman 50,690,190 7
James Bond 007 Pro
Brie Swift 5,349,620 1
Paul Cormier 113,038,900 7
Bruce Bettis 29,399,540 5
Andrew Berryman 19,786,610 3
The Rolling Stones
Brie Swift 2,722,670 1
Paul Cormier 6,646,750 7
Bruce Bettis 3,587,480 3
Andrew Berryman 4,128,010 5
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Brie Swift 28,602,830 1
Paul Cormier 179,555,430 7
Bruce Bettis 72,190,240 5
Andrew Berryman 31,000,290 3
Brie Swift 8
Paul Cormier 24
Bruce Bettis 14
Andrew Berryman 18

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 2 - Group 13

Batman 66 (Premium)
Christopher Darden 54,703,960 5
Erik Haynes 17,772,310 1
patrick countryman 32,686,010 3
Chip Van Dyke 56,828,040 7
Godzilla pro
Christopher Darden 24,695,690 1
Erik Haynes 388,291,950 7
patrick countryman 59,631,470 3
Chip Van Dyke 73,940,560 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Christopher Darden 6,554,420 5
Erik Haynes 6,191,140 3
patrick countryman 2,910,070 1
Chip Van Dyke 8,969,520 7
Jurassic Park
Christopher Darden 29,712,630 3
Erik Haynes 50,013,920 5
patrick countryman 26,203,900 1
Chip Van Dyke 68,513,450 7
Christopher Darden 14
Erik Haynes 16
patrick countryman 8
Chip Van Dyke 26

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 2 - Group 8

Batman 66 (Premium)
Brian Knolhoff 528,193,980 4
Mike Schmitt 116,784,860 1
Nicholas Destefano 1,146,978,200 7
Brian Knolhoff 30,810 4
Mike Schmitt 58,570 7
Nicholas Destefano 14,160 1
Brian Knolhoff 297,960 1
Mike Schmitt 710,370 4
Nicholas Destefano 1,081,710 7
Brian Knolhoff 357,760 7
Mike Schmitt 47,160 1
Nicholas Destefano 88,700 4
Brian Knolhoff 16
Mike Schmitt 13
Nicholas Destefano 19

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 13

Beatles, The (Gold)
Robert Chason 11,617,530 7
Josh Pilon 2,643,090 4
elizabeth miller 1,336,180 1
Getaway: High Speed II, The
Robert Chason 45,018,980 4
Josh Pilon 57,319,980 7
elizabeth miller 21,503,080 1
Robert Chason 616,000 7
Josh Pilon 46,800 1
elizabeth miller 271,240 4
Iron Man
Robert Chason 3,595,750 4
Josh Pilon 5,005,820 7
elizabeth miller 2,966,790 1
Robert Chason 22
Josh Pilon 19
elizabeth miller 7

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 14

Jeff Ferguson 1,118,920 7
Paul Aho 239,150 3
Molly Horgan 123,120 1
Douglas Erickson 287,240 5
Avatar (Pro)
Jeff Ferguson 13,839,200 7
Paul Aho 3,924,138 5
Molly Horgan 3,234,970 3
Douglas Erickson 3,110,440 1
Eight Ball Deluxe
Jeff Ferguson 88,000 1
Paul Aho 129,500 3
Molly Horgan 968,120 7
Douglas Erickson 278,590 5
South Park
Jeff Ferguson 56,447,150 7
Paul Aho 28,279,230 5
Molly Horgan 25,398,120 3
Douglas Erickson 13,397,600 1
Jeff Ferguson 22
Paul Aho 16
Molly Horgan 14
Douglas Erickson 12

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 15

Justin Douglass 178,660 7
Joey Harwood 108,040 3
Matthew Liskom 98,370 1
Sandy Boyce 156,730 5
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Justin Douglass 267,200,320 1
Joey Harwood 1,314,812,820 7
Matthew Liskom 716,608,220 5
Sandy Boyce 511,539,200 3
Gay 90's
Justin Douglass 1,132 1
Joey Harwood 2,949 5
Matthew Liskom 3,420 7
Sandy Boyce 1,151 3
Godzilla [Stern, 2021]
Justin Douglass 135,464,420 5
Joey Harwood 156,532,890 7
Matthew Liskom 24,169,720 3
Sandy Boyce 1,616,057 1
Justin Douglass 14
Joey Harwood 22
Matthew Liskom 16
Sandy Boyce 12

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 16

Gay 90's
Nate Straz 2,386 5
Mike Hassett 2,770 7
Nathan Mills 2,183 3
ADAM Libby 1,824 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Nate Straz 6,104,210 5
Mike Hassett 18,480,390 7
Nathan Mills 5,474,100 1
ADAM Libby 5,779,870 3
Nate Straz 946,930 5
Mike Hassett 400,180 1
Nathan Mills 1,849,990 7
ADAM Libby 517,570 3
Monster Bash
Nate Straz 34,534,370 7
Mike Hassett 30,614,780 5
Nathan Mills 4,522,970 3
ADAM Libby 1,037,010 1
Nate Straz 22
Mike Hassett 20
Nathan Mills 14
ADAM Libby 8

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 17

Victoria Fura 1,157,738,220 1
Willoughby Andrews 2,795,811,240 5
Geoff Alterman 1,710,045,670 3
Chyle Cameron 4,648,628,500 7
Victoria Fura 130,060 3
Willoughby Andrews 686,630 5
Geoff Alterman 115,030 1
Chyle Cameron 928,690 7
Victoria Fura 8,020 1
Willoughby Andrews 44,040 5
Geoff Alterman 105,410 7
Chyle Cameron 32,760 3
Laser Cue
Victoria Fura 337,430 3
Willoughby Andrews 390,400 5
Geoff Alterman 450,590 7
Chyle Cameron 216,430 1
Victoria Fura 8
Willoughby Andrews 20
Geoff Alterman 18
Chyle Cameron 18

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 18

Sarah Twomey 45,140 1
Tom Law 185,050 7
Tori Ryan 61,870 3
Ethan Kidd 82,820 5
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Sarah Twomey 11,828,570 5
Tom Law 65,729,630 7
Tori Ryan 7,560,590 3
Ethan Kidd 3,253,440 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Sarah Twomey 18,041,170 1
Tom Law 57,811,550 7
Tori Ryan 20,149,880 3
Ethan Kidd 31,745,050 5
Avatar (Pro)
Sarah Twomey 23,789,180 7
Tom Law 9,678,430 5
Tori Ryan 4,370,330 3
Ethan Kidd 2,769,470 1
Sarah Twomey 14
Tom Law 26
Tori Ryan 12
Ethan Kidd 12

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 19

Avatar (Pro)
Daniel Letendre 7,968,510 7
Elizabeth Smith 5,570,210 3
Jesse Georgia 2,277,390 1
James Boyce 6,750,860 5
Daniel Letendre 1,105,960 5
Elizabeth Smith 272,240 3
Jesse Georgia 1,766,860 7
James Boyce 99,030 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Daniel Letendre 7,364,830 1
Elizabeth Smith 7,578,720 3
Jesse Georgia 13,247,780 5
James Boyce 21,923,750 7
Deadpool (Pro)
Daniel Letendre 15,698,150 5
Elizabeth Smith 6,654,830 1
Jesse Georgia 10,235,560 3
James Boyce 20,994,520 7
Daniel Letendre 18
Elizabeth Smith 10
Jesse Georgia 16
James Boyce 20

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 20

South Park
Gabe Noblesmith 38,656,360 3
Chris Lekousi 47,120,010 5
Jessica Frenette 49,754,970 7
Jeremy Lota 21,548,380 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Gabe Noblesmith 3,000,000 1
Chris Lekousi 19,505,180 5
Jessica Frenette 7,980,140 3
Jeremy Lota 209,564,090 7
Jurassic Park
Gabe Noblesmith 119,197,000 7
Chris Lekousi 13,217,580 3
Jessica Frenette 11,866,630 1
Jeremy Lota 25,748,150 5
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Gabe Noblesmith 1,713,900 1
Chris Lekousi 4,930,600 5
Jessica Frenette 2,413,340 3
Jeremy Lota 31,389,350 7
Gabe Noblesmith 12
Chris Lekousi 18
Jessica Frenette 14
Jeremy Lota 20

Arcadia - Week 2 - Group 21

Sam Palmer 278,120 4
Dave Aceto 691,710 7
Avatar (Pro)
Sam Palmer 32,760 1
Dave Aceto 205,930 7
Eight Ball Deluxe
Sam Palmer 80 1
Dave Aceto 90 4
South Park
Sam Palmer 316,390 4
Dave Aceto 2,474,110 7
Sam Palmer 10
Dave Aceto 25

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 2 - Group 3

Total Nuclear Annihilation
zakory Thibodeau 117,930 5
dave madore 413,801 7
Doris Auger 35,290 1
Wendy Brochu 37,340 3
Metallica (Pro)
zakory Thibodeau 7,459,290 7
dave madore 6,131,320 5
Doris Auger 2,851,160 1
Wendy Brochu 3,735,770 3
Mustang (Pro)
zakory Thibodeau 1,989,250 1
dave madore 83,707,290 7
Doris Auger 3,491,030 3
Wendy Brochu 6,451,950 5
James Bond 007 Pro
zakory Thibodeau 29,968,610 7
dave madore 2,932,550 5
Doris Auger 1,847,450 3
Wendy Brochu 1,434,100 1
zakory Thibodeau 20
dave madore 24
Doris Auger 8
Wendy Brochu 12

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 5

Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
Alan MacLean 774,060 1
Chris Brunette 1,202,192 5
Mitch Gagnon 3,431,171 7
David Foxwell 1,099,889 3
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Alan MacLean 137,667,500 5
Chris Brunette 60,228,270 1
Mitch Gagnon 174,698,570 7
David Foxwell 122,172,880 3
Alan MacLean 2,494,660 5
Chris Brunette 7,068,260 7
Mitch Gagnon 1,273,700 3
David Foxwell 1,192,840 1
Alan MacLean 133,140 3
Chris Brunette 226,890 5
Mitch Gagnon 126,830 1
David Foxwell 538,420 7
Alan MacLean 14
Chris Brunette 18
Mitch Gagnon 18
David Foxwell 14

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 6

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 12,887,960 4
Sam Keogh 62,460,190 7
Erik Peabody 6,267,280 1
Jurassic Park
Rhys Wyman 12,394,510 1
Sam Keogh 128,862,990 7
Erik Peabody 20,224,630 4
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Rhys Wyman 7,984,950 1
Sam Keogh 18,035,090 7
Erik Peabody 13,864,380 4
Rhys Wyman 279,120 4
Sam Keogh 216,910 1
Erik Peabody 374,330 7
Rhys Wyman 10
Sam Keogh 22
Erik Peabody 16

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 2 - Group 8

James MacLean 419,110 7
Derek Foxwell 220,330 1
james Frost 242,400 4
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
James MacLean 44,904,850 4
Derek Foxwell 53,344,360 7
james Frost 6,186,040 1
Batman 66 (Premium)
James MacLean 45,013,480 4
Derek Foxwell 6,845,890 1
james Frost 64,813,920 7
Grand Lizard
James MacLean 154,510 4
Derek Foxwell 354,580 7
james Frost 127,570 1
James MacLean 19
Derek Foxwell 16
james Frost 13

Jim's RealHouse - Week 2 - Group 5

Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Jake Parsons 54,954,150 7
Nicole Bernier 51,346,940 4
Jim Farris 37,614,920 1
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Jake Parsons 19,145,820 4
Nicole Bernier 23,436,340 7
Jim Farris 16,349,000 1
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Jake Parsons 16,904,700 7
Nicole Bernier 7,951,490 4
Jim Farris 545,440 1
Jake Parsons 105,360 1
Nicole Bernier 1,080,070 7
Jim Farris 157,920 4
Jake Parsons 19
Nicole Bernier 22
Jim Farris 7

Jim's RealHouse - Week 2 - Group 6

Twilight Zone
Jeff Parsons 369,183,390 7
Sarah Plourde 5,907,710 1
Michael Freeman 66,934,010 4
Jeff Parsons 311,670 4
Sarah Plourde 303,780 1
Michael Freeman 347,500 7
Space Mission
Jeff Parsons 46,360 4
Sarah Plourde 25,500 1
Michael Freeman 66,570 7
Black Jack
Jeff Parsons 105,550 7
Sarah Plourde 36,160 1
Michael Freeman 83,810 4
Jeff Parsons 22
Sarah Plourde 4
Michael Freeman 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 2 - Group 5

Bally Game Show, The
Leo Paquette 1,655,530 1
Brooke Auger 2,338,280 3
Alyssa Crews 3,507,240 5
Bobby Brooks 4,750,400 7
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Leo Paquette 35,832,130 7
Brooke Auger 10,926,990 3
Alyssa Crews 10,481,090 1
Bobby Brooks 24,175,050 5
Hot Wheels
Leo Paquette 23,827,360 3
Brooke Auger 18,346,940 1
Alyssa Crews 225,780,340 7
Bobby Brooks 82,516,050 5
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Leo Paquette 23,423,300 7
Brooke Auger 9,400,030 3
Alyssa Crews 8,402,240 1
Bobby Brooks 20,016,460 5
Leo Paquette 18
Brooke Auger 10
Alyssa Crews 14
Bobby Brooks 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 2 - Group 6

Hot Wheels
Amy Schmersal 22,031,780 7
Clarence Crews 6,870,990 1
Aaron Cummings 13,995,760 4
Amy Schmersal 118,150 7
Clarence Crews 74,110 4
Aaron Cummings 28,540 1
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Amy Schmersal 21,563,450 7
Clarence Crews 5,534,190 1
Aaron Cummings 5,976,680 4
World Poker Tour
Amy Schmersal 6,377,920 4
Clarence Crews 6,538,030 7
Aaron Cummings 3,801,580 1
Amy Schmersal 25
Clarence Crews 13
Aaron Cummings 10

RumMex Pinball House - Week 2 - Group 7

Aerosmith (Pro)
Landon Brooks 8,423,400 1
Chris Crocker 36,109,660 4
TJ Auger 90,182,730 7
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Landon Brooks 4,057,820 1
Chris Crocker 110,095,000 7
TJ Auger 7,823,200 4
Bad Cats
Landon Brooks 1,587,560 4
Chris Crocker 1,429,460 1
TJ Auger 2,063,430 7
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Landon Brooks 41,854,920 4
Chris Crocker 15,866,280 1
TJ Auger 162,205,400 7
Landon Brooks 10
Chris Crocker 13
TJ Auger 25

RumMex Pinball House - Week 2 - Group 8

KISS (Pro)
Larry Paquette 50,841,300 4
Delaney Crocker 28,137,960 1
Logan Crews 82,672,730 7
Hot Wheels
Larry Paquette 115,446,900 7
Delaney Crocker 6,128,750 1
Logan Crews 12,082,150 4
Lethal Weapon 3
Larry Paquette 69,200,930 7
Delaney Crocker 29,292,600 4
Logan Crews 15,979,950 1
Larry Paquette 6,752,790 4
Delaney Crocker 13,197,060 7
Logan Crews 6,162,320 1
Larry Paquette 22
Delaney Crocker 13
Logan Crews 13

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 5

Godzilla [Stern]
Michael Prince 11,617,350 3
Mike Desmarais 22,533,470 5
Jeffrey Pennisi 77,243,630 7
Dan Glennon 10,869,490 1
Jurassic Park
Michael Prince 43,677,100 5
Mike Desmarais 74,055,060 7
Jeffrey Pennisi 27,436,540 1
Dan Glennon 35,657,470 3
Mandalorian (Pro)
Michael Prince 14,186,390 1
Mike Desmarais 114,288,960 7
Jeffrey Pennisi 14,556,440 3
Dan Glennon 32,835,420 5
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Michael Prince 51,492,000 3
Mike Desmarais 239,452,290 7
Jeffrey Pennisi 50,365,000 1
Dan Glennon 81,480,350 5
Michael Prince 12
Mike Desmarais 26
Jeffrey Pennisi 12
Dan Glennon 14

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 7

Aerosmith (Pro)
Austin Roy 3,322,660 3
Chad Adamczyk 2,630,600 1
Michael Sandler 57,487,200 5
Luis Lora 78,041,440 7
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Austin Roy 23,871,370 3
Chad Adamczyk 21,485,260 1
Michael Sandler 92,913,020 7
Luis Lora 29,325,780 5
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Austin Roy 18,703,580 7
Chad Adamczyk 14,021,270 5
Michael Sandler 10,473,730 1
Luis Lora 10,525,740 3
Deadpool (Pro)
Austin Roy 9,646,180 3
Chad Adamczyk 33,822,130 7
Michael Sandler 5,985,680 1
Luis Lora 25,748,990 5
Austin Roy 16
Chad Adamczyk 14
Michael Sandler 14
Luis Lora 20

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 8

Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Luca Webb 19,536,020 3
Doug Chaput 1 1
Derek Correia 30,014,360 5
Jordan Knights 71,033,090 7
Godzilla [Stern]
Luca Webb 13,696,370 1
Doug Chaput 64,286,170 3
Derek Correia 474,257,170 7
Jordan Knights 82,660,550 5
Rush [Stern]
Luca Webb 2,368,120 1
Doug Chaput 12,444,800 5
Derek Correia 28,470,460 7
Jordan Knights 4,292,490 3
Aerosmith (Pro)
Luca Webb 3,443,540 1
Doug Chaput 50,709,950 5
Derek Correia 97,973,850 7
Jordan Knights 4,883,490 3
Luca Webb 6
Doug Chaput 14
Derek Correia 26
Jordan Knights 18

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 9

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Stephen Woodbury 77,941,030 5
Lauren Baldwin 235,824,630 7
Hal Cunha 31,781,040 3
Tim Desmarais 30,916,440 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Stephen Woodbury 49,883,870 5
Lauren Baldwin 23,731,770 3
Hal Cunha 69,395,000 7
Tim Desmarais 1,770,160 1
Godzilla [Stern]
Stephen Woodbury 184,483,900 7
Lauren Baldwin 20,344,660 1
Hal Cunha 24,844,860 3
Tim Desmarais 131,631,970 5
Rush [Stern]
Stephen Woodbury 101,437,680 7
Lauren Baldwin 16,705,980 1
Hal Cunha 37,663,880 5
Tim Desmarais 17,727,410 3
Stephen Woodbury 24
Lauren Baldwin 12
Hal Cunha 18
Tim Desmarais 10

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 2 - Group 10

Jurassic Park
Michael Brewster 24,060,840 4
Vincent Vitiello 55,371,470 7
Carrie-Ann Roy 5,235,290 1
Aerosmith (Pro)
Michael Brewster 4,721,510 4
Vincent Vitiello 63,888,620 7
Carrie-Ann Roy 2,473,570 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Michael Brewster 19,306,720 4
Vincent Vitiello 21,792,810 7
Carrie-Ann Roy 11,464,380 1
James Bond 007 Pro
Michael Brewster 5,398,950 4
Vincent Vitiello 60,465,960 7
Carrie-Ann Roy 4,139,360 1
Michael Brewster 16
Vincent Vitiello 28
Carrie-Ann Roy 4

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 6

Godzilla, Stern 2021
Dwight Philbrick 68,978,990 3
Jeremie Remian 157,915,580 5
BRIAN MARTEL 15,483,360 1
Warwick Varney 234,570,600 7
Mata Hari
Dwight Philbrick 143,770 1
Jeremie Remian 258,270 7
BRIAN MARTEL 205,060 5
Warwick Varney 187,540 3
Pirates of the Caribbean
Dwight Philbrick 21,839,800 7
Jeremie Remian 7,596,640 3
BRIAN MARTEL 8,322,010 5
Warwick Varney 6,643,470 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Dwight Philbrick 11,938,420 1
Jeremie Remian 14,155,400 3
BRIAN MARTEL 29,011,810 5
Warwick Varney 76,612,250 7
Dwight Philbrick 12
Jeremie Remian 18
Warwick Varney 18

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 7

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Nicholas Sylvester 36,428,790 7
Andrew Bennington 7,609,530 1
Doug Bennington 16,882,840 3
Zachary Pyle 18,562,820 5
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Nicholas Sylvester 21,702,280 3
Andrew Bennington 42,605,770 5
Doug Bennington 86,327,420 7
Zachary Pyle 18,243,150 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Nicholas Sylvester 120,648,120 5
Andrew Bennington 132,128,840 7
Doug Bennington 41,333,490 1
Zachary Pyle 70,660,720 3
Sinbad (SS)
Nicholas Sylvester 204,320 7
Andrew Bennington 35,350 1
Doug Bennington 88,010 3
Zachary Pyle 177,080 5
Nicholas Sylvester 22
Andrew Bennington 14
Doug Bennington 14
Zachary Pyle 14

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 8

Black Knight
Linda Sylvester 16,400 1
Elizabeth Leonforte 162,410 5
Brad Sylvester 497,950 7
Dave Hoffman 127,820 3
Indiana Jones
Linda Sylvester 4,756,370 1
Elizabeth Leonforte 13,865,350 7
Brad Sylvester 13,648,760 5
Dave Hoffman 11,564,900 3
Game of Thrones (Premium)
Linda Sylvester 5,091,110 1
Elizabeth Leonforte 26,819,290 7
Brad Sylvester 14,884,740 3
Dave Hoffman 17,819,390 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Linda Sylvester 4,161,420 1
Elizabeth Leonforte 10,935,110 3
Brad Sylvester 55,312,590 7
Dave Hoffman 18,951,340 5
Linda Sylvester 4
Elizabeth Leonforte 22
Brad Sylvester 22
Dave Hoffman 16

Maine Silverball Tavern - Week 2 - Group 9

Monster Bash remake Classic
Sarah McCormick 4,364,570 7
Bruce Water 2,684,180 3
Nolan Tanguay 2,062,730 1
Connor Fuller 2,901,860 5
Metallica (Pro)
Sarah McCormick 3,396,480 3
Bruce Water 6,380,740 5
Nolan Tanguay 2,836,920 1
Connor Fuller 7,064,860 7
Ghostbusters (Pro)
Sarah McCormick 3,015,290 1
Bruce Water 29,282,050 5
Nolan Tanguay 18,963,860 3
Connor Fuller 51,407,830 7
RUSH Pro, Stern 2022
Sarah McCormick 1,228,170 1
Bruce Water 13,923,330 7
Nolan Tanguay 3,087,510 5
Connor Fuller 2,591,570 3
Sarah McCormick 12
Bruce Water 20
Nolan Tanguay 10
Connor Fuller 22

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 14

Creature from the Black Lagoon
Sofia Manganella 10,248,600 1
Marc Patenaude 45,248,690 3
Daniel Radin 74,676,050 7
Tom Geary 67,102,150 5
The Shadow
Sofia Manganella 153,891,650 5
Marc Patenaude 311,691,430 7
Daniel Radin 128,791,650 3
Tom Geary 49,350,550 1
Sofia Manganella 5,509,100 3
Marc Patenaude 23,207,210 7
Daniel Radin 20,174,180 5
Tom Geary 4,431,210 1
Monster Bash
Sofia Manganella 34,442,310 3
Marc Patenaude 77,454,810 7
Daniel Radin 43,414,240 5
Tom Geary 2,761,220 1
Sofia Manganella 12
Marc Patenaude 24
Daniel Radin 20
Tom Geary 8

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 16

Stern James Bond Pro
Mike Korcynski 2,451,440 5
Ben Webber 2,115,360 3
Jesse Oberstein 2,051,160 1
Kenny Weiner 24,607,540 7
Cactus Canyon
Mike Korcynski 12,434,750 7
Ben Webber 5,136,830 3
Jesse Oberstein 3,361,260 1
Kenny Weiner 6,735,650 5
Monster Bash
Mike Korcynski 12,459,920 3
Ben Webber 3,766,390 1
Jesse Oberstein 29,056,930 7
Kenny Weiner 27,012,670 5
Mike Korcynski 9,824,810 5
Ben Webber 2,538,430 1
Jesse Oberstein 5,074,130 3
Kenny Weiner 13,698,600 7
Mike Korcynski 20
Ben Webber 8
Jesse Oberstein 12
Kenny Weiner 24

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 17

Monster Bash
Ty Ueda 9,912,440 5
Mark Magrath 13,386,060 7
Jarod Evenson 8,647,870 3
Martian Rick Jr. 4,385,020 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Ty Ueda 42,032,460 3
Mark Magrath 55,161,540 5
Jarod Evenson 155,752,850 7
Martian Rick Jr. 35,971,320 1
Stern James Bond Pro
Ty Ueda 72,381,120 7
Mark Magrath 3,385,320 3
Jarod Evenson 19,157,920 5
Martian Rick Jr. 3,176,850 1
WWF Royal Rumble
Ty Ueda 591,738,770 7
Mark Magrath 72,182,080 1
Jarod Evenson 172,021,820 5
Martian Rick Jr. 102,285,340 3
Ty Ueda 22
Mark Magrath 16
Jarod Evenson 20
Martian Rick Jr. 6

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 18

Cactus Canyon
Zoe Vrabel 9,996,420 1
Joshua Pack 51,864,380 7
Noah Fiedler 10,049,600 4
WWF Royal Rumble
Zoe Vrabel 155,018,650 7
Joshua Pack 91,285,410 1
Noah Fiedler 107,443,110 4
The Shadow
Zoe Vrabel 117,741,210 4
Joshua Pack 123,721,320 7
Noah Fiedler 41,191,210 1
The Sopranos®
Zoe Vrabel 24,656,990 7
Joshua Pack 7,698,990 4
Noah Fiedler 3,979,160 1
Zoe Vrabel 19
Joshua Pack 19
Noah Fiedler 10

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 19

WWF Royal Rumble
Sean Fitzpatrick 228,413,810 4
Roth Michaels 301,459,420 7
Jackson Potter 32,906,610 1
Sean Fitzpatrick 4,190,110 7
Roth Michaels 683,090 4
Jackson Potter 481,190 1
The Sopranos®
Sean Fitzpatrick 8,826,320 4
Roth Michaels 20,313,120 7
Jackson Potter 6,935,790 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Sean Fitzpatrick 27,815,580 4
Roth Michaels 61,698,920 7
Jackson Potter 19,637,920 1
Sean Fitzpatrick 19
Roth Michaels 25
Jackson Potter 4

Bear Moose Brewing Company - Week 2 - Group 25

Jack Renner 14,761,890 5
Anne Whipple 7,090,110 3
Erin LeBlanc 3,482,100 1
Noah Luskey 16,473,880 7
The Sopranos®
Jack Renner 6,340,390 5
Anne Whipple 26,681,020 7
Erin LeBlanc 5,082,730 1
Noah Luskey 5,980,540 3
WWF Royal Rumble
Jack Renner 72,107,920 1
Anne Whipple 327,711,810 5
Erin LeBlanc 88,181,830 3
Noah Luskey 356,154,770 7
The Shadow
Jack Renner 179,922,750 7
Anne Whipple 74,800,990 3
Erin LeBlanc 35,900,440 1
Noah Luskey 173,580,440 5
Jack Renner 18
Anne Whipple 18
Erin LeBlanc 6
Noah Luskey 22

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 6

No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Chrissy Papnick 222,629,570 1
Steven Bowden 482,548,680 3
Mark Bjorkquist 1,065,705,980 7
Ryan Kelly 763,238,710 5
Dialed In! (Collector's Edition)
Chrissy Papnick 12,160 1
Steven Bowden 943,450 5
Mark Bjorkquist 682,670 3
Ryan Kelly 1,105,950 7
Doctor Who
Chrissy Papnick 14,623,070 5
Steven Bowden 1,150,437,150 7
Mark Bjorkquist 13,899,110 3
Ryan Kelly 6,557,080 1
Deadpool (Premium)
Chrissy Papnick 38,045,760 3
Steven Bowden 647,738,970 7
Mark Bjorkquist 12,595,740 1
Ryan Kelly 41,580,250 5
Chrissy Papnick 10
Steven Bowden 22
Mark Bjorkquist 14
Ryan Kelly 18

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 7

Deadpool (Premium)
Regina Allen 10,865,930 1
Mandy Peel 235,653,930 5
Matt Wilson 174,072,850 3
Kevin Kolodziej 290,442,780 7
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Regina Allen 143,615,490 1
Mandy Peel 326,718,280 3
Matt Wilson 518,717,790 5
Kevin Kolodziej 627,978,730 7
Monster Bash remake Special
Regina Allen 11,824,890 5
Mandy Peel 6,064,710 1
Matt Wilson 8,363,320 3
Kevin Kolodziej 22,534,750 7
Champion Pub
Regina Allen 11,103,540 3
Mandy Peel 9,597,910 1
Matt Wilson 19,403,180 5
Kevin Kolodziej 24,366,630 7
Regina Allen 10
Mandy Peel 10
Matt Wilson 16
Kevin Kolodziej 28

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 8

Junk Yard
Mark Seiden 956,120 3
Michael Kolman 12,117,500 7
Gilbert Garcia 2,265,740 5
Ray Leitzke 947,120 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Mark Seiden 30,208,700 5
Michael Kolman 73,378,550 7
Gilbert Garcia 21,762,000 3
Ray Leitzke 8,228,880 1
Deadpool (Premium)
Mark Seiden 282,758,450 5
Michael Kolman 582,470,310 7
Gilbert Garcia 141,146,270 3
Ray Leitzke 123,805,760 1
No Good Gofers
Mark Seiden 17,309,200 7
Michael Kolman 11,011,990 5
Gilbert Garcia 5,065,950 3
Ray Leitzke 2,432,560 1
Mark Seiden 20
Michael Kolman 26
Gilbert Garcia 14
Ray Leitzke 4

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 9

Champion Pub
Ryan McQuaid 18,536,570 7
Jacob Kimball 6,053,060 3
Vincent Giannini 13,970,060 5
Kara Kolman 1,347,590 1
Doctor Who
Ryan McQuaid 801,870,910 7
Jacob Kimball 25,983,720 5
Vincent Giannini 18,191,630 3
Kara Kolman 8,640,050 1
No Good Gofers
Ryan McQuaid 2,699,740 1
Jacob Kimball 3,085,450 3
Vincent Giannini 7,873,540 7
Kara Kolman 3,315,260 5
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Ryan McQuaid 113,147,060 7
Jacob Kimball 83,183,560 5
Vincent Giannini 70,387,720 3
Kara Kolman 17,524,370 1
Ryan McQuaid 22
Jacob Kimball 16
Vincent Giannini 18
Kara Kolman 8

The Arrrrrcade - Week 2 - Group 10

Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Erin Seiden 12,085,630 4
Ksenya Kelly 5,468,950 1
Ben Tedder 14,063,520 7
Monster Bash remake Special
Erin Seiden 12,831,850 7
Ksenya Kelly 9,384,490 4
Ben Tedder 5,170,900 1
No Good Gofers
Erin Seiden 4,885,850 4
Ksenya Kelly 5,645,100 7
Ben Tedder 1,234,440 1
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Erin Seiden 1,589,230 1
Ksenya Kelly 3,945,680 7
Ben Tedder 1,864,870 4
Erin Seiden 16
Ksenya Kelly 19
Ben Tedder 13

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 13

Batman 66 (Premium)
Seth Clayter 89,610,660 5
Bret Drew 175,360,650 7
Scott Kaplan 13,364,410 1
Scott Turcotte 47,898,910 3
Black Jack
Seth Clayter 18,290 1
Bret Drew 123,520 7
Scott Kaplan 118,290 5
Scott Turcotte 67,830 3
Seth Clayter 172,220 3
Bret Drew 367,550 7
Scott Kaplan 112,280 1
Scott Turcotte 238,720 5
Family Guy
Seth Clayter 33,360,110 7
Bret Drew 21,283,660 5
Scott Kaplan 3,679,010 1
Scott Turcotte 7,901,510 3
Seth Clayter 16
Bret Drew 26
Scott Kaplan 8
Scott Turcotte 14

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 14

Jacob Holz 43,818,370 4
Traynor Gauthier 85,006,880 7
Jillian Towne 32,399,480 1
Theatre of Magic
Jacob Holz 305,736,050 1
Traynor Gauthier 518,756,930 4
Jillian Towne 550,161,890 7
Jacob Holz 75,545,860 4
Traynor Gauthier 54,822,440 1
Jillian Towne 795,402,370 7
Jacob Holz 85,760 1
Traynor Gauthier 600,450 7
Jillian Towne 97,200 4
Jacob Holz 10
Traynor Gauthier 19
Jillian Towne 19

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 15

Family Guy
Adam Wolejko 4,254,700 4
paul conley 35,743,450 7
Nathan Clavette 1,494,040 1
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Adam Wolejko 33,240,170 7
paul conley 26,550,490 4
Nathan Clavette 10,511,280 1
Adam Wolejko 11,416,580 1
paul conley 50,544,000 7
Nathan Clavette 15,575,330 4
Scared Stiff
Adam Wolejko 6,840,120 7
paul conley 5,029,910 4
Nathan Clavette 1,575,860 1
Adam Wolejko 19
paul conley 22
Nathan Clavette 7

Wessie's Den - Week 2 - Group 16

Scared Stiff
Joe Hinkle 7,344,220 7
Steven Wolejko 2,076,990 4
Ainsworth Kohler 1,690,850 1
Joe Hinkle 29,198,550 7
Steven Wolejko 26,552,320 4
Ainsworth Kohler 11,770,230 1
Black Jack
Joe Hinkle 346,000 7
Steven Wolejko 82,830 4
Ainsworth Kohler 22,060 1
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Joe Hinkle 16,334,370 4
Steven Wolejko 5,759,230 1
Ainsworth Kohler 16,502,720 7
Joe Hinkle 25
Steven Wolejko 13
Ainsworth Kohler 10

Portsmouth Feed Company - Week 2 - Group 1

Jurassic Park
Michael Lupo 29,423,590 5
Ben Hanley 119,090,660 7
Brian Yurick 21,297,190 3
Jonathan Jafari 14,668,810 1
Michael Lupo 51,258,550 5
Ben Hanley 25,078,210 3
Brian Yurick 58,387,360 7
Jonathan Jafari 4,631,520 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Michael Lupo 26,097,450 5
Ben Hanley 62,559,000 7
Brian Yurick 24,616,840 3
Jonathan Jafari 17,734,110 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Michael Lupo 53,474,740 3
Ben Hanley 80,127,010 7
Brian Yurick 51,702,910 1
Jonathan Jafari 59,495,340 5
Michael Lupo 18
Ben Hanley 24
Brian Yurick 14
Jonathan Jafari 8

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 2 - Group 10

Aaron Gunn 193,180,680 7
Trey Crews 25,907,130 4
Matthew Connellan 13,065,180 1
The Walking Dead (Premium)
Aaron Gunn 59,689,910 7
Trey Crews 21,230,290 4
Matthew Connellan 9,570,930 1
Aaron Gunn 103,231,650 7
Trey Crews 18,372,970 1
Matthew Connellan 29,755,490 4
Deadpool (Pro)
Aaron Gunn 107,633,070 4
Trey Crews 221,230,180 7
Matthew Connellan 9,863,280 1
Aaron Gunn 25
Trey Crews 16
Matthew Connellan 7

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 2 - Group 11

Deadpool (Pro)
Adam Hendsbee 176,144,970 7
Jerry Lindsay 4,316,220 1
Scott Mellen 63,089,260 4
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Adam Hendsbee 96,514,740 4
Jerry Lindsay 203,094,310 7
Scott Mellen 49,228,670 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Adam Hendsbee 63,679,430 4
Jerry Lindsay 196,960,620 7
Scott Mellen 28,512,110 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Adam Hendsbee 26,139,330 4
Jerry Lindsay 277,845,810 7
Scott Mellen 6,126,330 1
Adam Hendsbee 19
Jerry Lindsay 22
Scott Mellen 7

A&G Pinball Emporium - Week 2 - Group 12

Trevor Heckman 625,049 4
Scott Couturier 187,180 1
Corey Folsom 1,560,619 7
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Trevor Heckman 24,372,040 1
Scott Couturier 37,560,230 4
Corey Folsom 187,320,330 7
Trevor Heckman 228,060 1
Scott Couturier 897,240 4
Corey Folsom 907,170 7
FunHouse Rudy's Nightmare
Trevor Heckman 735,060 1
Scott Couturier 906,340 4
Corey Folsom 945,189 7
Trevor Heckman 7
Scott Couturier 13
Corey Folsom 28

GameCraft Arcade - Week 2 - Group 2

James Bond 007 Pro
Ryan Belisle 37,036,170 3
Dagmar Haecker 2,339,310 1
Daniel Cleary 92,284,250 5
Holly Danowski 131,358,230 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Ryan Belisle 108,355,550 7
Dagmar Haecker 10,237,040 1
Daniel Cleary 30,974,150 3
Holly Danowski 37,788,150 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Ryan Belisle 216,014,340 7
Dagmar Haecker 6,516,540 1
Daniel Cleary 93,848,810 5
Holly Danowski 12,509,930 3
Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)
Ryan Belisle 20,778,910 5
Dagmar Haecker 13,940,910 3
Daniel Cleary 22,894,920 7
Holly Danowski 4,417,050 1
Ryan Belisle 22
Dagmar Haecker 6
Daniel Cleary 20
Holly Danowski 16

GameCraft Arcade - Week 2 - Group 4

Spider-Man (Vault Edition)
Jason Corrado 66,093,870 7
Alyssa Lee 11,838,800 3
George Magyar 8,831,440 1
Nicolas Quadrini 48,769,390 5
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Jason Corrado 147,016,440 5
Alyssa Lee 22,088,690 1
George Magyar 134,322,910 3
Nicolas Quadrini 179,800,170 7
Fish Tales
Jason Corrado 5,692,800 1
Alyssa Lee 11,563,000 3
George Magyar 75,645,800 7
Nicolas Quadrini 43,864,910 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Jason Corrado 5,656,080 3
Alyssa Lee 13,263,500 7
George Magyar 437,830 1
Nicolas Quadrini 13,036,060 5
Jason Corrado 16
Alyssa Lee 14
George Magyar 12
Nicolas Quadrini 22

GameCraft Arcade - Week 2 - Group 5

Deadpool (Pro)
Joe Jokubaitis 234,500,450 7
Greg Eng 108,186,520 5
Scott Belisle 103,706,620 3
GLYN LIPHAM 18,115,170 1
Ghostbusters (Pro)
Joe Jokubaitis 51,924,460 1
Greg Eng 501,126,950 7
Scott Belisle 235,551,600 5
GLYN LIPHAM 130,798,820 3
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Joe Jokubaitis 39,064,080 3
Greg Eng 35,820,130 1
Scott Belisle 64,693,080 5
GLYN LIPHAM 138,738,600 7
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Joe Jokubaitis 134,856,710 5
Greg Eng 18,915,970 1
Scott Belisle 530,030,880 7
GLYN LIPHAM 75,403,360 3
Joe Jokubaitis 16
Greg Eng 14
Scott Belisle 20

Toys From The Attic - Week 2 - Group 5

Frances Zemlyn 32,677,460 5
ERIK SWANSON 180,882,120 7
Travis Berrios 13,580,410 1
Donald Berrios 22,781,670 3
Mandalorian (Pro)
Frances Zemlyn 44,276,620 3
ERIK SWANSON 55,179,450 5
Travis Berrios 41,744,330 1
Donald Berrios 77,071,140 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutlres Premium 2022
Frances Zemlyn 2,060,130 5
ERIK SWANSON 18,559,540 7
Travis Berrios 46,070 3
Donald Berrios 44,100 1
Frances Zemlyn 7,159,150 1
ERIK SWANSON 93,954,370 7
Travis Berrios 8,483,080 3
Donald Berrios 38,674,470 5
Frances Zemlyn 14
Travis Berrios 8
Donald Berrios 16

Toys From The Attic - Week 2 - Group 6

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Matt Lemoine 15,153,970 7
Michael Moheban 10,670,010 4
tim boston 533,870 1
Matt Lemoine 85,651,480 7
Michael Moheban 23,822,220 1
tim boston 26,840,580 4
Jurassic Park
Matt Lemoine 20,612,770 1
Michael Moheban 61,177,490 7
tim boston 22,375,640 4
Matt Lemoine 124,597,770 7
Michael Moheban 34,095,270 1
tim boston 61,757,520 4
Matt Lemoine 22
Michael Moheban 13
tim boston 13

Cosmic Cottage Arcade - Week 2 - Group 3

Total Nuclear Annihilation
Anthony Kret 94,990 1
Bill MacDonald 997,462 7
John Luke Mills 650,661 5
Kyle Gale 133,570 3
James Bond 007 Pro
Anthony Kret 46,497,360 3
Bill MacDonald 74,558,070 7
John Luke Mills 3,980,650 1
Kyle Gale 65,353,100 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Anthony Kret 15,178,250 3
Bill MacDonald 29,435,750 7
John Luke Mills 15,248,430 5
Kyle Gale 12,838,370 1
Party Zone, The
Anthony Kret 691,980 1
Bill MacDonald 10,325,680 7
John Luke Mills 3,822,070 5
Kyle Gale 791,240 3
Anthony Kret 8
Bill MacDonald 28
John Luke Mills 16
Kyle Gale 12

Cosmic Cottage Arcade - Week 2 - Group 4

Mike McGourty 123,365,350 7
Michelle Rollins 86,163,660 3
Chuck Webster 93,754,590 5
Michael Langley 8,123,970 1
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Mike McGourty 12,016,690 3
Michelle Rollins 20,756,740 5
Chuck Webster 346,949,960 7
Michael Langley 9,450,070 1
The Shadow
Mike McGourty 134,291,210 5
Michelle Rollins 231,952,752 7
Chuck Webster 115,290,990 3
Michael Langley 81,073,440 1
Mike McGourty 250,023,440 3
Michelle Rollins 574,325,550 5
Chuck Webster 975,674,080 7
Michael Langley 168,674,940 1
Mike McGourty 18
Michelle Rollins 20
Chuck Webster 22
Michael Langley 4

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 7

Neil Graham 319,890 7
Patrick Burns 296,150 5
Arthur Fontaine 241,660 3
Daniel Reigner 116,400 1
Deadpool (Pro)
Neil Graham 392,000,000 7
Patrick Burns 46,700,180 3
Arthur Fontaine 120,240,600 5
Daniel Reigner 20,934,120 1
Bally Game Show, The
Neil Graham 4,851,530 7
Patrick Burns 2,699,110 3
Arthur Fontaine 1,709,100 1
Daniel Reigner 3,009,020 5
James Bond 007 Pro
Neil Graham 44,224,500 5
Patrick Burns 377,059,070 7
Arthur Fontaine 11,627,280 1
Daniel Reigner 24,674,660 3
Neil Graham 26
Patrick Burns 18
Arthur Fontaine 10
Daniel Reigner 10

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 8

Lethal Weapon 3
Alexander Blaustein 7,330,240 1
Scott Temple 27,587,800 7
Rick Rock 22,349,580 4
Alexander Blaustein 167,260 7
Scott Temple 72,980 1
Rick Rock 165,470 4
Old Coney Island!
Alexander Blaustein 151,600 4
Scott Temple 51,130 1
Rick Rock 202,300 7
Alexander Blaustein 105,840 4
Scott Temple 25,830 1
Rick Rock 186,120 7
Alexander Blaustein 16
Scott Temple 10
Rick Rock 22

Western Mass Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 9

Dolly Parton
Jennifer Reigner 46,790 1
Adam Popp 54,930 4
Kirt Fox 228,550 7
X-Men Wolverine LE
Jennifer Reigner 6,163,970 7
Adam Popp 4,073,500 4
Kirt Fox 2,415,890 1
Lethal Weapon 3
Jennifer Reigner 8,330,090 4
Adam Popp 6,342,340 1
Kirt Fox 54,834,170 7
Sharp Shooter II
Jennifer Reigner 15,360 1
Adam Popp 89,240 4
Kirt Fox 336,800 7
Jennifer Reigner 13
Adam Popp 13
Kirt Fox 22

Pizza J - Week 3 - Group 8

Cactus Canyon SE+
Colleen Riley 5,832,190 3
Sarah Finn 10,824,660 5
Nicholas Destefano 32,674,050 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 4,604,660 1
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Colleen Riley 106,270 1
Sarah Finn 286,690 5
Nicholas Destefano 1,016,401 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 179,061 3
Colleen Riley 18,792,880 3
Sarah Finn 33,146,680 5
Nicholas Destefano 92,062,130 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 12,234,760 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Colleen Riley 56,576,670 3
Sarah Finn 24,469,270 1
Nicholas Destefano 331,042,430 7
Julia Barnes-Brown 71,729,740 5
Colleen Riley 10
Sarah Finn 16
Nicholas Destefano 28
Julia Barnes-Brown 10

Pizza J - Week 3 - Group 9

James Bond 007 Premium
Andrew Hill 6,203,230 5
William Francis IV 5,357,660 3
William Francis III 4,081,460 1
Jack Shanahan 96,401,300 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Andrew Hill 2,621,120 5
William Francis IV 2,009,260 3
William Francis III 2,808,970 7
Jack Shanahan 1,941,370 1
Star Wars (Premium)
Andrew Hill 243,410,290 7
William Francis IV 70,634,930 1
William Francis III 71,669,650 3
Jack Shanahan 95,378,190 5
Jurassic Park
Andrew Hill 50,326,110 5
William Francis IV 42,561,050 3
William Francis III 67,285,870 7
Jack Shanahan 22,286,800 1
Andrew Hill 22
William Francis IV 10
William Francis III 18
Jack Shanahan 14

Pizza J - Week 3 - Group 10

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Amber Lee 13,496,040 4
Christopher Cardaci 128,340,300 7
Jerricka Hill 12,467,640 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Amber Lee 33,336,280 4
Christopher Cardaci 34,153,150 7
Jerricka Hill 19,856,400 1
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Amber Lee 20,739,850 4
Christopher Cardaci 18,588,490 1
Jerricka Hill 40,182,120 7
The Simpsons Pinball Party
Amber Lee 643,810 1
Christopher Cardaci 1,263,900 4
Jerricka Hill 1,399,500 7
Amber Lee 13
Christopher Cardaci 19
Jerricka Hill 16

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 17

Metallica (Premium/LE)
Andrew Logan 3,351,310 4
Matthew Corbin 2,896,610 1
Kenny Weiner 4,406,330 7
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle
Andrew Logan 1,378,630 1
Matthew Corbin 4,067,390 4
Kenny Weiner 5,511,740 7
Andrew Logan 320,320 4
Matthew Corbin 33,000 1
Kenny Weiner 734,040 7
Capt. Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy
Andrew Logan 58,200 7
Matthew Corbin 45,690 4
Kenny Weiner 32,150 1
Andrew Logan 16
Matthew Corbin 10
Kenny Weiner 22

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 19

Rush Pro
James McFatter 300,763,340 5
Marissa Pratt 7,496,200 1
Eric Geddes 825,933,050 7
Jason John 7,712,670 3
KISS (Premium/LE)
James McFatter 25,180,970 3
Marissa Pratt 8,498,610 1
Eric Geddes 431,425,360 7
Jason John 48,793,720 5
Guns N' Roses
James McFatter 849,245,040 7
Marissa Pratt 547,593,530 5
Eric Geddes 212,215,960 1
Jason John 370,199,390 3
James McFatter 281,340 5
Marissa Pratt 194,460 3
Eric Geddes 690,790 7
Jason John 152,700 1
James McFatter 20
Marissa Pratt 10
Eric Geddes 22
Jason John 12

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 20

Dolly Parton
Edward Cabral 153,080 4
Samuel Bearg 254,950 7
Adam Meader 146,700 1
Edward Cabral 40,490 1
Samuel Bearg 69,190 4
Adam Meader 79,050 7
Edward Cabral 541,790 7
Samuel Bearg 212,170 1
Adam Meader 428,200 4
Heavy Metal Meltdown
Edward Cabral 1,524,480 7
Samuel Bearg 485,790 1
Adam Meader 687,340 4
Edward Cabral 19
Samuel Bearg 13
Adam Meader 16

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 21

Russell McFatter 354,750 4
Seamus Meader 2,066,810 7
Bryce Flint-Somerville 206,660 1
Metallica (Premium/LE)
Russell McFatter 3,810,370 1
Seamus Meader 73,007,310 7
Bryce Flint-Somerville 14,342,460 4
Rolling Stones
Russell McFatter 57,130 1
Seamus Meader 495,890 7
Bryce Flint-Somerville 61,600 4
KISS (Premium/LE)
Russell McFatter 6,056,710 1
Seamus Meader 57,306,640 7
Bryce Flint-Somerville 7,125,060 4
Russell McFatter 7
Seamus Meader 28
Bryce Flint-Somerville 13

Wicked Pissa Pinball Pit - Week 3 - Group 22

Eight Ball Deluxe
Elspeth Stewart 381,620 5
George Pratt 402,000 7
Sean Corbin 306,000 3
Jason Corbin 144,590 1
Guns N' Roses
Elspeth Stewart 168,044,120 5
George Pratt 154,839,390 3
Sean Corbin 101,935,390 1
Jason Corbin 229,666,010 7
Space Rider
Elspeth Stewart 282,940 5
George Pratt 305,770 7
Sean Corbin 112,310 3
Jason Corbin 33,150 1
Elspeth Stewart 93,790 7
George Pratt 61,170 3
Sean Corbin 70,790 5
Jason Corbin 36,970 1
Elspeth Stewart 22
George Pratt 20
Sean Corbin 12
Jason Corbin 10

Southern New Hampshire Pinball Club - Week 3 - Group 10

Flight 2000
Shawn Faber 234,680 5
Michael Corbett 63,080 1
Cody Gamache 841,550 7
Zheanna Murray 83,150 3
Johnny Mnemonic
Shawn Faber 1,281,974,470 5
Michael Corbett 580,912,500 1
Cody Gamache 761,825,400 3
Zheanna Murray 3,710,525,720 7
Hokus Pokus
Shawn Faber 21,790 1
Michael Corbett 142,830 7
Cody Gamache 127,510 5
Zheanna Murray 95,830 3
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Shawn Faber 8,840,900 1
Michael Corbett 200,982,230 7
Cody Gamache 113,409,900 5
Zheanna Murray 22,743,690 3
Shawn Faber 12
Michael Corbett 16
Cody Gamache 20
Zheanna Murray 16

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 24

Beatles, The (Gold)
Jack Kubera 1,395,140 1
Brett Seymour 2,305,570 3
Preston Francisco 2,483,390 5
Jamie MacLeish 2,530,290 7
The Lord of the Rings
Jack Kubera 4,452,280 1
Brett Seymour 6,586,220 3
Preston Francisco 47,776,450 7
Jamie MacLeish 11,871,090 5
Black Hole
Jack Kubera 119,180 5
Brett Seymour 84,320 1
Preston Francisco 95,820 3
Jamie MacLeish 1,056,620 7
Jack Kubera 371,220 7
Brett Seymour 215,860 3
Preston Francisco 76,840 1
Jamie MacLeish 229,825 5
Jack Kubera 14
Brett Seymour 10
Preston Francisco 16
Jamie MacLeish 24

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 28

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Alex Yeager 34,721,940 1
Emily May 85,169,290 3
Mark Johnson 86,541,000 5
Tim Neilson 116,054,590 7
The Addams Family
Alex Yeager 6,415,730 1
Emily May 53,385,570 5
Mark Johnson 54,237,900 7
Tim Neilson 42,666,330 3
Mystery Castle
Alex Yeager 67,835,300 1
Emily May 97,517,480 5
Mark Johnson 67,839,510 3
Tim Neilson 131,069,170 7
Harlem Globetrotters On Tour
Alex Yeager 72,870 3
Emily May 580,580 7
Mark Johnson 268,990 5
Tim Neilson 72,240 1
Alex Yeager 6
Emily May 20
Mark Johnson 20
Tim Neilson 18

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 29

The Big Lebowski
Allison Havens 3,737,830 7
Chris Clay 1,326,290 1
Brian Thomas 1,492,050 4
Junk Yard
Allison Havens 1,384,470 4
Chris Clay 9,309,480 7
Brian Thomas 982,120 1
Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray
Allison Havens 8,065,330 7
Chris Clay 1,087,320 1
Brian Thomas 6,596,300 4
Allison Havens 108,850 7
Chris Clay 26,310 1
Brian Thomas 93,720 4
Allison Havens 25
Chris Clay 10
Brian Thomas 13

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 30

Jurassic Park
Chris Thomas 92,382,870 7
Doug Blackmore 50,313,600 4
matthew schroeder 9,590,600 1
Chris Thomas 1,287,136,030 7
Doug Blackmore 653,855,140 4
matthew schroeder 418,813,570 1
High Speed
Chris Thomas 556,660 4
Doug Blackmore 225,940 1
matthew schroeder 2,403,260 7
Chris Thomas 217,590 7
Doug Blackmore 26,400 1
matthew schroeder 58,070 4
Chris Thomas 25
Doug Blackmore 10
matthew schroeder 13

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 31

Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Connor Shlatz 146,232,790 7
Constantinos Stivaros 14,571,020 1
Jody Stahlman 51,923,580 3
mark dabelstein 128,765,540 5
Red & Ted's Road Show
Connor Shlatz 719,028,730 7
Constantinos Stivaros 147,544,950 3
Jody Stahlman 272,054,670 5
mark dabelstein 82,366,870 1
Night Moves
Connor Shlatz 782,000 3
Constantinos Stivaros 44,000 1
Jody Stahlman 2,700,000 7
mark dabelstein 2,000,000 5
Joker Poker EM
Connor Shlatz 168,190 5
Constantinos Stivaros 169,050 7
Jody Stahlman 131,020 3
mark dabelstein 76,420 1
Connor Shlatz 22
Constantinos Stivaros 12
Jody Stahlman 18
mark dabelstein 12

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 32

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Kevin Plis 3,836,130 1
Eric Marz 471,133,770 7
Nathan Crosby 37,842,970 5
David Schnoll 24,626,750 3
Indianapolis 500
Kevin Plis 74,000,000 1
Eric Marz 671,000,000 5
Nathan Crosby 795,000,000 7
David Schnoll 158,000,000 3
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Kevin Plis 60,951,000 1
Eric Marz 426,574,670 7
Nathan Crosby 133,543,360 5
David Schnoll 74,438,330 3
Kevin Plis 246,310 5
Eric Marz 1 1
Nathan Crosby 107,630 3
David Schnoll 275,720 7
Kevin Plis 8
Eric Marz 20
Nathan Crosby 20
David Schnoll 16

The Pinball Co-Op - Week 3 - Group 33

Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Kris LaCross 84,164,440 5
Austin Smith 59,066,700 4
Mike Havens 578,687,550 7
Eli Scheer 24,974,800 3
Bill McHugh 21,577,500 1
Kris LaCross 4,309,211,310 7
Austin Smith 593,693,350 4
Mike Havens 2,721,392,130 5
Eli Scheer 336,024,710 1
Bill McHugh 582,335,940 3
High Speed
Kris LaCross 395,800 3
Austin Smith 1,093,700 5
Mike Havens 2,263,800 7
Eli Scheer 354,770 1
Bill McHugh 434,310 4
Joker Poker EM
Kris LaCross 181,150 5
Austin Smith 136,360 4
Mike Havens 92,290 1
Eli Scheer 215,770 7
Bill McHugh 101,910 3
Kris LaCross 20
Austin Smith 17
Mike Havens 20
Eli Scheer 12
Bill McHugh 11

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 11

Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
David Schumaker 135,090,370 7
Cody Shaw 3,282,190 1
Matt Wenger 102,719,530 5
Ethan Colaizzi 22,594,470 3
Disney TRON Legacy
David Schumaker 29,515,130 7
Cody Shaw 4,597,930 3
Matt Wenger 2,778,250 1
Ethan Colaizzi 9,106,900 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
David Schumaker 108,298,620 5
Cody Shaw 5,053,760 1
Matt Wenger 172,540,940 7
Ethan Colaizzi 39,063,420 3
Attack From Mars (Remake Special Edition)
David Schumaker 616,960,930 5
Cody Shaw 911,659,270 7
Matt Wenger 588,757,180 3
Ethan Colaizzi 205,899,000 1
David Schumaker 24
Cody Shaw 12
Matt Wenger 16
Ethan Colaizzi 12

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 12

Monster Bash remake Special
Ross Bergen 57,222,880 5
Colleen Mootrey 24,588,690 3
Erik Peabody 116,563,260 7
David Stonely 15,785,890 1
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
Ross Bergen 89,907,570 7
Colleen Mootrey 9,808,130 3
Erik Peabody 7,802,070 1
David Stonely 33,576,200 5
Disney TRON Legacy
Ross Bergen 32,149,740 7
Colleen Mootrey 9,486,460 5
Erik Peabody 3,806,510 3
David Stonely 3,247,650 1
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Ross Bergen 160,471,670 7
Colleen Mootrey 7,770,840 1
Erik Peabody 10,878,460 3
David Stonely 18,546,860 5
Ross Bergen 26
Colleen Mootrey 12
Erik Peabody 14
David Stonely 12

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 13

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Howard Edelstein 35,262,750 7
Rick McCurdy 4,878,440 1
Gail Edelstein 10,317,060 3
Christopher Tremblay 12,354,550 5
Star Wars (Pro)
Howard Edelstein 21,358,060 1
Rick McCurdy 123,334,330 3
Gail Edelstein 154,930,110 5
Christopher Tremblay 158,495,960 7
Godzilla (Premium)
Howard Edelstein 227,227,700 7
Rick McCurdy 11,385,710 1
Gail Edelstein 30,087,190 3
Christopher Tremblay 59,355,930 5
Disney TRON Legacy
Howard Edelstein 8,649,310 3
Rick McCurdy 3,114,130 1
Gail Edelstein 19,985,430 7
Christopher Tremblay 9,601,450 5
Howard Edelstein 18
Rick McCurdy 6
Gail Edelstein 18
Christopher Tremblay 22

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 14

Medieval Madness (Remake Standard Edition)
Samantha Paradis 3,715,300 3
Matt Osborn 10,898,680 7
Karen Tremblay 5,612,550 5
Mitch Gagnon 3,600,510 1
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Samantha Paradis 42,497,630 5
Matt Osborn 427,597,330 7
Karen Tremblay 7,394,120 1
Mitch Gagnon 41,500,760 3
Attack From Mars (Remake Special Edition)
Samantha Paradis 754,562,290 5
Matt Osborn 1,624,231,430 7
Karen Tremblay 225,194,400 1
Mitch Gagnon 571,469,980 3
Monster Bash remake Special
Samantha Paradis 4,235,410 3
Matt Osborn 17,921,150 5
Karen Tremblay 2,959,950 1
Mitch Gagnon 40,291,920 7
Samantha Paradis 16
Matt Osborn 26
Karen Tremblay 8
Mitch Gagnon 14

Granite State Pinball - Week 3 - Group 15

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Paul Davis 62,026,790 5
Jeff Crocker 125,641,090 7
Jonathan Shaw 18,245,430 3
Frank Shepherd 13,867,120 1
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Premium) [Stern, 2020]
Paul Davis 10,636,270 5
Jeff Crocker 90,324,050 7
Jonathan Shaw 7,683,480 1
Frank Shepherd 8,941,510 3
Monster Bash remake Special
Paul Davis 5,690,970 1
Jeff Crocker 19,816,080 7
Jonathan Shaw 7,144,210 3
Frank Shepherd 19,165,830 5
Star Wars (Pro)
Paul Davis 95,394,880 1
Jeff Crocker 116,410,250 3
Jonathan Shaw 151,518,610 5
Frank Shepherd 159,531,310 7
Paul Davis 12
Jeff Crocker 24
Jonathan Shaw 12
Frank Shepherd 16

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 9

Michael Renzi 544,704,430 5
Stephanie Harvey 994,817,890 7
George Renzi 357,957,210 1
MARK VIEIRA 478,684,230 3
Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition
Michael Renzi 852,640 7
Stephanie Harvey 286,710 1
George Renzi 316,620 3
MARK VIEIRA 488,860 5
Michael Renzi 724,490 3
Stephanie Harvey 2,842,020 7
George Renzi 1,348,500 5
MARK VIEIRA 651,690 1
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Michael Renzi 6,407,680 5
Stephanie Harvey 10,144,530 7
George Renzi 3,644,270 3
MARK VIEIRA 3,554,620 1
Michael Renzi 20
Stephanie Harvey 22
George Renzi 12

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 10

Family Guy
Michael Pare 2,800,460 1
John Manuelian 41,435,900 7
Robert Claffie 8,546,290 3
Justin Fontaine 18,519,650 5
Shaq Attaq
Michael Pare 61,872,090 5
John Manuelian 35,602,830 1
Robert Claffie 44,645,750 3
Justin Fontaine 79,946,340 7
Star Trek
Michael Pare 105,710 5
John Manuelian 306,400 7
Robert Claffie 103,930 3
Justin Fontaine 99,190 1
Surf Champ
Michael Pare 82,710 5
John Manuelian 106,270 7
Robert Claffie 32,660 1
Justin Fontaine 47,250 3
Michael Pare 16
John Manuelian 22
Robert Claffie 10
Justin Fontaine 16

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 11

Rick And Morty
Paul Cormier 409,001 1
Mike McHugh 784,401 3
Grace Whitman 1,890,902 7
William Yasick 1,661,201 5
The Addams Family
Paul Cormier 67,541,400 7
Mike McHugh 6,850,070 1
Grace Whitman 8,987,650 3
William Yasick 27,612,110 5
Demolition Man
Paul Cormier 404,680,740 7
Mike McHugh 18,289,070 1
Grace Whitman 171,262,810 5
William Yasick 131,701,900 3
Paul Cormier 135,440 7
Mike McHugh 95,600 5
Grace Whitman 45,960 3
William Yasick 40,100 1
Paul Cormier 22
Mike McHugh 10
Grace Whitman 18
William Yasick 14

Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration - Week 3 - Group 12

Christopher Harvey 2,894,030 1
Emily Rose 4,483,010 7
Heather Marren 3,348,120 5
Michelle Barney 3,254,720 3
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Christopher Harvey 24,713,410 7
Emily Rose 7,710,070 3
Heather Marren 16,165,290 5
Michelle Barney 6,854,160 1
WHO dunnit
Christopher Harvey 798,385,610 7
Emily Rose 391,898,430 3
Heather Marren 678,655,660 5
Michelle Barney 246,628,890 1
Christopher Harvey 927,366,250 7
Emily Rose 465,127,966 5
Heather Marren 383,875,240 3
Michelle Barney 298,584,220 1
Christopher Harvey 22
Emily Rose 18
Heather Marren 18
Michelle Barney 6

Tokens Taproom - Week 3 - Group 12

Demolition Man
Todd Crawford 100,165,290 1
Chuck Webster 243,789,370 5
Luke Farry 115,291,060 3
Nicole Bernier 548,036,970 7
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Todd Crawford 55,373,600 3
Chuck Webster 79,807,130 7
Luke Farry 32,535,430 1
Nicole Bernier 58,162,400 5
Munsters (Pro)
Todd Crawford 3,782,620 3
Chuck Webster 11,975,560 7
Luke Farry 3,582,530 1
Nicole Bernier 8,563,190 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Todd Crawford 996,670 1
Chuck Webster 20,922,680 7
Luke Farry 2,105,650 3
Nicole Bernier 5,999,420 5
Todd Crawford 8
Chuck Webster 26
Luke Farry 8
Nicole Bernier 22

Tokens Taproom - Week 3 - Group 13

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Irene Grasse 77,748,400 7
Will Parks 33,990,040 3
Sullivan Flynn 5,345,910 1
Preston Bick 47,217,600 5
Godzilla (Pro) [Stern, 2021]
Irene Grasse 9,884,500 3
Will Parks 13,230,160 5
Sullivan Flynn 17,073,700 7
Preston Bick 8,695,410 1
Halloween (SE) [Spooky Pinball, 2021]
Irene Grasse 8,154,880 7
Will Parks 2,534,590 1
Sullivan Flynn 6,199,640 3
Preston Bick 6,621,340 5
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Irene Grasse 6,821,730 1
Will Parks 26,813,280 7
Sullivan Flynn 18,667,850 5
Preston Bick 7,880,480 3
Irene Grasse 18
Will Parks 16
Sullivan Flynn 16
Preston Bick 14

Tokens Taproom - Week 3 - Group 14

Munsters (Pro)
Jayson Kohl 2,639,260 3
Michael Freeman 1,490,110 1
Shawn Chastney 4,374,120 5
Jeff Spires 4,888,350 7
Halloween (SE) [Spooky Pinball, 2021]
Jayson Kohl 4,653,860 1
Michael Freeman 4,774,380 3
Shawn Chastney 7,243,180 5
Jeff Spires 15,257,450 7
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Jayson Kohl 12,503,370 1
Michael Freeman 244,237,040 7
Shawn Chastney 207,597,600 3
Jeff Spires 239,743,070 5
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Jayson Kohl 8,210,580 1
Michael Freeman 54,841,820 5
Shawn Chastney 97,288,530 7
Jeff Spires 32,179,080 3
Jayson Kohl 6
Michael Freeman 16
Shawn Chastney 20
Jeff Spires 22

Tokens Taproom - Week 3 - Group 15

Bram Stoker's Dracula
Joshua Hynes 9,448,230 1
Jamie Wolcott 13,814,360 4
Michael Lupo 120,728,290 7
Munsters (Pro)
Joshua Hynes 10,842,930 7
Jamie Wolcott 1,791,340 4
Michael Lupo 711,470 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Joshua Hynes 4,852,660 7
Jamie Wolcott 967,120 4
Michael Lupo 534,250 1
Godzilla (Pro) [Stern, 2021]
Joshua Hynes 85,802,650 4
Jamie Wolcott 191,782,280 7
Michael Lupo 12,674,510 1
Joshua Hynes 19
Jamie Wolcott 19
Michael Lupo 10

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 14

Batman 66 (Premium)
Kenneth Johnson 36,340,350 5
Anthony Kret 22,195,040 3
Jeff Somers 56,300,460 7
Bruce Bettis 20,127,640 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Kenneth Johnson 58,909,620 5
Anthony Kret 105,988,630 7
Jeff Somers 25,889,340 3
Bruce Bettis 16,360,330 1
Mandalorian (Pro)
Kenneth Johnson 54,508,920 5
Anthony Kret 82,935,820 7
Jeff Somers 25,147,340 3
Bruce Bettis 23,442,110 1
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Kenneth Johnson 101,333,850 7
Anthony Kret 30,929,120 3
Jeff Somers 83,687,290 5
Bruce Bettis 28,435,910 1
Kenneth Johnson 22
Anthony Kret 20
Jeff Somers 18
Bruce Bettis 4

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 15

Godzilla pro
Noah Crable 822,013,970 7
Christopher Darden 123,063,480 5
Massimo Aldorasi 53,774,510 3
Marc Patenaude 12,400,240 1
Bobby Orr's Power Play
Noah Crable 88,020 7
Christopher Darden 33,420 1
Massimo Aldorasi 51,690 5
Marc Patenaude 42,400 3
Batman 66 (Premium)
Noah Crable 794,074,500 7
Christopher Darden 124,340,840 5
Massimo Aldorasi 26,633,820 1
Marc Patenaude 92,432,130 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Noah Crable 23,284,890 7
Christopher Darden 3,252,560 1
Massimo Aldorasi 4,905,360 3
Marc Patenaude 9,037,820 5
Noah Crable 28
Christopher Darden 12
Massimo Aldorasi 12
Marc Patenaude 12

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 16

Monster Bash
Ross Baker 21,660,080 7
Ben Webber 6,520,480 1
Adam Lisa 9,650,990 3
Mark Ross 10,148,100 5
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Ross Baker 64,981,820 5
Ben Webber 12,176,250 3
Adam Lisa 8,597,320 1
Mark Ross 183,525,860 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Ross Baker 13,568,330 7
Ben Webber 1,400,000 5
Adam Lisa 1,135,600 3
Mark Ross 485,010 1
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Ross Baker 7,261,170 3
Ben Webber 7,289,710 5
Adam Lisa 5,538,870 1
Mark Ross 42,201,430 7
Ross Baker 22
Ben Webber 14
Adam Lisa 8
Mark Ross 20

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 17

James Bond 007 Pro
Joshua Mazgelis 147,554,060 5
patrick countryman 2,354,980 1
Erik Haynes 186,693,990 7
Michelle Rollins 57,623,940 3
Godzilla pro
Joshua Mazgelis 74,147,990 7
patrick countryman 24,912,300 3
Erik Haynes 7,748,230 1
Michelle Rollins 66,072,930 5
Monster Bash
Joshua Mazgelis 78,397,350 7
patrick countryman 23,992,620 5
Erik Haynes 3,989,600 1
Michelle Rollins 17,973,440 3
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Pro)
Joshua Mazgelis 212,624,430 7
patrick countryman 33,609,710 3
Erik Haynes 11,632,600 1
Michelle Rollins 111,895,360 5
Joshua Mazgelis 26
patrick countryman 12
Erik Haynes 10
Michelle Rollins 16

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 18

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Anthony Phu 6,268,320 7
Steve Matos 6,086,380 4
Chip Van Dyke 1,693,920 1
Monster Bash
Anthony Phu 4,416,620 1
Steve Matos 32,578,220 7
Chip Van Dyke 7,208,280 4
James Bond 007 Pro
Anthony Phu 58,546,100 1
Steve Matos 72,860,410 4
Chip Van Dyke 87,619,460 7
Bobby Orr's Power Play
Anthony Phu 21,890 1
Steve Matos 126,400 7
Chip Van Dyke 53,100 4
Anthony Phu 10
Steve Matos 22
Chip Van Dyke 16

The Double Bull Taphouse - Week 3 - Group 19

Jurassic Park
Sean Marquand 29,623,890 1
Mitch Curtis 158,777,440 7
Tom Geary 33,104,130 4
Bobby Orr's Power Play
Sean Marquand 64,080 4
Mitch Curtis 230,920 7
Tom Geary 50,920 1
Hot Wheels
Sean Marquand 293,578,010 7
Mitch Curtis 103,658,010 4
Tom Geary 68,728,030 1
Godzilla pro
Sean Marquand 15,893,680 1
Mitch Curtis 311,591,450 7
Tom Geary 21,489,870 4
Sean Marquand 13
Mitch Curtis 25
Tom Geary 10

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 3 - Group 1

Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Benjamin Bloomstein 43,718,400 4
Sam Knolhoff 22,222,570 1
Joseph Lemire 49,719,750 7
AC/DC (Premium)
Benjamin Bloomstein 15,480,170 7
Sam Knolhoff 14,992,750 4
Joseph Lemire 5,643,780 1
Batman 66 (Premium)
Benjamin Bloomstein 446,949,870 4
Sam Knolhoff 18,988,890 1
Joseph Lemire 9,027,340,800 7
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Benjamin Bloomstein 65,685,820 4
Sam Knolhoff 16,873,240 1
Joseph Lemire 234,649,960 7
Benjamin Bloomstein 19
Sam Knolhoff 7
Joseph Lemire 22

Brian's Mid-Life Crisis Arcade - Week 3 - Group 2

Brad Rosenblum 22,950 1
Jacob Hirsh 44,350 4
Brian Knolhoff 62,240 7
The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Brad Rosenblum 30,414,320 1
Jacob Hirsh 115,726,850 7
Brian Knolhoff 83,141,740 4
Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast (Premium)
Brad Rosenblum 11,543,740 4
Jacob Hirsh 20,521,320 7
Brian Knolhoff 7,055,530 1
Brad Rosenblum 111,570 4
Jacob Hirsh 36,080 1
Brian Knolhoff 195,900 7
Brad Rosenblum 10
Jacob Hirsh 19
Brian Knolhoff 19

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 22

Iron Man
Adam Wolejko 4,326,190 3
Dave Aceto 8,368,670 7
Sandy Boyce 2,182,310 1
elizabeth miller 5,399,230 5
Godzilla [Stern, 2021]
Adam Wolejko 11,062,300 5
Dave Aceto 37,710,720 7
Sandy Boyce 5,817,610 1
elizabeth miller 8,894,240 3
The Addams Family
Adam Wolejko 11,935,180 3
Dave Aceto 35,360,990 7
Sandy Boyce 2,187,160 1
elizabeth miller 12,175,440 5
Gay 90's
Adam Wolejko 1,735 3
Dave Aceto 1,866 5
Sandy Boyce 2,136 7
elizabeth miller 1,622 1
Adam Wolejko 14
Dave Aceto 26
Sandy Boyce 10
elizabeth miller 14

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 23

Mata Hari
Nate Straz 34,380 1
Justin Douglass 248,960 7
Jeff Ferguson 82,450 3
Robert Chason 136,820 5
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Nate Straz 70,238,600 5
Justin Douglass 173,840,840 7
Jeff Ferguson 13,416,430 1
Robert Chason 14,888,150 3
Scared Stiff
Nate Straz 6,444,140 5
Justin Douglass 6,265,040 3
Jeff Ferguson 11,056,240 7
Robert Chason 1,855,420 1
Mustang (Pro)
Nate Straz 59,963,350 7
Justin Douglass 15,173,750 3
Jeff Ferguson 17,018,290 5
Robert Chason 8,070,250 1
Nate Straz 18
Justin Douglass 20
Jeff Ferguson 16
Robert Chason 10

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 24

The Lord of the Rings
Joey Harwood 26,771,960 5
Chris Lekousi 37,269,790 7
Molly Horgan 682,400 1
Eight Ball Deluxe
Joey Harwood 103,000 3
Chris Lekousi 423,770 5
Molly Horgan 58,500 1
Joey Harwood 338,680 3
Chris Lekousi 845,630 7
Molly Horgan 447,830 5
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Joey Harwood 4,957,200 7
Chris Lekousi 2,512,810 3
DENNIS GAINES 1,798,960 1
Molly Horgan 2,527,380 5
Joey Harwood 18
Chris Lekousi 22
Molly Horgan 12

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 25

Deadpool (Pro)
Tom Law 79,714,230 7
Sam Palmer 8,021,330 1
Paul Aho 32,320,410 3
Nathan Mills 70,747,620 5
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Tom Law 16,158,490 7
Sam Palmer 8,391,370 3
Paul Aho 9,334,740 5
Nathan Mills 5,491,830 1
Monster Bash
Tom Law 14,319,960 5
Sam Palmer 8,321,760 1
Paul Aho 13,848,100 3
Nathan Mills 49,024,820 7
Star Wars The Mandalorian (Premium)
Tom Law 71,602,220 7
Sam Palmer 20,292,860 1
Paul Aho 46,126,120 3
Nathan Mills 50,268,760 5
Tom Law 26
Sam Palmer 6
Paul Aho 14
Nathan Mills 18

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 26

RollerCoaster Tycoon
Gabe Noblesmith 8,340,270 7
Steven Wolejko 1,460,820 1
Geoff Alterman 7,366,740 5
Ethan Kidd 3,916,510 3
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Gabe Noblesmith 8,629,540 7
Steven Wolejko 2,127,340 1
Geoff Alterman 8,587,940 5
Ethan Kidd 2,599,800 3
Jurassic Park
Gabe Noblesmith 113,967,450 5
Steven Wolejko 8,564,940 1
Geoff Alterman 117,492,360 7
Ethan Kidd 14,511,590 3
Gabe Noblesmith 522,130 7
Steven Wolejko 71,670 3
Geoff Alterman 11,080 1
Ethan Kidd 141,480 5
Gabe Noblesmith 26
Steven Wolejko 6
Geoff Alterman 18
Ethan Kidd 14

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 27

Medieval Madness
Katie O'Donnell 3,511,160 1
Chyle Cameron 27,204,168 7
Jeremy Lota 13,475,540 4
Katie O'Donnell 1,045,180 7
Chyle Cameron 695,650 1
Jeremy Lota 868,720 4
No Fear: Dangerous Sports
Katie O'Donnell 565,906,870 4
Chyle Cameron 493,801,840 1
Jeremy Lota 826,379,140 7
Jurassic Park
Katie O'Donnell 50,911,190 1
Chyle Cameron 74,865,110 7
Jeremy Lota 68,075,650 4
Katie O'Donnell 13
Chyle Cameron 16
Jeremy Lota 19

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 28

South Park
Elizabeth Smith 17,658,640 1
Tori Ryan 40,260,440 7
Nik Carlson 20,796,430 4
Scared Stiff
Elizabeth Smith 821,690 1
Tori Ryan 1,047,710 4
Nik Carlson 1,993,770 7
Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Smith 8,791,150 4
Tori Ryan 4,188,050 1
Nik Carlson 18,228,190 7
The Lord of the Rings
Elizabeth Smith 4,957,400 4
Tori Ryan 4,003,980 1
Nik Carlson 6,892,810 7
Elizabeth Smith 10
Tori Ryan 13
Nik Carlson 25

Arcadia - Week 3 - Group 29

The Walking Dead (Pro)
Sarah Twomey 18,600,550 5
Matthew Liskom 5,677,190 1
James Boyce 23,712,380 7
Douglas Erickson 9,403,320 3
Doctor Who
Sarah Twomey 30,262,300 5
Matthew Liskom 7,202,030 1
James Boyce 9,774,710 3
Douglas Erickson 60,169,680 7
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot
Sarah Twomey 408,783,120 5
Matthew Liskom 1,110,716,890 7
James Boyce 220,452,820 1
Douglas Erickson 258,653,900 3
Eight Ball Deluxe
Sarah Twomey 77,680 1
Matthew Liskom 508,770 7
James Boyce 278,300 3
Douglas Erickson 410,500 5
Sarah Twomey 16
Matthew Liskom 16
James Boyce 14
Douglas Erickson 18

Schemengees Bar & Grille - Week 3 - Group 4

South Park
zakory Thibodeau 31,114,420 3
Doris Auger 28,600,980 1
dave madore 44,069,230 7
Donald Boom 36,717,350 5
Mustang (Pro)
zakory Thibodeau 19,587,660 3
Doris Auger 9,394,610 1
dave madore 23,259,500 5
Donald Boom 81,164,070 7
The Walking Dead (Pro)
zakory Thibodeau 8,109,370 3
Doris Auger 4,972,360 1
dave madore 36,456,460 7
Donald Boom 20,654,430 5
Jurassic Park
zakory Thibodeau 58,104,500 3
Doris Auger 13,814,870 1
dave madore 103,559,850 7
Donald Boom 89,848,970 5
zakory Thibodeau 12
Doris Auger 4
dave madore 26
Donald Boom 22

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 9

The Avengers Infinity Quest (Pro)
Sam Keogh 52,078,750 7
Derek Foxwell 36,612,630 1
Derek Correia 50,838,080 4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
Sam Keogh 10,555,340 7
Derek Foxwell 7,837,310 4
Derek Correia 6,079,220 1
Grand Lizard
Sam Keogh 696,590 7
Derek Foxwell 546,010 1
Derek Correia 560,270 4
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
Sam Keogh 63,074,920 7
Derek Foxwell 8,090,010 1
Derek Correia 10,855,130 4
Sam Keogh 28
Derek Foxwell 7
Derek Correia 13

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 10

Avatar (Pro)
James MacLean 1,851,860 1
Lucas Herter 14,173,150 4
Alan MacLean 26,377,330 7
Elvira's House of Horrors (Premium Edition)
James MacLean 18,351,440 4
Lucas Herter 2,684,310 1
Alan MacLean 104,289,990 7
The Avengers (Premium)
James MacLean 10,670,740 1
Lucas Herter 21,448,300 7
Alan MacLean 20,506,270 4
Alien Poker
James MacLean 23,400 1
Lucas Herter 423,600 4
Alan MacLean 518,980 7
James MacLean 7
Lucas Herter 16
Alan MacLean 25

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 11

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
David Foxwell 45,216,000 4
Chris Brunette 88,727,460 7
Steven Amlaw 5,477,330 1
Batman 66 (Premium)
David Foxwell 39,639,920 7
Chris Brunette 24,028,120 1
Steven Amlaw 36,048,330 4
David Foxwell 978,890 7
Chris Brunette 117,560 1
Steven Amlaw 344,580 4
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Pro)
David Foxwell 31,845,870 4
Chris Brunette 48,442,800 7
Steven Amlaw 8,268,610 1
David Foxwell 22
Chris Brunette 16
Steven Amlaw 10

Ice Ice Arcade - Week 3 - Group 12

Godzilla (Premium) [Stern, 2021]
Rhys Wyman 30,012,220 3
Jordan Knights 39,359,780 5
brian Bourque 26,667,820 1
Keith Maffei 47,804,610 7
Rhys Wyman 138,780 1
Jordan Knights 165,330 3
brian Bourque 201,480 5
Keith Maffei 245,340 7
Mandalorian (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 31,986,100 5
Jordan Knights 11,122,450 3
brian Bourque 7,251,190 1
Keith Maffei 60,679,450 7
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
Rhys Wyman 6,894,610 3
Jordan Knights 72,628,790 5
brian Bourque 72,944,660 7
Keith Maffei 2,179,480 1
Rhys Wyman 12
Jordan Knights 16
brian Bourque 14
Keith Maffei 22

Yankee Arcade - Week 3 - Group 3

Attack from Mars
Luca Webb 1,791,015,620 4
Bryant Moscon 2,592,888,390 7
Mike McGourty 405,474,130 1
John Luke Mills 1,449,664,000 3
Bill MacDonald 2,224,009,280 5
Luca Webb 167,670 4
Bryant Moscon 251,980 5
Mike McGourty 61,540 1
John Luke Mills 130,990 3
Bill MacDonald 361,560 7
Beatles, The (Gold)
Luca Webb 1,149,090 5
Bryant Moscon 370,040 1
Mike McGourty 1,074,390 4
John Luke Mills 1,979,710 7
Bill MacDonald 608,880 3
Monster Bash remake Special
Luca Webb 2,431,870 1
Bryant Moscon 4,036,030 4
Mike McGourty 9,018,100 5
John Luke Mills 2,532,340 3
Bill MacDonald 27,240,600 7
Luca Webb 14
Bryant Moscon 17
Mike McGourty 11
John Luke Mills 16
Bill MacDonald 22

Jim's RealHouse - Week 3 - Group 7

KISS (Pro)
Andrew Bennington 3,963,130 1
Scott Crawford 23,089,300 7
Heather Howard 4,929,990 4
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
Andrew Bennington 87,319,080 1
Scott Crawford 137,775,070 7
Heather Howard 93,403,400 4
Slick Chick
Andrew Bennington 726 7
Scott Crawford 415 4
Heather Howard 375 1
Andrew Bennington 234,140 7
Scott Crawford 203,160 4
Heather Howard 46,560 1
Andrew Bennington 16
Scott Crawford 22
Heather Howard 10

Jim's RealHouse - Week 3 - Group 8

Rob Zombie's Spookshow International (Standard Edition)
Aaron Gunn 1,952,400 1
Jeff Parsons 2,847,240 3
Scott Kaplan 3,160,710 5
Jake Parsons 3,589,020 7
Avatar (LE)
Aaron Gunn 15,770,730 5
Jeff Parsons 43,382,730 7
Scott Kaplan 4,322,780 3
Jake Parsons 3,656,530 1
Aaron Gunn 125,120 1
Jeff Parsons 303,370 5
Scott Kaplan 202,380 3
Jake Parsons 597,540 7
Gold Strike
Aaron Gunn 36,760 5
Jeff Parsons 24,690 1
Scott Kaplan 25,930 3
Jake Parsons 53,520 7
Aaron Gunn 12
Jeff Parsons 16
Scott Kaplan 14
Jake Parsons 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 3 - Group 9

Bad Cats
Chris Crocker 1,761,240 5
Alyssa Crews 1,032,640 3
Aaron Cummings 523,550 1
Larry Paquette 3,914,130 7
Aerosmith (Pro)
Chris Crocker 15,713,740 5
Alyssa Crews 40,562,240 7
Aaron Cummings 5,760,170 1
Larry Paquette 13,847,440 3
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Chris Crocker 30,490,010 5
Alyssa Crews 7,781,760 3
Aaron Cummings 5,919,480 1
Larry Paquette 34,956,920 7
Bally Game Show, The
Chris Crocker 3,358,250 3
Alyssa Crews 2,784,440 1
Aaron Cummings 10,901,210 7
Larry Paquette 3,752,490 5
Chris Crocker 18
Alyssa Crews 14
Aaron Cummings 10
Larry Paquette 22

RumMex Pinball House - Week 3 - Group 10

Eric Schmersal 60,600,380 4
TJ Auger 173,615,980 7
Logan Crews 11,241,450 1
Bad Cats
Eric Schmersal 2,644,550 7
TJ Auger 803,050 1
Logan Crews 2,499,970 4
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Eric Schmersal 165,362,880 7
TJ Auger 35,043,900 4
Logan Crews 1,684,010 1
High Speed
Eric Schmersal 370,150 4
TJ Auger 385,110 7
Logan Crews 193,500 1
Eric Schmersal 22
TJ Auger 19
Logan Crews 7

RumMex Pinball House - Week 3 - Group 11

Bally Game Show, The
Brooke Auger 821,050 1
Andy Walton 3,114,090 5
Leo Paquette 1,967,210 3
Amy Schmersal 9,483,210 7
Munsters (Pro)
Brooke Auger 4,283,050 3
Andy Walton 5,976,040 5
Leo Paquette 8,249,400 7
Amy Schmersal 2,632,520 1
Family Guy
Brooke Auger 6,828,650 3
Andy Walton 4,623,690 1
Leo Paquette 23,905,630 7
Amy Schmersal 10,019,440 5
Aerosmith (Pro)
Brooke Auger 32,770,580 7
Andy Walton 4,767,460 1
Leo Paquette 7,257,990 3
Amy Schmersal 9,630,720 5
Brooke Auger 14
Andy Walton 12
Leo Paquette 20
Amy Schmersal 18

RumMex Pinball House - Week 3 - Group 12

Munsters (Pro)
Landon Brooks 3,977,640 1
Bobby Brooks 5,192,970 5
Delaney Crocker 6,337,350 7
Clarence Crews 4,852,760 3
Hot Wheels
Landon Brooks 3,934,090 1
Bobby Brooks 7,236,360 3
Delaney Crocker 137,771,310 7
Clarence Crews 17,442,860 5
Jurassic Park
Landon Brooks 112,607,750 7
Bobby Brooks 93,423,770 5
Delaney Crocker 38,390,790 1
Clarence Crews 60,587,160 3
Landon Brooks 88,270 7
Bobby Brooks 34,310 3
Delaney Crocker 34,910 5
Clarence Crews 25,370 1
Landon Brooks 16
Bobby Brooks 16
Delaney Crocker 20
Clarence Crews 12

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 3 - Group 11

Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Jason Aloisi 110,930,920 7
Tim Desmarais 3,780,200 3
Austin Roy 3,262,530 1
Carrie Aloisi 22,124,450 5
Jurassic Park
Jason Aloisi 43,433,530 7
Tim Desmarais 19,642,580 5
Austin Roy 9,918,080 1
Carrie Aloisi 19,065,860 3
Deadpool (Pro)
Jason Aloisi 108,552,010 7
Tim Desmarais 74,309,260 5
Austin Roy 28,292,160 3
Carrie Aloisi 12,333,310 1
James Bond 007 Pro
Jason Aloisi 58,858,550 5
Tim Desmarais 48,276,210 3
Austin Roy 76,158,760 7
Carrie Aloisi 4,585,500 1
Jason Aloisi 26
Tim Desmarais 16
Austin Roy 12
Carrie Aloisi 10

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 3 - Group 12

Godzilla [Stern]
Andrew Berryman 21,628,390 5
Jeffrey Pennisi 10,144,850 1
Luis Lora 13,369,350 3
Chad Adamczyk 34,520,670 7
Aerosmith (Pro)
Andrew Berryman 19,949,970 3
Jeffrey Pennisi 34,341,190 5
Luis Lora 42,283,000 7
Chad Adamczyk 6,904,790 1
James Bond 007 Pro
Andrew Berryman 4,281,420 1
Jeffrey Pennisi 148,050,330 7
Luis Lora 86,211,800 5
Chad Adamczyk 49,877,990 3
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Andrew Berryman 60,028,520 7
Jeffrey Pennisi 15,289,160 5
Luis Lora 11,975,430 3
Chad Adamczyk 3,710,560 1
Andrew Berryman 16
Jeffrey Pennisi 18
Luis Lora 18
Chad Adamczyk 12

Flippers Pinball Parlor - Week 3 - Group 13

Deadpool (Pro)
Vincent Vitiello 200,528,710 7
Kyle Gale 39,506,370 5
Michael Brewster 28,114,820 3
Carrie-Ann Roy 9,035,110 1
Rush [Stern]
Vincent Vitiello 28,813,910 3
Kyle Gale 73,940,940 7
Michael Brewster 48,397,640 5
Carrie-Ann Roy 7,138,040 1
Led Zeppelin (Pro)
Vincent Vitiello 183,234,730 7
Kyle Gale 6,879,760 3
Michael Brewster 34,383,590 5
Carrie-Ann Roy 1,792,210 1
Netflix Stranger Things (Pro)
Vincent Vitiello